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1960-10-10 SP
ion ANNUAL ESTIMATE YOR QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT F Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 59000000 Bond interest 2,400.00 .Total. 7,400900 Total Expenditures $79400,00 Revenues Unexpended balance 200.00 _ _ Total Revenues 200.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 Amt. to raise by taxes $7,200.00 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT AMHERST-GARRISON RGAD LIGHTING DIST. Townof Queensbury _ For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1 , 1961 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 Total ! $2,025.00 Total Expenditures $2,025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 150.00 Total Revenues 150,00 ° Amt. to be raised by taxes 19 Dated: September 30, 1960 K (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1961 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 500000 Total 500.00 Total Expenditures -500.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 25.00 Total Revenues 25.00 Amt. to be raised by taxes $475,00 Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor On motion the meeting adjourned r Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Special Meeting October 10, 1960 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called- the meeting to order at_ 7:45 p.m, Resolution No. 125 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Miller: RESOLVED that there be and is hereby appropriated to General Repair, Item #1, Highway Fund, the sum of $10,504.88, the same being unappropriated surplus funds in Item #1 , Highway Fund; That there be and is hereby appropriated in Machinery Repair, Item #J, Highway Fund, the sum of $1,097.28, of which $697.28 is unappropriated 102 surplus funds in Item #3, Highway Fund, and $400.00 being nrplus funds originally appropriated for interest on Certificates in Item #31 Highway Fund. That therebe and is hereby appropriated to Snow Removal, Item #49 Highway Fund, the sum of $49877.779 the same being unappropriated surplus funds in Item #4, Highway Fund. Duly adopted by he following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster At this point in the meeting Mr. Bentley entered and took part in he proceedings. The Town Board proceeded to work on and compile the preliminary budget. Resolution No. 126 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVED that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury and of the several districts therein for the year 1961, having been completed as -hereinafter set forth and that the same be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available at all reasonable hours for inspection and that this Board hold a hearing thereupon at a meeting thereof to be held at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, on the 10th day of November, 1960 at 7 :30 p.m. , and that a notice of such hear- ing be published twice in the Glens Falls Times , the first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the date of the holding of such hearing, ,at which time and place the Town Board will meet and review the said Preliminary Budget, and any person interested may be heard in favor of or against all or any of the items of said Preliminary Budget as presented, FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk cause a Notice of the Hearing to be published and posted as required by law in substantially the following form: Public Notice of Preliminary Budget Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the .Townof Queensbury for the year 1961 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, that the Town Board of said Town will , at a-meeting thereof to be held on the 10th day of November, 1960 at 7:30 p.m.st the Town Clerk's Office in said Town , hold a hearing thereon and review said Budget, and any person may be heard in favor of or against the budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained, and that the proposed salaries of the several officers of the Townof Queensbury are set forth.as follows: Supervisor $49000 Justice of the Peace 39300 Justice of he Peace 29200 Councilmen (2) 21400 Town Superintendent of Highways 5,300. _Assessors (3) 7 ,200 Tax Collector 29600 Dated: October 10, 1960 By Order of he Town Board Town of Queensbury Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none t 108 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOP. THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General Fund--Appropriations 1961 ° General Government Town Board. Town Hall- andK Offices Rentals,, board room, offices , elections,etc. 400.00 Compensation of employees 100.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 500.00 Repairs , light, heat and telephone 500.00 Misc. expenses , surplus property 200.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 1700.00 - Compensation of custodians of voting machines 200.00 Other expenses 650.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair 4950.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 7500.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 5750.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 1000.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 250000 - Services of engineer and expenses (contract) 3750.00 Association of Towns, dues 110.00 Social Security--Town share 3500,00 Publicity fund 500.00 Employees' Retirement System (town share) 5700.00 Total - 399810.00 SUPERVISOR - Salary 4000.00 Office- and other expenses 300.00 Total 49300.00 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Salaries--1 Justice 3300.00 1 Justice 2200.00 Office- and other expenses 510.00 Compensation of employees 190000 Total $69200.00 COUNCILMEN Salaries 2400.00 Office and other expenses _ 200.00 TOWN CLERK Total ^ 29600.00 Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 300.00 Compensation of employees _ 400.00 Total 41700.00 ASSESSORS Salaries 7200.00 Office -and other expenses 660.00 - Total T79860.00 RECEIVER OF TAXES OR TAX COLLECTOR Salary 2600.00 Office and other expenses 700.00 Total ' T3.300.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $68#770,00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS Compensation 550.00 g- Mileage and other expenses 200.00 Total 750.00 TRAFFIC Signs, signals and highway lighting 39600.00 DOG WARDEN Compensation 550.00 Other expenses 100.00 Total 650.00 1.04 INSPECTION COSTS Building inspection 300.00 Misc. expenses 75.00 TOWN DUMP Total 375.00 Compensation 11400.00 Misc. expenses 1.000.00 Total 2,400.00 -TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY T79775.00 Education TOWN HISTORIAN ' Compensation 180.00 Other expenses Total 230.00 �. TOWN LIBRARY Contract 100000 Total Education 330.00 Recreation PARK AND PLAYGROUNDS Improvement of Town property 300.00 PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES 100,00 Total Recreation ' 400-,0`0 CEMETERIES ' Schedule A Public Utilities PINEVIEW CEMETERY 1961 Budget Cost- of Improvements: Improvements to Cemetery 500,00 New Equipment (Including Replacement for Cemetery Truck) 1! 700.00 Total. $2,200.00 Maintenance: Personal Services 8BO0.00 Repairs to Existing Equipment 150.00 Gas and oil for equipment 145.00 Bond for Commissioner and Supt. 35.00 Misc. - 275.00 Cost of Maintenance of Outside Cem. 800,00 205,00 Total T121405.00 MUNICIPAL. INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (Principal) Bonds . Storehouse bonds 1958 Bond #3 2500,00 Interest ion Debt Total Redemption of Debt $29500.00 Interest on bonds Storehouse bonds 150.00 o Total interest on debt 150.00 CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement Town -Hall or other bldg. Total 500.00 Miscellaneous Veterans Organizations for Rooms 300,00 Total Miscellaneous 300,00 i ' CONTINGENT PURPOSES Sec. 112 of the Town Law $6,000.00 GENERAL FUND - Estimated Revenues - General Fund (continued) Mortgage taxes 11,000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 11800.00 Other licenses (town ordinance) 100.00 Fees of town clerk 29500.00 Fees of Justices of the Peace 29000.00 Fees of tax collector 1,000.00 Fees of cemgteries 7,750.00 Per cApita assistance j _ " " 500.00 Total -9240-50.00 _ TOT..L ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) '210-50.00 GENERAL FUND -5 Summary Appropriations General government $689770.00 Protection of persons and property 79775.00 Education 330.00 Recreation 400.00 Public Utilities _ 129405.00 Redemption of debt 29500.00 Interest on-debt 150.00 Constructio4 and permanent improvements 500.00 Miscellaneou, 300.00 Contingent purposes 6,000.00 Total Appropriations D990130,00 {; TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) 650.00 `. AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1)-Appropriat ons General repairs $809000.00 Special improvements 10,000.00 Total Appropriations -X90,000.00 Estimated Revenues State aid 8,180.00 Total Revenues 80180000 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $819820.00 Machinery Fund (Item 1)-appropriations Purchase of inac4inery, tools and implements`` 139500.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements i 109000.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 99000.00 Interests on machinery certificates _ 400.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $32,900.00 Estimated Revenues Rental of machinery 500.00 Total Revenues 500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (I'T'EM 3) $329400.00 SNOW AND MISCEjLANgOUS FUND (ITEM 444ppropriations) Salary town puperi.ntendent 5,300.00 Expenses town superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 249000.00 Cutting and removing weeds and brush 39600.00 Other misc. purposes including heat and phone 3,000.00 Total Appropriations $36,000.00 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues 5,924.00 Total Revenues $5,924,00 AMOUNT TO �E RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) $30tO76.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEMS 2,3, and 4) $62,476.00 146 TOWN HEALTH FUND APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health Salary of, hea�th officer $1750000 Office and other expenses 100.00 Baby clinics " 1200 00 � Registrar of Vital Statistics Total. �3p050,00 Compensation 75900 Total 75 00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH 3t1 ,00 NORTE GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT-- 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvement $1,000000 Maintenance Total $1,1000000 Personal services 600000 Office and other expenses Printing, 'postage, supplies, etc. 125.00 Mowing, painting & shoveling hydrants 100.00 Refunds &,Miscellaneous expenses 50.00 Repairs 700,00 Power and light 19800000 Purchase of water 31200 ,00 Purchase of �equi.pment 250.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services_ 175,00 \ Total ^ 79000,00 Total Expenditures 89000000 Revenues Water rents - 82000000 Total Revenues $81000000 Dated: Septeinlier 30, 1960 Amount to be raised by taxes none (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 1961 Cost of Improvement Expenditures _ Construction of improvement 19000.00 Bond principal e 5,000,00 Bond interest _ 900000 Maintenance Total $69900,00 Personal` services 600.00 Office and other expenses Printing, postage, supplies , etc. 150.00 Mowing & painting, shoveling hydrants 100.00 Refunds 50.00 Repairs 600,00 Purchase of water - 71000.00 Purchase and, installation of meters and services 300,00 Total 8 800 00 Total Expenditures $150700,00 Revenues Water rents $109000.00 Unexpended balance 11000,00 Total Revenues $11.000100 Dated: September 36, 1960 Ant. to raise by tax 41700,00 (signed) ,John 0. Webster Supervisor 107 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvements Construction of improvements 12,000.00 Maintenance —1 Total 29000.00 Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 225.00 Misc. expenses, refunds 25.00 Repairs 200.00 Purchase 6f water 3,400.00 Purchase 6f equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 350.00 Total 4.8..000,0000 Total Expenditures $1 t86 00.00 Revenues Water rents 4,400.00 J$ale of w�tber nexpende alance Total Revenues g 0`.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 . Amt. to raise by tax rb? (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. 1961 ` Expenditures Cost- of Improvements Bond principal 550.00 Bond interest 475•00�� Total $1,025.00 Mai n't a nanc e Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 400.00 Total 625.00 Total Expenditures -51,,650.00 * " Revenues — Water rents 550.00 Unexpended balance 500.00 Total Revenues- $1,050.00 " �Y��xR�xx�tntxs Dated: September 30, 1960 Amt, to raise by taxes 600.00 (signed) John 0. Webster ` a Supervisor RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT - 1961 Expenditures Cost of improvement Construction of improvement -15,000.00 Total — $59000.00 Maintenance Personal services $001100 Office and -other expenses Printing; postage, supplies, etc. 100.00 Refunds , etc. 50.00 Fiuihing hydrants & snow shoveling 50.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 600.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 100.00 Total 11,600.00 Total Expenditures , Revenues [,rater rents $12100.00 Unexpended balance 5,500.00 Total Revenues �$6,600.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 Amt. to raise by tax none (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor 1©8 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvements - t Maintenance Personal services 300.00 Office and other expenses including chlorination & power 150,00 Repairs - 150.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 60,00 r Total 660.00 Revenues Water rents 510.00 Sale 4nd installation of meters and services 50.00 Unexpended balance 1001,00 �- Total Revenues 660.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 Amt. to raise by taxes none . (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Contract 19,000.00 Total Expenditures $199000.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 200.00 Total Revenues 200.00 Amt. to be raised by taxes $199800.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster - Supervisor RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT 1961 Ex_enditures Cost- of Improvement Purchase of fencing 575000 Maintenance Total 575.00 Personal services 50.00 Repairs 200.00 250,00 Total expenditures 825 00 Revenues Unexpended balance 200000 Total Revenues 200.00 Amt. to be raised by taxes 2, 5.00— Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor • e PERSHING-ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DIST. 1961 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 1,000.00 Repairs 500.00 - Total 1,500.00 Total Expenditures 1,500000 Revenues Unexpended -balance 500.00 Total revenues 500.00 Amt. to raise by taxes $19000.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 - (signed) John 0. Webster —' 4 Supervisor QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Bond principal 59000.00 Bond interest 2,400000 Total $79400.00 c 109 Total Fxpenditures $79400.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 200.00 Total_ revenues 200.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 Amt. to raise by taxes 7,200.00 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor FORT AMHERST-GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 Total 12,025,00 Total expenditures $29025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 150.00 Total 150.00 Amt. to be raised by taxes � $19875.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 500.00 Total 500.00 Total expenditures 500.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 25.00 Total revenues 25.00 Amt. to be raised by taxes � 475,00 Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor On motion the meeting adjourned Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 13, 1960 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley B. Miller Councilman C f The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Proof of publication of the notice calling for proposals to supply the Town of Queensbury with a truck was received and filed. The following proposals were received: CARSWELL MOTORS, INC. Glens Falls, N. Y. October 13, 1960 TownBoard Town of Queensbury Glens Falls , N. Y. Gentlemen: In accordance with your advertisement we are pleased to gmte you as follows: One 1961 International truck Model B»182, 171" WB CA dimension 10211, six cylinder DB-308 engine, which meets your specifications. All other specifications including front mounted snow plow pump are included. Delivered $4398.00 R