1960-02-11 4
Regular Meeting February 11, 1960
Present: Supervisor
John 4. Webster
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Meredith'Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Abaft%% Councilman
Stanley B. Miller -
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m,, by the Supervisor.
The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr. Frederick Hay who orally requested
permission to make 18 water tap connectiofts in' the Reservoir Park Development.
The Board generally discussed the matter' in .relation to the method of installation, ---�
type of pipe, etc. At this point in the meeting Mr.� Akins was excused*
Resod n Nom introduced by'Councilman. Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley:
WHEREAS, Frederick Hay h&s requested permission of this Board-to lay a 2J"
water pipe along East .Clark Street for a distance of approximately 1000 ft. and
WHEREAS the said Frederick Hay has agreed to lay such pipe to a depth of not
less than 51 ft. and,
WHEREAS the said Frederick Hay agrees to cause the said pi a to be laid with-
out expense to the Town, and agrees to cause such pipe to be ins alled to the satis-
faction of this Board; Therefore be it
RESOLVED that this Board hereby grants to the said Frederick Hay permission
to instali the said 2P galvanized water pipe as set forth above and under the
aforesaid terms and conditions And to make the necessary taps to the existing
mains and to make not to exceed 18 taps thereon for use of individual consumers
of water.
Duly adopted by the following vote: -
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster
Noes - nonce
Mr. Lampson, chairman of the Water Committee, was authorized to inspect the afore-
said installation of water pipe as granted to the said Frederick Hay.
The following application was read to the Board:
Application for "Junk Yard" License
I/'We Howard Ladd, hereby make application for a license to operate a
Junk Yard, as defined in the Town of Queensbury Ordinance, Sec. #2, adopted
December 21st, 1957•
The proposed location of this Junk Yard is, as follows:
A map, as required is attached hereto.
I have read the Ordinance in its entirety and agree to comply with all of
its provisions.
(Signed) Ladd's Junk Yard
Date - Feb. Z, 1960-
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
9th day of February, 1960
Theodore Turner
Notary Public
A 43D fee was attached to the application.
The following letters were read to the Board:
95 Washington Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
February 5, 1960
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
Gentlemen: {
During a recent review of Stop sign locations in Warren County, it was noted
that Stop signs currently in place on County Road #52 and Chestnut Ridge Road at
their respective entrances to Route 9L, were not authorized by Traffic Commission
Conditions ,at both intersections are such that the control of traffic by
stop signs ,appears desirable. We have,, therefore, -designated .each of the inter-
sections aq a Stop intersection and directed the State Department of Public Works
to install And maintain Stop signs which conform to- the Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices. A copy of the order is enclosed for the records of the Town.
Very truly yours,
Lloyd A. Maeder
95 Washington Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
February 5, 1960
William C. .Bassette, Supte
Div. of Operation & Maintenance
Department .of Public Works
Albany 1, New York -.
Traffic Commission Order__,
Pursuant to authority conferred byIthe New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law,
the State Traffic Commission hereby
1. Designates the intersection of Route 9L, Glens Falls--Lake George, S.H. 1666,
with the following highways in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County as STOP inter-
A. County Road 52 at Station 110+50 on S.H. 1666.
B. Chestnut Ridge Road, a Town highway at Station 116350 2 on S.H. 1666.
2. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to install and maintain
Stop signs in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of
the State Traffic Commission as follows:
A. On County Road 52 at its easterly entrance to the STOP intersection-in
Item lA above.
B. On Chestnut Ridge Road at its easterly entranct to the YIELD intersection
designated in Item 1B above.
Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with.
cc: Supt. -State Police STATE TRAFFIC C010,1ISSION
Town Board--Queensbury Maeder
Sheriff McCoy Directoo r
The Supervisor read a letter from the Shamoon Industries in relation to the cost
of pipe..
At this point in the meeting Mr. Akins returned and proceeded to act with the Board.
The Supervisor read a prepared copy of the monthly statement of the Supervisor for
the month of January, 1960 and a copy of the report was distributed to the Board.
The following monthly statement of the Supervisor was received and placed on file.
January, 1960
Date Amount
Received RECEIPTS Received
Jan. 4 Stanley B. Miller - Tax for 20 residents ® $50 ea.
1960 Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge
Sewer Dist. 1,000.30
5 Earl Jones - Water Rent Collector, W.G.F.W.D. 158.85
14 Roland Xgndigo - Junk yard license-General Fund 10.00
14 George Liapes - Water Rent Collector N.G.F.W.D. Ext. 21.18
15 Frances L. Turner - Town Clerk's Fees, Dec. 1959 67.50
18 Forrest J. Crannell �- Taxes colt., Cloverdale Ltng. 503.04
18 Forrest J. Crannell. - Taxes coll., Ft. Amherst-Garr.Lt.2,029.71
18 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes toll., Highway Fund 45,802.00
14 George Liapes - Water rent collector, NGFWD 17.82
21 Frank Cowles - Cemetery Funds, Pineview 581.25
22 Agency & Trust Acct.- From Hwy. payroll #1 W/holding 50.51
22 Agency & Trust Acct.- From Hwy. payroll #2 W/holding 138.80
22 Agency & Trust Acct.--From Cemetery payroll #1 w.h. 70.22
29 Forrest J. Crannell -.Taxes collected, Gen. Fund 28,740.00
29 State of N. Y. Dept. Audit & Control, Justice fees 587.50
29 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes toll. N.G.F.W.D. Ext. 2,100.06
29 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes colt. W.G.F.W.D. Ext. 25.69
29 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes Coll., Queensbpry Drainage 7.,897.70
29 Forrest J. Crannel•1 - Returned water rents toll.
-N.G.F.W.D. 233.42
W.G.F.W.D. 455.06
W.G.F.W.D. Ext. 32967
Ridge Road Water Dist. 111010
29 Pineview Cem. Comm. - Transfer of Tax money from Gen. 4s610000
28 Agency & Trust Acct.- from Gen. Fd. payroll #1 w/h 84.69
28 Agency & Trust Acct.- from W.G.F.W.D.. payroll #1 w/h 1.50
28 Agency & Trust Acct.- from N.G.F.W.D. payroll #1 w/h 3.00 --
29 Agency & Trust Acct.-from Hwy. payroll #3 w/h 121.18
29 General Fund - from Social Security acct. to close out 222.14
30 Agency & Trust Acct.-from Pineview Com.payroll #1 w/h 9.46
30 Highway Fund - from general fund, gravel at town dump 42.00
30 County of Warren - money from contract with Hwy. Fund 5,226.00
29 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes colt. Hwy. Fund 61,820.00
29 Forrest J. Crannell - Taxes coil. Fire protection 14,627.82
29 Forrest J. Crannell -Returned water rents cull.
Shore Colony Water Dist, 99.00
Total Receipts $177,440.98
Date paid DISBURSER ENT Amount paid
Fund or Acccount
Jan. General Find 10,029.82
Pineview Cemetery 622.60,
N.G.F.W. Dist, 196.57
N.G.F.W.D. Ext. 5.13
W.G.F.W. Dist. 58.34
W.G.F.W. Dist. Ext. 1.66
Shore Colony Water Dist. 2.50
Cloverdale Lighting Dist. 41-08
Ft. Amherst-Garrison Rd. Ltng. Dist. 168.46
Pershing Ashley Coolidge. Sewer Dist. 1,003.75
Social Security Account - 222.14
Highway Fund 14473.01
Additional Gen. Fund Disbvraement 250.00
Total Disbursements $27#475.04
The matter of the application of Howard Ladd for a junk yard license was deferred
until the next meeting.
In relation to the purchase of pipe which the Board had under consideration, the
following resolution was proposed and adopted:
Resolution No. 41 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Lampson:
RESOLVED that the clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to
be published once in the Glens Falls Times on or before the 15th day of February,
1960 a notice in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will
receive sealed.proposals up to 7:30 p.m. on the 25th day of February, 1960 at the
Town Clerk's Office, 338 Ridge Road, in the Town of Queensbury to supply the Town
of Queensbury with the following:
540 ft. 6" cast iron 150 lbs. W.P. B & S water pipe, f.o.b. Town of
Queensbury storehouse.
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids received.
Dated: February 11, 1960 By Order of the Town Board
Frances -L. Turner
Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The Supervisor read the following communication:
February 9, 1960
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
There was a serious problem last year of deer being killed by dogs in the
Queensbury area. (More than 50).
This is a serious concern to the sportsmen of the area, also persons who are
interested from a humane point of view.
We have asked cooperation from the Warren County Sheriff's Department, also
the distract ga*e protector in enforcing the night dog curfew and rounding up stray
We hope that the flown Board and the dog warden in Queensbury will do whatever
they.can to.assist in.a,bad;sttuation.
President, wirren�County,Cons. 'Council
The Board generally discussed the proposed acquisition of an easement over the Pine-
view,Cemetery.lznde.for.the,Eaet-meet by--pass of the City of Glens Falls•
Resolution Ny ,..j 2 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley:
WHEREAS the County of Warren has requested approval and execution of a right-
of entry concerning in the Town of Queensbury known as Pine View Cemetery, and
WHEREAS this Board has consulted with the Pineview Cemetery Commission regarding
this matter and such commission has recommended that the Permanent Highway Easement
be granted to the County of Warren upon payment of the sums of $34,180.00 by the
County of Warren, •and
WHEREAS, such Permanent Highway Easement reads as follows:
Co. Road No. 47 and 70 WARREN COUNTY Date: Dec. 1959
Plan No. 23Ab-91-59 NEK YORK
Parcel No. 47-2 `
WHEREAS, Warren County is to improve a highway known as the East-West bypass
in the town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the plans for such road require a new right of way and the grant of
permanent easement and right to certain lands owned by me (us) and
WHEREAS, the Hlj way Law and Resolution of the Board of Supervisors provide
that all. right of way necessary for the improvement of a County road shall be secured
by Warren`County,
NOW, THEREFORE, I (we) the undersigned, in consideration of the sum of ONE
DOLLAR in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and other valuable
considerations hereinafter named, do hereby grant to the County of Warren, New York,
a PERMANENT EASEMENT for all highway purposes to my (our) lands below described.
AND I(we) HEREBY COVENANT AND AGREE that the Officers and the employees of the
County of Warren, and the Contractor to whom the contract may be let for the improve-
ment of said road, together with his workmen and employees may enter upon the premises
herein described, for the purpose of the construction or reconstruction or main-
tenance of said highway, without becoming or being liable for trespass, or for any
other damage whatsoever and I (we) do hereby waive any and all claims for such entry
and occupation. I agree to execute a deed, Covenant against Grantor for $._,_; or I
offer to accept $34,1$0.00.
Description of Lands:
ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL(S) OF LAND situated on the Proposed East-West Bypass
in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York and described as --
follows: Being the same property known on the Plan No. 23Ap-01-59 No, 47-2
Serial No. 612. Dated Dec. 2, 1959 containing acres Total, and which Plan is
duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of Warren County, New York.
Special Conditions:
I (we) reserve the right to damages for such lands and if the amount of damages
cannot be agreed upon, the same shall be determined by condemnation.
IN WITAFESS WHEREOF, I (we) have hereunto set my (our)
hand and seal the day of December, 1959
. . . L.S.
. L.S.
STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Warren, ss: L.S.
On this day of 19.0. before me personally came
•►........►.............►..►.►.....►........►•....►................►.►►...tO me known
and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing
instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Notary Public
_NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is
hereby authorized and directed to sifn such Permanent Highway Easement on behalf
of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster
Noes - none
The Board generally discussed matters pertaining to the water districts.
It was decided that the full Board was to meet on February 18, 1960, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Clerk's Office to discuss water district matters and instruct the new
Superintendents. and Collectors of the West Glens Falls Water District, and the
North Glens Falls Water District in reference to their duties.
A discussion was had respecting the appointment of Dr. Reid as Health Officer and
his qualifications.
The Board audited claims as follows:
Amt. Amt*
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
45 Charles E. Houghtaling Supplies for Justice Bentley 4.57 4.57
46 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub. Supervisor's Ann. Report 219.36 219.36
47 Dennis & Co., Inc. 1 No. 2262-250 pg.Cond. sales
Record Bk., & 1-No.522 Chattel
Mtg. Bk. Town Clerk 62.80 62.80
48 Dennis & Co., Inc. 1 No. TFR3-300 pg. minute bk.
Town Clerk's Office 23.04 23.04
49 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. lts.-Cleverdale Ltng.Dist. 41-08 41.08
50 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. Lts. & traf. signals 208.78 208.78
51 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. lts.-Ft. Amherst-Garrison
Lighting District 168.46 168.46
52 Edward Thompson Co. Bal. on McKinney's Books 54.00 54.00
53 C.G. Woodbury & Son Supplies as per invoice #
51,853 statement, Highway 4.87 4.87
54 S. Queensbury Vol. Fire Co.Rental Fire House as Polling
Place 60.00 60.00
55 Mead's Nursery Refund on water rent-water shut
off from 11/15/59 to 3/15/60 6.00 6,00
56 Frances L. Turner Postage-Twn Clk's office 4.00 4.00
57 Glens Falls Hospital Robert Mosher,Re: Justice Bentley 3.00 3.00
58 N.Y. Telephone Co. Phone sere. Twn Storehouse
Phone No. 2-2979 25.20 25.20
59 Niagara-Mohawk Pwrr. Elect. & Gas sere. from 12/1/59
to 2/1/60 Twn of Qsby strhs 613.48 63,48
60 Lawrence M. Bentley Prep,bond No. 72 69 639 A
Town Clerk's Bond 10000 10.00
61 Cool Insuring Agency Prem. bond.No. 3416770 15.00 N.A.
62 Harold C. Akins Exp-att.N.Y.S. Assn. Towns mtag
in New York City 98.90 98090
63 Donald Wi.nchelt Exp-att.N.Y.S. Assn. Towns mtng.
in New York City 103.30 103.40
64 Dorrance L. Branch Exp-att.N.Y.S. Assn. Towns mtng.
in New York City 75.10 75.10
65 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Elect. serv.-Booster pump
NGFWD 128.27 328.27
66 Hoag's Tire Service Rep. flat & vulcanize tube, etc.
Twn dump-E. Johnson 3.75 3.75
67 Nathan Proller Ins. pol. No. 6627, covering
$7000 c/block bldg.; $5000 fr.
stge.., $3000 machinery in both;
$35000 comc/bl.storage bldg.,SS
Airport Rd. T. of Qsby,m 3rd instal.
preen. exp. 2/26/63, $267i.78 & Ins.
Pol.#6628 $1000 on storage garage
Bldg.; 1500 on contents; N/S Pv
Road, Town of Queensbury
3rd annual install. $33950 301.28 201.28
$2,233.94 $2,218.94
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk