1960-11-10 122 A discussion was had respecting the construction of a fence around the disposal area in the Reservoir Park Sewer District. e .A discussion was had respecting the purchase of a cab for the tractor being used at the Town Dump. .A discussion was had respecting storage for the tractor. Resolution No. 133 introduced. by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVLD that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and r directed to enter into a written lease with Edward Cole for cover storage space for tractor (dump) for a period of one year at a monthly rate not to exceed $8 per month. ?duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none Resolution No. 134 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson: - SZr VED that the amount of the claim of the Town of Queens-bury against the State of New York for the appropriation of lands and conse- quential damages therefrom caused by the construction of the Northway be and is hereby .fixed at $137,500. :duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none A discussion was had respecting the ramp on the Queensbury property or water shed constructed for the use of the Town in connection with its- water supply property. e e A discussion was had respecting the hearing on the dump. A discussion was had relating to incinerators. On motion t-he meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting November 10, 1960 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman • Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m, The Supervisor declared a Public Hearing on the Annual Budget for the year 1961, Towneof Queensbury, to be open. Thereupon there was filed proof of the publication of the notice and Proof of the posting of the notice as required by law. e Mr. Baker was present. No one appeared opposing the adoption of the budget. _ e ?resolution No. 135 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller: WHEREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon, and WHEREAS additional revenues in excess of $5,000 will be received i2*1 from Per Capita Assistance, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Preliminary Budget item for estimated revenues received from Per Capita Assistance, be amended to read $31,500; the item for the total estimated revenues , General Fund, be amended to read $57,650, and that the item for the amount to be raised by tax for General Fund be amended to read $41 ,480. FURTHER RESOLVED that such Preliminary Budget be and the same is hereby adopted as amended and corrected herein as the Annual Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1.961 , and that such Budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Board. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by this Town Board and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Warren.' ANNUAL. BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General Fund--Appropriations 1 9 6 1 General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals , Board room, offices , elections , etc. 400.00 Compensation of employees 100,00 Purchase `of furniture and equipment 500.00 Repairs , light, heat and telephone 500.00 Misc. expenses , surplus property 200.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 1700.00 Compensation -of custodians of voting machines 200.00 Other expenses 650.00 Voting machines , purchase and MD air 4950.00 Insurance -- Compensation insurance 7500.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 5750.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 1000.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 2500.00 Services of engineer and expenses (contract) 3750.00 Association of Towns , dues 110.00 Social Security--Town share 3500.00 Publicity fund 500.00 Employees' Retirement System (town share) �_5700 00 Total $39v810.00 SUPERVISOR ` Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 300.00 Total 49300.00 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Salaries--1 Justice 3300.00 1 Justice 2200.00 Office and other expenses 510.00 Compensation*of employees 190.00 Total $ 69200.00 COUNCILMEN Salaries T 2400.00 Office and other expenses _ 200,00 Total � $ 29600.00 TOWN CLERK' Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 300.00 Compensation of employees 400.00 Total $ 49700.00 124 j aSilLSSO�:S � , Salaries 7200.00 Office and other expenses 660.00 Total -X7,860.00 RECEIVER OF TAXES OR TAX COLLECTOR Salary 2600,00 Office and other expenses 700.00 Total � $3,300,00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMIE.NT T689770.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PR02ERTY POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS Compensation 550.00 Mileage and other expenses 200.00 Total -$ 750.00 TRAFFIC Signs, signals and highway lighting 31600.00 DOG WARDEN Compensation 550.00 Other expenses 100.00 Total 650.00 INSPECTION COSTS Building inspection 300.00 Misc. expenses 75.00 Total 375.00 TOWN DUMP Compensation 1400.00 Misc: expenses 1000.00 Total $2,400.00 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $79775.00 EDUCATION TOWN HISTORIAN Compensation 180.00 Other expenses 50.00 Total 230.00 TOWN LIBRARY Contract 100.00 Total Education $ 3-30.00 RECREATION PARK AND PLAYGROUNDS Improvement of Town property 300.00 :PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES 100.00 Total Recreation � $ 400.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES CEMETERIES Schedule A r PLIKEVIEW CEMETERY 1961 Budget Cost of Improvements Improvements to Cemetery 500.00 ,,New Equipment (Including Replacement for Cemetery Truck) 1700 00 Total 21200.00 Maintenance Personal Services 8800.00 Repairs to Existing Equipment 150.00 Gas and oil for equipment 145.00 Bond for Commissioner and Supt. 35.00 Misc; 275.00 Cost -of Maintenance of Outside Cem. 800.00 -�10 205.00 Total 129 0+ 5.00 125 MUNICIPAL lNiDEB- Tr,DNESS AT q .D Redemption of. Debt (Principal ) INTEaSST Bonds Storehouselbonds 1958 Bond #3 1 2500.00 Interest on Debt Total Redemption of Debt 21500.00 .Interest on bolds Storehouse bonds 150,00 Total interest on debt $ 150.00 CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT I'��?RIOVEMENTS Nature. of `Improvement' Town Hall. or other bldg. Total $ 500,00 MISCELLANEOUS Veterans ' Organizations for Rooms 300.,00 TotalMiscellaneous, $ 300.00 ' See. 112 of theTown Law CUNTINGENT PURPOSES $ 60000.00 E N E R A L F U N D Mort�age' Taxes Estimated Revenues 119000.00 Dog Licenses (from County) 11800.00 Other licenses (town ordinance) 100.00 Fees of town clerk 29500.00 Fees of Justices of the Peace 21,000.00 Fees' of tax collector 11000.00 Fees of 'Cemeteries 7 ,750.00 Per canita assistance 31,500,00 Total X57 ,650.00 TOTAL E�STIMATED REVENUES (GEN�FlbAL FUND) T5-72650.00 GENERAL FUND Summary Appropriations General government $689770.00 Protection of Education persons and property 79775,00 330.00 Recreation 400.00 Public c Utilities 121405.00 Redemption of debt 2,500.00 Interest on debt 150.00 Construction and permanent improvements 500,00 Miscellaneous 300.00 Contingent purposes 6,000.00 Total Appropriations $991130.00 TCT J, E&STITNIATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) $57 ,650.00 AMTOUNT 01�' TtaES TO BE RAISED FOa GL, NE'l?2,L FLT\TD $41#480,00 "I HIGHWAY FUND H I G 1,1TATAY FUND (ITEM 11) - Appropriations General repairs $809000.00 Special improiiemen'ts — 10,000.00 Estimated Revenues Total Appropriations 5909000.00 State aid 8,1.80.00 Al-�OUNT TC BE RAIrED By T,,�Nl Total Revenues $ 8,180.00 Fo- I -`, --� I H j�,,�i& y, U.\TD (ITEM 1) $819820.00 Machinery Fund (Item 1) - Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 13,500.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 101000.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 99000.00 Interest on machinery certificates 400,00 Estimated Re venues TOTAL AP.ROPRIATIONS $32V900.00 Rantal of machinery 500.00 Total Revenues --- 500,00 AMOUNT TO BE Ri%ISEiL;, BY TA-Y, FOI.2 HIGHWAY FUND (ITE11 3) $3211400.00 126 DS'''O W AND M--'- SCLLIANEOUSj FUND (ITEII 4) - Appropriations Salary town superintendent 51300,00 Expenses town superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 24t000.00 Cuttinr, ,and removing weeds and brush 31600.00 Other misc. purposes including heat and phone 31,000.00 Total Appropriations-X36,000.00 Estimated Peve4ues Misqellaneous revenues 5 924.00 Total Revenues 5,924,00 Al''11OUNT TO BE 111LISED BY TAY, FOR Hl'.GIITvQX FUND (ITEM 4) 30107 .00 AMOUNT TO BE P-hISED BY TAA FOR HIGIR-L'%Y 1"LINE, (ITEINIS 21 3. arid. 4) $629476.00 TOWNI HEIiLTFI FLJI\ID Appropriations Board of Health Salary of Health Officer 19750.00 Office and other expenses 100,00 Baby. elides 1,200.00 Total $ 31050.00 Registrar of Vital. Statistics Compensation 75.00 Total $ 75.00 -T- A1101j'NT T", BE RAISED BY TAX F01� w.,T Tn HEALTH 39125.00 NORTH CLENIS, FALLS WATE2, DISTRICT - 1961 Experidi.tures Cost of Improvement, $1,000.00 Total $ 1t000.00 Yaintenarice Personal services, 600.00 Office apd other expenses Printing, ?ostaLe, supplies , etc. 125.00 Mowing, painting and shoveling hydrants 100.00 Refunds and misc.expenses 50.00 Repairs 700,00 Power and li.,,ht 11800.00 Purchase of water, 3t200.00 Purchase of equip-Tent 250.00 Purchase and installation of meters & services 175.00 Total T 7,000.00 Total Expenditures t8,000.00 Revenues Water rents 8,000.00 Total. Revenues 89000.00 Amount to ,be i7aised by taxes none I-TORT"i GLENS FALLS lq,,',TER DISTRICT EXT. #1 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement - 1t000.00 Bond prir�ci pal_ 59000.00 Bond interest 900.00 Total $ 6,900.00 ,maintenance' Personal services 600.00 Office and other expenses Printing,�rintng, postage, supplies , etc. 150.00 Mowing, painting, shoveling hydrants 100.00 Refunds 50.00 Repairs 600,00 Purchase of water 71000.00 Purchase and iiistallati4on of meters & services 300.00 Total 7 8 800.00 Total Expenditures tT5L9700.00 Revenues Water. rents $109000.00 127 Unexpended balance 1 000.00 Total Revenues 11 000 00 Amount to be raised by tax 700,00 LJEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvements Construction of, improvements 12 000.00 Maintenance Total 12,000.00 Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 225.00 Misc. expenses , refunds 25.00 Repairs 200.00 Purchase of water 3,400,00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters & services 350900 Total �$ 4,800.00 Total Expenditures 169 800.00 Revenues Water rents ` 49400,00 Sale of water 400.00 Unexpended balance 12,000.00 Total Revenues $161800.00 Amount to be raised by tax none ` WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT, 1961 Expenditures Cost of Improvements Bond principal 550.00 Bond interest 475,00 Maintenance Total 11025.00 Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 400.00 Total 625,00 Total Expenditures X19 -50.00 Revenues Water rents 550.00 Unexpended balance _ 500.00 Total Revenues 7 1 ,050.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 00.00 AIDGL' RCS!D WESTER DISTRICT - 1961 _ Expenditures Cost of� improvement Construction of improvement $5,000.00 Total $ 59000,00 Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Off ice+ and other expenses Printing, postage, supplies , etc. 100,00 Refunds, etc. 50.00 Flushing hydrants and snow shoveling 1650100. Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 600.00 Purchase and installation of meters and. services_ 100.00 Total — $ 1,600.00 Total Expenditures 61600,00 Revenues Water rents 1 ,100.00 Unexpended balance 5,500,00 Total Revenues $ 69600.00 Amount to be raised by tax none 128 SHORE COLONY WA'T'ER DISTRICT 1961 - Q Expenditures Cost-of Improvements Maintenance Personal services 300.00 Office and other expenses including chlorination and. rower 150.00 Repairs 150.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 60.00 Total $ 660.00 Revenues Water rents 510100 ° Sale and installation of meters & services 50.00 Unexpended balance 100.00 Total Revenues —� $ 660.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none. QUEF:NSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures Contract 19000.00 Total Expenditures —$19,000.00 Revenue s Une.xper.ded. balance 200.00 Total Revenues — $ 200.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $18,800.00 RESERVOIR PARK SEN,,TR DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Purchase of fencing; 575.00 r Total. 75.00 Mai ntemance Personal. services 50.00 Repairs _ 200.00 250.00 Total Exi.7end'_itures 828225.0 Revenues - - Unexpended balance 200.00 Total Revenues 200.00 Amount to be raised by taxes -725.00 PERSHING-ASHLEY-COC"TDGE SEWER DIST, Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 1 ,000.00 Rcpai rs _ 500.00 Total —$ 1,500,00 Total., Expenditures 11500.00 - Revenues Un.expereed balance 500.00 ` Total Revenues 500.00 Amount to be raised, by taxes 11000,00 UE SIRICIU ,-k � 1 ° Expenditures Bond principal 51000.00 Bond interest 2,400.00 Total. $ 7,400.00 Total Expenditures 7,400.00 Revenues Tinexpended balance. 200.00 Total Revenues -- 200.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 1200.00 129 FORT AMHERST-GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditure Maintenance Payment on contract 2 025,00 Total 22025 00 Total. Expenditures 2,025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 150.00 Amount to be raised by taxes Total 150,00 19875,00 CLL:VERDA 1 TCHTING DISTRICT Maintenance Expenditures Payment on contract _ 500.00 Total '� 500.00 Total Expenditures $ 500.00 Revenues r Unexpended balance 25.00 Total revenues 25.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 475,00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Iiiler, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamrison, M. Akins and -Mr. 'Webstc:�r Noes - none Resolution No. 136 e RESOLUTIJ ' LEVYING BE'dE '1'" TAX IN ,RVOIR RkRT,' SET��T_n DISTRICT. Mr. Miller introduced Resolution No. 136 and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Lampson. Whereas , this Town Board has provided in the bud et for the fiscal year of 1961 an appropriation of $625000 in the Reservoir Park Sewer District, and Whereas , there are 25 -parcels of real property, all of substan- tially the same size and character in said Reservoir nark Sewer District, be it Ri SOLV ;D that this Town Board does hereby determine that each of the said 25 oarcels in Reservoir. aark Sewer District are equally benefited by the improve:.rents therein, and be it further RESOLVED that there be and hereby is levied and assessed as a benefit tax the sum of $25.00 upon each and every parcel of real *property in the Reservoir Park Sewer District for the fiscal year of 1961 to he collected by the town collector with the 196+ county and town tax. July adopted_by the following vote :eyes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, ?sir. Akins and. Mr, .ebster 'Noes - none The Supervisor filed with the Town Clerk a copy of the Fogg Determination relating to assessment on trailers. Tine Board generally discussed the problems relating to the cl;;s` o1* the use of the City Dump to the residents to the Tian of Queenst)ury. The matter was put over until the next !meeting and the Supervisor was to request that NIL-. 8eswick, County ,Attorney, be present at s:zch meeting to discuss the matter with the Board. The Board generally discussed the drainage on the Grant Avenue Extens _oT1 with the Town Superintendent of Highways. Mr. Codner exhibited to the Board a map of property reputed to be owned by Samuel Jacobs and stated that Mr. ,Jacobs requested that the Town highiways indicated thereon end known as Cal. i_fornia Avenue and Kansas :avenue be abandoned. The matter 130 ,4as rePerred to the Iii-C)nway Committee, In relation to the purchase of a new truck for the Highway Depart- ent, the following recoiT,-nendation was read to the Board by the m Cle:rk: , 01" !'�-LJTI I-IN T,01!,N "'� �'f _ SBURY Office of Superintendent of Hi,-Yhxqays lwl Bernard J. Codner Dear Sirs: At this time I would like to recormiieiid that the Town Board purchase a new Hydraulic Dump Truck for the use of the Highway Department: Truck to meet the following specifications : Approximately 159 inch wheel base C.A. dimension not less than 84 inches Water displacement not less than 330 cubic inches Governor controlled 50 amp. low cut in generator 12 Volt 70 amp. . hour battery 2 speed Eaton rear Axle 16000 lbs. Front axle 7000 5 speed transmission 900 x 20 10 ply tube type tires 1100 cu. in. vacuum reserve tank Vacuum hydraulic brakes Heater and Defroster Dual electric wipers West Coast dual Mirrors Cylinder has tank not less than 50 gal. capacity Standard Neksr York State li-,hts Truck must have a dump body of 4 yd. cap. 6 yard end gate Front end hydraulic pump. Side delivery plow #425 Frink make, with 9 ft. wing, all hydraulic. Queensbury Highway Department Trade-in one 1950-F500 Ford with plow and wing. Delivery date January 1st, 1961 Board has the right to reject any and all bids, Bernard J. Cod.ner Supt . of Highways Resolution No. 137 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson: WHE-RE'AS the Toi%Tri Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has recommended thie purchase of a new Hydraulic Dump truck to meet the specifications set forth in such recommendations , RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on or before the 28th day of November, 1960, a notice to read in substantially the following form: 131 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of ��ueensbury will receive sealed proposals up to 7.30 p.m. on the 8th day of December, 1960, at the Town Clerk's Office on Ridge Road to supply the Town of Queensbury with one -New Hydraulic Dump Truck which must meet the following specifications: Approximately_ 159 inch wheel base C.A. dimension not less than 54 inches Motor displacement not less than 330 cubic inches Goyernor controlled - 50L °xincigenerator -- 12 Volt 70 Amp. hour battery 2speed Eaton rear axle 16000 lbs. Front axle 700.0 f� ` `5 speed transmission 900 x 20 10 ply tube type tires o 1100 cu. in. vacuum reserve tank e Vacuum hydraulic brakes Heater and Defroster Dual electric wipers West Coast dual Mirrors Cylinder gas tank not less than 50 gal. capacity Standard New York State lights ` Truck must have a dump body of 4 yd. cap. 8 yard end gate -- Front end hydraulic pump. Side.delivery Mow #425 Frink make with 9 ft. wing, all hydraulic. Queensbury Highway Department Trade-in one 1950-F500 Ford with plow and wing. Delivery date January 1st, 1961 Board has the right to reject any and all bids By Order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner Dated: November 10, 1960 Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none The_Supervisor read his report and requested that the original be filed in this office. It read as follows- MONTHLY STATE�9_'NT OF SUPERVISOR October, 1960 Date RECEIPTS Amount Received _Source Received 15 Frances Turner - Town Clerk's fees - to Gen.Fd. $ 61.75 18 Highway Fund - w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 81.97 18 PineView Cemetery - w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 15.80 19 ,State of New York - justice ees - to Gen. Fd. 11100.00 132 26 Neal. Schoonover - taping charge - to Shore Colony Water 25.00 28 Jack Crannell - water rents - WGF Water Dist, 53.00 31 highway- Fund - w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 90.15 31 PineView Cemetery - w h to Agency & Trust Acct. 9.83 31 General Fudd - w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 90.06 31 UGF Water Dist- w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 3.00 31 Shore Colony Water Dist.-w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. .48 31 WGF Water Dist-w/h to Agency & Trust Acct. 1. 50 George Liaises - water rents 10/24;10/25;10/31 to NGF - Water 596.40 George Liapefs - water rents 10/3; 10/10; 10/24; 10/28 10/31 - to NGF Water Dist,Ext, 1,013„98 1 Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Interest i-ncome to Highway Fund 601.00 26 Machinery rental to Highway Fund-from Gen.rund; from NGF Water Dist.Ext; West GF Water Dist. and from West GF Water Dist. Ext. #1 , Bond Acct. 618 45 3 02/ DISBURSEMENTS Date Amount Paid Fund or Account ?aid General Fund 4,798.60 Pineview Cemetery 11154.45 Agency & Trust Acct. 19057.93 North Glens Falls Water District 1,007.25 North Glens Falls water Dist. Ext. #1 238.28 West Glens Falls Water District- 987.92 West Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext, #1 14,80 ;Jest Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext. #1 Bond Acct. 944.24 Ridge Road Water Dist. 39.60 Shore Colony Water District 85.17 Cleverdale Lighting District 41.08 Fort Amherst Garrison Lighting Dist. 168.46 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. 7.20 Highway Fund 11,258007 Total Disbursements -$21,773.05 The Supervisor requested that the following communication be inserted in the minutes of this Board. The Supervisor requested that the foll.owin_ cotmnunication be inserted in the minutes of this Board: TOy4N 02 QUE NSBT 111Y John 04 Webster, Supervisor 11/9/60 To: All members of the Board Subject: Bank interest Now that the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company has credited our accounts for interest that will become payable to us during the current year, I wish to advise the board regarding interest income earned by the Town during the year of 1960, by making the following report: 7/1/60 3 mos, interest on $9,000. Fire Prot. Dist. $ 22,50 7/1 60 3 mos. interest on $40,000. Highway funds 100.00 10 /60 6 mos. interest on $409000 't " 601 .00 11/1/60 " " 't $10,000. WGF -later Dist, 244.14 11/1/60 " tt $ 4,000. Ridge Road Water Dist. 70.15 TOTAL 1"NTER:t1ST E!`_PNED BY T E'iE TOWZT $928.04 The $14,000, water district funds continue under certificate of deposit under a resolution of the Board. This investment program was not started until April 1 , 1960 and I want ID to point out again, as I did earlier this year, that by commencing the T rogram in February of 1961, we should be able, if present interest rates continue; to earn approximately $10000 during 1961. John 0, Webster, Supervisor The Supervisor read a cor,1111unication from the New York State Association of Towns which advised the Board. that the annual meeting of such Association would be held in Buffalo on February 6, 7 , 8, 1961. The following applicatiors relating to dog enumerator wew- received: Town Board Glens Falls Nov. i�T. Y. ' Queensbury, N. Y. _ Z0, '1960 Gentlemen: I would like to be considered. as an applicant for the job of clog enumerator. Respectfully, Floyd Chambers �cx'xxxx?xxxx�xxKxx Kxxx xxxxx xx:u x:� <x i, X'�.�'t'�:�+t�i���`{'t l'rr�'��� .i..f�l�``u.)Y�7=�`,y�'. �Q�..r'Y S;.,a.�'s:•� .,�:�T.'�:Stdbfx�Y.>�{){X.�`�.�.�::��!}li�: • - _ xCaC'��Xx?txx�hrx The Board generally discussed Alname to designate the new road which by-passes the City of Glens Falls from East to [Nest and which is entirely in the Town of Queensbury. The Roard audited claims as follows: SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOTTlv OF QUEiWSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEABER, 1960 Amt. Amt. -- No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 405 °Niagara-Mohawk Power 'Service at Twn.Storehouse 7 0 76.40 406 Niagara-Mohawk °Power St. lighting=Ft. Amherst Garrison Rd, - 168.46 ` ` 168.46 407 Niagara-Mohawk Power Cleverdale Light Dist. 41.08 41.03 403 Niagara.-Mohawk Power St. Ights. & traf, siren 216,35 216.35 409 Niagara-Mohawk Power Elect.Serv. (Assembly pt. Shore Colony Water Dist. 2.51 2.51 410 Niagara-Mohawk Power Elect:Serv.Booster Pump Aviation Rd, NGF%D 130.53 130.53 411 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone serv.Twri.Strhse 17/25 17.25 412 Mrs. Clara Taylor Inspect of Election #1 61.00 61.00 413 Gertrude M. Wood it it " #1 61 .00 61.00 414 Ernestine LaRoe " " " #1 61.00 61.00 415 Cladys E. LaFountain " " ' " #1 71.00 ' 71,00 416 Ellen. MTcDeryftott " " ' 'f ##2 48,00 ' 46.00 417 Elva McDermott " " 't `� 48,00 46,00 418 Minnie E. Bidwell " " ti #23 53.00 51.00 419 1lorothy Q. Barker " " it #3 61.00 61.00 420 9thel R. Fowler " " tt #3 71.00 71,00 421 Elizabeth C. Miller tt 't tt #3 16,00 16.00 422 Ann R. Hammond " #4 56.00 56,00 423 Claire M. Blanchard " '' 't #4 46.00 46.00 424 Dorothy Rozell ff rf tr #±4 31,00 _ 31 ,00 425 Gladys E. Phillips tt 't " #4 31.00 31.00 426 Alice M. Hermance " " " #4 16.00 16.00 427 Irma D. Havens :f rt - :e ##4 46.00 46.00 428 Mary J. Frasier tt tt « #5 61,00 61.00 429 Pa'd ine Joslyn ,t r, +► #5 71.00 71.00 430 Marion Due1T t' r► °+T #5 61.00 61.00 134 4311- Triel-ene McDonnell Inspt, of Electic,)n #5 16.00 16.00 432 Viola Shoemaker ft It ?t #5 16.00 16.00 433 Charles 111ou,chtaling Supplies for. Justice Bentley 2.36 2.36 434 Joe 's Sinclair Sta. Gasolene-TIv Celm. 12.00 12.00 435 Lo iis Corlew Plowin-,drabging & mowing Hay (P.I.Tieview Cem. ) 20Lr,00 204,,00 436 Wagoner Bus*-EquiD. I bx. carbon paner-1. ri Clk 4.75 4.75 437 F-dward Thompson 'Im-IlIcKi.n.ney Blk 62a-M,Bentley 10;004 10.00 438 Edward Thompson 601* op M(-T,'inney Bks .91/24/44; 6/61 27 .00 27.00 439 Norman A. Harvey-,';M.D. Well Baby Clinic 180.00 180,00 --f 440 Rockwell Mf -Co. 10 Presidential Elector 10.84 10.84 (Auto.Mach.Div. ) Cards tan for 'Nlarj. H. 441 'Neal Schoonover Makin;C� Waller (SI-iore Blk G.lot 11-L 10,00 10.00 442 City G.F. 11ater 1,,d. Misc,ta? & conn.35 Mon- . tray 32.08 1 NG 91D 32.03 443 City G.F.,Jatter Fd. Llepair leak-1 cLonc- caused E '-xt. 10.75 10.75 La.44 city G.F. Water Fd. lvfisc.serv.F„Gj', !TL 29.41 T18 Soft Jute �3Gr TD ,Cxt. 12.60 42.01 42.01 44.5 t y G. P Fd; Misc.serv,Booster. Pump C ,\vietion 1-1d. L. 9-NG.'L-UD 117.31 117.31 446 Mohican Grange #1300 StoraL�,e machines 'equin- ment & erect.for Election & rental as pollin& place for year 1960 110.00 110.00 447 Gol(_Iie 'Bolster llebate on water rcnt 'at ,apt.vace.n.t '4 1Ytos.1-TG1-1J1) 6.30 6.30 448 Meredith S'. Bentley Postage attachce, to voucher 21.07 21.07 449 Bull arel-G'lencraft 1000 117c. 8 Gov. eriv. for Printing John 0. 'debster 53.70 58.70 � J 450 James A. Conklin 1, .L; sc.ser,%1.a_s ,-)er vouclker E,x t 97.40 N G 1 Tv 11,') 39.58 136.99 N.A. L 271 1 Sager-Spuclk SunT.Ay M19c.material "Prin l-',wy Dept. Co. , Inc. Bldg. NGFVTD 40.16 40.16 452 Sager-Spucl- Supply Cu. 1 '2" Lonergan TR re- lief valve set for 120 `3_QT doll watCr sby:I-Ywy Deot. 'N' 42.26 LE 0,vT D ' 43" Q 9ve-n1ri -,11in 1:)jng "I Bal . on J.nv.#r15842-NG1-TTD 24.47 24.47 Tip at ing 454 T.Leo Spain, ti N Ins .Pr e rL,,. on the f ol lowing: General: 343.4*47 ljighway 1024.28 -9 1450.19 Cemetery 82.44 1450.1 435 G.F.Po9t Co, Pub.NNot.on T1relim.PRudcvet 11.52 11.52 0 436 G.F.Po9t Co. Pub.'Nlot.on const.r.of blfLrjS. on new bZdgs. or on e-,-ist- 6.40 6.40 437 Donald, J.Sul 14 van Custodian Vote.machines 100.00 :_76,00 4ry8 Scott Hopkins ?t ?f it 100.00 70.00 459 'St,&,11to Batease Frecttakin.-E, dOWP. & stor- ing Elect.equir)-Dist, 113141&, 5 75.00 75,00 460 !,Ars .Flizabet-h Casey Stenog.serv.on publ.hearin- on app.of City of k..Y. F. to est.a Dump in Twii of Q. 30.00 30.00 461 Fr,�r:Ceff L. Turner As req.by Sect. 41.24-Statemnt - frovj State Dent. of Health on Rcegistrar of Vital Statistics Dist. 5657 70.00 70.00 462 Allen 11. Towers Hrs.work survoyi.-n- under SUT-)er- C� - vision of Tovnn Surveyor-john VaDDLIsen 6.00 6,00 135 463 Leon M. Steves Hrs.workec? -surveyi.nc; under super- vision of Town Survcyor,, J.Var_- Dusen 8.25 8.25 -464 Pussell S; Wait 1 Moistener-NGFWD Ext. #1 1.40 1-.00 465 Association of Towns , Annual Membership dues, Stott: of N. Y. Twn of Qsby. 110.00 110.00 1z4725.99 4523.00 On moti.cn the: meeting adjourned. rances L. urner Town Clerk `2ecial Meeting NTove.r€rber 17 ,- 1960 Present: John 0. Webster - Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The Qupervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Poviel South who was present, prN.sented an application for a Bingo license for the Queensbury Central_ Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Resolution No. 138 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by err. La,anson- WEERF.I..S an application has beer made to this Board by the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co:, Inc. for license to conduct Bingo a0mes ar.d , WFIEREAS an investigation has beexi made by this Board, and after such investigation the :hoard makes the following findit-.Ls and determinations : 1. That the applicant is a qualified organization as defs_r.ed by law; 2. That all of the merabers deli...gnated to conduct games are bona fide active members of the applicant organization; 3. That all the members designated to conduct games and the assistants are of good moral character; 4. That all the members designated to conduct games and the assistants have never been convicted of a crime; 5. That the games are to be held according to the Bingo License Law, and rules and regulations of the State Lottery Control. Commission and local ordinarices; 6. That the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for the purposes permitted by the Bingo License Law; 7. That there. is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary, compensation, reward or recorripense. will be nai_d. or `,iven to any person for the conducting of games or assistance thereon except to the extent allowed by law; 8. There is satisfactory proof that the type and value of prizes will conform to law; 9. That no rent for the premises is being paid and as a resu.lt of the findings and determinations stated above., license is granted. M-RTElER RESOLVED that the Town. Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary findings and determinations and issue a license to conduct Bingo games in accordance with the application received. Duly adopted by the fo..lowi.ng vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. . Lampson, Mr. Wp.bster. At this point in the meeting, Justice Akins and Mr. Miller entered acid took hart in the proceedings. t request was received from Finch, Pruyn S, Co. , Inc. for permission to make a water tap on property= being purchased by James Hager.