1960-01-04 ORG '?3
Adjourned Organization Meeting January 4, 1960
John 0. Webster Supervisor
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis : ,ampson Councilman
Stanle y.B. Miller Councilman
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace
The Board convened at 7:30 p.m-.
The following communication was presented to the Board
Town of Queensbury
Town Clerk' s Office
338 Ridge Road
Glens Falls, New York
Jan. 1, 1960
Mr. Sidney Van Dusen
Warren County Clerk
Lake George, New York
Dear Sidney:
Herein enclosed are. the undertakings for the following officials:
John 0. Webster, Supervisor, Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk; Meredith S..
Bentley, Justice of the Peace ; Forrest Crannell, Town Tax Collector,
for filing in your office.
There is also included an oath of office for Forrest J. Crannell,
Collector,, Town of Queensbury. ,
Yours truly,
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk.
The above undertakings were received by the Warren County
Clerk and filed this 4th day of January,; 1960.
(Signed)_ Sidney Van Dusen
Warren County Clerk
Since all of the officers were qualified according to law the Board pro.
ceeded with the business of the meeting.
A discussion was had respecting the proposed acquisition of land from
lands of the Pine View Cemetery for the for the East-West by-pass of the
City of Glens Falls.
Resolution No. 4 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of
Quepnsbury- shall be held on ,the second and fourth Thursday of each month
hereafter at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Clerk's Office during the year 1960.
Duly, adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes - Mr. Lempson,, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none- ,
Resolution -No. 5 introduced ,by Mr.. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson:
IT WAS RESOLVED that the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company
be and-is hereby designated depository for the Town moneys for the year 1960.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - M�,. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster.
Nqes - none-
Resolution No. 6 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Coun-
cilman Miller:- -
IT dAS R3SOLVED that the Glens Falls Times be and is hereby
designated_4s._t1ae._official newspaper for publishing legal notices of
the Town. of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Millsrt, and- Mr. Webster
Noes - none-
At this point in the meeting Mr. Bentley entered and took part in the
The following communication was read to the Board:
. of the
State of New York
December 31st. , 1959
My dear Town Clerk:
Pursuant to Section '3 of Article III of the Constitution and By
Laws of the Association of Towns of the - State of New York, notice is
hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns will
be held at the Hotel Commodore, Hotel Roosevelt, and Hotel Biltmore,
New York City, beginning at 9:30 a.m.., ?Monday, February 8th, and ending
Wednesday, February 10th, 1960.
A General Session for all. officers will be held in the Grand
Ballroom of the Hotel Commodore at 9 :30 a.m., Monday, February 8th.
Group Sessions will be conducted separately during the Meeting j
for the following officers :
Supervisors and Councilmen
Justices of the Peace Town and County Attorneys
Town Clerks Planning and Zoning Officers -
Superintendents of Highways Fire District Officers
Assessors Town Historians
Tax Collectors and Receivers Town Engineers
Constables and Police Officers Tour Comptrollers-
Welfare and Service Officers
Other special activities which will take place during th4 three--
day Meeting include :
The Annual Business Session,; 8:00 p.m. , Monday, February 8th,
' East Ballroom,, Hotel Commodore
The Annual Banquet, this year a luncheon, at 12 :30 p.m..
Tuesday, February 9th, Grand, Ballroom, Hotel Commodore.
Governor Rockefeller will be the principal speaker.
The Model Town Board Meeting ,. •8:00 p.m. , -Tuesday Evening,
February 9th, Grand. Ballroom, Hotel Commodore.
For further 'and more detailed information, it is recommended that you
consult the programs which will be printed in all of the Topics bulle-
Section 6 of Article III of the Constitution and By-Laws provides :
"On all questions arising at.meetings of the Association,; each member
in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. Such vote shall be
cast by a person designated by the town board of such member,town,,
registered and present at the meeting at which such vote is offered.
The town board may designate an alternate to cast the vote of such town
in the absence of the person so designated. No person shall. be desig-
nated as a representative of a town or alternate unless he shall be an
elector of the town so designating.'t
Any town paying its dues for the year 1960 before the Annual Meeting
is considered a "member in good standing". A certificate of designation
far your voting delegate is enclosed herewith. As soon as the person
selected to cast the vote of your Town is designated, will you please
execute the Certificate and forward it to the Association at 91 State
Street, Albany, New York..
Attention is further directed to Section 8 of Article III of the
Constitution and By-Laws which provides , in part, as follows : . - "No reso-
lution shall be considered or acted upon at any meeting of the Association
'T unless such resolution shall have been filed with the Rxecutive Secretary
at least ten days before such meeting and favorably reported by the commit-
tee orr resolutions, at the business session."
There will be a small registration fee of $1.00 to help defray the
cost of the Meeting. This is a legal town charge under the provisions of
section 77--b of the General Municipal Law.
Very truly yours ,
William K. Sanford
Executive Secretary
The Board generally discussed the matter of the several Town Officers
attending the meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York.
Resolution No. 7 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the following Town officers be and are hereby authorized
to attend the -Annual Meeting of the Association of Toes of the State of
New York held at the Hotels Commodore , Roosevelt , and Biltmore, February
8, 9 , 109 1960: Supervisor, Justices of the Peace, Councilmen, Town Clerk,
Collector,, Superintendent of Highways , Assessors , and Constables.
FURTHr&R RESOLVED that the actual and necessary expenses of any Town
Officer attending such meeting shall be and the same are a Tom. charge.
FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor Webster be and is hereby authorized
to attend the annual meeting of the Association of Towns and cast the vote
of the said Town,, and in his absence, Mr. Akins is to cast the vote of the
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none -
At this point in the meeting,- Mr. Gerald McPhillips entered and discussed
briefly with the Board the proposed acquisition of part of the Fine View
premises for the East-West by-pass of the City of Glens Falls.
The following applications for constable were read to the Board:
Connecticut�Ave. , West Glens Fall;
December 2.9, 1959
Tom Board
Tovm of Queensbury
Glens Falls, N. Y.
Please accept this as my application for Constable for Town of Queens-
bury for the year 1960.
Yours truly;.
Raymond H. Hoague
August 19 , 1959
I,, Alonzo Clark,, wish to make application for Special
Constable Qf the Town of Qu2eensbury for one dollar a
(Signed) Alonzo H. Clark
22 Boulevard, Glens Falls, N.Y.
June 26, 1959
Town Board of Queensbury
Warren County, NLY.
Dear Members :
There is a very great need for a constable in the South Queensbury
The taxpayers in this area are not being properly serviced. The �•
only constablesin this area are in West Glens Falls and North Queensbury
and they do not service this area.
Therefore to give proper protection to the taxpayers of South
Queensbury we need a constable and I would like to apply for this posi-
I have for three years belonged to the Constables' Association.
I have -studied the laws as the state requires ; learned several defence
r procedures , and first aid and. feel I am well qualified to handle all
aspects of a constable' s duties of this area.
I am a resident of South Queensbury and a voter in the township,
stable - and married..
I would. appreciate your consideration of this application.
Very truly yours:,
Lowell F. Hill
December 31
Star Route
Glens Falls , N. Y.
The Honorable Town Board.
Toy,%m of Queensbury.
I hereby submit my application for Constable of the y
Town of Queensbury for 1960.
Thane you,
Ralph F.,Hill, Constable -_
Toir�,n of Queensbury
R.F.D. #1
Glens Falls , New York
December 29 , ,L959
To: Members of the Town Board
Town of Queensbury, New York
Honorable Sirs:
Please consider this letter as my application for appointment as Con-
stable for the Toirr? of Queensbury.
I would very much appreciate your favorable consideration for this ap-
Very truly yours,
Dorance L. Branch
Resolution No. 8 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Justice Bentley:
RESOLVED that Raymond Hoague be and is hereby appointed cor;.stable
to serve at the pleasure of this Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, :`Pir. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Uyr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none. -
Resolution No. 9 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that Ralph Hill be and is hereby appointed constable to
serve at . the pleasure of this Board .
Duly lost `by the following vote:
Ayes -» Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson
Noes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Ikins, and. Mr. Webster
Resolution No. 10 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded btr Councilman
RESOLVED that Lowell Hill be and is hereby appointed constable to
.serve at the pleasure of this Board . "
Duly lost by the following vote :
Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Rir. Lampson
Noes Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins, Mr. Webster
Resolution No. 11 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
RL'SOLVED that Dorance L. Branch be and is hereby appointed constable
to serve at the pleasure of this Board. _
Duly carried. by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins , Mr. Webster
Noes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. .Lampson
The following applications were read:
3 Foster Avenue
Glens Falls., N. Y.
December 28, 1959
Queensbury Town Board
Town Hall
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York
_ I am applying for the appointment of eater Rent Collector, which
I understand is open:.
If-Lam appointed , I will do the job faithfully and. with perseverance.
Thank you.
Very truly yours ,
George Liapes
10 Garner Street
Glens Falls 40, N. Y.
Town Board December 30, 1959
Town of Queensbury
Please accept this letter as 'my application for Collector of Water
_ Rents and Caretaker for the West Glens Falls Water District rl, and the
Fifth Street Extension Water District for the year of 1960.
Very truly yours ,
Jack Crannell.
2 7'O
December 26, 1959
Town Board
'down of Queensbury
Gentlemen: -
Please accept this letter as my application for the job of Water
Collector and Caretaker for the West Glens Falls and Fifth. Street Exten-
sion Water. Districts for the year of 1960..
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Earl E. Jones
Resolution No. 12_ introduced by Justice Akins ; seconded by 'Councilman
Miller: -
RESOLVED that George Liapes be and, is hereby appointed Superinten-
dent and Caretaker for the North Glens Falls Water District and, its
extension. Such collector and superintendent shall-serve at the pleasure
of this Board.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of George Liapes for his
services as collector-of the North Glens Falls Water District be and the
same is hereby fixed at $600 annually for services to- the North Glens
Falls Water District , and $600 annually for services in any ,and all
extensions thereof, each of such amounts payable in equal monthly instal-
Duly adopted, by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr., Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none -
Resolution No. 13 introduced. by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that Earl Jones be and is hereby appointed superintendent 1
and collector for the West Glens Falls Water District and its extensions,!ij
to serve at the pleasure of this Board.
` FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of such superintendent and
collector be and is hereby fixed at $600 annually payable in equal monthly
Duly lost by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson
Noes Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins , Mr. Webster
Resolution No. 14 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Super--
visor Webster
` RESOLVED that Jack Crannell be and. is hereby appointed superinten-
dent of the West Glens Falls Water District and its extension to serve
at the pleasure of this Board. -
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of such superintendent and
collector be and is hereby fixed at $600 per year, $50.0 thereof payable
in equal monthly installments from the West Glens Falls Water District
'funds ,: and $100 payable in two equal monthly installments from-the
"Test Glens Falls Water District Extension funds.
Duly carried by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins , Mr. Webster
Noes Mr. Lampson
Resolution No. 15 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice
skins :
RESOLVED that Theodore Turner be and is hereby appointed super-
intendent and -collector of the Ridge Road Water District to serve at
the pleasure of this Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller,, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The matter of the appointment of a superintendent for the Shore Colony
Water District was deferred to a later meeting.
The Bbaftmgenerally discussed the appointment of the chairman of the
Board `of Assessors.
Resolution `No. 16 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RRSOLVED that Ernest Hillis be and is hereby appointed chairman
of the Board of Assessors for the year 1960.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mir.. Webster
Noes - none`
Resolution No. 17 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that Lawrehce Powers be and is hereby appointed dog
warden to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The Board generally discussed the retention of.the town surveyor.
Resolution No. 18 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that John Van Dusen be retained as town surveyor and
that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to execute a contract
with the said John Van Dusen covering such service on the same terms
and conditions as heretofore.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The following was read 'to the Town Board:_
Queensbury Town Board
Glens Falls`, N. Y.
Re : Town Dump ',#1
�- I, Eugene Johnson, make application for Caretaker of Town Dump , l
for 1960.
Signed: Eugene Johnson
Resolution No 19 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
Lamps on
RESOLVED that 'Eugene Johnson be and is hereby appointed caretaker
of the town dump to serve at the pleasure of this Board.
7JRTH7ER iIESOLVED that $1400 be and is hereby fixed as the annual
salary ,of sgQh,_QQ.re.tsker for .1960 , payable in equal monthly installments.
Duly adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster.
Noes - none _
The following application was received.: -
December 31, 1959
Members of the Town Board: _
I, Leslie Hillis , am again applying for reinstatement into the job
of multiple dwelling fire inspector for the Town of Queensbury.
I have held this job for the past year and one half.
Yours truly,
Leslie A. Hillis
Resolution No. 20 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
R. SOLVM that Leslie Hillis be and. is hereby appointed. multiple
dwelling inspector to serve st' the pleasure of- this Board. '
Duly adopted by the following- vote :
Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr�. Webster.
Noes none
Resolution No. 21 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Mr. ]%haler:
RESOLVED that Mary St. John be and. is hereby appointed Town_ Histor-
ian to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote .*
Ayes. - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
In the matter of the appointment of a health officer the matter was 'gener-
ally discussed among the members of the Board:
Resolution No. 22- introduced by Councilman fuller, seconded. by Justice
R;SOLVE that Robert A. l eid be and is hereby appointed Health Offi-
cer for a term of four years beginning January 1, 1960.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. ;�ebster
Noes - none
The following communication was read to the Board :
January 1, 1960
T(ngn Board
To-om of Queensbury
Pursuant to Subd. 10 Sec. 30 of the Town Law, I hereby 'appoint
George H. Turner Deputy Town Clerk, and Theodore Turner Deputy Town Clerk.
Yours very truly,
Town Clerk
The Board generally discussed the duties and functions oy" the deputy
town- clerk and attendance upon the meetings of this Board.
The following communication was presented to the Toirn Board:
January 4, 1960
Frances L. Turner
Town. Clerk ,
Town of Queensbury
I hereby tender my resignation as deputy Town Clerk_ to take effect
Very truly yours,
Theodore Turner
Filed : Jan. 4, 1960
Town Board
January 4, 1960
Town o� Queensbu4y
Gentlemen: ,
I have received this date the resignation of Theodore Turner as
Deputy-T(nrn Cler%.
Therefore, pursuant to Sgbd. .10 of Section 30 of the Town Law, I
hereby_,appoint Ralph B. Turner Deputy to fill the vacancy caused-by such
resignation. ,
Frances L. Turner
In the matter of the Deputy Town Clerk, the following was presented.:
Resolution No. 23 introduced by Supervisor Webster; seconded by Councilman
WNEREAS Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk, has appointed George Turner
and Ralph B. Turner as--Deputy Town Clerks ; therefore, be it
RESOLVED that these. two Deputy Town Clerks appointed by the Town Clerk
shall have- the pgwer to perform all duties of the Town Clerk and such
further duties p.s the To= Board may determine not . inconsistent with law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr., Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes -- none
Resolution No,. 24 introduced by Supervisor Webster, seoonded by Councilman_
Miller: ,
WHEREAS,, due to the, increase of business being conducted in the Town
Clerk' s office it its deemed advisable to provide compensation for one
deputy; , therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the compensation of George H. Turner, Deputy Town Clerk,
be and the same i$ hereby fixed. at $400 for the year 1960 payable as follows :
033.33 for 11 months , and_
33.3 Z for 1 month
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Rdbolution No. 25 introduced. by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
: 8
RESOLVED that Frances L. Turner be and is hereby appointed Regis-
trar of_VIt.al.Statistics pursuant to the provisions of the Public-Health
Law. _ ..
Duly adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, 1,1r. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes none.
R46olution No. 26 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the salary of each Town officer set forth in the fol-
lowing schedqle be and. are hereby fixed at the amounts and payable at the
times hereinafter specified -.:
Annual Payable
Name Officer Rate Monthly
John 0. ilebster Supervisor $4000.00 11 mos. 3
$333.33 1 Mo.P33.37
Frances L. Turner Town Clerk 4000.00 11 mos. 3
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace $333.33 1 mo. 333.37
3300.00 12 mos. 9
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
2200.00 11 mos.
$183.33 1 mo. 183.37
Curtis Lampson Councilman 1200.00 12 mos. 9 .
Stanley B. Miller Councilman 1200.00 12 mos. Q
Ernest Hillis Assessor 3800.00 11 mos. 9
$316.66 1 mo. 316.74
Leon Nassivera - Assessor 1700.00 11 mos. ,Q
$141.66 , 1 mo. 141.74
Donald Winchell Assessor 1700.00 11 mos. 3
$.1.41.66 1 mo. 141.74
Forrest Crannell Collector 2600.00 11 mos. Q .
$216.66 1 mo. 216.74
Bernard Codner Supt. of Hwys. 5100.00 12 mos. Q
. Franklin Scoville Caretaker,F'V Cem, 3300.00 12 mos. a
Robert A. Reid Health Officer 1750.00 11 mos. Q
$145.83 1 mo. 145.87
Leslie Hillis Bldg. Inspct.• 300.00. 12 mos.
Lawrence Powers Dog ',Alarden 550.00 11 mos. 9
$45.83 • . 1 mo. 45,87
Raymond, Hoague Constable 252.00 12 mos.
Dorance Branch Constable 252.00 12 mos. 9
Mary St. John Historian 1.80.00 12 mos. 9
Eugene Johnson Caretaker Twn Dump 1400.00 11 mos. 9
$116.66 1 mo. 74
FURTHER RESOLVED that the above compensation az• fixed for consta-
bles is for criminal matters and that the constables shall retain and are
entitled to retain civil fees.
Duly adopted by the follcidng vote :
Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, rsr. Akins ,; Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Resolution No. 27 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
Damp s on
IT WAS R'2SCLVMD that the hourly rates of pay for Towm employees
be and.are her(,:,by, fixed as follows
Shovel operators X1.65 per hour
Cirade.r -operators .1.65 per hour
,�.otorized equipment
o_nerators • 1.60 per hour
Laborers 1.40 per hour
Duly adopted by the following vote
s ,
Ayes .. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamy son, A;r. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The following reports wero submitted and read :
Annual Report of Health Officer for 1959 .
T(TWX BOARD, Town of Queensbury:
The follot.d_ng is a summary of the major duties _performed by your health
officer during 1-959.
1. Conducted a total of 4 immunization clinics at the Queensbury School
where I personally administered a total of 355 triple vaccine injections
(whooping cough, di;,.,htheria & .tetanus) , 89 smallpox vaccinations and 67
polio vaccine inoculations. The Town, of Queensbury now has the highest
polio protection rate of all to?.,ns and. cities in the tri-county health
2. Received numerous nuisance complaints concerning alleged violations of
the Sanitary Code. No punitive measures were necessary.
3. Issued 1 Bathing Beach Permit.
4. Submitted re�aorts to State -Health-Dept; on-contagious diseases which
occurred uithin thL Town. • . . . . • • . • .
5. Attended meetings called by the-Dtatrtet Health Officer concerning
matters of interest to the hearth of-the community. -
Respectfully submitted,
• Bernard. Selinger, M.D.
Health Officer-Queensbury,N.Y.
Annual Report 1959
Cam eter,,T Commission-Tovn of Queensbury
Balance, January 1, 1959 3415.98
Sale of Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5175.70 -
Openings. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2480.00
Vault Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 210.00
Foundations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172.50
Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190.00
DISBURSEt TTS LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor
759 Sale of Lots.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 3881.77
Openings. . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2480.00_ _
Vault Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210.00- -
Foundations . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172.50
284 ,
Total Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8228,20
Total Disbursements. . . . . . . . . .6744.27
Net Income $1483.93
Balance Jan. 1, 1959 .3415.98
Balance as per Bank Account Dec. 31, 1959.. . . . . . . . ,$4899,91
Frank L. Cowles, Treasurer
Report of cases and disbursements , 1959 to date
1959 Paid -�-
Month V & T Penal Civil Indict. C0my.
Jan. 22 5 241,00-
Feb. ' ll 2 7 101.50-
Mar. 12 1 7 135,00
Apr. 28 1 15 296.00
May 42 6 388.25
June 53 4 8 508,70
July 41 1 11 1 450,50
Aug. 51 9 449,00
Sept. 30 2 8 312.00
Oct. 14 3 4 3 144.50
Nov. 13 5 9 1 149.50
Total 319 19 89 6 173.95
Dec, 15 1 „- 7 To be paid comp, 05.00
Pending cases
10 1 5 t
Meredith S. Bentley
Dated. : Dec. 28: 1959 Justice of the Peaoe
1959 1958
Docketed Civil cases----------------- 22 25
Docketed V & T 68 50
Docketed criminal eases--Tried. . .:. . . . . . . 32
Felony & Indictable cases arraigned----- 25 23
Civil compromise cases------------------- 4 5
Dog tax cases-- ----------------------- 2-5 22
Respectfully submitted
Harold C. Akins , J.P.
Resolution No. 28 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Webster:
RE'SOLVE'D that the above rep -orts be accepted and placed on file.
Duly adopted by the follmring vote:
Ayes :. Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Webster
Noes -- none . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resolution No. 2-9 'roduced, ,by ,Co�r�cil�at N'�ller, .se,canded by Council-
man LampsoA:
RES04VED that 'the following bond*s be apnroVed as to form, amount`,
sufficiency of surety, and manner of execution:
Number ret Principal Amount
79•-67--57, Gleps, ,Fall .Insurenc,e Co,,, , Ae*r�nard Codner, $42000.00
80»74-�52� " " " " Raymond HoaZue _4,000.00
FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of this B=oard sign a certificate
to that effect on each of the instruments.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
Resolution` No. 30 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded. by Councilman
RESOLVED that 8¢ per mile be and is hereby allowed for the actual
and neces4ary-expenses of an officer of the Town for the use of his
automobile in the performance of official duties.
Duly adopted by the follmTing vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr'. Akins, Mr. Miller,, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none.
The Supervisor, John 0„ Ilebster, appointed the following standing commit-
tees-for the' year 1964:
Cemeteries -- Bentley Miller Akins
Water Districts w Lampson Akins Miller
Fire Companies Akins Lampson Bentley
Elections - Miller Akins Lampson
Highways r Akins Bentley Miller
Dump Bentley Lamps on Miller
Assessments Miller , Akins Lampson
Speed - Bentley Lampson* Akins
Lighting Akins Lampson Bentley
Health -- Lampson Miller Bentley
Drainage -- Akins Bentley Lampson
Insurance Milker Bentley Akins
Building .. Town Board
Water -- Town Board
# Chairman - first name listed.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk