1961-09-14 G78
No. 4 Elizabeth C. Miller Shirley Roach
Florence Hagan -
No. 5 Doris Brower
No. 6 Shirley Stevens Mary Cutler
Agnes Ross
No. 7 Gladys Phillips
Leila Wood
No. 8 Charlotte Gilman
Louise Baltazer
No. 9 Dorothy Baird
Lorraine Springer
FURTHER RESOLVE that the Compensation of each inspector for each
primary, registration and Election Day be and the same is hereby fixed
at $15.00 per day.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 98 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Lampson
WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Section 189 of the Highway Law
it is provided "All lands which shall have been used by the public as a
highway for the period of fifteen years or more, shall be a highway, with
the same force and effect as if it had been duly laid out and recorded as
a highway, and the town superintendent shall open all such highways to the
width of at least three rods", and
WHEREAS, The town has maintained, repaired and plowed the Rockhurst
Road for a period far in excess of the fifteen years provided in said
Section 189,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board approves and recommends
-- that the provisions of said Section 189 be carried out and that the
superintendent of highways of the town proceed to carry them out accord-
ingly. _
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes, - We Miller, Mr.' Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None`
A discussion was had relating to East Sanford Street and widening and
drainage thereof. It was reported that Morris Yaffy who is building a
sizeable mercantile establishment requested water to be supplied to his
building. The building is located 175 feet on Quaker Road.
On motion the tweeting adjourned
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting September 14, 1961
John 0. Webster Supervisor
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman -
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM.
The Superintendent of Highways, Bernard Codner, was also present.
Dr. Douglass B. Roberts# Superintendent of the Glens Falls City School
District and Jack Glass, a member of the School Board were present and
discussed with the Board the matter of transportation of children and
the safety of school children in crossing the Quaker Road.
A. W. Cohen was also present in connection with the above.
Leo M. Britt, John H. Sullivan and Lewis Ogden, President of the Glen
Lake Association and Gilbert C. Mellon, Vice President Glen Lake Pro-
tection Association were also present.
Mr. John H. Sullivan talked with the Board in connection with the docks
anchored on Town property. It was requested that some" arrangement be
made with the Glen Lake Association to have authority in connection
with these docks in conjunction with the Town. Leo Britt also spoke
in reference to this matter.
Harrison Gilman and Norman V. Brown were present and registered a- cam-
plaint relating to the West Side Junk Yard across the Corinth Road from
As. Gilman's property.
August 30., 1961 -
File No. 417
File No. 656
File No. 1666
Warren County
Town Board, Town of Queensbury G 977
Warren County
We have completed our study of traffic conditions at the inter-
sections of Quaker Road, the East-West Glens Falls By-Pass (a County
Road) with Route 9, Route 9L, Route 32, and Route 32B in the Town of
Traffic Commission Orders have been issued for the installation of
2 phase Full-Traffic-Actuated signals on Route 9 and Route 32 at the By-
Pass; and a 2 phase Semi-Traffic-Actuated signal on Route 9L at the By-
Pass. The Full.Traffic-Actuated signals have vehicle detectors on all
approaches and the Semi-Traffic-Actuated signal will have vehicle detect-
ors on Route 9L with the By-Pass being treated as the Artery. A copy of
each of the orders is enclosed for your Town records. Orders covering the
removal of Stop signs, when the signals are placed in- operation, Vill- be
issued soon.
Our study of the intersection of the By-Pass with route 323 did not
indicate the need for a traffic signal installation. We consider that
traffic movement under the existing Stop sign control is satisfactory,
Sight distance conditions are adequate to permit entery without undue
hazard provided a normal amount of caution is exercised, and undue-delay
is not encountered by traffic entering the intersection.
Very truly yours,
By Lloyd A. Maeder (signed)
JMW:bb Director
cc: Supt. Public Works '
Supt. State Police
Warren County Supt, of Highways
August 30, 1961
William`C. Bassette, Supt. _
Div. of Qperation & Maintenance
Department of.Public Works, Albany 1, New York
Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and
Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby directs:
1. The New York State Department of Public Works to install,
maintain and operate a 2 phase Semi-Traffic-Actuated signal
on Route 9L.S.H. 1666, at its intersection with Quaker Road,
the East-West Glens Falls By-Pass, a County Road, in the Town
of Queensbury, Warren County.
2. That this signal shall consist of one 4 face he#d.
3. That this signal shall be equipped with vehicle detectors on
Route 9L north and south of the intersection.
Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with.
cc: Supt. State Police WILLIAM S. HULTS
Town Board - Queensbury Chairman
Sheriff Carl K. McCoy
August 30, 1961 t
William C. Bassette, Supt.
Div. of Operation & Maintenance
Department of Public Works
Albany 1, New York
Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and
Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby directs:
1. The New York State Department of Public Works to install, maintain
and operate a 2 phase Full-Traffic-Actuated signal on Route 32,
S.H. 656, at its intersection with Quaker Road, the East-West Glens
Falls By-Pass, a County Road, in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County.
2. That this signal shall consist of one 4 face head.
3. That this signal shall be equipped with vehicle detectors on Route 32
east and west of the intrsection associated with phase A and on
Quaker Road north and south of the intersection associated with phase B.
Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with,
cc: Supt. State Police - STATE TRAFFIC. COMMISSION
Town Board - Queensbury
Sheriff Carl K. McCoy WILLIAM S. HULTS
August 30, 1961
William C. Bassette, Supt.
Div. of Operation & Maintenance
Department of Public Works
Albany 1, New York
Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and
Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby directs:
1. The New York State Department of Public Works to install, maintain
and operate a 2 phase Full-Traffic-Actuated signal on
Route 9, S.H. 417, at its intersection with Quaker Road,
the East-West Glens Falls By-Pass, a County Road, and -
Aviation Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County. -
2. That this signal shall consist of one 4 face head.
3. That this signal shall be equipped with vehicle detectors
located on Route 9 north and south of the intersection
associated with phase A; and on Quaker Road southeast of
the intersection and Aviation Road northwest of the inter-
section associated with phase B.
Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied-
with. -
JMW:bb _ ---'
Town Board - Queensbury
Sheriff Carl McCoy WILLIAM S. HULTS
Superintendent Codner discussed with the Board the proposal of the
widening of East Sanford Street.
Richard Griffin who was also present discussed the Go-Kart Racing off
the Sweet Road. The Supervisor read a letter of Mr. Griffin's and
retained the letter. -
A discussion was had relating to the control of pests by the Abelene
Pest Control. The matter was put over until next meeting.
Mr. Webster reported that the Town Officers were invited to attend the
Assessors meAing at Lake George.
Report of New Construction to the `town Board Report # 6
No. 21
September 1, 1961
8/3/61 Paul A.&.Marilyn J. W/S Bay Road-N. of Farm to Dwelling
Van Dyke Market Road
8/8/61 George J. Kushner Cor.Owen & Lynn Aves. Dwelling
8/8/61. U-.S.Catheter & In. 334 Bay Road - Catheter Manufacture
strument Corp.
8/9/61 Joseph- S. Durcan 18 Pinewood Ave. Dwelling
8/12/61George H.& Miriam 4 Kendrick Road Swimming pool
8/14/61 John Miller Rt.9 at Quaker Road Sear's Ser. Center
8/14/61 John Miller Rt.9 at Quaker Road Sear's store
8/14/61 John Miller Rt.9 at Quaker Road Shopping Center
8/14/61 Millard F. & Lena Moon Hill Road Mobile Home
Belle Coons
8/15/61 Millard F. Coons Moon Hill Road Dwelling
8/15/61 Warren P. Monthie Cor.Hughes Ct.& Dixon Rd. Ext.of bedroom
8/16/61 Charles &Helen Moon Hill Road Dwelling
8/19/61 A.D.Guerrie Meadowbrook Road Dwelling
8/19/61 Richard Carpenter Harris Street new homes
8/21/61 Lynn Chase Dixon Court. Dwelling
8/23/61 Alfred H.LaCro", Big Bay Road Garage
8/24/61 Daniel E.& Margaret -
Berrigan South end of Glen Lake Summer Camp
8/24/61 William&Phyllis '
Joslyn N/S Farm to Market Road Repairs apd new floor
to existing front --
8/25/61 Finch,Pruyn & Co. Farm to Market Road Dwelling
8/25/61 William Fisher 37 Eyerts Ave. addition to house
8/25/61 Douglas Luke Rolling Ridge Dwelling
Respectfully Submitted: John O,Webster, Supv.
-September 13, 1%1
Mrs. Franes L. Turner
Town Clerk, Town. of Queensbury
RD #1, Glens Falls, New York - -
Dear Mrs. Turner:
We have been advised by Professor Arthur L.` Straub, Clarkson College
of Technology, who is directing- the ftield work for the sewerage needs
survey in your area that -you have been extremely helpful in providing
data and, assistance. - r
We .awould lice to take this opportunity- to express our thanks for your
-- efforts.- Such cooperation makes the -carrying out of work of this nature
extremely gratif-ying. - - -
Your help has made a substantial contribution to the study. if we
can be of any service in the future, please advise.
. - - ,Very truly yours , - -
Robert n. Hennigan, -P. E-. (signed)- -
Principal Engineer
cc: Professor Straub -
WARREN COUNTY, 11\404 YORK FOP. THE MONTH OF September, 1961
No. Name of C •aimant Nature of Claim A.m't.Claimed Amt.Allow`ed"
253 Ferro Enameling Co. Units,014tes only, $ 491.66 $ 491.66
Signs & Stn Sign Hdwe. f
Twn.p�f Qsby. _
254 W.F.Gubitz & Sons 550 Voucher Bill Forms- _
. Twn. Clerk 17.00 17.00
2.55 Frances L.Turner PostageStamps-Twn.
Clerk's Office 4.00 4.00
_ 256 Norman A. Harvey Well Baby Cli-ni-cs- 18D.OJ 180.00 .
257 GlenA Falls Hosp. , Alco.Test-R. .Turner 3.00 3.00
258 Dennis & Co.., Inc. 1961 Ed Ao Clevenger's
r N.Y.Civil Practice Act- _ -
M.S.Bentley, J.P. 25.00 251.00
259 Ernest Hillis ,Chrmn, Milage traveled Assess-
ing 134.64 134.64
260 Twin Falls Electric Westinghouse Lamps -
Supply Co. , Inc. 3.11 3.11
261 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub,Noti.ce-Grievance
Day by Assess. 9.24 9,24
262 Wm. .Herron ,Co. x(213 l 2" Worthington disc
W, First St.Oswego,NY) meter-with flags #
6243297-NGFWD Ext. 170.30 170.30
263 City of G.F.Water Fd. Water Rent-93A NGI-14D
'ending-7/31. 1164.42 1164.42
264 City of G.F.Wat4r Fd, Ridge Road W.D.#134 148.00 148.00
265 City of G.F.Water Fd. Water Rent-WGFWD #95 513.75 513.75
266 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.Coper Horn-
NGFWD. 5.70 5.70
267 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.Kornerhorn-
NGFWD Ext, 6.05 6.05
j 268 City of G.F.Water Fd, WaterRent#93.NGFWD
Ext. #1 L443.32 1443.32
269 Niagara-Mhwk Pwr. St.Lghts.-Ft.Amherst-
Garrison Rd. 168.46 168.46
270 Niagara-Mhwk Pwr: St.Lghts&TrafficSirens
2.65.51 265.51
271 Niagara-Mhwk Pwr. Elect.Serv.Aviation
Rd. (NGFWD) 133.96 133.96
-272 Niagara-M.hwk Pwr. St.Lights-Cleverda.le
Lght Dist. 47,86 47.86
273r;.Nia.gara-Mhwk Pwr. Ele.0 .Sp�,r*4 SkoreColonyW.D. . ,Jo 2.80
274 Charles E.Houghtaling Supplies-M.S.Bentley-•,20.08 22.91 22.91
Supplies-Twn.Clk's Of. 2.83
275 Rockwe.l_1Mfg.Co.-Auto- Sets for Voting Machines
matic Voting Machine
Divison 10.53 10.53
276 Edward Thompson Co. Pocket parts MCK OV-M.S.
Bentley 44.00 44.00
277 Edward Thompson Co. '61 pocket parts-T.C.2/24,t
4416/61 27.00 27.00
278 Edward Thompson Co. 161 pocket parts to 1-1c
Kinney 2/33,36!61. 12.00 12,00
279 Edward Thompson Co. Supplies•-P .S.Bentley, J.P. 3,00 3,,00
280 Mrs.FlorenceHoague Inspector ofElections Dis.#3 _ 15 .00 15.00
281 Jointa Lime Co. Stony:-P'i-neview Cemetery 96,58 96,58
282 Hoag's Tire Service Kendall Oil-Pv. Cem. 5.80 5JO
283 Hoag's Tire Service Repair flat, etc. Pv. Cem, • 2..25 2,25
284 Defiance Corporation 1365 Emul RS2&Distributor
Rental 255.94 255,94
285 G.F.Black Top Corp. • AsphalticConcrete-Pv.Cem, 21.75 21.75
286 Sears»Roebuck& Co. 1-10x12 Tarp-Pv.Cem. 16.98 16,98
287 J.E.Sawyer&Co.Inc, 1»#r40 F Lawn Edger-Pv.Cem, 3.30 3.30
288 J.E.Sawyer&Co,Inc. 4 #98131 8xl.75G1easonWheels.•
289 rr rt rt rr rr Pv.Cem, 4.00 4.00 2 3'y oz Moletex 900ea. Billed
and Paid 904•.Ra1.900 Pv.Cem. 090 *90
290 Wagoner Business Ribbon for typewriter-Twn Clk's
Equipment Office 1.55 1,55
291 Stanton Batease Erecting & taking down Elect.
Equipment 751.00 75.00
292 Edward Thompson McKinney Pt. ,Parts(S.B.Miller)15.00 15.00
293 J.C.Piscitelli St.Sign Erection 136.83 136.83
294 Mott Manbeck Machine school signs & dead end
Co. • warning signs 108.40 108.40
295 Mott Manbeck Mach.Co. Lyle Sians.Re.Entering Twn.
of Qsby. ,Warren Co. ,• NY 299,08 299.08
296 Mott Manbeck Mach.Co. Dead end stop signs Lyle -
signs 53.50 53.50
297 Mott Manbeck Mach.Co. Lyle: signs 18x24 School (Boy & -
Girl) Crossing 81.20 81.20
298 Wm.M.BxonkCoal&Lbr.Co.22 yds.!-2-4 Concrete
(Rese.rvoirgark-Sewer. Dist.) _ 33.13 33.13
299 Glen Supply Co. Inc. Misdel.materialwWGFWD _ 13.30 13.30
300 J.E.Sawyer&Co.Inc. Screws, nuts & washers- Dump, 2.26 2.26
301 DeLong,_'s Dairy* Overcharged for ester_ from
1/2/58 to 2/4/60 NO-FWD Ext.#1
2709.73 2709.73
302 J.E.Sawyer&Co, Inc. 3/4 stop & drain cock;
_ nipples union,Shore Colony
Water District 11022 11022
- Sv 01.9.92 9 22
- On- motion the meeting adjourned,
- - - Town Clerk-
Regular Meeting - _ September 28, -1961
Present: -
John. 0. Webster - Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The Suaernisor called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.
Roland Mandigo called on-the Board relating to the change of his junkyard
from 49 Luzerne Rd. to about one-quarter of -a :Wile west of the Northway where
it passes over the Luzerne Rd. on what was formerly the Whittemore property.
Lynwood Chase was present and discussed.°with the Board the extension of the
North Glens Falls Water District to property which he is interested in.
George Crannell, nominee of the Republican Party for the oLf ice of Town Clerk
was present and welcomed..