1960-07-14 52
Resolution No. 89 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council-
man Miller:
:RESOLVED that Charles K. Denny be and is hereby appointed
cemetery commissioner for a term of three years beginning June 30,
1960 and ending June 29, 1963.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
A discussion was had respecting Town ordinances.
Resolution No. 90 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Akins:
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to purchase a loose-leaf ordinance book.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mx. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ices L. Turner
Town Clerk
Special Meeting July 12, 1960
John O. Webster Supervisor
Harold A-'-,.ins Justice of the Peace
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The Board. convened at 8:]?0 n.m.
The Board discussed the appointment of an attorney to represent the
Town at the hearing respecting equalization rates.
Resolution No. 91 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to retain Richard Bartlett, attorney, to appear and represent
the Town of Queensbury at the hearing on equalization rates to be held
in Albany on July 13, 1960,
rh.Aly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Ms. Akins and Mr. Webster. "
Noes - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
e`6 urner
Tojvm Clerk
Regular Meeting: July 14, 1960
John 0, Webster Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 8:10 p.m.
John Van Dusen, Town Surveyor, and Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent
of Highways, were also present.
The Glen Lake Association represented by William Mellon, Treasurer,
J. L. Fosbrook, Vice President, and Gil Mellon, Director, appeared in
relation to garbage disposal and a discussion was had respecting such
disposal. It was stated that garbage was not permitted to be disposed
of at the Town Dump.
Mr. Akins reported on the approximate cost of an incinerator plant for
, the Town on on estimate submitted by Keis and Holroyd, Consulting Engin-
eers, Troy, New York.
Estimated size of plant for 30,000 population:
Estimated cost of plant $250,000 to $300,000.
Average life 40 to 50 years.
Operating cost one year with four or five men, $300 per month--$15,000
to $18,000 yearly.
No fuel is required.
Mr. Akins further stated that Mr. Keis would come up at any time to look
over the site and discuss the cost of operation of the plant. The Board
generally discussed the current problem of the garbage disposal/
George Liapes, collector and superintendent of the North Glens Falls
Water District and its extensions , entered the meeting at this point.
Mr. Webster reported that he had received calls respecting the placing
of signs to slow traffic because of children playing. The matter was
referred to Mr. Akins who was to report at a future meeting.
Mr. Akins further reported that the controls have been installed at the
North Glens Falls Water District Pumping site, and that the motor is
ready for installing.
Respecting the actual installation of the pump and the fact that water
service would be discontinued for a short time, Mr. Liapes was instructed
to place a notice in the paper advising consumers as to the time of the
discontinuance of such service for the purposes of such installation.
A notice was received of the injury to a volunteer fireman, Paul Saville,
who belonged to the West Glens Falls Fire Company, No. 1, Inc.
The following communication was read to the Board:
1 Foster Avenue
Glens Falls , New York
26 June, 1960
From: Queensbury Central_ Vol. Fire Co. , Inc.
1D #; 52-208-301-00552
To: Frances L. Turner, Clerk
Town of Queensbury
338 Ridge ,Street
Glens Falls ,, N. Y.
Dear Madam:
This Company, the Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. , Inc. , did not hold the
scheduled. Bingo Game on June 25, 1960 at 7:00 p.m.
The President, and the Board of Directors cancelled this game- due to the
untimely death of our lst Ass't. , Chief Karl Anderson.
Under the Lottery Rules you are able to reschedule a cancelled date, if
the case warrants such action, by assigning this organization a new date.
We suggest that the date. of September 17? 1960 be assigned.
If this meets with the approval of your- office we will forward the
License #1960-2 to you for the necessary endorsements.
Please advise this company of any other details necessary.
Very trply yours t
:Robert F. Stott and C. Powel South
President Chairman Bingo Comm.
CC: State Lottery Control Commission
c/o John L. Coffey, Director
The matter of setting another date was deferred until a future meeting.
The Supervisor read the following letter and turned it over to the
Clerk with the request that it be inserted- in the minutes:
Lake George,N. Y. t
July 1, 1960
Town Board of Queensbury
R. D. , Glens Falls, New York
On behalf of the Board of Supervisors we would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank you for the support you extended by purchasing adver-
tising in the recent summer issue of the Supervisors' News. This
edition turned out to be one of the largest and. best ever compiled by
the Association.
The Supervisors ' Conference held at the Hotel Queensbury June 19 through
22 was very successful and we were told by those Present that they had
thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were looking forward to an early
invitation to return.
We do appreciate your cooperation and support because it is only through
cooperative effort that projects such as this one are a success.
Lee R. Orton, Honorary Chairman
Margaret Wager,
Leslie Hayes, Jr. , Co-Chairmen
Convention Comm.
A discussion was had respecting the. water pipe for the West Glens Falls
Water District and its extensions.
Resolution No 92 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times or. or
before the 18th day of July, 1960, a notice in substantially the
following form:
The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed
proposals up to 7:30 p.m. on the 28th day of July, 190, at the Town.
Clerk's Office, Ridge Road in. said Town of Queensbury to supply the
Town of Queensbury with the following:
35 lengths of- &" B & S cast iron 150 W.P. water pipe with
The Town -Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids
Dated: July 14, 1960 By Order of the Town Board
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk - Town of Queensbury
Duly adopted by the following vote: _
Ayes - Mr. ,Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
These was a discussion reeplating the Dunham's Bay matter.
The matter was tabled.
Resolution-No. 93 introduced. by Justice Akins, seconded. by Councilman
RESOLVED that the names of the following streets be changed:
_ From Proux to Big Bay Road;
From Big Bay 'woad to Big Boom Road;
?From South Fitzgerald to the Mannis Road.
-- Duly adopted by the -followigg vote:
Ayes - PX. Millers Ns. Bentley, -Mr. Lampson, _Mr. Akinq and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none
Resolution No. 94 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice
Bentley: _ - --
WIiEREAS in connection with the laying out of the East-West by-pass
of the City of Glens Falls it is proposed to cut off Highland Avenue at
a point midway between Dix Aven-4e and Lower Warren Street, thereby
making Highland Avenue with two dead ends and rendering it useless
as a thoroughfare, and
ZIEI;FAS Highland t.venue is one of the main Town thoroughfares and
is extensively used by vehicle traffic both commercial and pleasure
from River Street, the Boulevard, and Lower Warren_Street and Dix
Avenue, and such road is vital -to the economic growth and welfare of
the surrounding area in the Town of Queensbury; Therefore be it
:RESOLVED that the Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby
strongly protests the cutting off of said Highland. Avenue es aforesaid
in connection with the East-West by-pass of the City of Glens Falls.
FURTHIERT RESOLVED that this Board hereby requests that the Board
of Supervisors reconsider its present plans of cutting off Highland
Avenue. with. a view of a possible relocation of the portion of the East-
West by-pass of the City of Glens Falls in order to eliminate the
cutting off of the said Highland Avenue.
FURTHER, RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shal=l transmit a copy of this
resolution -to the Board of ,Supervisors of Warren Ccunty,
FURTHER RESOgVF'D that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to express at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors the
sentiment and the objections of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
to the cutting off of said Highland Avenue as aforesaid.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Yr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, 'sir. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none
-The following; report was received and placed on file:
To -the Town -Board of the Town -of Queensbury:
Pursuant to Section 1.19 •of the Town Law, I hereby render the
fol=lowing detailed statement -of all moneys received and disbursed by me
as Supervisor, during the months of June, 1060:
Date - Amount
Received - - Source Received
June 6 Junk Yard License (I. Alkes , M. Combs$ L. Dean) 30.00
15 Frances L. Turner--Town Clerk's Fees 513.25
8 Forrest J. Crannell—Tax Penalties May 1960 524.54
20 Highway Fund--to Agency & Trust-payroll w/h #12 112.90
June 20 PineviPw Cemetery-to Agency & Trust-payroll
w/h #11 - 1 17.25 ^
16 Frank Cowles--Cemetery Comm, Fees-to P%7. 560.63
26 General Fund.-payroll w/h #6-to ,Agcy & Trust 90.06
26 Shore Colony Water Dist.-to Agcy & Trust
payroll w/h #6 - 1.20
26 jest Glens Falls Water Dist.-to Agcy & Trust
payroll w/h #6 - 1.50
26 North Glens Falls Water Dist, Ext.-to Agcy &
Trust--payroll w/h #6 3.00
30 Highway Hand--to Agency 3z Trust--payroll w/h
#13 113.95
30 Pineview Cemetery--to A..gency & Trust-payroll
-w/h #12 19.16
North Glens Falls Water ,District Coll.-Geo.
Liapes rents deposits 6/2-$91.50; 6/1--
$63.41; 6/1--$601.65; 6/9--$28.38; 6/23-- -
$52.1.4; 6/15-$13.20 850.28
North Glens Falls �rvlate.r District Ext. Coll.
Geo. Liapes rents deposits 6/2--.$319.20;
6/1--$74.70; 6/1--$946.35; 6/9--$23.313;
6/15--$25.41 1394.54
16 --Ridge Woad Water Dist.--Theodore Turner,
Coll.-rents deposits 584.25
6 West Glens Falls Water Dist,--Jac% Crannell
Coll.-rents deposits 327.43
6 West Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext.-Jack Cran-
nell, Coll. rents deoosi.ts 25.80
10 Gen.Town Fund--Machinery Rental--to hwy fund 142�500
10 North Glens Falls Water Dist.--machinery 16.80
rental--to Hwy fund
26 County of Warren--State .Aid--to H�,ry fund 8181.75
Total Receipts $13510.79
June General Town Fund 9736.75
Pineview Cemetery Fund 1087.31
North Glens Falls Water Dist, 505.68
North Glens Falls Water Dist Ext. 1660.30
West Glens Falls Water District 534.47
Ridge Water District 104.00 _
Shore Colony Water Dist, 43.50
Cleverdale TightingrDist, 41.08
Ft. Amherst--Garrison Lighting Dist, 168.46
Reservoir Park Sewer gist. 22.00
� �xl�cx>�xxtrx
Highway Fund. 17603.82
Total Disbursements . 31507.37
The Board audited claims as follows:
Amt. Amt,
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Clai?nee? Allowed
221 Ellen 'McDermott Inspector F. D. #1 $ 20.00 20.00
222 Minnie E. Bidwell Inspector E. D. #2 15,00 15.00
223 Marion Martindale Inspector E. D. #2 15.00 15,00
224 Forrest J. Crannell Postge ST rub.stamp-Tax col.42.95 42.95
225 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. lights-Cleverdale
Lighting Dist, 41.08 41.08
226 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. lts. & traf. signals 208.78 208.78
227 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. lighting-Ft., .mherst
Garrison Rd, Ltng.Dist, 168.46 168.46
228 Niagara-Mohawk power Gas & Elec. Serv. from
~3/ 1/60 to 6/1/60 strhs. 89.82 89.82
229 Niagara-Mohawk Power Elec. sere.- Shore Colony
_ Water Dist, A 2.50 2.50
230 N.Y. Telephone Co. Phone serv.-Tian strhs.RX
2-2979 18.50 18.50
231 N.Y. Telephone Co. Phone serv.-Twn strhs.RX -
2-2979 20.35 20.35
232 Water Pipe & Supply Copper Tubing Amer.Mfg. &
Unions,Pinecrest Dr.-O.D,
NGF 4D LL8,72 118.72
233" Niagara-Mohawk Power Elec.serv. from 5/4/60 to
T . 6/l/60 W.D. NGM D 108.70 108.70
234 Rl4DQ;;'rW0.d:"'t. .:_ 2494.iteTy btesydbredbo
Cbmpkny N166P tEGFWD €xTe) 26,QS 2600
235 Frances L. Turner Postage-Tin Clk's off, 8,60 8.60
236 Sidney VanDusen - 6 pgs, cony Alexy deed &
Co. Clerk Map $1 per page 6.00 6,00
237 Edw. Thomson Co. , Supplies-M.S. Bentley,JP 44.00 44.00
238 Staunton Batease Set up & take down Elect.
Booths 75.00 75.00
239 Leon Nassivera Miles tray. assessing 50,96 50.96
240 , J. G. Piscitelli & Pipe for St. sign posts 141.12 141,12
2kk Son
241 Suburban Sanitary Cleaning out cesspool-
Cleaner Cod Reservoir ? ark Dist. 70.00 70.00
242 Safety Metals Co. 50 RED STRAPS @ 1.25 ea,
warning sign. for corners 62.50 62.50
243 N.J. Harvey, M.D. Well Baby Clinic-T of Q. 150.00 150.00
244 Elva McDermott Inspector E.D. #2 15,00= 15,00
245 Clarence H. Elms 20 h. bulldozer-removing
stumps-PV Cem. _ 180.00 180.00
246 J.F. Sawyer & Co. 14 check valves-PV Cem. 2.65 2,65
247 Hoag's Tire Serv. Kendall Oil No. 30-PV Cem. 6.24 6.24
248 J.E. Sawyer & Co. , 1 hr. Stanley Cutter blades .
PV Cem. 3.00= 3.00
249 Joe's Sinclair Sta. Gasolene-PV Cem. 15.00 15.00
250 Sears Roebuck Co. Misc, items-PV Cem. 16.36 16.36
251 Thos. A. Nobles Gravel, 2 T.crusher. run &
trucking-PV Cem. 32.50 32,50
252 G.F. Post Co. Pub.Not. on completion of
assmnt roll by twn assrs 17.68 17.68
253 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Justice Civil. Docket-:M.S.
Bentley, JP 20.02 20.02
254 Allen F. Towers - - Town Surveyor (helper) 12.00 12.00
255 John Currie " " " 15.00 15.00
256 Beatrice Springer Weld.wa.ter pipe,NGFWD Fd. 45.00 45,00
257 Niagara Mohawk Power Elec,serv. from 5/1/60 to
7/1/60 WD Av. Rd. 113.04 113.04
258 J. E. Sawyer Supplies-NGFWD Fund, 52,98 52.98
259 Neil Schoonover *Waking tap Shore Co. WD Fd. 10.00 10.00
260 Hudson Falls Paper Lease 60 gal. chem.chlor.
Corp. Shore Col. IUD Fund 4.50 4.50
261 B-L & F Industries, Check valve nozzle head
Inc. Shore Col. ti,1D Fund - 3.68 3.68
262 J. E. Sawyer Assem. Pt. Shore Co. WD 7.57 7.57
263 Sager-Spuck Co. , Inc. 220 V. starter, Av.Rd. 229.23 229.23
264 Town of Q. Hwy- Dept. Labor,NGF WD Fd, 312.40 312.40
265 Raymond Paster Area speed limit ppd.rt. 38.67 38.67
266 Russell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-D. Winchell-Law
Books, M.Bentley 2.50 2.50
267 Donald A. Winchell ?Mileage 1/1/60 60 6/1960 95,48 96.48
Totals $2766.43 $2766.43
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk