1960-07-28 Regular Meeting July 28, 1960
John 0. Webster _ Supervisor _
Meredith Bentley .Iusta.ce of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis L=pson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller (absent) Councilman
The meeting _was called to order_ by the Supervisor at 7:45 p.m.
1,4X. .Codner, .Town. Superintendent of Highways, was present and reported
that the water pump _had been installed in the North Glens FallsWater
District station, and that it is now working.
Resolution. No. 95 introduced by -Justice Akins, _seconded by _Justice
Bentley: rt
RESOLVED that the land cQrveyed by Sidney Timms to be Town of
ueensbury by deed sworn to November 71 1959 for highway purposes, be
and the same is hereby accepted for such purposes. This acceptance is
Upon the express condition that the County Attorney approves the
instrument of conveyance as to form and sufficiency,
_ I-UP.THF.R. '?R-CSOLVELD that the Town Clem-, transmit such deed to the
County Attorney for his inspection. _
?Dul-11 adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Z&11 -iWee', T✓r. Bentley, Mr. L.-Eupson, Hr. Akins and Mx �4ebstsr. .
Noes - none .
Resolution No. 96 introduced by Justice .Akins , ,seconded by Councilman
WHEREAS the New York Fire Ratilig Organization did on he 6th day
of April, 1960, make a flow test of water in he 1-Iontray Heights section
for. the purpose of testing its adequacy for fire protection in such
area, and such test indicated that the water supply was unsatisfactory
for.fire protection in this area, and
WHE:P.US such condition has peen remedied by the installation of
a new pump of the capacity of 500 gals. p.m. ; Therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queepsbury hereby requests the New York
Fire Rating Organization to makV- a flow test of water in the Montray
'le.igh.ts area.
FTZ IOBTTER RESOLVED. that the Town Clerk communicate witY, to Rating
Organization, making such regtiest.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - �C�/ � }''9 %1,x. Bentley, _ Mr. . Lampson, Mr. Akins a.nd Nor. Webster.
Noes - none.
The. Board had. a discussion respecting Ames Place.
The following petition was presented: .
July 18,' 1960
We, the undersigned, all residents of Seward Street, Town of
, eensbury, .respectfully reque-st that signs reading "Drive Carefully
Children Playing" be erected at the corner of Grant Ave. Ext, and
Seward Street and also at the corner of Sherman Ave. and Seward Street.
Our area is heavily populated with young children and the traffic
is greatly on the increase. With no sidewalks in our area, it is
difficult to keep the children from the road.
Thanking you for your consideration, we re.r_tain ,
Respectfully yours,
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Mark, Jr.
Nr. and !,Irs. Carl French
Mr. . and Mrs. Gerald Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Havens
Mrs. Helen Donor
.Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tessino
The Board generally discussed the erection of signs bearing the in-
scription "Children at Play" and further discussed traffic signs in
general. The matter was _referred to Judge Bentley and Judge Akkins.
The following document was received and presented to the Board :
Petitioned by Mountainsi4e Grange to Pomona Grange,
Comm.. approved and Grange adopted.
July 18, 1960
WHEREAS the traffic through this area is becoming greater each
year by tourists and "year rounders"; and.
WHEREAS Route 9L is widely traveled more so thanin the past; and
no arc lights in the immediate vicinity; and
WHERELS a light is needed at the intersection. of Bav Road and the
Lake George Rcad (being loute 9L); therefore be it
RESOLVED that a request to the traffic department be sent to
install a sodium light at said intersection.
Resolution No. 97 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that a sodium vapor street light be installed at the
junction of Bay Road with S.H. No. 9L,
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
to request the ,Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to install such light.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - 4/?4 Ar, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes -none
Respecting the cutting off of Highland Avenue, Mr. Webster reported
orally as follows: that he had met with the Highway Committee of the
Board of Supervisors which had acceded to the desire of this Board to
keep Highland `Avenue open for its entire length. He also stated that
Highland Avenue from Dix Avenue was to be graded down and paved, that
portion so relocated at County expense.
Mr. Shank was present and discussed with the Board the narrowness of
Big Bay Road and the condition it is presently left in. Mr. Codner
stated that he would have a talk with the State Engineer and take the.
matter up with him. '
It was decided to get prices on a sump pump for use i_n the pumping
station in the North Glens Falls slater District. ,
In the matter of advertising for bids to supply the Town with water
pipe there was filed proof of publication of the notice calling for the
bids. The Clerk reported that no sealed proposals had been received.
The matter was generally discussed by the Board and it was arranged
that the Supervisor was to get quotations of prices from companies
supplying pipe. r
, The Supervisor brought up the matter of the removal of soil and dirt
from the cemetery located on Bay Road. The Board generally discussed
the matter and it was felt that the Board officially was u1thout authority
to act in the matter.
The Board generally discussed the matter of the proposed ordinance
requiring notice of alteration to property to be given. This matter
was laid over.
The Supervisor made the following report:
On July 12, 1960 the town made formal protest as to the tentative
equalization rate set at 45. -
We were represented by our attorney, Richard J. Bartlett.
Also present, Ernest Hillis, Chr. Bd. of Assessors, John Webster,
-Stanley Miller, Chr. Assessment committee.
lie were advised by the State Board that we would be notified further --
within a short time as to the further determination by the state, but
as yet we have not heard from them.
In the meantime, we have protested the tentative assessments that have
been placed by the state on special franchise properties, because
these assessments are also keyed to the rate that we will ultimately
We are doing all we can to improve our position and there may be more
complete information by next board meeting.
The Board generally discussed the proposed ordinance to regulate
Resolution No. 98 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
Lamp so n:
PESOLVED that the following be proposed as an ordinance of the
Town of Queensbury entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Development of
Subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury:
WHEREAS, there have been during the past year or more several
developments of subdivisions of real property in the Town of Queens-
bury which has resulted in the laying out of streets , the sale of
lots, the laying of water pipe lines and installation of sewage
facilities without any regulation or control and it appears that in
some cases the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of
Queensbury may be endangered, and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that for the purpose of protection
and promotion of the health, safety and general welfare of the Town
of Queensbury, a definite standard of regulation of such developments ,
construction and installation be adopted and provided,
Now, therefore, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, in
the County of Warren and State of New York, hereby ordains and enacts
as follows:
Article I
- Definitions
For the purpose of this ordinance certain terms or words used
herein shall be interpreted or defined as follows:
11 The word "person" shall include an individual, firm, partner-
ship, club, society, association of n_ersons and corporation and the
singular shall include the plural.
2. The words "street's or "highway" shall include any parcel of
land conveyed to the Town for highway purposes or which shall have been —
dedicated by the owner to public use as a. highway for the passage of
persons and vehicles. -
3. The word "subdivision" shall mean the division of land. into
residential building lots.
4. The word "lot" shall mean a Parcel of land which is or
may be occupied by a building or use with accessories thereto
incl_udinIg the open spaces thereon but excluding any part thereof
within the bounds of a highway.
5. The word "Development" shall mean a subdivision containing
five or more lots as herein defined.
b. The words "main," "lateral main" or "water main- 11 shall mean
a continuous closed. pipe or conduit which shall be connected to a_
source of water suprl.-y and extend along a street or highway to carry
water for the purpose of making taps or connections thereto to
furnish water therefrom under pressure to individual buildings and
7. The words "plot plan's or "map" shall mean a drawing or
diagram upon durable paper which shall delineate thereon the boundary
lines of lots , streets, highways, and other physical facts of a
subdivision or development according to scale.
8. The words "town surveyor" shall include a duly qualified
engineer or surveyor employed or appointed by the Town Board pursuant
to the provisions of the Town Law.
9. The word "sidewalk" shall mean a portion of the land which
- is used by the public for passage on foot and which is adjacent and
substantially parallel to a public street or highway..
.Article II
Plan of development of subdivision.
1. No persons shall lay out and offer for sale in any development
or subdivision in the Town of Queensbury any lot as a site for a
dwelling -or other building which shall have a width of less than
fifty feet.
2. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street
or highway in a development or subdivision in the Town. of Queensbury
any piece or parcel of land which shall be less than fifty feet in
3. No person shall subdivide or develop any parcel of land in
the Town of Queensbury into building lots or sell or offer to sell
such lots as sites for five or more dwellings unless such Person shall
first have prepared and. filed in the office of the '_t.'own Clerk a map
or plot plan thereof which shall have clearly delineated thereon the
boundaries of the parcel so subdivided or developed, the boundary- lines
of each lot laid out therein, the boundary lines of all streets or
highways dedicated or proposed to be dedicated to public use, all
according to a scale of -measurement which shall be indicated thereon,
the general location in the town of such subdivision or development
and the name and address of the, person who is the owner thereof at the
time of the filing of such map, and such map and plan shall have been
approved by resolution of the Town Board, and any amended map and plan
shall likewise be filed and approved.
4. No person. shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a street
or highway in any subdivision -or development any piece or parcel of
land until all trees, rocks and other obstructions shall have been
removed therefrom by the owner and the same shall have been filled or
leveled to a rough grade established and approved Irythe town surveyor.
Article III
Regulations relating to water mains
1. No person shall lay or cause to be laid along any street or
highway in a subdivision or development on which five or more lots have
been laid out a water main designed and. intended to furnish water
supply to such lots unless such water main shall be at least six inches
in diameter.
2. No such water main shall be made of any other material
than cast iron or asbestos composition and every piece of such
water main shall be at least of 150 pound test class.
3. Every such water main shall have a shut off and valve box
installed at its connection with the supply main.
4. Every such water main shall be laid at a depth of at least
five and one-half feet under the level of the ground. _
5. Every such lateral water main shall be furnished, laid,
installed and connected at the expense of the owner of such sub-
division or development.
6. All service connections shall. be made by the duly desig-
nated employees of the Town of Queensbury.
7. The Town Board shall _have the power by resolution to grant
a variance from the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 4 of Article III
of this ordinance where, in the opinion of a majority of the members
of the Town Board, a strict compliance would result in a hardship
and the variance will not adversely affect the interests of property
owners in such subdivision or the residents of the Town of Queens-
bury generally.
8. Whenever any person shall file a subdivision map as re-
quired by the provisions of the Public Health Law affecting and
covering lands in the Town of Queensbury and such map, as approved
by the Department of Health of the State of New York, shall show
and provide gor mains for supply of water to lots in such subdivision;
the mains shall be installed by the owner completely as shown on
said map and the cost of installation of such mains shall be paid
by the person filing such map, as owner, and if such subdivision
shall at that time be in an established water district, or if there-
after a water district shall_ be established or an existing water
district shall be extended to include the area of such subdivision,
then the mains installed by the owner shall become the property of
the Town of Queensbury actin; for such water. district. The filing
of s7.lch subdivision map showing the installation of mains shall be
deemed a dedication of such mains by the owner to the public use
of such water district.
Article IV
Regulations relating to sidewalks
1. No sidewalk shall be constructed or laid along any public
street or highway in any subdivision or development unless such
sidewalk shall be at least four feet in width and at least four
inches in thickness, and of a grade and location set by the Town
Surveyor and approved by the Town Board.
Article V
Violation ;and penalties
1. Any person who shall violate any provision of this
Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable
by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment fqr a period
not to exceed thirty days or both.
2. In addition to the foregoing penalties provided for punish-
_ anent of violations of this Ordinance, the Town Board shall have
such other remedies as are provided by law to restrain, correct, or
abate any violation of this Ordinance.
Article VI
The invalidity of any provision of this Ordinance shall not
invalidate any other part thereof.
Article VII
Effective date
This Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication
and posting as required by the 'Town Law.
DUN,, adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none
Resolution No. 99 Mr. Akins introduced Resolution No. 99 and moved
__ its adoption, seconded by Mr. Bentley:
Whereas, there has been introduced before the Town Board of the
Town- of Queensbury a proposed ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating
the Development of Subdivisions in the 'down of Queensbury" which has
for its purpose the establishment of certain regulations and standards
for the development of subdivisions and. particul�2rly in reference to
water supply, streets and sidewalks in such subdivisions.
I2 S0LVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hold a
public hearing on the proposal of the adoption of said ordinance at
the office of the Town Clerk on the 11th day of August, 1960, at
7:30 o'clock, p.m. (D.S.T. ) at which time all persons interested in
the subject matter of said ordinance will be heard concerning the
same, and be it further
ESOLWZD that the Town Clerk give due notice of such nublis
hearing by publishing such notice in the Post Star, published at
Glens calls, N. Y. , at least ten days before the date of such hearing.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, ?sir. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Noes - none
On motion the meeti_-ag _adjourned.
ices T Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting August 11, 1960
John O., Webster Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
In reference to the public hearing upon the proposed ordinance regu-
lating the development of subdivisions in he Town of Queensbury and
repeal of a previous ordinance regulating the development of sub-
divisions in the Town of Queensbury, the notice calling for the
public hearing was read.
Proof of publication of the notice calling for the hearing was filed.
The following people appeared: Floyd Picket, Fred Hay, John Sullivan,
Sidney Van Dusen and Tom Rogers. Also present were George Liapes,
Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District and its exten-
sions, and Jack Crannell, Superintendent of the West Glens Falls Water
District and its extensions. Leslie Hillis, multiple dwelling
-- inspector, was also present.
The matter of the proposed ordinance was generally discussed among the
people present and no one appeared opposing the proposed ordinance
nor the repeal of a previous ordinance affecting the development of
subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury. Thereupon the hearing was
declared closed by the Supervisor.