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i will have to learn to save water wherever possible.. i t Very truly yours, H. Russell Harris, Supervisor j - r On motion the meeting ad i ourned. �k Town Clerk Regular Meeting September 27, 1958 ' Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith ,Bentley Justice of the Peace j Harold- Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson, Councilman' swaze y '4.TW1er (absent) Councilman f The Board convened at 7:30 p•m.. John Slack, Edward McCullough, John Van Dusen and Lee Lavery were present. Petitions were rece,.ved, protesting the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance containing approximately 100 signers. The same was placed on file The following copy of a letter was read to the Board STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL Albany September 25, 1958 Mrs Francis Turner Town Clerk, Town ,of Queensbury Upper Ridge Street Glens Palls. -.Neal York Re : Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, Town of Queensbury Dear Mrs. Turner: Enclosed is a copy of a letter mailed to Robert J. Nolinj Esq. , which we believe will be of interest to you. Very truly yours, .. ARTHUR LEVITT State Comptroller By John J. Sauervmld (Enclosure) September 25, 1958 Robert J. Nolan, Esq. ` Attorney and Counselor at Law Colvin Building- Glens Falls,, N. Y. Re : Pershing--Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, Town of Queensbury - Dear Mr. Nolan: This will .acknowledge receipt of a certified copy of an order of the town board of the Town of Queensbury establishing a sewer district in-said, town at a .Location known as the OPershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer Dfstriet.*° Ws certified copy is being Piled in the records of this Department as required by section 195 �of the Town Law. Although our only duty in this matter lies in the above filing, we believe we should inform you of our doubts as to the 1 gality of proceedings inasmu-ch as the order does not contain a description di-strict, or the determinations required by section 194(1) of the � T Law. , The resolution states that the notice of public hearing was in five places in the town. SectiOn 193 of the Tim Law requires po . in five public places within the proposed district. We trust this will be of assistance to you.. Very truly yours , ARTHUR LEVITT Mate__C©mptroller By-.John J. Sauerwald Senior attorney The matter was referred to the Drainage Distract Committee, Glens Falb ,, N. Y. September 17, 1958 Town Board Town of. Qu6ensbury Dear Sir-., In view of my recent- appointment to Town office of Superintendent of Highways, I hereby resign my office as Constable for the Town of Queensbury. Thanking you for all past favors. Sincerelyv ,Cs/ Bernard Codnex Sept. 18, 1958 rt I Mrs. Frances Turner, Town Clerk Ridge .Rd. , Gleris Falls,, N Y. Dean Mrs. Turner: I was under the impression that we received the petition of several people residing on Queensbury Ave. at our meeting of Aug. 23 and referred it to the County Supt. of Highways for his approval and transmittal to the State Traffic Commission. In the minutes of that meeting I do not find any reference to such action. I recall quite distinctly that it was felt that the speed zone to be set up should extend to the foot of the hill on this road a short distance beyond 1 McManns. What brought this to my attention was an inquiry by Arthur. Supernant the bth?ar night. I had made some notes that contained this information but I am not sure that it was ordered included .in the ,records. ' In addition,, after Gene'Johnson had made his recommendations concerning the dump and particularly the necessity for the purchase of a small tractor to push the debris over the dump, I was sure that Mr. Harris referred the matter to the Dump Committee of the Board with directions to investigate the situation and also to consider the advisability of constructing a shelter for the tractor and the custodian. I think -that Judge Bentley, who is chairman of the committee has already started an investigation. Th the multitide of items that have come before the Board of late it is possible that these two items were overlooked.. I think that they are important enough that I suggest you talk �rrith• Ralph. about them. Sincerely /s/ S.B. Miller In view of the fact that the petition referred to in the letter requested the State :Traffic Commission to limit speed an Queensbury Avenue, and s i=d -the Board had by Resolution No. 71 already re-- guested this action from the State Traffic Commission', the matter was not referred to any committee,. - In regard to the recommendations of Gene Johnson,.,!r. Bentley stated that he 11&d nat-,r-ecollaction of the matter .being referred to the dump committee. The Supervisor' stated that he felt that he had intended to refer it to.-the_dump committee,, but if he did not at the time of the recommendAtion he would now refer the matter to the dump committee of this Board. ` The f6llowirr4 were read to the Board STATE TRAFFIC C OMNlIsSI ON Herrick Osborne September 15, 1958 Warren Co. Supt. of'Hwys. ` 261 Main Street i Warrensburg, New York Dear Sir: This will acknowledge receipt of a TC9 application form -requesting a 35 MPH speed restriction in the Town of. ee s Qu nsbury a� follows ; 1. On Meadowbrook Road from the Glens Falls City line northerly to the Halfway alfw a Brook k Bridge. 2. On Queensbury Avenue from the Boulevard northerly to the brook crossing the said. Queensbury Avenue at Z'.�Orttton Hill. 30` On Country Club Road from Glenwood Avenue northerly to Round Fond Road. This is to advise that a study of' conditions is being initiated at these locations. Upon completion of the field study you will be notified of the Commission, s conclusions. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION LLOYD A. MAEDr.R 1 Director STATE OF NEW YORK CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT Box 751 Lake George, N. Y., Miss Frances L. Turner September 23, 1958 Queensbury 'Town Clerk 338 Ridge Street Glens Falls , N. Y. ' Dear Mss Turnerz �,ieferenee is made to your letter of September 3d and that of Robert P. Madden in regard to Japanese bettle outbreak in the Cottage Hill section in the Town of Queensbury. Would like to advise that the only work being done- on the c-ontrol of this insect is that of quarantine action by the Federal Government. That is, the restriction of shipment Of r6ety plants to outside areas such as Buffalo and the West.. However, I talked to Mr. Madden on the phone about the middle of August and wrote him a letter on August 18. confirming it. At that time I- advised him that I believed no appreciable damage would.be done to this wild isolated lot except to offer desirable food which seemed to me would reduce the feeding on flowers and more valuable ornamental plants in that area and as the Japanese beetle lay their eggs in the better turfs such as good lawns,, I advised him that it would be nice if a cooperative effort was started by the property owners to treat all their lawns in and around the heavy infestation. I also advised the proper methods to use, which is Chlordane 5% dust at the rate of 220 lbs. per acre or 5 lbs. to 1,000 ft, This treatment should be put on with a fertilizer spreader. Powder should be mixed with sand or top soil to give it weight and Stop it from blowing. The duration of this treatment should last about five years.. Very truly yours, S M. Farner, District Forester By R. C. Sweet, Dist. Pest Control Rep.Dist.II WARREN COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Glens Falls , N.-Y. September •12, 1958 Mrs. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk, Qu.eensbury Ridge Street Glenn Falls , N. Y. Dear Mrs. Turner: At Mr. Russell Harris' suggestion, I am writing you concerning a matter which the Town Board might be willing to consider. ` You are, of course , acquainted with the Queensbury Child Health Conference which is held twice a month at the Community Chapel in West Glens Falls ,, and which is financed (physician' s fee) by the town. The Business Women' s Group of the Presbyterian Church, last spring bought an infant scale and. presented it to the clinic. We are in need of a weighing and measuring scale for pre--school youngsters . The one we have had is andiiquated and now is completely unusable. It has .been checked and we have been advised that it would be useless to try to have it repaired. A new scale would cost between forty and fifty dollars... However, it would serve the clinic for many years. I would appreciate a consideration of this problem as to whether or not .it would fall into the province of Town Board functioning. I am so sorry that this request is late in coming in. Sincerely, /sf Ruth M. Fisher Public Health Nurse Theodore Turner who was also present, requested the Town Board to limit speed at which motor vehicles may proceed on the Cronin Road. Mr. Lampson also requested that the Big Boom Road be restricted as to limitation of speed. Supervisor Russell. Harris also requested that speed be limited on the Sunnyside Road. Resolution No 105 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamps on: RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby requests the State Traffic Commission:with approval. of the County Superintendent of Highways, to limit the Maximum speed at which motor vehicles may proceed upon the following roads to 35 miles per hour: 1) Town Road known as the Cronin Road from the Bay Road to Ridge - Road. 2) Town Road known as Bid Ba ►Road and Big Boom Road frost the - Function of the Glens Falls-Corinth Highway to its terminus at the junction of the -Palmer Road. 3) County Road known as the Sunnyside Road beginning at the Warren Washington County line to Bay Road in the Town of Queensbury. IL 5 Duly adopted by the _following vote: Ayes - x*k21beW, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes -. none The following was read to the Board: September 26, 1958 To the Town Board Town of. Queensbury - - Warren County, N. Y. Your Honorable Body held a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance during the month of July, 1958 Since that time very little if anything has been heard in and. official manner concerning this proposed Zoning Ordi- nance. Therefore:, I would like to take this opportunity to request that you have a vote on the Zoning Issue , and. decide if you are going to adopt it or reject it. lsl John Slack Resident Tax Payer 16 Homer Ave. Glens Falls, N.' Y.. ' A discussion was had on the subject matter contained in the' letter., Mr. Bentley expressed the view that action should be taken on the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The following were read to the Board:: WILLIAM H. MANN • Glens Falls, N. Y t Torn Board August 26, 1958 . . - Town ,of Queensbury - L_ - Gentlemen-. I would like to put in an application for the office of Building Inspector of the Town of Queensbury. I have owned property and have been a taxpayer of the Town of Queensbury for 32 years. I have a degree in landscape Architecture from the College; of Architecture at Cornell University. Yours very truly, jsl William H. Mann, Sr. Gentlemen: September 9, 1958 Due to the untimely death of our good friend and fellow fireman, Douglas Webster, I understand that the position of multiple dwelling inspector is now open. I would like to submit an application for this job. I feel that I am qualified for this job as I have been a fireman for eleven years. I have been an officer of the department for eight years, three of which I have been first Assistant Chief.. I have recently been appointed Deputy Fire Coordinator of Warren County, Respectfully submitted , lsl Leslie A. Hillis Resolution No. 106 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Supervisor Harris : �7,,SOLVMI that Leslie A. Hillis be and is hereby appointed mul- tiple t3lUng inspector to,,serve at the pleasure of this Board. Further RESCUED that the compensation for such service be and is hereby fixed at- $3 00 per year payable in equal monthly installments of $25.00 each. ' Ayes .. Mr. Akins,; Mr. Harris Noes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson , The above Resolution was lost by not having a majority of the Board voting in favor thereof. Resolution 1 07 introduced by Justice Bentley,, seconded by Council- man Lampson RESOLVED that William Mann be and is hereby appointed multiple dwelling inspector to serve at the pleasure of the Board. .Further RESOLVED that the compensation for such service be and is hereby fixed at $300 per year, payable in equal monthly installments of $25.00 each. t Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson Noes - Mr. Akins, Mr. Harris The above Resolution was lost- by not having' a majority of the Board voting; in favor thereof. A discussion was had respecting the proposed fire contracts with the several fire companies in the Town of Queensbury. The matter was re- ferred. to Mr. Akins to arran.ge.`a meeting for October. 3rd,: and, Mr. Akins was to inform each member of the Board which would come as a committee of the whole-the place „ where and when the meeting would be held. Mr. Akins stated that he had been requested to discuss a proposed ordi- nance for the Town respecting electrical wiring and a specimen of- such ordinance was submitted. The matter was laid on the table. A discussion was had on pipe belonging to the West Glens Falls Water District, The Supervisor read a letter from the County Attorney, Albert E. Beswick re salary of` U e late Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways. The letter was read with the request that it be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. ALBERT E. BE03.JICK ` Glens Falls , N.- Y. Mr. H. Russell Harris September 209 1958 Star Route Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear_ Russell This is to confirm our recent conversation about the payment of the salary of Ernest Lackey. As I understand it, Mr. Lackey was entitled to two weeks vacation, that he started his vacation on September 1 and was killed on September 6 while he was' on vacation. Your new Superintendent was not appointed until September 15. It is`my opinion that Mr. Lac!�:ey was entitled to be paid for the two IL 7 full weeks even though he was killed before completing his vacation. I have talked with Mr. Greenburg, the attorney for Mrs. Lackey, and he . tells me that there will be -no administration of the estate in New York although it will probably be necessary to have an administra- tor appointed in Canada since the action for his death will have to be brought ' in Canada* • Section 103-e of the Decedents Estate Law provides that wages or salary not exceeding $1,000.00 may be paid to the surviving widow without administration. - Accordingly, it is my opinion that you should pay to the widow, Mildred Lackey,, the salary to which Mr. Lackey would have-been entitled from September l to September 15 less all payroll deductions. • Yours very truly,, lsl Albert E. Beswick The Board generally discussed the matter. Resolution No. 108. introduced by Mr. Lampson,, seconded by Mr. Bentley: • RESOLVE that the Supervisor the and is hereby authorized and direct- ed -to pay the-compensation of the late Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of°•Highways; to his widow, Mildred Lackey, in the sum of 5212:50, and. be -it further - RESOLVED that the Supervisor be -and is hereby ,authorized and direct- ed to pay the-. compensation of the late Douglas Webster to his widow, Mildred Webster, in the amount of $25.tO0. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes .. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mrs Harris ` Noes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file. August, 1958 - RECEIPTS Date - Amount Received Source Recce ,Aug. 6 Highway, Pine View and Trans,. to S.S.Fd. 666.35 fi Glens Falls to General 30.00 14 - Sale of Bonds -to Cap. Res. 110000.00 14 Nathan Prol.ler Ret. Ins. Prem. 37.51 1 { Lee Lavery Water Coll NGFWD & Ext. 149.82:: 29 Lee Lavery Water Goll.NGTXD & Ext. 458.19 . Total Receipts $11341.87 `DISBURSEMENTS Amount Fund or Account Paid General 4408.41 Pine View 989.04 NGFW Dist. 1274.57 NGFWD .Ext. 1624.37 Ridge Rd. Mater Dist. . 148.00 Capital Res. 10000.00 . C1ev.. Lights 41.08 �Ft. Amherst Lights 168.46 . Soc:. Sec. FdI& 535.00 Highway 14362*37 Total Disbursements $33551.30 The Board generally discussed with the Town Surveyor the matter of docks which are apparently in the Tot shore of Glens Eake on Town Highway The matter was referred to Mr. Bentley. The Board audited claims as follows : SCHEDULE. OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QTJEEXSBT 7RY, T T E!? C OTC=4 NEW YORK FOR_TUE it ONTH,-OF SEPTEMBER,_ 1958 _- _ Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 307 Niagara--Mohawk Power Str. Ltng.--Ft. Amherst $_168.46 J-168.46 Garrison Rd. 308 Chas. E. Houghtaling Suppl1es,M.S.Bentley,JP 42..12: N.A. 369 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 180.31 180:.31 310 Niagipq-Mohawk Power Clevardale Ltng.Dist. 141,08 41..08 311 Ruth M. Lykens Taking min.-Jury-trial for Judge Akins ., J.P. 8100 8.00 312. G.F.Post Co.. Pub.Bid. Notice on concrete, roofing,: etc. 9180 9.80 313 G.F.Post Co. Pab.Notice to bidders to sup- ply the Town concrete,,roof- ing,doors and heating y7,00 7.00 314 H. Hoague Miles covered serv.Jury for H.Akins, JP 13.44 13,44 315 Ralph W. Nestle Miles tray, & postage 14.47 14.47 316 N.YtTelephona Co. Tel,serv.Twn.Storehouse 15,85 15.85 317 fku:ssell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-Twn.Clk'`s office 10:90 10.90 318 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Budget supplies 22.34 22.34 319 Meredith S. Bentley Pstg.as per att.slips 17,62 17.62 320 Automatic Voting Mch. Supplies for voting Corp. machines 7,34 7,34 321 J.S.Sawyer & Co., Inc, 1-50e M45350 Ext.cord--PV 4.35 4«35 322 Robert E. Engwer Misc.serv. on 1 Vr200 Clinton: engine-Pineview Cemetery 6450 6.50 323 J.E.Sawyer & Co., Inc. Misc.Supplies-FV Cem. T.82�: 1.8a 324 Robert E. Engwer Misc.serv.on 1 VS.2_d0 Clin. _ ton engine-PV Cem. 6.50 6.50 325 Mountainside Grange Cleaning Scotch,Jenkins & Sunnyside .Cem--FV Cem. 300100 300.00 326 Hoag's Tire Service 9- 45M AAq spare plugs-PV Cem. 5.76 5.76 327% Ehrlich Supply Co. 1--1i oz_.tube permatex #1 9 65¢ & 10 451 Com AC Spark . plugs-rPv Cem. . 6126 6.26 328 Carswell .Motors Inc. Gasolene--F'V Cem.by F.Scoville - I 19.52:. 19.52 329 Frances L. Turner .Postage-Twn.Clk' s Office 4.00 4.00 330 Allen F.- Towers Sa•rveyor!s helper,31 hrs. 1.15 35,65 35.65 331 Leon M. Steves Surveyor' s helper,. 801,- hrs. C 1,50 30.75 30..75 332, H. Russell Harris Postage stamps 3.00 3.00 " 333 Call. Hardware Corp. 1 brush scythe., snaith scythe blade & sharpening stone-- NGFJ+fiD 9,22 9.22 334 Harrisena Men's Club Clean & care for Seelye, Harris Cem,mowing 4 times- PV Cemetery 200.00 200.00 335 William Weiler Refund water rent-Cabins 4 mos. NGFWD 50.00 50.00 336 Lee 'Lavery 300 Reg.stamped env, for Nov. bills, NGPVD 13.92, 13.92 337' Erndst Hillis Miles tray.-AssessrmUZ tray.-Assess Wj, 88,90 88.90 305 Claim of C.G.Woodbury & Son presented *31,,1958 and 'not audited,, audited and allowed at •this -mtr.-.401.85 401085 ` Total $1746.73- $1704.61 On motion the meeting adjourned �ances L. Turner, Town Clerk f