1960-12-22 150► 480 G. F. Post Co. Pub.Notice Reports on new nstruction 36.40 3.6.40 481 Warren Co. Clerk Re deed--Swan to Town 2.50 2.50 482 Warren Co. Clerk Rec. deed--G.F. Country Club to Twn of Queensbury 2.50 2,50 483 Bullard-Glencraft Printing RRWD bills Printing 8.00 8.00 484 Russell & Wait, Inc. r dz. Manuscript covers,Twn 485 Louis Corlew Clerk's office .48 .48 486 Joe's Sinclair Sta. Gasolene-PV Cemetery 24.00 24 00 487 Mead's Nurser 9.00 9.00 : 488 Harold C. y Turf Builder-PV Cem. 98.34 98.34 Akins 100 stamped envelopes 4,76 4.76 489 Sager-Spuck Supply Co.Repaired: G.E. HP motor Inc. 5X4284 A it 94.27 94,27 490 Niagara Mohawk Pwr. Elect.serv. Aviation Rd. 141.12 141.12 491 Dorothy Schoonover Clerk, Election Day 16.00 16.00 492 Bessie Branch it " " 16.00 16.00 493 Albert E. Beswick Services-Fogg vs. Twn of Q. 303.00 303.00 494 J.E.Sawyer & Co. ,Inc.l curb box Shore Colony WD Fd. 5,17 5.17 495 City of Glens Falls WFd Deter tax due 11,1/60 RRWD Fund 148.00 148.00 496 City of G.F. WFd Deter tax due 11/1/60 NGFi�D Fd. 93A 978.32 978.32 497 City of G.F. WFd Meter" tax 11/1/60 NGFWD Fd. 93 1309.09 1309.09 498 Louis Corlew Labor--NGFWD 15.40 15.40 499 Louis Corlew Labor--RTGFWD 16.80 16.80 - 500 Chester Jarvis Rebate--5/1/60 to 11/1/60 WGFWD 9.45 9.45 501 City G.F. WF Meter tax due 11/1/60 WGFWD Fd. 513.75 513.75 502 W.G.F. Vol. Fire Co. Serv.rendered WGFWD Fd. 20.00 _ 20.00 503 Leon Nassiverk Kerosene WG11WD 4.60 _ 4,60 504 Sanford Harrington Serv. rendered WGFWD 14.00 14.00 505 Rozelle & LaP,wnt 1 hacksaw96 blades,l hammer 7.99 7.99 506 Leon M. Steves Surveyor helper 9100 9,00 507 Allen F. Towers " t' 9.©0 9100 508 Romney C. Patterson Supplies,Assessors 311.31 311.31 co. Treasurer 450 James A. Conklin Presented 11/10/60 N.A. 12_ 0,11 Totals $4668.76 $4788.87 ` On motion the meeting adjourned. , � : e Town Clerk Regular"Meeting December 22, 1960 Present `John 0. Webster Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace ` "Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman 'Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ` Ralph Nestl6, "former assessor, was 'present. He stated that he was visiting the Board. ' The following application was received: ' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Application for Junk Yard License We, West Side Auto Parts, hereby make anDlication for rorpsTA1 of license to operate a Junk Yard, as defined in the 'down or ^ueens,�,ury 151. Ordinance, Sec. #2, adopted December 21st, 1957. The proposed location of this Junk Yard is as follows: North side of Corinth Rd. as described on map submitted to the Town. A map as required is attached hereto. I have read the Ordinance in its entirety and agree to comply with all of its provisions. (Signed) Maurice B. Lebowitz d/b/a West Side Auto Parts Date 11/26/60 (Notarized) A fee of $10 by check in connection with the foregoing application was also received and turned over to the Supervisor. Resolution No. 150 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Miller: RESCLVED that the application of the West Side Auto Parts for renewal of a Junk Yard license for the year 1961 on property located on the north side of the Corinth Road be and the same is hereby granted and that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue such renewal license. - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes.-Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none 'fhe following communication was read by the Clerk: WARREN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Yd Superintendent's Off ice - December 12, 1960 s: q'rances L. Turner Towrr perk Glens Falls* N. Y. .ZFI Dear Mrs. Turners gn reply to your letter of November 28th, and pursuant to Section 21$-0 of the may Law, consent is hereby given to abandon to abuting , 49u* portion of the- former Country Club road which is of no higtway pur9bsw%,bbginning at the Country Club entrance . _W44 og north, easterly to a point wber+e it intersects the new town hUbma to Glen Lake. wbich %=a constructed by the County and turned tbft ,of Qubeaxbury im September of 19600 Very truly yours, copy to . Webster HERRICK OSBORNE Jays I `rt ,,y $ County Supt. of Highways f was presented by Mr. Miller and read begs �e�r� . by � report is as follows, and was received and placed am f : > MARY ST. JOHN Historian - 4 ` Town o f Queensbury Dec. 219 1960 avipmt tear thm ' w ; ttbe wiLtwl recom& auacerning persons living in the Town yoe reason for this being that the law ttb t thaW tw- ReUptt meter this date. tt W 4 arranging in order the newspaper 152 I am compiling and arranging Ancard index file containing all infor- mation available on. the Revolutionary soldiers who were residents of Warren County. I have been attending a history class . at the Queensbury school on Tuesday nights, hoping to learn new methods and obtain new informa- tion, making it possible to do my job better and take better care of the Queensbury historical records. I have considerable correspondence from persons living outside the township who need information for various reasons , and try to help them whenever possible. I am trying to be a good historian and do the best I can for the Town of Queensbury . I think the name "Quaker Road" ideal for the new road. Abraham Wing has a school named for him, but the other early residents, I believe should share some of the honors. Did they not do as much as Abraham Wing tP make the Queensbury settlement a success? I would like to suggest another possibility "Cooper Road," in honor of Jeffrey Cooper who was the first permanent settler of the town of Queensbury. He was a sailor, a lieutenant I believe, and lived near the old fort at Half Way Brook. The Supervisor read a report of Leslie Hillis, multiple dwelling inspector: December 22, 196Q Members of the Town Board, I, Leslie A. Hillis, employed by the Town of Queensbury as mul- tiple dwelling inspector, am presenting my annual report. I have inspected all hotels, motels , nursing homes, three family dwellings in the Town of Queensbury. They have all now passed by inspection satisfactorily. I have answered numerous calls on fire hazards in the Town at private dwellings. Upon my recommendation they were rectified, L Multiple Dwelling *Fire Ins. Leslie A. Hillis The report was received and placed on file. The Supervisor stated that George Liapes, Superintendent of the North Glens Falls water District, had been reporting to the Supervisor nearly every month during the year. The Supervisor read the follow- ing report: Dear john: December 15, 1960 This is a report for the year and it should supplement the last two months that I neglected to report to you. You have been in very good contact with me throughout the year and know every important detail of the problems we have had. I would like to add that I have a better conception of the Department than I had a year ago. The assistance that I have received from Mr. Codner, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller of the City Water Dept. , New York State Health Dept. engineers, Mr. Tripp for procedure and his pro City point of view, qualified, and your coopera- tion have all helped me on this job. The blunders have been few and they will be fewer in the future if I am retained. There have been 21 new taps and 1 discontinued services. Hamburger Haven and Delbert :3eswick. The new taps are as follows: K. Measeck, Glenwood Ave. F. Relyea, Ft. Amherst Rd. 153 B. Sullivan, Garrison Rd. M. Nelson, Nlontray Rd. S. Crotty, Montray Rd, A. Kacenas , Sweet Rd. A. Williams, P�necrest Rd. E. Barber, Lawton Rd. Trailer St, New Meter E. Barber, Lawton .Rd. Garage P. Campagnone, Carlton Dr, C. Haupkis, Carlton Dr, A. Rawathorne, Carlton Dr, R. Woodbury, Glenwood Ave. Save-on Plumbing, Upr. Glen St. new meter Slims, also Leo Ball, Aviation Rd. Dr. Harry Hughes, Garrison Rd. E. Carswell, Foster Ave. _ M. McKinney, Montray Rd, D. McKinney, Montray Rd, J. Ousey, Carlton Dr. A. Hillman, Ft. Amherst Rd. Replaced Curb boxes at no expense and a little profit at A. -Williams , Pinecrest Rd. M. Nelson's , Montray Rd. , Glenwood Ave. at A. C. Warner. The pump station needs attention to s6lidify the motor as it was installed in a temporary way with no bolts into the cement. Old sump pump must be removed and new one installed. Wiring not completed and old cable taken care of. I cannot ask for these corrections as they were pointed out to me by Mr. Brown, the Electric contractor, and Sager Spuck engin- eer, Mr. Emerick, as I did not hire it done. The Board should for its proper completion and have me and perhaps one of the board check it. Mr. Akins can check it and I'm sure he will come up. with the same con- clusion. It most certainly is a temporary situation with wood supported blocking. The old District should be notified of their lower insurance rates the best way possible. How? - Very truly yours, George Liapes A discussion was had respecting the eQjnpiztt6uYio,6f kepumping station in the North Glens Falls Water District. The matter was referred to Mr. Akins. r The following financial report was received from George Liapes, Superin- tendent of the North rGlens Falls Water District: - r Income for the year 1960 December 22, 1960 The old pistrict Meters revenue. $512.57 Penalties $83.86 Total income $8,251.59 The Extension Meters revenue $2,076.69 Penalties paid $145.99 Total income $11,086.80 Meters are in the following: National Bank and Trust Co. De Long's Dairy U.S. Catheter Co. The meters in the Ext. Butz Florist A.L. Parsons Murphy-Parsons Bruce Buick Tasty Freeze Slim's Market Save On Plumbing E. Barber's Trailer Court _ in old District Meters in the Old District are as follows: C.O. Jeffries Laundromat Fan and Bill's Rest (not opened) 154 (continued) Barbers Trailer Ct. Three meters in the District Total income in the Departments $19,338.39 George Mapes Mr. Bentley reported that Mr. Johnson, Superintendent of the Queens- bury Dump, had been-looking for -a cab for the tractor and had received a price of $100 for a cab. Further discussion was had respecting the purchase -of a building as a shelter at the Dump. Resolution No. 151 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury acquire by purchase from Kenneth Burnham for use as a -shelter at the Town of Queensbury Dump one 6 x 6 frame building at a cost of $10 to be paid for upon pre- sentation of a properly verified bill for the same, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - .none Mr. Miller read a report as chairman of ,the Election Committee and requested the same be inserted in the minutes: Report Committee of Elections 12/22/60 Year 1960 We have had two occasions during the year when the polls had to be . made ready for the use by the voting public: a. trimaries b. General Election In addition, the equipment required had to be set twice ie addition, namely for two Registration Days. In Districts 1, 3, 4 and 5 this is done by Stanton Batease, In District 2 this is done by representatives of Mohican Grange„ Both are pai4 fees by the Town. The three additional voting machines were used in the General Election -- in Districts 2, 4, and 5. District 3 had previously used a second machine. So that at each ,polling place, excepting District 1 there were two voting machines in operation. In general it may be said that more people were enabled to vote with less delay than formerly. It should be pointed out that in Districts 2,3,4 and 5 the regis- tration approximates 1200, excepting District 3 where the registra- tion exceeded 1800. The polls were open for a total of 15 hours on election day. In district 4, for example, over 900 voted. That meant that one person a minute operated the machine. There was some delay, the longest being 20 minutes and a few people refused to wait. In the large, however, we believe from the reports from the remaining districts that we can safely say that nearly_ all, those desiring to Yote, had that opportunity. However, we think that the large vote of last November along with the heavy registration, makes it very necessary that the Town Board pro- ceed immediately with the task of re-districting the Town. While we cared for those desiring to vote in November.we wonder what would have happened had there been several amendments appearing on the ballot. Certainly we could not vote one person a minute because so many stop to read these amendments and-thus consume additional time. The facilities at the Queensbury Central Fire House are not adequate to care for the people that desire to vote. The fire-truck is taken_ out but still with any sizable waiting line it is necessary to jam the people inside. If we are to continue with the present districts, we should consider returning to the storehouse on Aviation Road. We would recommend that the Town Board: 155 1. Proceed immediately with the re-districting of the Town. 2. That the new districts be ready for use at the next General Election in November, 1961, but with the present facilities be used for the Primaries and Registration. Respectfully submitted, Stanley B. Miller Copy: Lampson, Akins Mr. Miller read the report on assessment8 which read as follows; REPORT Committee on Assessments Year 1960 The activities of this committee have not been large. Its principal work was done in conjunction with the Board of Assessors on a readjustment of the Equalization Rate, The Chairman attended the preliminary meeting in the office of Attorney Bartlett. Also he attem4ed the hearing on the request before the State Board in Albany. _The chairman has also attended meetings in the office of Attorney Beswick concerned with the suit brought by one Fogg against the Town for release from assessment tin property situated at Cleverdale. This matter went to trial and the litigation was resolved in favor of the Town. It established the fact that the Assessors were within their proper functions in assessing Trailers. Your chairman attended a conference in Attorney Beswick's office having to do with the suit brought by a group of property owners located on Assembly Point. The purpose was to try to establish assessments on the properties mutually satisfactory to the Town Assessors and the property owners. The outcome of this conference has not been announced. There were some adjustments made both up and down by the Town Assessors. It was--the -impression of -the chairman that the attorneys were anxious to ' get adjustments downwards on all properties rather than partial. . I think that further talks will be necessary before this matter is settled. In fact, I am of the opinion that litigation may still be ahead. Respectfully submitted " ' Copy, to Akins, Lampson Stanley B. Miller December 22,-1960 Mr. Miller read a report as chairman of the' Insurance Committee which rehd as follows: Report Insurance Committee Year 1960 The necessary Insurance protection of the Town's- property and particularly protection against accidents to its employee& and- damage claims against it- is becoming increasingly important. We' earry Compensation, Auto Liability, General Liability, Fire, Burglary, Robbery, Auto Physical Damage, and Bonds on those employees that handle funds of the Town. We believe that the Town is" adequately protected against such hazards.` However, a constant watch is maintained to assure the proper protection at all` times. The policies ate reviewed periodical- ly, and at each renewal as of February 28th annually with the agent. The constantly rising' eosts of Insurance gives c, -icern. We must recog- nize that the enlargement of'benefits under the Compensation Law must inevitably be reflected in the premium charge. Automobile Insurance is rising regularly due in large measure to the greater accident frequency* Increased repair costs and above all the claim consciousness of the general public. Our record for the year has been fairly good. This applies to both the compensation afid auto lines. It is our opinion that the Highway Department employees hre careful in their operations and are trying to maintain a good record against accidents. This is important 156 from a cost standpoint in that their record determines the premium cost in large measure. We would recommend that the Highway Department maintain a Safety Program and observe its requirements at all times. The same should apply to the Volunteer Firemen. We realize that there is hazard that cannot always be anticipated in fighting a bad fire, but constant vigilance must be observed. Our observation is that the respective Fire Companies and the Fire Chiefs are well aware of this necessity and are constantly working to minimize all hazards. But eternal alert- ness is vitally necessary. Respectfully submitted, December 22, 1960 Stanley B. Miller Copy to Bentley, Akins A discussion was had respecting the balances of several items which had been appropriated for the year 1961. Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways, reported that he had started to lay the pipe` for Highway drainage along the Grant Avenue Extension and that such work will proceed after the holidays. John Van Dusen raised the question as to whether or not there would be any funds available from Federal sources to assist in the finan- cing of a water supply for the. Town of Queensbury. The Supervisor advised the Board that the tentative State Equaliza- tion rate in the Town of Queensbury was 43. As to the advisability of a hearing upon such rate, the mAtter was left to the Supervisor to obtain a listing of the properties upon which the basis of such rate was established and to report to the Board at the next meeting. SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF Queensbury, Warren County, New York for the month of December, 1960 .Amt. Amt, No: Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 509 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. lights,Ft.Amherst- Garrison Rd. 168.46 168.46 510 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. lights & traf.siren 216.35 216,35 511 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Elect. & Gas Serv. of Twn of Q storehouse 192.92 192.92 512= Wagoner Bus.Equip. 1 typewriter ribbon-Twn Clerk's office 1190 1:90 513 Ernest Hillis Mileage covered on assess) ing 93.12 93.12 514 Gwinup's Gen.Store Gasolene-Dump 30.38 30.38 515 Dennis & Co. ,Inc. 2 copies 1960 Suppl.to Dennis Justice Manual 12.00 12.00 516 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Elect.serv.-Booster pump NGFWD 133.29 133,29 517 Bullard-Glencraft 1000 3 part report forms Printing,Inc. on new construction 55.75 55.75 518 Bullard-Glencraft 5000 of govt. env.win= Printing, Inc. dow c/c 285.50 500 #10 reg.envelopes c/c 9.95 500 #9 window env. c/c 9.95 305,40 305.40 519 Town of Queensbury Trucks & driver & operator Highway Department dirt for Twn of Qsby,Town Dump 199.80 199.80 520 Town of Queensbury (NGFWD) Highway Department Miscl.serv.on relief valve on Upr.Glen & Aviation Rd. 8.40 8,40 157 (continued) 521 Town of Queensbury Miscel.service on cesspools Highway Department & covers (Reservoir Park) 47.60 47.60 522 Mott-Manbeck Machinery 6 R2 N.Y.S. Standard Signs _ Co. , Inc. 30 x 30 Scotchlite Stop Signs (Gen. Twn. Fd. 105,00 105.00 T1570.37 T1 M .M On motion the meeting adjourned. Fra L� � Town Qlerk 0 ` VI V ) Regular Meeting December 31 196 • T- Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor 'Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace 'Harold Akins Justice of the Peace 'Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 9:00 a,m. The Boar"d generally discussed equalization rates. Resolution I4o. 152 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to retain Richard J. Bartlett, Attorney, to represent the Town of Queensbury before the Board of Equalization and Assessment on the equalization rate, and to take the necessary Action to protect the interests of the Town of Queensbury, and that the Supervisor be and is further authorized and empowered to sign any necessary papers td carry the foregoing into effect.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none Resolution '1Q. 153 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Akins: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $21.43 from "Weeds and Brush" of the Highway Fund, Item 4, to the Miscellaneous account of such item. Duly adopted by the-following vote: . -- Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr, Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - none The report of the Supervisor for the month of December was read. The report was as follows: