1958-11-06 40 Budget Meeting November 6, 1958 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman Absent Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. The Clerk read the following:. QUEENSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. , INC. 1 Foster-Avenue - Glens Falls, New York Nov. 59 1958 Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sir:. The Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. Inc. of the Town, of, Queensbury County of Warren, State of New York, hereby.applies for a. Bingo license to hold Bingo Games on the following rites or Dates. November 69. 15, 22, 29, and December 6, 13, 20,, and 27, 1958, This application is accompanied with the sum of $8.0.00 (Eighty Dollars)- to cover the license fee. Yours truly, /s/ C. Powel, South, See. Chairman of the Bingo Committee i.s Robert Dickinson, Lafayette St., — Glens Falls, New York The Board generally discussed the matter. Resolution No. 120 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Akins RESOLVED that a license be granted to the Queensbury Central Vol- unteer Fire Company, Inc.. to hold Bingo Games as follows:, Occasions November .8, 159, 229, 29; .December 6,, 13, 20, 27 year 1958. Name of person in charge : Robert Dickinson, who is also a member of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. , and is the person designated by the said Fire Company as the person in charge of the said .games on each of the • aforesaid occasions as mentioned , and who 1s also a carpen- ter and mechanic by trader and that the applicant is one of the organization duly authorized to conduct Bingo Games as aforesaid. Fee $80.00. FURTHER RESOLVED,; that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the aforesaid licensee permission to hold Bingo as aforesaid upon payment of the fee of $10.00 for each of the aforesaid occasions mentioned, amounting in all to $80.00. Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noes - none 41 At this point in the Meeting, Judge Bentley entered and took part in the -proceedings. The Board at this point in the meeting proceeded to hold a hearing upon the Preliminary Budget. Proof of publication of the Notice of the Public Hearing upon the pre- liminar,y budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1, 1959,, was received and filed. Proof of the posting of notice of the Hearing upon the preliminary budget was received and filed.. The Board generally discussed and examined each item of the preliminary budget and after discussion, the following action was taken:. Resolution No, 121 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Lampson. WHEREAS,, the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that such Preliminary Budget be and is hereby adopted as the Annual Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year begin-. ring January 1, 1959, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the- proceedings of this Town Board, FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by this Town Board and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Warren. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none ANNUAL BUDGET of- the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1959 General Fund - Appropriations General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board room, offices elections , etc.) 400*00 Compensation of employees 100,00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 620,00 Repairs, light, heat and telephone 3*000.00 Dump Z1000.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc. mileage) 1v700.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 140,00 Other expenses 200*00 Voting machines., purchase and repair 19,500.00 Insurance -Compensation insurance 80000.00 Official bonds and undertakings 150.00 Fire and liability aj500,00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 1t000.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 11,000,00 Services of engineer and expenses 31750,00 Association of Towns, State of New York 110100 Employees' Retirement System (Town share) '5;600.00 Social Security 3,000900 TOTAL 349770*00 42 Supervisor Salary 4$000,00 Office and other expenses 250 00 TOTAL 4,250.00 Justices of the Peace Salaries 5j500,00 Office and other expenses 330*00 Compensation of employees 200002 TOTAL 60030.00 Council-men Salaries 20400.00 Office and. other expenses 200 00 TOTAL 2,,600. Town Clerk Salary 49000.00. Office and other expenses 200,00 Compensation of employees 400.00, TOTAL 49600,00 Assessors Salaries 63,700,00, Office and other expenses 660,00 TOTAL 7,360.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary 2-0600,00 Office and other expenses TOTAL 547,00, 3,147o0O TOTAL GENERAL GOVERMENT 629757,00 Protection of Persons and Property Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 800,00, Mileage and other expenses 150900 TOTAL 950.00 Lights (street) 24600.00 Traffic Signs , signals and highway lighting 900.1 Dog Warden Compensation 550*00 -- Other expenses 100,00 TOTAL 650.00 Multiple Dwelling Expenses Building inspection 300,00 Other expenses 50,00 TOTAL 350*00, TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 59450.00 Town Historian Education Compefisation 180000 Other expenses 100.00 Library bonttact 100,00 TOTAL EDUCATION 360*00 Recreation Parks and Playgrounds Compensation of employees 200,00 Other expenses 100.00 I TOTAL 300.00 Patriotid Observances 150* - TOTAL RECREATION 4500 Public Utilities Cemeterids — 'annexed Schedule 11A" I PINEVIEW CEMETERY Cost of Improvements -. Improlemerits to cemetery 350,00 43 New Equipment - Material. for, Foundations 500.00 100 00 I+ intenance TOTAL 950.00 Personal Services- Repairs to existing equipment 6,700.00 Material for ground maintenance 150.00: Gas & Oil. for Equipment 100.00 Compensation Insurance 125.00 Bond for Commissioners do Superintendent 300000 Miscellaneous _ 35.00 Cost for .Maintenance of Outside Cemeteries 60 ries 0..00. C TOTAL 600.00. x.2.60.00 . cipal Indebtedness Interest 9,.210.00 Redemption of Debt (Principal Bonds: a.1-note- Total Redemption of Debt •2--500.00 2,500.00 Interest on Debt Interest on bonds Int. on 4 notes amounting to $10,000 162. Total Interest on Debt, 162.50 Construction and Permanent Improvements Nature of Impprovement Improvement to` store house 1,`500.00. Total 'Construction and Permanent Improvements $ 19500.0.0 Miscellaneous Veterans' Organizations for Rooms 200200 Total Miscellaneous 200.00 ' C Contingent Par-poses Sec. li2 of the Town Law 6,000.00 GENERAL FUND Estimated Revenues Mortgage tax9a 15 000.00 Dog Licenses (from County) 1,500.00 Other licenses (Town Ordinance) 300..00 Felts of Town Clerk - 2,500.00 Fees o� Justices of the Peace 29,000.00. Fees of tax gollector 19300.00 Fees of cemeteries 43,155.00 Per capita assistance 20,969.85 TOTAL $47,72.4.85 Unexpended balances (Sec. 115, Town Law) - 16,000:00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES$ GENERAL- FUND $631724.85 GENERAL FUND Summary Appropriations General government 629757,00 Protection of' persons and property 52450.00 Education 380.00 Recreation 450.00 Public Utilities 99,210.00 ,Redemption of debt. 2.,500.00 Interest on debt 162.50 Construction and permanent improvements 10500.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Contingent purposes 6 000 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 881,609.50 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) . 63„724.85 AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL.FUND $24,884965 44 HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Appropriations xQ& General Repairs $80,000'OO Special improvements .20,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS '100,000.00 Estimated Revenues State aid TOTAL REVENUES 8 205.00 8,205.00 AMOUNT TO-BE RAISED BY TAX. FOR .HIGHWAY FUND h (ITEM 1) 919795.00 f MACHINERY =FUND (ITEM 3) -- Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 41,500.00: Repair 'of machinery, tools and implements 59800.00 Bedemption of machinery certificates 101,700.00. Interest on machinery certificates 11000 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 22,000.00 Estimated Revenues Rentals of machinery 21000000- TOTAL REVENUES Z.000100 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) 20,000.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM` 4) - Appropriations Salary town superintendent $ 59100.00 Expenses town superintendent 100.00: Removing obstructions emsed by snow 180000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 3;600.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 700,00 Y TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 279500.00 Estimated Revenues 4 Miscellaneous Revenues $ 2,584.00: TOTAL REVENUES 8 2. 58.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) 249916.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEMS 24, 3 and 4) $ 44,916.00 > t TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations - Board of Health Salary of Health officer $ 19750,00 — Other health expenses - clinics 750.00 Scales ' 50 00 TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH 2,550.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation. $ 40.00 Other expenses 10.00 TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 50*00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH. 2,600.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-FIRE PROTECTION DIST. Appropriations Fire Protection contract $19,000000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 19,000.00 Estimated Revenues - None AMOUNT TO BE RAISM FOR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TOTAL $ 190000.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-North Glens Falls Water District Expenditures Cost bf Improvements Cohstructicn. of improvement S 3.00OQo00 Total $ 39000.00 45 Maintenance Personal services 600.00 Office and other expenses Printingw,, billing,, stamps , envelopes,, books 100..00 Mowing right of way 25.00 Painting,, shoveling hydrants 75.00 Repairs- • 300.00 Power and light 10200.00 Parchase of water 3,100.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Total 5,500,00 TOTAL EkPENDITURES 81500,00 Revenues Water rents 79000.00 Unexpended balance 2,,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 99000.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT . .- . . . . . . . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXTENSION - -. • Expenditures Cost of improvements- Bond principal 40000.00 Bond interest 19000.00 Capital Note and Int. Dec. 1,793.00 Total. 6s793.00 Maintenance Personal services 600.00 Office and other expenses Billing,, printing, postage, envelopes 100.00 Mowing right of- way. 25.00 Painting and shoveling hydrants 75«00 Repairs - 400.00 Purchase of water 5,000.00 Total $ 6,200100 Total Expenditures $129993.00 x Revenues- Water rents $ 8,000600 Total Revenues 8,000.00 AMOU'N'T TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXTENSION - $ 4,993.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-19EST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Personal services . . , . . • • $ 540.00 Office and other. expenses Printing bills, mailing, envelopes, misc. 100.00 Repairs- 2,50-.00 Purchase of water- - 2.:,600.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Total $ 31590.00 Revenues Sale oftwater 49100.00 Unexpended balance 9,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $130100.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR `ffEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS - WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXTENSION- Expenditures Cost of improvement Bond principal $ 2,9000.00 Bond interest S 187.50 Total 2.0187.00 Maintenance Personal services 100;..00 Office and other expenses 2.5 00 Repairs 100,,00 Purchase of water 400.00. } Total „_625000 Total Expenditures 2;9812.50 Revenues Water rents $ 11600.00 Total Revenues $ 1,600.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXTO 10212.50 — ASPEbIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Ridge Road Water District Expend;Lt4re s Maintenance Personal services - $ 100,00 Office and other expenses Bills,, postage , printing 100,00 Flush hydrants-snow shoveling 50,00 Repairs 250000 Purchase Qf water 600000 ims Total 1,1000.00. Revenues Water rents 11,100.00 Unexpended bglance- 5,000,00 Total Revenues 36,100000. AMOUNT TO BE, RAISED BY TAX_ FOR RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT . . . . . . . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Drainage Dist #1 Town of Queensbury Expenditures Boni. pr ncipal $ 59000.00 Bond interest 2 600 00 Total Expenditures 70600.00 Revenues . AMOUNT 10 BE RAISED BY TAX FOR DRAINAGE DISTRICT #1 � 7©©0 .00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS & CLE'VERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Contract Power Co, 500. 0 Total Expenditures 500,04 Revenues . . . . . None AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR CIMTRDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT- 500.00, SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-FORT AMHERST.- GARRISON LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures . Contract Niagara-Mohawk Power 1 2, 022; 72� Total Expenditures 2.0022.72 C Revenues None AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAZ FO$ FORT,ANT�R.$T-G4.R�LI$ON LIGHTING DISTRICT 21022:.72 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Reservoir Park Sewer District- Expenditures Personal $erv3ces $ 120.00 47 Estimate for work correcting septic tank levels and reconditioning the disposal bed 1,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 1,120.00 Revenues ,. None AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR RESERVOIR PARK SEVER 1,120.00 e SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Lake Shore Colony Water Di—strict Expends:tore s Maintenance Personal servicesr $ 200.00 Power chlorination 150..00 Misc. 100.00 Total- 450.00 Revenues Water rent 450. Total Revenues 450.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR LAKE SEiOR.E COLONY WATER DISTRICT - None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS*Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Sewer District Expendi=tures Maintenance Miscellaneous expenses , 270000 Contract City of Glens Falls 900 00 Total expenditures 1,170.00 Revenues Miscellaneous 16 contracts at $65.00 each . Total $ 1,170,00 AMOUNT TO BE. RAISED BY TAX FOR PERSHING1 ; ASHLEY, C OOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT None The Board discussed generally equipment for use at the Town dump. Mr. Lampson° submitted the following quotations: GRADER DAN Glens Falls, N. Y.. October 27, 1958 Bid No. 1 Ref: Bid for excavating 540 feet of ditch 5- foot deep. Plus labor for installing 2 inch water main at Birch Lane, Town of Queensbury. .75¢ foot--- Total $405.00 Bid No, 2. Ref;: Bid for lowering 240 foot. of 6 inch transits water main. Location Carleton Drive , Town of Queensbury. Four taps on main to be lowered and changed over to depth of main. Excavation by hand. The first two lengths of cast iron to be gradually lowered to desired level to keep from fracturing transits main. All earth under transits main to be hand excavated to lower Main to desired depth. $2..00 per foot-excavation and labor. Bid total—$480.00 plus material. Material to be supplied. at contractors cost. Thank you, /s/ Dan Dutra Repaving road included in Bid. A Q JOHN KUBRICKY Glens. Falls, .New York Oct. 31, 1958 , Town of Queensbury Central Water District Glens Falls, N. Yo Lowe' ring, 2401 of 611- Cement Asbestos Waterline 0 1,30 $312,00 Replacing 240' of Oil Pavement 9 1,50 360,00 Laying., Trenching and Backfill 5402 of 2" Galv. Pipe Waterline (not including tapping in-main)p .70 378,00 Isl John Rubricky Resolution #122 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamps on: RESOLVED that that part of the quotation of Dan Dutra designated as No. 2 for the lowering of 240 feet of 611 transite water main on Carleton Drive in the Town of Queensbury with 4 taps on main to be lowered and changed over to the depth of the main as specified in the said bid at a total cost of W.0,00 (extra material for house taps to be supplied by the Town at contractor's cost) be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury a contract with the said Dan Dutra to perform the work in the manner and form and for the qonsideration quoted in said Bid No. 2. of the said Dan Dutra. FURTHER RESOLVED that the contractor, Dan Dutra, be required to furnish to the Town of Queensbury a certificate of Insurance protecting the Town against loss., cause of damage which may result from the per- formance of said contract, Duly adopted by the following 'vote-. Ayes Mr. Ki_]Je�r., Mr... Bentley, Mr. L&mpson, Mr. Akins and Mr Harris Noes none Resolution #123 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the quotation of John Kubricky for the laying, trenching and backfill of 540, feet of 211 galvanized pipe (excluding tapping in the main) on Birch Lane in the Town of Queensbury at a total cost of $378,00 be and the same is hereby accepted, and be it further RESOLVED that the contractor, John Kubricky,, be required to fur- nish a Certifipate of Insurance protpetipg the Town of Queensbury against loss., cause, or damage which may result from the performance of the said contract. Duly ad.op,ted by the following vote .- Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lpmpson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none Councilman Miller reported on the Lake Shore Colony Deed. Regeneral discussion was had respect" the land which lies between the pump and Assembly Point,, and also the easement- respecting such parcel and the rights of the several parties thereto. Mr. Miller also read a. letter to the Board from the State of New York dated October 29 ,, 1958 from the office of Mr, Nicholson,, District Engin- eer, respecting the relocation of water mains on Aviation-Road in con- nection with the proposed construction of the Northway, I On motion the meeting adjourned. a 4 - Inces LL. /Ilr e Town Clerk