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1961-03-18 SP
82 Edward Gray - 1957 lateen:Msd L. A130 995.00 not a ifee C&C S#43l37Z-Fv.Cex. 83 J.E.Sawyer&Co.Iuc,-2pr.Spee bee liar► Horse '3.40 3.40 Brackets. Pw.Cem. 84 Frances L. Turner stage Stamps•Twn.Clk's office 8.64 8.64 85 Glens Falls Pbst Poblishing Supy's Annual Co. Report 95.12 95.12 86 City of G.F.Water Water Rent #1.34-Ridge Rd. Fd. Water District 148.00 148.00 87 City of G.F.Water Water Rent-#93A-NGM 71W*57_ - 710.S7 Fd. 88 City of tG.Y.Water Water Rent #93-NGPVD 1016.71 1016,X- ' Fd. ' t 89 City og,,G.F.Water Water Rent #95-WGM 542.9Q 542,98 Fd, ' 90 Deewd& &Co.Inc. Supplies-K,C.Akins_,,JP U35 2.35 91 Nattonal Welding Thawimg. water pipe .at Co. " George.Rooke,J.r. •m .1/ 241611;21`2161;2/3/61 ' CNGPIIIlj 23„00 not audited 92 Natt®nal. Welding 131/61-Thaw waturapin. nib B+tsiee-# '1st ' Driye•.CIPgD' Eg't. 10000 ° mot Audited $4925,52 P2257*05 t MA ion...the. ag adjourned Town Mark Ssecial .3lieetiaA March 189 1961 Places ,Qweensbury , yin Free School District #2, Tov a,of Queensbory, Aiiation Rea - Present: —+ Jahn O. Webster - v Supervisor ' Harold Akins Justicaa tf. the Peace Curtison Councilman Stanley B. Miller . Councilman; Meeting Balled pursuant to the fellow t ces March 1, 1961 Tor. ,Ail Town Officials Elected and Appointed T Dear i an sure you are caviare that tom._1969 ?*dera1 Census mandates that our town become a town of tba; first :c3 a, effective January 1, "19620. The effects of the iti'sit,# 4 the second elass to this new status will to ;upon practi6all.y ALl,_elected_ and -appointed.:of-, ficials in our township. Your tows board may bt requira4 to saki decisia" du r.3nt,. fhe coming weeks and :months which could have far' riac� off��ts on aowd town offices, The several mandatery .a447,opt c ea. provided for under the town law are tqo neaeroea '40 ;mention I* this letter; bod1w. ever. I an sending to you a .gopy.of the Larch 1961 issue of '*Town and County Topics" which g4rriea the. addre 's. "The Transition- to a Town of the First .Class$* ven;by. ldia f da M. Uthe, Director, Association of Tows, at t. recent `anii4a]:,'meeting held in Buffalo, New York. I suggest that you read this informative article. f Ii In connection with this, I urge you to attend a special meeting of the town board to be held. in the library of_ Queensbury Public . School at S OO P.M. on March 18th, at which time these new do* elopments will be discussed. Sincerely, J4W/ww John 4. Webster eucl. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. The following people were present at the meeting: Albert 8. Beswick County Attorney _ _ - > ack F. Zrasacll Ssporinteadent ;of WGFWD Forrest J. Crannell Collector of`WG w Bernard Coduer Superintendent of Hijhways Leslie Hillis Multiple Dwelling Inspector Raymond J. Heague Constable. George .Liapes Superintendent: ©f NGFWD Donald Winch*11 Assessor Dorance L. Branch Constable John B. Vgn Din Town Surveyor James L. Tucker Dog Wgrden . .Th+sodore Turner Vista H. Russell Harris Vistor X€', .Viaster opened the meetir%,by stating the purpose for the .,was- called pursuant t the above_ notice and welcomes the ;rosid¢nts for eouing_ to the meeting, Mr. Akins discussed referring to chart changes which would be made in .the Tim. Government by, reason of the anandat change from a second.class town to a first class town. -Af ter t2�e explanation a question period was held_ and., several questions were asked respecting the changes which would be made, The Supervisor re quested the ,people present to-:cooperate with the Board in endeavoring to have the ordinances of the :Town complied with by advising parties as to the existence of such ordinances. RESOLUTION NO. 43 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded..�by Mro Lampoon. . WHEREAS there is pending. before the Legislature of - the State of New York a bill authorizing the establishment of the Lake George Park Commission and defining the powers and duties.-sf, such Commission and - WHEREAS the powers and duties of the Commisa ou- as set forth in the bill infringe upon the power of the Taws; to regulate the use of property in the Town of Queensbury in the area described in the bill. THEREFOiE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury opposes the passage. of the bill_ creating,,a Lake _George Park Commission and fixing its powers and duties which is now pendiug .before the Legislature of the State of New York. FURTHER RESOLVE that a copy of this resolutiQu. be.' forwarded to Richard Bartlett, Member of Assembly from Wirren:County, and Eustice Pain, Senator from this district and the Governor of the State of New York. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller. Mr, Lampoon, W, Akins and Mr, Webster Noes - None 200 A discussion was had respecting the rules for the several water, districts in the Town of Queensbury. Mr. Akins discussed with the other members of the Board a meeting with the Water Board of the City of Glens Falls to be held on the 21st day of March 1961 at the Queensbury School. on motion the meeting adjourned M Town Clerk mar_.Meeting March 23, 1961 Place: School Bosse, _Union tree School District 02, `Town-of Queens- bury, Aviation Road . Presents Sohn D. Webster Supervisor Wreditk- Bentley Justice of the Peace Harald Akins Justice _of_. tha-Race Curtis Lampoon Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The meeting. was quelled to order by Supervisor Webster at ?tWA P.M. Supervisor Webster stated in general the proposed. redistricting of the Tura of Queensbury for election :purposes._and_requested Mr. ,Millor to agolif* on his statoo mts and. describe ; the, _area. of the propsged- new districts. Mr. Miller proceeded to describe_._the. areas of t"tt, tev districts and indicated the boundar es_.on the map. A general discussion was had from the people. present. with the Chair+ - � man of the Election- Committee and other- uepbers oUthe. Hoar,d reopeet- -- the redistricting. of. the Town- for election purpaases. Numerous questions were asked respecting. .the matter. Among those taking.. part- in the discussion were-t Wagers: { Dennis Cronin Waiter E, Baker Samuel A. Hicks Henry Sleight Ralph Iestle Tbeodore .Turnor TAW-- Laver George traanell Johla Bowman Mimd* Z. Bidwell Besides the people _mentiarned the following were presents C. Mason ; C. Powell South Le ROY Phillips Winabr Zhosanski Pauline Joslyn Mary Frazier Warren T. Varney Gertrude M. Wood Clara Toyloy - Gladys Z. La Fountain _ Reba Mason _ i