1960-12-31 157
521 Town of Queensbury Miscel.service on cesspools
Highway Department & covers (Reservoir Park) 47.60 47.60
522 Mott-Manbeck Machinery 6 R2 N.Y.S. Standard Signs
Co. , Inca 30 x 30 Scotchlite Stop Signs
. (Gen. Twn. Fd. 105 00 105.00
T1-570.3-7 $1570,'37
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Fra �� �
. - Town Clerk
December 31 196
John 0. Webster Supervisor
tMeredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
'Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
.Curtis Lampson Councilman
.Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 9:00 a.m.
The Board generally discussed equalization rates.
Resolution 14o. 152 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller:
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to retain Richard J. Bartlett, Attorney, to represent the
Town of Queensbury before the Board of Equalization and Assessment
on the equalization rate, and to take the necessary action to protect
the interests of the Town of Queensbury, and that the Supervisor be
and is further authorized and empowered to sign any necessary papers
to` carry the foregoing into effect._
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Resolution 'JTc. 153 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Akins:
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer $21.43 from "Weeds and Brush" of the Highway Fund,
Item 49 to the Miscellaneous account of such item.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The report of the Supervisor for the month of December was read.
The report was as follows:
Monthly Statement of Supervisor
December, 1960
Date Amount
Received RECEIPTS Received
Dec. George Liapes-water- rents to NGFW Dist.12 1;12 5 372.7
George Liapes tt 11 to NGFWD Ext. 12/1;5;
%27 15 764.57
Jack Crannell- " " to WGFWD 12/5;12 472.70
Jack Crannell:. 't " to WGFG?D Ext. 12/5;
12/27 52.50
15 Frances L. Turner-Town Clerk's Fees 11/60 205.00
20 Frank Cowles-Pineview Cemetery receipts 405.00
21 Theodore Turner-RRWD rents 454,40
20 WGFWD Ext. to T.4GFWD-purchase of water 64,.22
22 WGFWD to WGFWD Ext.-to correct error in deposit
by Jack Crannell 54.00
22 H. Lebowitz-junk yard license fee 10.00
20 Highway Fund-to Agency & Trust-w/h 110.00
20 Pineview Cemetery to Agency & Trust-w/h 8/15
22 General Fund it 't tt 90.06
22 NGFWD tt tt It 3.00
22 WGFWD Ext. t+ tt tt 1150
22 Highway Fund '' it tt 67.26
22 Pineview Cemetery " it tt 7.98
22 NGFWD-$8.40; Res. Pk. Sewer-$47.60, General Fund
$199.80 (Dump operations) all to Highway Fund 255,80
Total Receipts $3t399.50
Paid Fund or Account Paid
Dec. "Genera. Fund 5_,879._62
Pineview 668.74
Agency & Trust 860;69
NGFWD 1,496.30
NGFWD Ext. 616.69
WGFWD Ext, 116.72
RRWD 162.00
Shore Colony Water Dist. - 5.17
Cleverdale Lighting Dist. 47.86
kt, Amherst-Garrison Road Lighting District 168.46
Reservoir Park Sewer District 47.60
WGFWD Ext. #-1, Bond Acct, 4.60
Highway Fund 122220,022
Date: 12/31/60 Total Disbursements $23,714.97
John 0. Webster
- Supervisor
The report of Justice Bentley was read: '
Annual Report of Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace, for
year ending Dec. 31, 1960._
Cases disposed of: Paid State Comp. $3216.70
V & T 405 To, be paid to Comp.
Civil 97 before 1/10/61 1380_00"
Penal, Total Receipts 3354.70
Misd. ,etc.23,
Indictable 10
Total 535
Pending cases 10
Dated: Dec. 31, 1960 Meredith S. Bentley
r -
Justice- of the Peace -The report of the Town Clerk was read:
Annual Report 1960 of Fees turned over to Supervisor
Town Clerk - - .. - Town of Queensbury
Number of Fees
Licenses Type of License Received
908 Res. Hunting & Fishing $ 227.00
6682 Res, Hunting 170.50
1936 Res. Fishing 484x00
16 Res. Trapping 4.00
_ 21 Non-Res. Hunting 5,25
65 Non-Res. Alien--Fishing 16.25
25 Non-Res. Alien 6 day Fishing 6.25
1745 Res. Big Game 426.25
` 15 Non-Res. Alien Big Game 3.75
20 Res. Archery 5.00
11 Lost License Certificates 2.7�
1224 Dog-Licenses & lost tags 306.00
95 Marriage Licenses 139.50
- 4 Verified transcript of Marriage . 4.00
392 Chattel Mortgages 196.00
30 Chattel Mortgage Discharges 15.00
1 Chattel Mortgage Renewal .50
1 Chattel Mortgage Assignment 1.00
357 Conditional Sales--Retail 178.50
2 Conditional Discharges 1100
5 Conditional Sales Assignments 5.00
17 Explosive licenses 4.25
4 Junk Dealer Licenses ` 20.00
3 2 verified copies & 1 Search 2.50
�. 3 Bingo Licenses 350.00
2 Carnival permits--O.C. Buck Shows _ 22000,00
Total $2,784.25
Dated.: December 30th, 1960
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk Town of Queensbury
The report of the Cemetery was read:
Annual Report 1960 `
Cemetery Commission - Town `of Queensbury
Balance, January 1, 1960 $4989909t
Sale of Lots 31497.50
Openings __ 29530.00
Vault Rent 120.00
Foundations ' 74.25
Investment Income 372.15
Perpetual Care ,(Estate of Buckley) 200.00
Sale of Logs 848 50
T, +42.40
DISBURSEMENTS Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
75% Sale of Lots 21623.13
Openings 29530.00
Vault Rent 120.00
Foundations 74.25
Payment to Supervisor Feb. 1960 to correct
error in January 1960 check 10,00
Total Receipts $61842.40
Total Disbursements _ 5,357,38
Net Income lt485.02
Bal. Jan. 1, 1960 4899.91
�38 ,93 _
- Purchase Price U.S.
Treasury Bonds x5,048
Balance as per Bank Account Dec. 30, 1960 $1,336.93
Frank L. Cowles , Treasurer
The report of the Supervisor was read:
December 31, 1960
Report of the Supervisor to the Town Board:
Now that I have had the opportunity to go over all of our
accounts on a "year end" basis, I feel in a better-position to
make-a final report to the Board as we prepare to close out the
year: The Supervisor's Annual Report will carry the complete
financial story for the year 1960 and therefore I will not endeavor
to do this here, however I do think it proper to make a few obser-
vations at this time. -The 1960 Budget provided for expenditures of -certain balances,
mainly $20,000 in Highway Funds, $169000 in General Funds, and
$4,000 in Fire Protection District Funds , and taxes levied and
collected in January 1960 were reduced accordingly. Tn each of
these cases, the balances referred to were pretty much used up, as
In almost every instance, the expenditures from the various
funds have been kept within budget appropriations and all funds show
a balance on hand, after all outstanding obligations that I have any
knowledge of have been paid.
In every instance where a balance on hand had been anticipated
in the 1961 Budget, a balance of that amount, or higher is on hand
at the close of 1960. In general, I believe that we are entering
the year 1961 in good financial condition and I am including with
this -report a complete list of balances in all accounts as of
December 31, 1960.
While this is primarily an audit meeting, I do not want to
close out the year without expressing to each of you my sincere thanks
for the splendid cooperation you have shown during this first year
that I have held the office of Supervisor. While I am not satisfied
that we have accomplished all that we might have this past year, yet
I do feel that progress has been made in our Town. Your cooperation
and help to me, as I have tried to get acclimated to the work is, as
I have said, truly appreciated, as is your conscientious attendance
upon the metings of the board, and response to work assigned. The
complete cooperation of Highway Superintendent, Bernard Codner, and
our Water Superintendents Turner, Schoonover, Crannell, and Liapes,
as well as the other appointed and elected Town officials; have made -�
it a pleasant year indeed to serve as Town Supervisor.
- I hope that in 1961 we can more aggressively tackle some of
our mosttpressing problems--problems that have occupied much of our
time -this past year. I shall list a few.
I hope that we can come to a definite decision regarding the
development of our water supply--by late spring.
That we can intensify our study of incineration and refuse
disposal during these winter monthsi I hesitate to try to put a
time -limit on this but once again, action as early as possible seems
highly desirable.
- And as Stan Miller suggested in a report given at the last
Board meeting, that we can take definite action toward increasing the
number of election districts in the Town.
^ c
That we should seriously consider the establishment of a Town
Planning Board. With -the increase in population of the Town in the
last ten years a reality, �and with the probability of a similar in-
crease during the sixties , it seems to me that the Board should study
the benefits which would result from the efunctions of a Town Planning
Board. -
That in line with our announced policy of attracting business
and industry to the Town, �together with the Town Board Committee on
Business ,Promotion; and the item provided in the 1961 budget for
promotion and advertising, I hope that a Queensbury Chamber of Commerce
will be formed through our encouragement. I believe that such a
Queensbury Chamber of Commerce could and would be able to do more
than any of us on this Board to further this particular effort.
And finally, after we have had the opportunity to properly
index our Town Ordinances , I feel that all the -ordinances should
be carefully reviewed by the Board, or by a committee of the Board.
These are just a few of my thoughts, and I am sure that you
share some or all of them with me, as we end out 1960 and prepare to
enter the year 1961.
Respectfully submitted,
John 0, Webster
Mr. Codner reported to the Board that the storm sewer in the Grgnt Ave.
Extension area had been completed, with the exception of catch basins.
The Board proceeded to audit books, papers, documents, vouchers,
warrants , checks and stubs of the various Town Officers.
Resolution No. 154 introduced by
WHEREAS the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace, Town Clerk, Town
Superintendent of Highways and Collectors of the Water Districts have
'submitted books, documents, minute book, dockets, vouchers, statements,
stubs , checks, highway books, cash books pertaining to each of their
respective offices for audit, and
WHEREAS the Town Board did proceed to audit and examine said
documents submitted as set forth above,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after such audit and examination
the Board funds and determines that all officers who were required to
account for Town money have accounted for the same, and paid out such
moneys in accordance with law, and that such records are kept in a
good and sufficient manner.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways , expressed his appre-
ciation to the members of the Board and to the Town Clerk for "the
cooperation extended to him in the past year.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Zancr a urner
' Town Clerk
John 0, Webster Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 9:00 a.m.
The following reports were read by Mr. Akins:
Report to 'Town Board of Committee activity for 1961
This committee has been active all year and has had the fullest
cooperation of the Highway Department.