1961-08-10 259
6. That the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for pur-
poses permitted by the Bingo Licensing Law;
7. That there is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary,
compensation, reward or recompense will be paid or given to
any person for conducting the games or assisting therein, ex-
cept to the extent allowed by Law;
8. That there is satisfactory proof that the type and value of
prizes will conform to Law;
9. That no rent for the premises has been paid and
As a result of the findings and determinations stated above the
application to amend the license of the Queensbury Central Volunteer
Fire Company Inc. is hereby granted.
RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to sign the necessary findings and determinations and issue
an amended license to conduct bingo games in accordance with the ap-
plication received.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
A discussion was had respecting water meters in a newspaper item re-
specting .the installation thereof.
Harold Akins reported orally on the officers and chiefs meeting of the
several fire companies held at the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co.
Inc. fire house and stated that four points of discussion were had as
(1)Requested that duplicate and similar street names be
(2)That the fire department sompanies would like to have filed
with the fire &*mpanien development maps showing streets
and water distribution thereon..
(3)Requested that the location of hydrants be marked by iron
— rods with a flag attached.
(4)Requested a copy of report of construction on new buildings.
On motion the meeting adjourned,
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting - August 10, 1961
John 0, Webster Supervisor
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
'Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The supervisor Balled the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.
A discussion was had respecting the testing of the quantity of water
being supplied to the De Long's Dairy.
The ^following communications were read to the Board:
August 79 1961
Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
338 Ridge _Road
Glens Falls, New ,York
Dear Madam:
- This will acknowledge receipt of your July 27th Resolution NO.
86 urging the State of New York ttto face up to their responsibility
in taking immediate and decisive action necessary to make this high.
way safe." The resolution referred to the new East-West County
Highway Bypass at Glens Falls known as Quaker Road.
We heartily agree with you that the State of New York should face
up to its responsibility and we believe that we have. However, it has
taken a little time to determine the proper traffic control necessary
on this new East-West Bypass.
When a facility of this kind is completed, we install stop signs
and cross road signs where the facility intersects with State routes.
Proper observance of these signs makes for complete safety.
Our next step is to study traffic at these intersections with our
State Highways to determine if the side or cross road traffic is
heavy enough to warrant the installation of a traffic signal to avoid
delay. This study takes a little time and cannot-be started until
the facility is open to traffic and functioning. -
Our studies are about completed and show that a fully actuated
traffic signal is warranted at the Bypass and Route 9 and also at
Route 32. A semi-actuated traffic signal is warranted at Route 9L.
No signal is warranted at the east end of the Bypass where it dead-
ends on Route 32B. The signal light poles have been delivered and
the work of installing the signals was started today. This work,
of course, covers the Bypass at its intersections with State Highways
only, which is the extent of our jurisdiction.
Very truly yours,
Superintendent of Public Works
JBM•.F jf rvam
August 3, 1961
Mrs, Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Glens Falls , New York
Dear Mrs, Turner:
Your letter of July 29th with Town Board Resolution No. 86 en.
closed is hereby acknowledged.
I took this matter of traffic control on the new East-West Bypass
(Quaker Road) up with the State Traffic Commission in Albany yesterday,
and was informed that they intend to erect traffic signals on this road
at its intersections with Route 99 Ridge Road and the Boulevard; also
that they are continuing their study of traffic on the Quaker Road.
The Commission_ requested the County to take a peak hour count of
traffic at county road intersections with this road, particularly at
Bay Road and Dix Avenue, and forward the information to them to be
included in their overall study of the situation. This will be done
in a few days and may effect a considerable saving to the taxpayers.
As soon as I receive a report from the Commission, I will pass the
information on to you.
HO�g County Supt. Highways
August 8, 1961
Town Board -
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York -
Attention: Mrs, Frances Turner
Town Clerk
We have completed the survey of the Queensbury Town Dump -regarding
rodent problem.
The survey showed a high rodent population in spite of the fact that
this is a well managed dump. Its location does not lend itself to a
true sanitary land fill dump which would reduce the food available to
the rodents.
In view of the type of dump operation, a continuous rodent control
program is recommended. This program would consist of treating and
gassing rat burrows and harborages and baiting the area. This service
is offered on an annual basis at a charge of twenty dollars ($20.00)
per month.
The sooner this program can be inaugurated the better because, in the
Fall, when the dump is used less, there is a tendency of the rodents
to migrate for reasons of food and shelter. At the present time
neighboring residents are complaining of the rodents.
Our work is guaranteed and insured for both -liability and property
` damage. Our men are protected by Workmen's Compensation.
At the present time we are rendering this type of service to many area
dumps in Ford Edward, Lake George, Moriah, Fort Henry etc. We offer
them as recommendation.
Very truly yours,
Fred C. Oberst (signed)
General Sales Manager
Copy to Mr. Bentley, Chairman of the Board
C6py to Mr. Louis Yager, Our Glens. Falls Service Representative
Superintendent of Highways, Bernard Codner, who also was present orally
recommended that the Town acquire by purchase for use in the Highway
Department a truck and chasis. _
RESOLUTION NO. 89 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Miller.
• RESOLVE that the following notice be published once in the Glens
Falls Times an or before the 21st day of August 1961:
'Notice of Bidding.
Bernard J. Codner, Supt. of Highways; Town of Queensbury is asking
for bids on a new Cab and Chasis Truck to meet the following specifica-
Approximately 159 inch wheel base
— C. A. dimension not less than 84 inches
Motor displacement not less than 330 cubic inches r
Governor controlled - 8 cylinders
.50 Ampere low cut in generator
12 Volt 70 Amp. hour battery
2 Speed Eaton rear Axle 16000 lbs.
Front Axle . . . . . . . 7000 lbs.
5 Speed Transmission
900 x 20 10 ply tube type tires
1100 Cu. in, vacuum reserve tank
Vacuum hydraulic brakes
Heater and defroster
Dual electric wipers
West Coast dual mirrors
Cylinder Auxiliary gas tank not less than 50 Gal. Capacity
Front end mounted pump }
Right hand power take off
Standard New York State lights
The Highway Dpt, will offer for trade-in one 1952 #170 In.
ternational Cab and Chasis - 4 Wheel drive with transmission
Bids will be received at the Town Clerk's Office, 338 Ridge
Road, Glens Falls, New York, August 31st, 1961 up to 7:30 PM.
All bids will be opened. at 7:30, PM by the Town Board,
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids
By order of the Town Board, Town of Queensbury --
Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk.,
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk cause the aforesaid notice of
bidding as directed above be published.
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Board shall meet at 7:30 Ply! at the
Town Clerk's Office August 31st for the purpose of considering and taking
whatever action which it deems proper on the bids received.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION N0. 90 introduced by Mr. Lampson and seconded by Mr. Akins.
RESOLVE that the following notice be published once in the Glens Falls
Times on or before the 22nd day of August 1961=
- Bernard J. Codner, Supt. of Highways, Town of Queensbury, State of
New York, is asking for bids on approximately ninety tons (90-tons) more
or less of grade C C Rock Salt in 100 lbs. bags.
Quality to meet the New York State Division of Standards "and Purchases
Bid must include price delivered at Town Garage and also price del-
ivered at the Railroad Yard at Glens Falls, New York.
Bids will be received until 7:30 PM at the Town Clerks Office, 338
Midge Road, Glens Falls, and will be publicly opened by the Town
Board at 7:30 F.M. on August 31, 1961 _
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the Town Board, Town of Queensbury
Franees L. Turner, Town Clerk
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to cause aforesaid notice of bidding be published as
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Board shall meet at 7;30 P.M. at
the Town Clerk's Office for the purpose of considering and taking what-
ever action it Aeems proper ,on the bids received.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes w Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
A discussion was had respecting the location of culverts on the Clinton-
Smith Development off 4ichardson Street. , r -
A discussion was had respecting the approval of the plan of development
to be submitted by Clinton-Smith.
A discussion was had on the matter of East Sanford Street, Mr. Webster
stated that Mr. Beswick would render an opinbn as to whether it is a
Town road.
A discussion was had on water rentals in the West Glens Falls Water
In connection with the DeLong's Dairy claim Mr. Akins, Mr. Webster- and
George Liapes are to meet with Mr. DeLong August 18, 1961 to confer in
reference to Mr. DeLong's claim. fora rebate of water rent..
The Supervisor read a letter pertaining to a school for water superin-
tendents for instruction in connection with water treatment plants.
A discussion relating to the extension of the. Shore Colony District was
RESOLUTION NO. 91 introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Akins,
WHEREAS, This Board by appropriate Resolution dated June 22, 1961
under the provisions of Art. 4 Sectiop 64, of the Election Law,. did- alter
the existing Election Districts from 5 to 9 in number, and
(WHEREAS,WHEREAS, Art. 4 Section 66 of the Election Law provides that this
Board shall also designate the Polling Places where the Registration of
Voters and the Elections and Primaries shall be held during the year
following the ensuift First Day of October, -
NW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following locations be and
they hereby are designated as the respective polling places in the
Districts as enumerated.
Election District #1. Firehouse, South Queensbury
Fire Company, Lower Dix Avenue
Election District #2. Grange Hall. Mohican Grange.
Oneida Corners
Election District #3. Firehouse. North Queensbury Fire
Company. South Side of Route 9L
opposite Cleverdale Rd.
Election District #4. The Town Storehouse. Aviation Road
West of intersection of Route 9.
Election District #5. Firehouse. Queensbury Central Fire
Company. Foster Avenue
Election District #6. Queensbury School,
Election District #7. Kensington Road School. Jerome
Avenue. Entrance. -
Election District #8. Firehouse. West Glens Falls Fire
Company. Luzern Read.
Election District #9. Cast Stone Company Store,
Corinth Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rental for such ,polling -places
be and the same is hereby fixed at the sun of $40 per annum.
-Daly adopted by the following votes
Ayes •• Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, •Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Nees None
RESOLUTION NO. 92 introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Akins.
RESOLVE that the Town Clerk notify the Counts Chairman of the
Democratic party and of the Republican party that this Board would
appoint additional inspectors of election for the new election district
of the Town of Queensbury on August 24, 1961.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes None _
RESOLUTION NO, 93 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Miller.
RESOLVE that this Board consents that water taps be made for 'George
J. Steer at Owen Avenue at Lynn Avenue in Westland and Lawrence Camp
on the North side of the Aviation Road Cre•location of tap) and Joseph
Durkee, 18 Pinewood Avenue.
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk notify the Commissioners of the
Water System of the City of Glens Falls of the foregoing action.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr., Miller, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Nees • None
The Supervisor submitted the following report of new constructions
Report of New Construction to the Town Board Report #5
Number 15
August 1, 1961
W61'61 George Hamelin end of Mannis Rd. Glen Lake) Fr vate sammer camp
7/9/61 Arthur Leroy Lower Haviland Avenue moving 551 house
Jarvis trailer on lot
7/JJ/61 Dr. Edward Msey Assembly Point garage
7/1M61 John Norman E/S W. Mountain Rd. Dwelling --
7/6/61 George Ferris 201 Sherman Avenue - 14x7 rear porch
7/6/61 Sun Oil Co. S/W Cor. Ridge Rd. & Service Station
Quaker Rd.
7/13/61 George D.Mead W/S Chestnut Ridge Rd* small tool shed added
to rear of garage
7/13/61 G.Alfred&Doris CorinthRd.atintersection rear porch
L. Green* with Pinewood Road
7,17/61 Robert R.Fuller 1 Bullard Avenue garage with breezeway
7,&8/61 Mrs.EileenLarson Rte.9, Lake George Rd. 20x30 one story add-
ition to store
7,20161E Chester Bullion Sunnyside North trailer moved on to
of dock
7/22/61 -AudreyM.&LeroyJ.Gordon 14 Foster Avenue Storage Shed
7/26/61 Howard Crannell Big Bay(Palmer Farm) Camp on,river at-
Big Bay
7/27/61 Norman A. Sidnell 7 Owen Avenue personal
7/31/61 Leon S. -Richardson 13 Richardson St; — residence
Respectfully submitted:
John 0, Webster, Supervisor (signed)
The Supervisor submitted the statement of monies received and disbursed
by him-during the month of July 1961: - -
Date_ Amt
Reed - - Source - Rec'd
7/10 State Ins. Dept. Tax to Queensbury Fire Prot. ,Dist. 304.93
7/10 Neal Schoonover-water rents to Shore Colony Water Dist. 300.00
7/15 Frances L, -Turner-Twn.ClOks fees for June to Gen.Fund - 371,50
7/15 Frances L. Turner.Bingo-Fees for-June to Agcy.&Trust 40.00
-7/15 Agey. & Trust-Twos share of Bingo fees to Gen. Fund 20.00
7/15 Frank Cowles-Pine View Cemetery fees 395.25
7/15 State of New York-Justice fees to Gen. Fund 549.50
var. George Liapes-Water rents to N.G.F.Water District
var. 7/7/61 & 7/1"/61 - - -80.58
George Liapes-water rents to N.G.F.Water Dist.Ext.
rt 7/13/_61 & 7/20/61. - - 21.63
7/21 N.G.F.Water Dist. -to Capital Res. Fond-Rev.Antio.notel, 0 G5.r8 3
7/31 Jack Crannell-water rents to W.G.F.Water Dist. 65.20
var. Highway Fund to Payroll Account
Pine View Cemetery to Payroll Account "
Chen. Fund; N.G.P.Water JDist. , W.G.F.Water Dist, ,
Ridge Road Water Dist. , Shore Colony Water Dist. ,
. to Payroll Account - - 9,869.57
7/15 State of New York-State aid to Highway Fund 8,334975
Y TOTAL RECEIPTS- - - -$21,358.74
Date Amt
Paid Fund or Account Paid
7/ General Fund - 4,467.57
. 'Pine VieV Cemetery 19034.96
North Glens Falls Water District 1,296.61
North Glens Falls Water District Ext. 9.00
West Glens Falls Water District ' 72.63
"Ridge RoiCd Water District 8,33
'Shore Colony Water District " '51:.55
Cleverdgle Lighting District 47.86
Ft.Amheist Garrison Road Lighting Dist. _ 168.46
Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. 210.80
Queensbury Fire Prot. District 304.93
Agency & Trust Account _ 20.00
'Payroll Account 1#9558.52,
'Highway Farad 14,501.'19
" TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS. - - - $32,752.61.
A discussion was- had respecting the proposed shopping center of Sears &
A discussion was had respecting the claim of the National Welding Company
for pipe tkawing.
Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
220 Gwinup's General Gas & Oil for Queensbury 51.40 51.40
Store Town Dump
221 Glens FallsPost.Co! Pub.Not.Completion of Ex- 3.90 3.00
amination of accounts &
Fiscal affairs-Twn.ofQsby.
222. Rte.9,Motor Serv. Repair parts-Twn.Dump Ford 32.52 32.52
223 Paul D. Stark Bull Dozer Serv. on Town 24.00 24.00
224 ACME P.4.Box• Dump Cm's)
22 Criminal Procedure&haw in 38.25 38.25
MassapequaPark,L.I. N.Y. (M.Bentley)
225 Niagara-Mohawk Pw, Ft.Amherst-Garrison Lgt.D. 168.46 168.46
226. Niagara-Mohawk Pw. St. lights&Traffics Sirens 265.51 265.51
227 Niagara-Mohawk Pw. Cleverdale Lighting Dist, 47.86 47.86
228 CharlesE.Houghtaling 1#294B Motor Veh.Docket 20.03 20.03
+ postage-ins.Jus.Bentley
229 G.F. Hospital Test-Adelbert Granger 3.00 3000
230 Paul E:Bialous Miseel.surveying-Approved 21.75 21.75
by JohnB.VanDusen-Twa.Surveyor
231 Allen F. Towers ' Miscel. Surveying-Approved by 16.50 . 16.50
John B.VanDusen,Twn.Surveyor _
232 Leon M. Steve$ MisGel.Serv.-Surveying-Approv, 9.00 9100
by Joh4 B.VsniDusen,Twn.Survayor
233 J.E.Sawyer&Co. Inc. 10'#3 Tense Chain Zine Plated .70 .70 .
(Pinev!A Cemetery)
234 J.E.Sawyer&Co. Inc. 2 3 oz.Moletex.-Pineview Genet. .90 090
235 J.X.Sawyer&CQ, Ine. Repair parts for limmr-Ev.CeT6.50 '16,50
236 Heag's Tire Serv. 1-5 gal.1keridall#30 Oil- 5.80 5.80
Pv.Cem. Y
237 Sears-Roebuck&Ce I battery&2 blades•Pv,Cem. 25.91 25.91
238 Louis Corlew ' � Mowing hay iri 'Pineview Cemit._35 00 '35,00
239 G.F. Post Cosipany Pab.Not.of filing report of 7.14 7.14
+ Examination of Fiscal Affairs
' Pineview Cemetery Commission '-
240 Bernard. Codner Expenses attending Highway 70.18 70.18
School at Cornell
241 Mott Manbeek Mach.. Corrogated Metal Pipe-Per- 66.15 66.15
inery Co. Inc, foratedtBroadacres Sewage.D.
242 Raymond Hague MiLacre serving Jury Venire 16.88 16.88
243 E.LeoSpain Agey.3nr. � rim c ton Policy 1,002,00 1,002.00
244 Water Pipe & Supply 1 Indestructible Meter 14.23 14.23
Co. Ime, Reading cover with filler
' t cost chg. to NGFWD(OD) & `
tar Ext.#1
245 Herbert Co rlewjr. Meter install.-NGFWD(OD) 26.25 26.25
246 J.E.Sawyer&Co.Inc. Miscel. as itemized on 8.53 8,53
voucher Meter Ins. -1 in
NGFWD(OD) & in Ext.#L.
247 Niagara-lbhawk Pw. Electric service-Aviation Rd.190050 190 .50
' (NGFWD) '
248 HudsonFalls PaperCo. Lcs (4)gals.Chem-Chller(Shore
' Colony Water District) 3.00 3.00
249 James E.Tucker Milage & Dog Food 14.14 14.14
250 James E. Tucker Milage & Dog Food 12.42 12.42
251 James E. Tucker Milage & Dog Food 15.22 15,21
252 JF.E.Sawyer&C-o.7Ac. Couplings,Elbows,Tubing & 14,78 1..40788.
Tees (NGFWD-0,D. ) 2247 $2247* --
On motion the eting adjourned,
'"a t
Town Clerk