1961-03-23 20 A discussion was had respecting the_ rules. .for the .several water, districts in the Town of Queensltry. Mr. Akins discussed with the other members of the Board a meeting with the Water Board of the City of Glens Falls to be held on the 21st day of March 1961 at the Queensbury School. Ott motion the meeting ad jogged Town Clerk =' Banuhnr.MaetiU March 23, 1961 Race: School House, Utiou Free .School District #'2-, Town-of queens- bury, Aviation Road . Present: John 0, Webster Supervisor - Ne,redith- Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of tba Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller councilman The meeting was c led to order by Supervisor Webster, at 7t40 P.M. Supervisor Webster stated in general the proposed redistricting of the Town of Qseeniebery for election .purposes. and requested Mr. "Xillor to notify on his statements and-deve rite the__tittaa of the proceed new districts. Mr. Miller proceeded- tt dese:rfbe__the areas of the=tiew districts and indicated the boundaaries .aen the map. A general discussion was had from the pe*Vl&I present with•the Chair4- man of the Election Coo otter and other, s of. .tine. Board respect- ing the redistrictiftlef the Town. for_ eLett ion purposes. Numerous questions were asked respecting-.the matter. Among those takint part- in the discussion were_t Messerst � � .- Dennis Cronin Walter 'B Baker Samuel A. Hicks Henry Sleight Ralph Nestle Theodore ,Turner Lee: Lww*lrP George Qrannell Joint Il"li 9. Bidwell 3 . Besides the people mrentianed the .foileving were preseatt Howard C. Nasen Jack F. Cranmell C. Powell South - Le Roy Phillips WIAnie Z'bowe"k piatiline Joslyn Mary Frasfer Warren T. Varney Gertrude M. Woad Clara Tpyioy _ Gladys E. La Fountain t _ Reba Mason , Catherine Dairs Elva McDer ett Ellen, M r%ott Ann R. Hammond • GeraldX, Vand George Lispes LeRoy Phillips, Chairman of the Republican Town .Committee requested that. thw action_.be deferrod On_.tbe _matter until _such a time as the eomsitte*s _could meet and discuss. tbe matter. At, this paint in the meeting._.the_Supervisor axpreased his apprecia•• tion and the appreciation of the Otber_ meters of the Town Board for he..' eophe Qom,.to the meeting and_discussing the scatter with the Bout. ��_.,,Thereupon a reason was called_at 9 t10 r.M. The Board reconvened at 9=80 F.M. and. -took up- other Town business. Samuel Hicks who was present diacussed._with the Board _paving of Sylvan Avenue.. A discussion. was _had.. respecting the mutter and as to whether or not the Sylvan Avenue was a Town read. Mr. Hicks was in- fors ed . that the Board would.,inquire into_she_ownership of the road. +U. Fowl South, Secretary of the Queensbury Ceutral Volunteer Fire Company Inc, requested on behalf of the Company permission to hold a carnival oa June ,5 through June .10, .1961 on the Glendale let on Lea Street, Resolution No. 44 introduced by W., Miller and seconded by Xr, Lampoon. MMVE that permigsion be, granVed to hold a,carnival as-follows: Spenser - Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. Oarnival " Continental Shows -- T 4 Pftaoa •• Glendale Ut, Glen Street Date June 5th through June 14th, 1961 Fee $100040 FURTHER RESOiVE that- the Tova Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to hold aferesaid. upon receipt of the fee:-.of $.W*00 +tad upox,.p rogf_of_liability insurance in the amount of $1009000 ,and $300,000 coverage by the production of a certificate of insurance showing such coverage. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes .. Mr. Miller, -:Mr. Bentley, Mr,, Lampoon, Mr, Akins and We Webster Noes - None C. PIswel South.also presented an application of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire..Co, Inc. requesting that ..its bingo license be further ascended to include. occasions for •eaeh Saturday night during the month of April 1961, . Resoltion No, 45 introduced by We Akins and seconded by Mr, Bentley. HHERF.b.S; the Q"ensbury Central Volunteer Fine Co. Inc. has sub- mitted its application to amend its bingo license by adding more occaim sions and tha re ui $d-,use ,of, ►4Q ;waa received with the applca- toao its b license and 'the application is in due fors -and eq"p 4&with the statutes is-such eases made and provided and an bLvestigtction has 'been made.by this Beard and after such 1myestigation the Board makes the following 'findings and deter- I J1.1 t. 202 1. That the applicant is a qualified organization as defined by law; . 2. That all the members designated to conduct games oaf ide active members of the applicant organization; 3. That all the members designated to conduct games, and the as- sistants, are of good moral character; 4. That all the members designated to conduct games, and the as- sistants, have &ever been convicted of a crime; 5. That the games I are to be held according to the B ngo- Lideniing Law, the Rules .and Regulations of the State Lottery 461itr6l Commission, and local ordinances; 6, That the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for. pur- poses permitted by the Bingo Licaensing.Law; 7. That there is satisfactory proof that no cosmissio:i, seilary, compensation, reward or recompense will be. paid or giveu �ti any person for conducting the games or assisting therein, ex- septa to the extent- allowed.by Law; 8. That there is satisfactory proof that the type and value of prizaa will conform. td .Law; 9. That no rent for the premises has been paid and As- & result of the findings and determinations stated abevu the application 'to amend the license of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Inc. is. hereby granted. RESOLVE that the Town Clerk-_be and is hereby -authorized-'and'. directed to sign the necessary findings and determinations and issue an amended license to conduct binge games in accordance with the ap- plicatio& reoceived. , Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes --W. Miller, We Bentley, Mr. lampao&, W,•Akins and We Webster Does - None Bernard Coduer, Town Superintendent of Highways who was present pre• sented the following recommendations _for special improvements: Town of Queensbury ~- Office of Superintendent of Highways J Bernard J. Coduer Re-F.D.1,61e&s; Falls N.Y,, ,MArcho,22il961 To Town Board: _ Subject: Special Improvements. Road - Footage .Cost. - Feeder Dam 650 ft. $ 975.00 Lynn Ave. 925 a 1387.00 Sunset Ave. - 715 1072,.00 Meadow View Rd. 1663 " US4400 Lupine Lane 1887 r 2830.E Walkup Road 950 1425.00 $9983„00 Bernard J. Coduer _ Highway Supt, Res lotion No 46 .- introduced by. We Akins and seconded by Mr Bentley RESOLVE that the Town Board eateri&g iato an agreement with =the Town Superintendent of Highways respecting the expenditures and moneys for highway work as follows: The sum of $80,000 shall be set aside to be expended for pr:E'i irk, and general repairs capon 116.07 exiles of Town highways and that the following sums shall be set aside to be expended for permanent improve- ment of Town highways by the tar and _stone penetration method:: (s:) On the Feeder Dam Road cemencing at end of black top Haviland Avenue fora distance .of 650 feet Bze+e shall be expended the sea of $975.00. (b) On Lynn Avenue. commencing at Owen.-Avenue for a distance of 925 feet t'bM shall be expended the sum of $1,387,00, 202 (c) On Sunset Drive commencing at Lynn Avenue, running South for a distance of 715 feet tie of $19072.00* shall be expended the sum (d) On Meadow View Road, :a cjr4L_at Meadow Drive And running Its, entire length for 'a'diytance of 1,863 feet twit'shall be expended the sum of $29294.00. (e) On Lupine Lane co®meACing,at Old Foq*Road and running South its entire length for st distance of 19887 and there shall be expended the stud of $2 830,00, (f) On Walkup Raced commencag at Bay Road ring west for a dstanee. of 954 feet and there shall be expended the sum of $1,425.0#. Duly adopted by the following ,votes byes' � Mr. Miller, Mr, Bentley, W '?.ampson, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster Noes -' None A discussion was had respecting y to a conveyance of e tha Rockhurst Road. _ Portion of The 'Beard, generally dis na . e � prop,�sad site for the Adirondack Co iaitT collegee located' ii. the Tows of Queensberry. Resolution No* 47 introduced by Mr, Bentley and seconded by Mr. Lampoon. ?' *W S, the County ®f Warren is the owner of two parcels of land, approximating 40 and 30 arrest located in the Town of queens- bury,, and having been purchased by the County to enable the exten- sibh of the East-West and North-South Runways of Floyd Bennett Airfield, and WHUM",- -these two- parcel: are separated by lands of the original Floyd Bennett Field, and now owned by Queensbury School District #2, and WHEREAS, the. Schooi Board of School District #2*of the Town of Queensbury has informally expressed willingness to. aake available duch 'lands as will connect these two Parcels and such other lands as will make an area suitable for the needs of a college, and WHEREAS9, it is understood _ihat the Trustees of Adirondack Com- munity College have , inforgally indicated that their needs for a permanent site for the College ls a minimum of 50 acres, and WHEREAS, the combination of these parcels now owned by the County with those to be made. availabla_by .the School Board of District #2 will provide approximately. 100 acres, and WHUWAS, this 'proposed locution offers the most desirable facilities, such as an exit and entrance. to the Northway within a distance of a quarter of-:a mile, also Aviation Road is an extension, in effect, of the East-Welt By Pass from its Junction with Route 9, and thus assures convenient access to the College from all areas in both Washington and.Vareen C:omties, as well as avoidance of traffic congestion, all within 2' ailes,_of the center of Glens Falls, NOW THEREFORE BE IT R$SOLVEI),...That the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury does recommend-'and nrge. strongly that the Board of Super- ; visors of the County of `Warren make available these two parcels of land under the best possible tsrms-;.and Further that it permit the Town t- Board of the Town of QueeU8bur`y to offer these lands to the Adirondack Q00munity College as a permanent site of the College,. FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby directed to 204 transmit a copy of this resolution to the Warren. County Board of Supervisors Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr, Miller, we Bentley, Mr, Lampoon* Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster ` Noes - None ` A discussion was had respecting Blue Cross. The 'Smpervisor discussed a study be made. of the street lights along Main Street in West Glens Falls as far West as the Northway Bridge 1 " and also Northerly from the City of Glens Falls* out RouSte 9. A discussion was also had respecting the erection of signs 4dvis.iug the Location of the Tom limits on the main higbkiLys. Application for a junk yard license was received from Robert Saunders. Resolution No. 48 introduced by Mr. Lampoon and seconded by Mr. Akins. RESOLVE that renewal. of junk yard License be. issued to Robert Saunders for a junk yard located on the Dan Dusen Road and tU fee of $10.00 received with the application, was turned over to the Supervisor by the Town Clerk, Duly adA*ted by the following vote: ' Ayes - Mr. Miller , Mr. Bentley, Mrs ImVoons Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster Noes • None t t SCHEDULE OF AUDITS OF THE TOq'N OF QUEENSBURY,TWARREN COUNTY, NEW yMK FOR THE mIM OF 1N MCH 1961 No* Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Asti Claimed An't.`.,,,$l.lwd. 93 Stanley B. Miller 100-4oStamped En- $ 4.76 $ 4,76 velopes ` 94 E. Leo Spain Agey.Ine.Olens Falls Ies 7213.11 7213 I1 CO. Poiidr < #NMIL6 1/28, 61-62 " -A (Auto Liab) $2395,05 ` -B (Phys ?BAG) $ V44,33 -C {Camp) p. t $2555.98 -D (Comp,Liab) ` $1526.50 -E (Meney&Sec.) $ 201,50 4 t Glens Falls Ins. co. Policy #' t`94Sg (2/28,761-64) (Payable in annual installments) Dep" 407 48 �. Total _ CancelCr. _7 82 Xdward S., Gray Presented for Audit 00 3/8/61 N.Ae $8212.87 Oa mot Tax.A=P0U)raed, Town Clerk