1960-08-11 63
Article VII
Effective date
This Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication
and posting as required by the Town Law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none
Resolution No. 99 Mr. Akins introduced Resolution No. 99 and moved
_. its adoption, seconded. by Mr. Bentley:
.Jhereas, there has been introduced before- the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury a proposed ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating
the Development of Subdivisions in the Town. of Queensbury" which has
for its purpose the establishment of certain regulations and standards
for the development of subdivisions and particularly in reference to
water supply, streets and sidewalks in such subdivisions.
IU2 SOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hold a
public hearing on the proposal of the adoption of said ordinance at
the office of the Town Clerk on the 11th day of August, 1960, at
7:30 o'clock, p.m. (D.S .T. ) at which time all persons interested in
the subject matter of said ordinance will be heard concerning the
same, and be it further
2-ESOLIPLD that the Town Clerk give due notice of such nub?is
hearing by publishing such notice in the Post Star, published at
Glens Yalls, N. Y. , at least ten days before the date of such hearing.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, ?sir. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Noes - none
On motion the meetti_ng _adjourned.
ces L. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting August 11, 1960
John O., Webster Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
In reference to the public hearing upon the proposed ordinance regu-
lating the development of subdivisions in be Town of Queensbury and
repeal of a previous ordinance regulating the development of sub-
divisions in the Town of Queensbury, the notice calling for the
public hearing was read.
Proof of publication of the notice calling for the hearing was filed.
The following people appeared-. Floyd Picket, Fred Hay, John Sullivan,
Sidney Van Dusen and Tom Rogers. Also present were George Liapes,
Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District and its exten-
sions! and Jack Crannell, Superintendent of the West Glens Falls Water
District and its extensions. Leslie Hillis, multiple dwelling
inspector, was also present.
The matter of the proposed ordinance was generally discussed among the
people present and no one appeared opposing the proposed ordinance
nor the repeal of a previous ordinance affecting the development of
subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury. Thereupon the hearing was
declared closed by the Supervisor. ,
The Supervisor read the following communication from Mr. Albert
E. Beswick, County Attorney, and requested that it be inserted
in the minutes:
August 10, 1960
Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls, New York
I regret that I shall be unable to attend the public hearing
by your Town Board on the proposed- new ordinance regulating sub-
divisions and the repeal of the existing ordinance to be held at
your Town Clerk's office tomorrow evening, but I had previously
accepted an invitation to the Sheriff's Convention banquet at
Scaroon Manor.
When your Town Board convenes for the hearing, the first order
of business should be the reading of the notice of< hearing. The
next thing would be the reading of the ordinance, but since it is
quite lengthy and covers various matters, it might be a better
procedure to read it article by article and stop for comments or
questions after the reading of each article. At the conclusion
of the meading of the entire ordinance, , you could then ask for
general statements by any interested persons with relation to the
entire ordinance.
. You have asked me whether your Town Board can change any pro-
visions of the ordinance after the hearing without holding a new
public hearing on the changes. The sole purpose�of� the public hear-
ing is to give the Town Board the benefit of criticisms and sug-
gestions made by the persons who will be affected $ the ordinance.
The Town Board is not bound-by the opinions of the persons who appear
at the hearing. The decision as to whether an ordinance shall be
adopted and if so, its exact form, is entirely up to the Town
Board. It is possible that the Town Board may decide to change the
proposed ordinance as the result of opinions expressed at the
hearing and this may be done without a new public hearing. The
only time you would have to hold a new hearing is if you were to c
change the proposed ordinance radically to cover subjects not
included in the notice of hearing. Also, of course, if the
proposed ordinance were put to a vote and were defeated, it could
not be brought up for consideration again without holding a new
hearing, because when it has once been defeated, the result is
the same as though it had never been introduced.`
When the new ordinance has been adopted, a copy must be pub-
lished in the official newspaper and posted on the Town Clerk's
bulletin board. It becomes effective ten days after the posting
and publishing, except that it will become effective immediately
as to any person on whom a certified copy is personally served.
I assume that the existing ordinance will be repealed on the
adoption of the new ordinance. I do not seem to have the exact
date on which it was adopted and will ask you to insert the correct
date in the resolution to repeal. A notice of the repeal must also
be published and posted in the same manner.
Yours very truly,
Albert E. Beswick
County Attorney-Warren
r c
Mr. Akins moved the` adoption of the ordinance and after discussion
Mr. Akins withdrew his motion. `
The Board generally discussed the proposed ordinance.
} 6s
Resolution No. 100 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded py Mr.
RESOLVED that Section 2 of Article 3. of the proposed ordinance
regulating the development of subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury
be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 2-- No such water main shall be made of any other
material than cast iron, Every piece of such water main
shall be at least of 150 pound test class.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, .Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
y Noes - none
At this point in the meeting Mr. Hay spoke to the Board and objected
to the above change in the proposed ordinance, r
Mr. Akins introduced Resolution No. 101 seconded by Mr. Bentley:
WHEREAS9 there have been during the past year or more several
developments of subdivisions of real property in the Town of Queens-
bury which have resulted -in the laying out- of streets, the sale of lots,
the laying of water pipe lines and installation of sewage facilities
without any regulation or control, and it appears that in some cases
the health, .safety and. general welfare of the Town of Queensbury
may be endangered, and
WHEREAS, there hasebeen introduced before this Town Board a
proposed ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the development of
Subdivisions in the Town of Queensbury." and Resolution No. 98 was
adopted by this Town Board that a public hearing on s a4d proposed
ordinance be held by this Town Beard-at the office of the Town Clerk
on the 11th day of August, 1960, at 7:30 o*clock p.m. (D.S.T.) and
notice of such public hearing was duly published by tle Town Clerk,
WHEREAS, such public hearing was _held at the time and place
specified and all persons appearing at such hearing were heard, and .
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that for the purpose of protection
and promotion of the health, safety and general welfarg of the Town
of Queensbury, a definite standard of regulation of such developments,
construction and installation .be adapted and provided,
Now therefore, the Town Board of the Town of ,9ueensbury, in the
County of Warren and State of New York, hereby ordains and enacts
as follows:
Article 1
Def i.nition&
For the purpose of this Ordinance certain terms or words used
herein shall be interpreted or defined an follows:
1. The word "person" shall include, aae individual, firm,
partnership, club, society, association -of persons and corporation
and the singular shall include the plural.
2. The words "street" or "highway" shall include any parcel of
land conveyed to the Town for highway purposes or which shall have
been dedicated by the owner to public use as a highway for the passage
of persons and vehicles.
3. The word "subdivision" shall mean the division of land into
residential building lots.
4. The word, "lot" shall mean a parcel of Land which is or
may be occupied by a building or use with accessories therein includ
ing the open spaces thereon but excluding any part thereof within
the bounds of a highway.
S. The word "Development" shall mean a subdivision containing
five or more lots as herein defined.
6. The words "mains" "Lateral main" or "water main" shall
mean a continuous closed pipe or conduit which shall be connected to
a source of water supply and extend along a street or highwayto carry
water for the purpose of making taps or connections thereto to furnish
water therefrom under pressure to individual bpildings and dwellings. = .
7. The words "plot plan" or "map" shall mean a drawing, or
diagram upon durable -paper which .shall delineate thereon the boundary
lines of lots, streets, highways and other physical facts of a sub.
division or development according to scale.
8; The words "town surveyor" shall include a duly qualified
engineer or surveyor employed or appointed by the Tqwn Board pursuant
to the provisions of the Town Law.
9. ' The word 'sidewalk" shall mean a portion of the land which
is used by the public.for passage on foot and.which is adjacent and
substantially parallel to a public street or highway. ,
Article II
Plan of development of subdivision
1. No person shall lay out and offer for sale in any develop.
ment or subdivislax in tie Town of Queensbury auy. let as a site for a
dwelling or •other building :which,shal.l ,have a width of less than
fifty feet.
2. No person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a
street or highway in a development or subdivision is the Top of
Queensbury any piece or parcel of land which shall be lass than ,fifty i
feet in width.
3. No person shall subdivide or develop any parcel of land in
the Town of Queensbury into building. Lots or._sell 9r offer to sell
such lots as sites for five or more dwellings unless such person
shall first have prepared and filed in the office of the Town Clerk a
map or plot plan thereof which shall have clearly delineated thereon
the boundaries of the parcel so subdivided .or. deveioped, .the boundary
lines of such lot laid out therein, the boundary lines .of..aLl streets
or highways dedicated or proposed to be dedicated to public use, all
according to a scale of a measurement .which shall be indicated thereon,
the general location in the town of such subdivision or development
and the name and address of the person who is the owner thereof at the
I time of the filing- of such map, and such map and plan shall have been
approved by resolution of the Town Board, and any amended map and
plan shall likewise be filed and approved.
40 No=person shall lay out or dedicate to public use as a
f street or highway in any subdivision or development any piece or parcel
oftland until all trees, rocks and other obstructions shall have been
removed therefrom by the owner and the. same. shall have been filled or
leveled to a rough grade established and. approved by he town surveyor.
Article III
Regulations relating to water mains
1. No person shall lay or cause*to be laid along any street or
highway in a subdivision or development on which- five. or more lots
have been laid out a water main designed and intended to furnish water
supply to such lots unless such water main shall be at least six
inches in diameter.
2. No such water main shall be made of any other material than
cast iron and every piece of such water main shall be at least of
150 pound test class.
3. Every such water main shall have a shut off and valve box
installed at its connection with the supply main.
4. Every such water main shall be laid at a depth of at least
five and one-half feet under the level of the ground.
5. Every such lateral water main shall be furnished, laid,
installed and connected at the expense of the owner of such subdivision
or development.
6. Alltservice connections shall be made by the duly designated
-- employees of the Town of Queensbury.
7. The Town Board shall have the power by resolution to grant
a variance from the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 4 ok Article III
of this ordinance where, in the opinion of a majority of the members
of the Town Board, a strict compliance would result in a hardship and
the variance will not adversely affect the interests of property
owners in such subdivision or the residents of the Town of Queensbury
8. Whenever any person shall file a subdivision map as required
by the provisions of the Public Health Law affecting and covering
lands in be Town of Queensbury and such map, as approved by the
Department of Health of the State ok New York, shall show and provide
for mains for supply of water to lots in such subdivision, the mains
shall be installed by the owner completely as shown on said map and
the cost of installation of such mains shall be paid by` the person
filing such map, as owner, and if such subdivision shall at that time
be in an established water district, or if thereafter a water district
shall be established or an existing water district shall h extended
to include the area of such subdivision, then the mains installed by
the owner shall become the property of the Town of Queensbury acting
for such water district. The filing of such subdivision map showing
the installation of mains shall be deemed a dedication of such mains
by the owner to the public use of such water district.
i 1
Art c e IV
` Regulations relating to sidewalks
1. No sidewalk shall be constructed or laid along any public
street or highway in any subdivision or development unless such side-
walk shall be at least four feet in width and at least four inches
in thickness, and of a grade and location .set by the Town Surveyor and
approved by the Town Board.
r Article V
Violation and penalties
1. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine
not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period not to exceed
thirty days or both.
2. In addition to the foregoing penalties provided for punishment
of violations of this Ordinance, the Town Board shall have such other
remedies as are provided by law to restrain, correct or abate any
violation of this Ordinance.
Article VI
The invalidity of any provision of this Ordinance shall not
invalidate any other part thereof.
V� T
Article VII
Effective date
This Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its publication
and posting as required by the Town Law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Mrs. Bentley introduced Resolution No. 102 and moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Akins.
WHEREAS, this Town Board on the 24th day of May, 1952, adopted
an ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the Development- of Sub-
divisions in the Town of Queensbury," and —
WHEREAS, it was determined by the Town Board that certain pro-
visions in said ordinance, particularly those requiring the instal-
lation of curbs, should be deleted, and that certain other provisions
in said ordinance, particularly those relating to water mains, should
be amended, and it was determined by the Town Board that, to avoid
possible confusion and misunderstanding as to the changes being made
in said ordinance, that the original ordinance should be repealed and
the amended ordinance be adopted in its place, and
WHEREAS, a notice of a public hearing to be held at the Town
Clerkts Office on August 11, 1960, to consider the repeal of said or-
dinance, was duly published by the Town Clerk, and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held by the Town Board at
the time and place specified, and this Town Board on this 11th day of
August, 1960, has adopted a new ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regu-
lating the Development of Sub-divisions in he Town of Queensbury,tr
RESOLVED, that the ordinance entitled "Ordinance Regulating the
Development of Sub-divisions in he Town of Queensbury," adopted by
the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, on
the 24th day of May, 1952, be and the same hereby is repealed and
rescinded in its entirety, and further
RESOLVED, that this resolution take effect on he effective date
of said new ordinance adopted by the Town Board on August 11, 1960.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Mr. Van Dusen at this point read a letter dated August 11, 1960
addressed b the Town Board and signed by him and requested that it be
inserted in the minutes of this meeting. No objections were made to
the insertion therein into the minutes. The following is the letter:
Town of Queensbury
To: The Town Board of the August 11, 1960
Town of Queensbury
Cottage Hill Development Water system
Installed 1950-51 R
This water main was installed by Sidney Van Dusen as owner and
developer of the land in the Town of Queensbury now known as "Cottage
Hill," after several meetings with the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury during the year 1950. It was agreed by the Board and the
owner at that time that Sidney Van Dusen would install 61t Cast Iron —"
at his expense and in such a manner that it would be acceptable for use
in any water district which might be formed in the future. Mr. Van Dusen
to remain the owner of the pipe line until such time as a water district
should be formed. When such district is formed, the district would
purchase said pipe lines from the owner at a price to be approved by
the New York State Department of Audit and Control.
Permission was granted by the Highway Superintendent, Mr. Ernest
Lackey for opening the streets and roads for the purpose of laying the
-pipe, etc.
The above water main consists of 3,960 feet of cast iron pipe,
eight 6" Gate valves and the necessary tees, elbows and fittings for
laying the same. All of the above was laid in the summer of 1950 and
1951. No new pipe line has been laid in the Cottage Hill development
since August, 1951.
Sidney Van Dusen
Owner and developer
H. Russell Harris -entered the meeting at this point and talked briefly
in connection with the proposed ordinance.
Resolution No. 103 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Bentley:
RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby designated polling
places for the Town of Queensbury:
Election District #1 - Firehouse--South Queensbury Volunteer
Fire Co. , Inc., Lower Dix Avenue.
Election District #2 - Grange Hall, Mohican Grange, Oneida Corners.
Election District #3 - Schoolhouse, Union Free School District
No. 2 of the Town of Queensbury, Aviation
Election District #4 - Firehouse, Queensbury Central Volunteer
Fire- Co. , Inc. , Foster Avenue
Election District #5 - Firehouse, West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire
Co. No. 1, Inc. , Luzern Road
at which the meetings for registration of voters And election and
primaries shall be held during the year following the ensuing first day
of October. -
FURTHER RESOLVED that the rental for such polling places be and
the same is hereby fixed at $40 per year for each of said polling places.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - qtr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
-- Noes - none
A discussion was had respecting the painting of hydrants.
It was recommended that the hydrants in the several water districts be
painted in the color scheme representing the gallons per minute`eapa.city
that was recommended.
It was recommended that the barrels of all hydrants be painted yellow,
and that the 500 GPM hydrant caps be painted orange; that the 500 GPM
or less caps be painted red; and that the 1000 GPM caps be painted green.
Resolution No. 104 introduced by Mr. -Lampson, seconded by Mr. Webster:
It was resolved that the color scheme for the painting of fire
hydrants shall be as follows:
Barrels of hydrants shall be painted yellow;
Caps for hydrants with the following capacity shall be painted
the color specified for such capacity--
Less than 500 GPM - red;
Over 500 GPM to 1000 GPM - orange; and
1000 GPM and over green
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
George Liapes, Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District,
also discussed the matter of a sump pump for use in the- North Glens
Falls Water District.
Leslie Hillis, multiple dwelling inspector, also discussed with the
Boards change in the fire laws respecting nursing homes in the
area and particularly in the Lockhart Nursing Home. It was recommen-
ded that some changes be made in the Lockhart Nursing Home in order
to comply with the changes in the law effective July 1, 1960
Supervisor Webster supplied each member of the Board -with a photostat
copy of an Order of the Supreme Courtin an action entitled "Town of
Queensbury, Plaintiff, against the City of Glens lValls et al, Defendants,"
which made permanent an injunction restraining the City of Glens Falls
from using certain property owned by it for a dump.
The Board took cognizance of the Order of he Court.
The Superintendent reported prices on pipe as follows:
Shamoon Industries--
1100 ft. B & S 1198
Mechanical 2.10 --one week
Titan 2.00
Water Pipe & Supply
1100 ft. B& S 2.04
Mechanical - 2.22 _
Titan 2.14
Water Works & Sum
1100 ft. B & S 2.03
Mechanical i.17
Titan 2.10
Mechanical Joint 2.49
On the basis of 6001 the prices were:
B & S 2.01
Mechanical 2.18
Titan 2.10
Resolution No. 105 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson:
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to purchase for use in the North Glens Falls Water District
17 lengths of 6" cast iron pipe with mechanical joint, and for use in
the West Glens Falls District Extension, 18 lengths of 6" cast iron
water pipe with mechanical joints, a total of 35 lengths of 6" water
pipe from Schamoon Industries at a cost not to exceed $2.18 per foot
f.o.b. Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
There was a discussion had respecting the surface drainage problem
affecting Grant Avenue Extension.
Mr. Webster reported that he and Judge Akins had discussed the problem
with several people in the area respecting the formation of a water
districtand the several proposed methods or suggestions respecting
the drainage of the .area.
A discussion was had respecting the water pressure in the North Glens
Falls Water District. The Clerk reported that she had written to he
New York Fire Rating Organization requesting that a new flow test be
made in that area. She also reported that no reply had been received
or reported.
The Supervisor reported that there was nothing .new on the equalization
rates andat the Board of Equalization had a representative in the
area now working on the problem.
Resolution No. 106 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the � r of the North Glens Falls Water
District -be and is hereby authorized to cause to be installed in
the pumping station in the North Glens Falls Water District a suitable
by-pass to relieve excessive water pressure.
- e
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - -Mr. eBentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
A discussion was had respecting signs relating to pedestrian travel.
A discussion respecting the Dunham's Bay matter was also held.
The report of the Supervisor for the month of July was read and filed:
Date - Amount
Received Source Received
July 1 Gleans Falls National Bank & Trust Co. ,-to
Highway Fund-Interest on Certificates of
Deposit 100.05
1 Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co.-to
~ Queensbury Fire Protection Districts-
- Interest on Certif icatt of Deposit 22,50
6 State of Neer York-to Queensbury Fire Prbtec-
tion District-Insurance Tax" on Mutual Cos, 253.80
14 Frank Cowles-to Pineview-Cemetery Comm fees 310.00
15 Frances L. Turner-to Gen.Fd.-TownClerk's fees 224.00
18 State of New York-to Gen Fund=Justices fees 819.50
- 18 Highway Fund-to Agency & Trust-w/h payroll
- #14 - 100. 23
18 Pineview Cem.-to Agency & Trust-w/h payroll
- - #13 - 15.43
18 Shere Colony Water District Coll.-James Neal
Schoonover, Water rents 60.00
28 General Fund-to Agency & Trust-w/h payroll #7 90.06
- 28 North Glens Falls Water Dist: Ext.-to Agency
& Trust w/h payroll #7 3.00-
- 28 West Glens Falls Water Dist.-to Agency & Trust
w/h payroll # 7. 1.50
- 28 Shore Colony Water Dist.-to Agency & Trust-w/h ,
payroll # 7 1.20
31 Highway Fund-to Agency & Trust-w/h payroll #15
' - -109.11
31 Pineview Cemetery-to Agency & Trust w/h pay-
- - #14 19.43
- 28 West Glens Falls Water Dist. -Ext. Coll.-
Jack Crannell, water rents 60.20 -
28 West Glens Falls Water Dist. Call.-Jack
Crannell, water rents 50.13
North Glens Falls Water Dist. Coll.-George
Liapes-water rents - 7/8-$88.90; 7/19-$28.39;
7/19-$22.98 ' 140.28
North Glens FallsWater Dist. Ext. Coll.-George
Liapes-water rents 7/11-$12.50;7/20-$23.00 36.10
• 19 North Glens Falls Water District-to Highway
Fund-Rental of machinery ' 284.40
- 19 North Glens Falls Water District Ext. #
to Highway Fund-Rental of -machinery 28.00
'Total 29728.91
Date - Amount
_ Paid Fund or Account Paid
July General Town Fund 1,415.17
Pineview Cemetery Fund 19213.95
- Agency & Trust Account 1,040.73
North Glens Falls Water District 672.16 "
North Glens Falls Water District Ext, 207.86
West Glens Falls Water District 50.00
thore,poleny Water District 65.95
1 e+ver4al`e LYghti 7i s'tr`ut` ' 41.08
Ft. Amherst - Garrison Lighting District 168.46
Reservoir Park Sewer District 70.00
Town of Queensbury Fire Protection District 99753.80
Highway Fund 12.854.24
Total Disbursements ►279553.40
The Board audited claims a follows:
Amt. Amt,
N®. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed r
268 Butz Florist 2 Memorial Day wreaths 20.00 2$, $o _
269 Glens Falls Post Co. Publish Notice on Bids
for water pipe 3.60 3.60
270 Cromwell Rotary Fo-rms, Bingo Forms LC 2,2A�;2B;
Inc & 5 9.25 9.25
271 Dennis & Co. , Inc. 1 copy Clevenger's NY
' Civil Practice Act(Bentley25.00 25.00
272 Louis Corlew Misc.serv.NGFWD 22.40 22.40
273 J.E.Sawyer & Co. , Inc* Supplies-Water Dept.West 8.87 8.87
274 Thomas Nobles Serv.performed.1TGFWD 277.76 277.76
275 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. lights-Cleverdale
Lighting Dist._ 41.08 41.08
276 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. Lights-Ft._Amherst Rd.
Garrison Road 168.46 168.46
277 Niagara-Mohawk Power St. lights & traf.sig. 216.35 216.35
278 N.Y.TBlephone Co. Phone serv.Twn.strhs 17.10 17.10
279 Russell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-Twn.Clk's ofc. 4.75 4.75
280 Chas: E. Houghtaling Supplies-Mr. Bentley,JP 6.16 6.16
281 Rte.#9,Motor Service 'Rep. & load tractor Tire-
Town dump tractor - 24.56 24.56
282 G.F.- Post Co. Pub.Not. ordinanceHearing 7.40 7.40
283 G.F. Hospital Re:Roland Smith-Emergency
Room 7/27/60 3.00 3.00
284 Louis Corlew /Cntr. Mowing & raking. hay-PV Cem.33.00 33.00 -
285 Doyle's Gift & Garden/ 2 Scott's Turf.PV Cem. 8.95 8.95
286 JoetsCSinetair Serv. 70 gals. -gas PV Cem, 21.00 21.00
287 National Welding Co. Weld blade adaptor's spot
bushing & drill-PV Cem. 4.00 4.00
288 Edward Thompson Co. Supplies-Mr. Bentley,JP 44.00 44.00
289 W.F.Gubitz & Sons Env. Twn. Clk's ofc. 16.65 16.65
290 G.F. Post Co. ` 'Display adv.Water Notice
Shut off-10 pm 7/27 to 5 am
7/29/60 pump rep.NGFWD 12.60 12.60
291 City-G. F. Water Fund 1-Roadway gate `box complete
Glefiwood Ave.NGFWD Ext. _ 16.60 16.60
292 City G. F. Water Fund 1-R6adway gate box top _
NGFWD 7.60 7.60
293 City G. F. Water -Fund 'Re-voucher on material & _
" serv:Montray Rd.NGFWD 11.50 11.50
294 City G. F. Water Fund Rep. hydrant-Glen & La-
fayette, NGFWD Ext. 17.25 17.25
295 City G. F. Water Fund Reap.broken hydrant at
" L.Geo.Rd.near Milfrank's
" NGFWD 83.50 83.50
296 City G. F. Water Fund 70 spft jute pick up by
Corlew @ .40 NGFWD 7.80 7.80
297 City G. F. Water Fund Making 1" tap on Pinecrest
Rd. material, labor, truck-
ing & tapping machine-
' NGFWD 44.45 44.45
298 E. Leo Spain Agcy,Inc. 1st uarterly audit 2/28-
" 5/28/60 Pol. GF Ins.
#MFC7977C- 1272.70 1272.70
(Gen.-$310.79;Hwy.$897.45 73
& Cem. $64.46)
299 Niagara-Mohawk Power Elect.serv. Tarn Strhs. 9.03 9.03
300 LeRoy Phillips Material, labor etc. on
wiring & conn. 20 HP pump
NGFWD 100.45 100.45
301 Harold C. Akins Mileage, Hwy Comm.insp.
road end Dunham's Bay 2.96 • 2.96
302 G.F. National Bank & Refund water rent at old
Trust Co. bank bldg. 671 Glen T/Q 30.30 30.30
303 Hoag's Tire Serv. Rep.flat-dismount & -
remount,vulc.tube, Town
Dump 2.25 2.25
304 Bentley Exp. Co. , Inc. Freight chgs.on shipment
from Gould pumps as itmzd.
on voucher NGFWD 3.60 3.60
305 Water Pipe & Supply Co. Pipe-By pass;Gen. Fd. 450:00 450.00
$39050.83 -$39030.83
On motion the meeting adjourned:
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting = August 25, 1960
John 0. Webster Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by the Supervisor.
The Hon. J. Ward Russell, mayor of the City of Glens Falls, was also
Frank Hurley, City Attorney, was also present.
The Clerk read an application made by the City of Glens Falls requesting
permission of the Town Board to use a parcel of 48 acres located on
-- Sherman Ave. for rubbish disposal area.
A discussion was had among the members of -the Board respecting the method
off disposal and in relation to the present Town dump ordinance. The
application was received and filed, and the matter of the application was
referred to the County Attorney as to sufficiency of the application under
the Townordinance.
An application was received from Al Ouderkerk and Sid Timms for permission
to operate a Go Cart Race Track on the Timms property in the Town of
The Board generally discussed the Town ordinance in relation to the opera-
tion of such raeej track and the necessity for proper protection being
given to the spectators -at such races.
The Supervisor was to consult with the County Attorney as to the sufficiency
of the guard rails required by the ordinance on racing. -
The Board ,generally discussed the laying of the 6" water main in the West
Glens Falls Water District Extension.
Resolution No. 107 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Jack Crannell, Superintendent of the West Glens Falls
Water District and its extension be and is hereby authorized to cause to be
laid by the Town Highway Department a 6" cast iron water main beginning at
the end of the present pipe on the Fourth St. Extension and continuing
westerly thereon through Richardson Street and northerly on Richardson Street