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22 Regular Meeting May 11th, 1961 Present:. ; hn O. Webster Supervisor 'sdith Bentley Justice of the Place Iiajr`eld` Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The -Supervisor called the meeting. to order at 8:20 PM. Superintendent of Highways, Bernard Codger was also present. Martiti E: &44*kerk', Korman A. Oudekerk, John N. Oudekerk, Edward L. Oudekerk and Albert 1. Oudekeik were also present in reference to Go- Cart bueikges. JA&ee"D. Griffin was also`present.` Mr: Griffin'stated that his-position respecting livening of property for GO-Cart Racing was the same as a year ago and that property in the vicinity of such race tracks would depreciate`"in value, He further stated he would withdraw his objection if 'race ryas" 'conducted on on.ly',Saturday or Sunday afternoons, RESOLUTION NO 67 introduced fiy Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS Martin 'E. Qudekerk, Herman A. Oudekerk, John N. Oudekerk, Edward L. Oudekerk and Albert I. Oudekork leave submitted an application in writing for permission to hold so-called GO-Cart Races on property owned by Sidney Timms located on the Sweet Road, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid application to hold races of go-carts on property of Sidney Timms be granted upon the fol- lowing terms: 1) ' . use r operation of the race track shall be limited only o a Or between the hours of is O'clock A.M. and 6 o'clock dayR between the hours of 1 0.'clock P.M. and i. ®"clo�k' . (2) Certificate ©f Uability insurance shall be filed with the -'TQws4 4, covering, the operators from any liability which may die occ by tie use of said track. (3) That the operators shall in all respects comply with the ordin- es relat'"' to race events in the Town of Queensbury adopted a . . i&y 2E�.1'. 195 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller., We,.,B`entley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO': g8'- intrdduced by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. Akins RESOLVE I t'the Town Clerk be and is hereby "authorized and direct- ed to issue the license for Go-Cart Racing as set forth in the previous Resolutaen on paymeelnt of the fee of $25;000 1 Duly ad 42�J ye the following voter - Ayes -' `ler,`1�lr;: Bentley, Mr, I@mpson,,` Mr, Akins a�d Mr. Webster. Noes Curtis' Ie �t,Tas Present and discussed with the Board the matter of a • suitable r b*in0 erected `cn Route 9 indicating the location of a site., known eta` kifid Rock, which the Indians were reported to have tortured thoir enemies, r Superint!" ` Q$it�er brought up the matter of a marker Ott Gurney Lane. i_.+.,r t .. F Justice""iii iiii!. ce-Bentley suggested that a_marker be erected at the Austin grav"V�ap;lvate boring-:ground on-the Rockwell or Austin Road, Mr. Austin was a veteran of the Revoluntionary War: The above matters are to be discussed with the County Attorney. 2.24 On the matter of the alteration of the storehouse for a meet- ing place Justice of the Peace Akins submitted a tentative plan, They generally discussed the alterations required, Ir was `decided that the members of the Board would meet Tuesday nght, ,May `16 with Mr. Kestner to discuss final plans relating to water supply. A discussion was had respecting highway signs. RESOLUTION NO, 6_9 introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by' Mr. Akins. RESOLVE that Bernard Codner be and isehereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase from Ferro's Enameling Company street name signs at a cost not to exceed $500.80. _ u . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster. Noes - None . A discussion was had with the Superintendent of Highways as to the ad- visability for the Town of Queensbury going into the Erwin Flan fbr construction of Town Highways. The consensus of the Board was that the Town would not enter into the ,Plan. The following communication was read to the Board: R May 9th, 1961 . Queonsbury Town Board 338 Ridge Street Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: I am.writing you regarding the use of water at DeLong*s Dairy. I. wocild like to -refer you to ;my letter of May 17, 1960 in which I stated that due to a defective meter, we had been quite s(eriouslp overcharged for water, during the years 1958 . -1959, We have now completed a full year with the repaired meter and I am able to estimate what this overcharge was. I an listing below the charges for the dates in question, and also for the last year for comparison. January 2, 1958-May 2, 1958 2999222. Cu. Ft. May . 2, 1958-August w, 1958 - 6319280 Cu. Ft. August 59 1958-November 1, 1958 533,576 Cu. Ft. November 1, 1958-February 7, 1959 _ 352.862 Cu. Ft. For period Jan.2,1958-Feb.7,1958 19816,940 Cu. Ft, Adjusted to gallons using 7.4805 gallons per Cu. Ft. , 13,591,620 gallons. R February- 7, 1959-May 8, 1959 •• 3299167 Cu. Ft.-2,462,334 Gal. May 89 1959-Aug.11,,1959 .. 674,599 Cu. Ft;-5,046,338 Gal.-- August 11, 1959-Nov. 7,1959 - 498819622 Gal*r November 7, 1959-Feb. 4,1960 -Estimated same -1,009,235 Galo as first quarter, use of repaired meter 13,399,5n ' February 4, 1960-May 7, 1960 1,0099235 Gal. May 7, 1960-August 6, 1960 21244,660 Gal, . August 6, 1960-October 28, 1960 1,616,182 Gala October 280 1960-January 31, 1960 1,178,032 Gal, Gallons used Feb. 4, 1960-Jan. 31, 1961 69048,109 with repaired meter - It le evident from the records that I was charged over twice as much water in 1958 and 1959 as was used in 1960 with repaired meter. There was .tug reason why we would use more water in 1958 and 195'9. I discussed this situation w-ith your agent, Lee Lavery, several times and told him I thought the meter was wrong. On two different occasions, we shut all water outlets off and checked the meter to see if we had any leakso None were found='arid with all water outlets shut bff,- the meter was still. In adjusting gallons in 1958 and 1959 to the gallons used in 1960, I feel I was overcharged $2709.73, and I am therefore, entering a claim for that amount. Yours _ver _ truly,, i De Long',a Dairy, Inc. A. Hubert De Long (signed) : AHDeL/ec President A discussion was had respecting the claim of a refund from the De Long*s Dairp. : a:iatter is to be taken up with the County Attorney. A discussiom.was had respecting the Mullen*s Welding claim for thawing of frozen water pipes. - - A discussi©n.was had respecting Rules relating to Water Districts. A further discussion was had in connection with a` water Supply for the new County building. - •The following cocmmunioation was read to the Board: May 3, 1961 John 0. Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury < Chestnut _Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York t Dear Sir: Again_we ask yoWC permission to display fire works at the Glen-Drive-Ini Glens Falls on May 30th, and Monday July. 3rd, 1961. The necessary insurance has been taken care of pertaining to liability on these nights. Your request in the above matter will be greatly appreciated. : . Very truly yours Samuel E. Rosenblatt, Pres. (signed) H Acme Theatres, Inc. RESOLUTION NO,,. 70 introduced by Mr. Akins- and seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED that permission be granted to Acme Theatres Inc. operation of the Glen Drive-In Theatre to hold fireworks displays on May 30, 1961 and July 3, 1961, and BE IT--F"URTHER RESOLVED-that liability insurance coverage as shown by a certificate of insurance in the Consolidated Mutual Insurance Co. in the amount of $1.00*000 B.I,ea. person, and $3009000. B.I.ea accident, and $25,000. Property Damage, be sufficient, and '22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Town Clerk be and is hereby author- ized and directed to issue a permit to hold such fireworks display as aforesaid, and at the same time to request the management of the. theatre to notify Chief J. Floyd Sleight of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. concerning timing, etc. , of the actual disp3ay,; Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Does None The following report was presented; MONTHLY rMEM E•Nr"SUPERVISOR . RE IPTS i TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF Queensbury Pursuant to Section 119 of the Town Law, I hereby render the fallowing detailed statement of all moneys received. and disbursed by me, as Supervisor, during the month of April, 1961. ,Date Received Source Am't Received. 4 Forrest J.Cranrnell-Feesraf Tax Collector 221.18 5 George Liapes-Water rents-to N.G.F.W.District 17.82 4 12 Frank Cowles-Pine View Cemetery Fees 900000 17 Frances L. Turner-Twn. Clerk Receipts 103,75. 17 State of New York-Justice Fees 377,50 21 Frances L. Turner-addll Twa.Clk's Receipts 54.00 24 George Liapes-Water rents-to N.G.F.W.Dist.Ex.#1 288.90 24 Theodore Turner-Water rents-to RidgeRd.W.Dist. 13.50 24 W.G.F.W.D.Ext.#1"to Capital Reserve Fund-Int, 474,00- 24 W.G.F.W.D.Ext.#1 Bond Acct » K Bond#1 550.00 24 Highway Fund.. Machinery Cert,-to Capital Reserve 2884.00 , 25 George Mapes-Water rents-to N.G:F.W. Dist. 296.70 28 E. Leo Spain Agcy.Inc. - Insurance refund 1316.45 various To Payroll Fund - from Highway,Pineview, Water & General 9239.54 TOTAL RECEIPTS $19,387.34 DISBURSEMENTS REe Paid 'Fund or Account Am't Paid General Fund 79075.91 Pineview Fund 1,092.26. North Glens Falls Water District 411.32 North Glens Falls. Water District Extention 506.28 West Glow'Falls Water District 547.07 West Glens Falls Water District Extention#1, 474.00 West Glens Falls Water District Extention#1 Bond Acct. 550.00 Ridge Road Water District 9.00 Cleverdale Lighting District 47.86 Fort Amherst Garrison Rd. Lighting Dist. 168.46 Payroll Account 109081.93 Highway Fund 110588.46 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $32,552.55 Date May 11, 1961 Jahn 0. Webster (signed) SUPERVISOR Town of Queeasbury nn G 27 The following communication was read to the Board: 12 Old Forge Road May 8, 1961 To the Members of the Town Boards D.a'.d and -I join in wish to express our appreciation for the beaiful tribute which you sent at the time of our bereavement. Mother was very intprested in the doings of the Board and proud of Dad's association with it through the years.. The flowers W r truly a very thoughtful- way of expressing to us your kind wishes, Sincerely, . Ruth Bentley Bush (signed) Mr, Bentley expressed his appreciation to everybody for their kind expressionp of sympathy in his recent bereavement by the passing of Mrs. Bentley. , I A discussion wap_ had respecting the installation of. street lights in West Glens Falls on Route #9 The following communication was read to the Board: May 11, 1961 Mr, John O. Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury R.F.D. #1, Glens Falls, 'Nevi Y©rk Dear John: About a month agog the Cemetery Co®mission of the Town,of Queensbury brought to the attention"of Mr. Xuarry Bromley of Bromley Imports, Miller Hill, the fact that he had erected a steel electric light pole on proper t�of the Pine View Cemetery.... a4d ,also had caused some dirt fill to be .placed on the 'ce®etery property which fronts on the Glens Falls-'Lake George Road adjacent to his property. _ When the above encroachment ,was pointed out to Mr. Bromley, he agreed. to remove the light pole and also the fill which had been placed on the cemetery property immediately south of the log retaining wall which holds the dirt making 'his display yard in front of his place of businets. Copy of his letter, stating that the above work has been accomp- lished, is enclosed herewith. The :Cemetery Commission is satisfied with the manner 'in which this matter has been handled in removiAg the lower level of Mr. Bromley's encroachment on our property. _ Very truly yours, y Sidney Van Dusen (signed) . - - (enclosure) - Secretary May 1st, 1961 Pine View Cemetery Commission Glens Falls, New York Attn: Mr, Sidney-Van Dusen, Secretary ' It is the purpose of this letter to inform the Cemetery Commis- sion that the light pole has been removed and the section at the south end of our property line has been cleaned up. 228 Bromley Imports is very apprectAtive of the neighborly attitu4e of the Cemetery Commission iam". 'I Very truly yours, ' BROMLEY IMPORTS PRD:slm Phillip R. DeLong SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR. THE TOWN OF. QUEENSBURY,_ WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1961 �K No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amt. Clmd. Amt .A11d 129 Glens Falls Post.. Co. Publish t ce on - Gasolene'BDe'�s- oEod"'n�'r 130 Remington Rand,Div. Repair,etc.�� of SperryRand.Corp. J1335985 H.Akins(typewritor) 15:40 25600 131 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Cleverdale St.Lighting fit }„#8 '_ 46 132 E. Leo Spain,Agcy. Addl.Prem.onPbl,MFC8I16- C G.F.Ins. Co. 166.99 166.99 133 Rte.9,Motor Serv. Repair part for Ford - Tractor, (DUMP) 12,88 12, 88 134 E.J.Zebro Tire Co. Repair Tire-Twn.Dump Truck 5.00 5.00 135 Russell&Wait, Inc, ldz,#942 Pads-Twn.Clk, 2.20 2.20 136 Marvin Ricketts Painting sign on truck Pv.Cem. 12.00 12.00 137 Glidden Paint Co. Green Paint & Primer Tank & Structural primer Wire brushes (Pineviet Cem.) 14.32 14.32 138 Sears-Roebuck&Co. 2 Pwr.Mowers-20"-Pine view Cem Ret.Pr,84.95x2- 169.90-&Spec.Pr. 75:00x2= 150.00 Pv.Cem. 150,00 150,00 139 J. E. Sawyer&Co.Inc. 2DD18 18" Lawncomb Rakes W., Cem, 6.30 6.30 140 Hoag's Tire Service 1-7/17.5 H.D.Tube(State Cont.Price)Dismount & Mount-Pv.Cem, " 5,08 5.08 141 G.F.Ele•ct.Suppl.Co, 3-3 G05068-1-Complete Set of generation 4,55 set Pv.Cem.' 4.55 4855 142 Charles E. Houghtaing Supplies for JudgeBentley6.50 6.50 143 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Street lights&traffic sirens 224,80 224..80 144 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr, Ztr.Lghts. ,Ft.Amherst- Garrison Rd. 168046 168,46 145 Bullard Glencraft 1000 suppl.envelopes- - Printing, Inc. Tax Notices for Twri. Tax Collector * 14.75 `14,75 146 N.Y.State Dept. of Twn. of Queensb4ry Con- Audit & Control tribution to Supplemental' Pension Fund 90,04 90.04 147 Taylor WeldingSupl.Co,Thawing Main on Monterey Rd. (NGFWD) 35.00 35.00 148 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.Ft..Amherst Rd. as per att, statement 1/2 borne by City & other 1/2 borne by Twn NGFWD Ext.#1 88.57 88.57 , 149 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.Upp.Glen St. (NGFWD EXT. ) 10.25 10,.25 150 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.CurbBox(WGFWD) 5090 5.90 229 151 Nora McLaughlin Editing & ordering bills plate change etc. writing bills&Postage (RRWD) 9.60 9160 152 Nora McLaughlin Miscel, serv, in connect- ion with editing&ordering bills(NGFWD.16.50;&Ext.16.50) 33.00 33.00 ' 153 Bullard-Glencraft 1000#8 govtt envelipes Printing Inc. c/c for J.O.Webster 58.70 58.70 154 W.F. Gubitz & Son 1__No.1210L Steel Front 4.90 4.90 s Transfer File-J.O.Webster 155 John ,0. Webster Reimbursement for 300-40 12.00 12.00 postage stamps-Superv,Off. 156 John 0. Webster Reimbursement for purcha- 1.66 1.66 se of 2 ring binders & indexes, ger filing, reports of new dcQ4 truction..Superv. 157 Norman'` . .Harvey, Well Baby 4lin;-cs(31.4,5, 180.00 180,00 MD. 1961.) 158 ,7atee E. Tucker Supplies & servicCes rend- 24.60 20.60 ered as D% Warden 159 Mullen Welding Thawing Pipe-NGFWD 634,00 634.00 Uo"rks r On motion the meeting adjourned, 3n s Town Clerk Re ula eti _.., .., . ? ,,., - - May 25, 1961 Present., _' John 0. Webster Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace - Harold Akins Justice of the Peace - Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM I Clifford Witham was present and discussed with the Board the signs along the Farm To Market Road. The following communication was read to the Board_ - 6 Park Ave. RFD #1 Glen Falls, N.Y. May 17, 1961 The Town 19pard Towri of Queensbury _ RFD - Glens Falls N.Y. t , Gentlene", _ At the last quarterly meeting of the Queensbury Republican Club, a resolution was passed that the Club go on record as being in favor of re.-districting our Town. We feel that such action will ben- efit -the Town, and make. voting Easier for more people. We were honored by the presence and programs of several of you at thatr meeting. May I thank YOU ',6n behalf of the Club? Sincerely, , Walter E,► Baker, Secretary (signed) Queensbury Republican Club.