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77 The matter of the using of water pipe belonging to one district in another was discussed . The matter was referred to the '.,later District Committee to examine into the matter of the using of such pipe, and to report to this Board and. present bills , if any. The Board audited claims as follows: SCHE;EULE OF AUDITS FOR THt� TG':^:N OF Qt7 E'LNSBURY , C OIUNTY, IT-^J YORK FOR T_1:, KONTI OF I Z'=,,IBER, 2,958 Amt. it. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim - Claimed Allowed 477 City of Glens- Falls WGRM Fund Ext. 5.72 5.72 478 City of Glens Falls " It " 603.35 603.35 479 City of Glens Falls " L' !' 18.11 18.11 480 City of Glens Falls UGFWD Ext. 2...Fund 29.64 y 29.64 481 City of Glens Falls ", Original D. Fund 82.94 82.94 482. City of Glens Falls 31.97 31.97 483 117GF Vol. Fire Co. #1 Flushing hyd -WGFWD Fund 15.00 15.00 -- 484 Matthew Bend & Co. 158 Su pp.JP, H.A kir_s 7,50 7.50 �+ 485 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Supplies , JP H. Akins 13139 13.39 486 Thorne' s Pwr.Equip. Repairs , - PV Cem.Fd. 10,00 10.00 487 Carswell Motors ,,Inc.Gas.&Tow.Serv.PVC 10.60 10.60 488 J.H.Sawyer &. Co.Inc.Gra.ss trimmers ,PVC Fd.. 111.30 111.30 t Total $939.52 $939.52 On motion the meeting adjourned. ces i rner Town Clerk Regular Meeting December 27, 1958 `— Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. Also present were Leslie Hillis ,: inspector of multiple dwellings', and Lee Lavery, Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District, Bernard Codner,; Town Superintendent of Highways ,, was also present. , The privilege of the floor was extended to Leslie Hillis who reported orally . on his activities as multiple dwelling inspector in the past two months. A general discussion of the duties of the inspector was had. He also discussed with the Board the matter; of an ordinance regulating eleptrical wiring in buildings of the Town. Mr. Codner discussed with the Board the noise which was being made by the heating system installed in the new Town garage. Resolution No. 151 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded. by Councilman Yd lie r Resolved :-, Whereas the election of H. Russell Harris, supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, to the position of Commissioner of Public Welfare,; makes imminent his resignation as supervisor of the Town; and ,; 78 Whereas Mr. Harris has indicated to the Town Board his intention to resign as of 12/31/58; and , 'Whereas becausQ of the complexity and importance of the position of supervisor in the Town's business , it is deemed necessary to have the transition of this responsibility to a successor be made in a smooth and orderly manner with all possible time advantage given for transfer of information relative to duties and. responsibilities; Now, therefore; Be it resolved that Mr. Walter Baker be and he hereby is appointed I to the position of Supervisor,; to fill the unexpired term. of Mr. H. Russell Harris, and _-further, that this appointment became effective upon the acceptance by the Town Board of Supervisor Harris' resignation, VOTE: Aye - Miller No - Bentley F Akins Lampson Mr. Harris' declined to vote. Mr. Miller presented the following letter which. the Board discussed at some length. JOSEPH A. IKESTNER, .JR. 189}Nortti Lake' Ave. Troy, New York ' Mr. Stanley B. Miller, Councilman December 20,. 1958 Town of''Qu.eensbury 5 Pershing Road Glens Falls , N. Y,. Dear Mr. Miller: Thank you for your letter of December 13th discussing the Water District problem at the well site and at Aviation Road. resulting from proposed Northway construction. I wrote Mr. Harris on December 15th j prior to receipt of your letter and. enclosed an extra copy which you may have already received . I spent last evening with Mr. Ruddy going over the proposed work. If possible the Highway Department would appreciate an answer by January lst as to whether the Town or the Department of Public Works will do the water line relocating at Aviation Road. It appears that we can not make satisfactory arrangements to install a twelve inch main on the Aviation Road bridge of the Northway. We can however cross underneath the North-- way on the north side of Aviation Road with a bypass about a80 feet in length. The Highway Department would, relocate this water main with six inch pipe at no additional cost to the District. Our future plans, how- ever', call for a, twelve inch main on Aviation Road and L think it would be a fnistake not to cross under the highway with twelve inch pipe.. The added cost of the twelve inch main to the District would be about $6000, whether we do the work ourselves or wehther we have the Department of Public Works include it in the Contract. If the Department of Public Works does the construction, a check in the amount of the additional cost must be deposited with the Comptroller before any work is done. If the State does the wore, the Town would be requested to inspect it and approve it before the trench is covered . You can appreciate that water line construction is incidental to highway work and the contractor' s bid is frequently considerably more than that of a local water line contractor. The State however has allowed, j us credit for the six inch line on the basis of a highway contractor's bid so that the differential by either method is about $6000. -This might be unbalanced by an excessive bid for the twelve inch valves by the road contractor. The State has indicated that they pay as much as $3000 for the installation of two twelve inch. valves . We would. expect two twelve inch valves to be installed for about $600. 79 I would suggest that we .let the Highway Department do the work. They expect to let the contract in March and if for any reason the bids for the water work were out of line , that is considerably in excess of $6000, then we could. undertake to do it by private contract. At the well° site the cattle pass arrangement appears satisfactory and I think_ at a future date we could install a main through it to serve wells on the west side of the road . I would like to point out that this cattle pass is being provided by the Department to avoid pay- ing the Town severance damages for the well field. Roughly, the proposed. well site will consist. of eight acres on the east side of the Northway, ten acres to be tajen for the Northway and about 23 acres on the west side of the Northway. The State would normally pay 90Y. of value for 23 acres on the west side of the Northway which are severed . The cattle pass will be provided in place of severance damages and they expect to get the ten acres for highway use at nominal cost. I did not receive copies of Mr. Dayton's letters regarding access to the west side of the Northway but I -assume that they were in line with our agreement at the conference on November 7th. I shall be pleased to attend the Town Board meeting on December 27th to discuss this matter more fully if you so desire. Sincerely,, cc : H. Russell Harris, Star Route,. /s/, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. Glens Falls , New York The following report of the Health Officer was read to the Board : Annual Report of Health Officer for 1958 TONM' BOARD, Town of Queensbury: The following is a summary of the major duties performed by your Health Officer during 1958. 1. Conducted a total of 5 immunization clinics where I. personally ad.ministered a total of 183 polio injections, 43 smallpox vaccina- tions and 129 triple vaccine (whooping cough, diphtheria and tet. tox.) inoculations. 2.. Invest gated the circumstances surrounding an outbreak of Salmonella dysentery infection in West Glens Falls and through prompt remedial measures prevented what could have been a most serious epidemic. 31 Received numerous nuisance complaints concerning alleged violations of the Sanitary Code. No punitive measures were necessary. 4. Issued 1 Public Bathing, Beach Certificate. 5. Submitted reports to State Health Deot. on 2 known Typhoid carriers as well as reports on 4 other contagious diseases within the Township. 61 Personally collected 4 water samples at monthly intervals from public water supply at Cloverdale. 7. Issued 14 milk permits. 8. Attended meetings called by the District Health Officer concerning matters of interest to the health of the community. Respectfully submitted,. /s/ Bernard Selinger, M.D. Health Officer Qgeensbury, N. Y. ©0 The following communications were read : 51 Aviation Road Glens Falls, N. Y. r Dec. 279, 1958- Gentlemen: I would like to submit• _ny name for the position of Supervisor in the Town of Queensbury. I was born in the Town of Queensbury Aug. 7, 1917 and I have resided at 51 Aviation Road. with my wife and. two children for the last six years. I am a High School graduate and. I was trained by the General Electric Co. for the position of resident engineer which I held for six years . I was schooled in. auditing and business administration for the position of District Supervisor with the Seiberling Rubber Co. , a position that I held for three years. For five years I was in business in the Town of Queensbury. Last June I gave up my business to become a sales engineer for a large New York corporation. I am an assistant Chief of the Queensbury Central Fire Co. and take an active part in the organization. The Town of Queensbury is a growing community and I would like to take an active part in its growth. I know the reason that we have progressed so rapidly is because of the able town officials we've had and the time and effort they have spent in conducting Towin business to benefit the people as a whole. I know that the position of Supervisor of the Town is not an easy one to fill, but I can assure you that, if I were appointed , I would. give my time and ability unselfishly to the - position. -- Thanking you for giving this application your consideration, I remain /s/ Gerald. L. La Clair 54 Garrison Road Glens Falls , N. Yo December 27, 1958 Toi-m Board. Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, N. Y. Gentlemen: I would like to present my name for your consideration .as Supervisor for the Town of Queensbury. I own property in the ToT...m of Queensbury and have maintained my legal residence in the Town. I am in the process of negotiating with a con- tractor to build a new home on this property. I feel that I am well qualified to fill this position. I have been owner of Carswell Truck and Tractor Co. , Inc. , President of Queensbury Equipment Co. Inc. , and have been President of Adirondack Berkshire Discount Corporation and President of New York State Implement Dealers Association. While President of the State Association,. I met with Gover- nor Dewey on several occasions to promote legislation beneficial to the farmers and -contractors. I also was invited to go before the Congression- al Committee in Washington, D.C . concerning the allocation of equipment in the European Recovery Program. I am very familiar with the procedure of town affairs, having constantly attended board meetings for over thirty years. 81 If I am successful in securing this appointment , I will devote my full time to the job as Supervisor. I have always supported the Republican Party and will endeavor to do my best for the citizens of the Town of Queensbury. Very truly yours , /s/ Earl T. Carswell To the members of the Town Board of the Town of Queen.sbury Gentlemen: I, D. Elmer Fowler, former Supervisor of the Town. of Queensbury, hereby present my application for Supervisor of the Town. of Queensbury, to fill out the unexpired. term of inns. H. Russell Harris . My past exper- ience for this office is unquestioned . I held appointments of several important committees. I therefore feel that I any qualified to fill this office. I submit this application hoping it will meet with your approval. Yours truly, /s/ D. Elmer Fowler At this point in the meeting, Harold Akins , Justice of the Peace , was excused to attend a matter brought before him by the Sheriff' s Department. The Board held a general discussion respecting the use of water pipe in a district purchased for another district, and the adjustment of the cost of such pipe to be credited to the funds of the District from which it was taken. The matter of the cost of tans for water in the various water districts by applicants from different sides of the road , was referred to the Water District Committee. In the *natter of the Reoux. bill for services , the Supervisor referred the bill to the Committee of Assessments. Mr. Lavery discussed with the Board the >rices which were to be charged for water in the North Glens Fells Water District. The matter was referred to the Water District Committee, SCHEDULn, OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QU:EE'NSBURY, WARRED] COUNTY , NEAT YORK, FOR THE D,10NTH OF DEC �;,,BER,. 1958. ,"Tr Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim-' Claimed 489 Ernest Hillis Mileage tray. assessment wk 57.76 57.76 490 Allen F. Towers Misc. work on section (N) Assembly Point map, app. by John B. Van Dusen 25.88 25.88 491 F.A.Richardson' s 4 gal. kerosene .Sons WGFATD .88 .88 492 Queensbury Central Fee for rental of firehouse Vol. Fire Co. for Primary Red;. & Gen.Elect. 40.00 40.00 493 S.Queensbury Vol. Use of firehouse for voting- Fire Co`. 158 & strg.vot.equipment 60.00 60:00 494 Nathan Proller Policy MFC #7641 on 158 Int. -"Dump truck-eff.10/13/58 to 2/28/59 48.21 48.21 495 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr.Power for booster pump-NGFdD 81.09 81.09 496 E.C.Martin & Son Inst.unit heaters as per cont- race-Hwy.strg.bldg. ,Tam. of Q.2436.00 1800.00 497 Leon W. Steves Serv.rend .s.sect�.Assembly — Point map 13.50 13.50 498 Norman A. Harvey , {dell-Baby clinic ,Twn. of Q. 120.00 120.00 499 Lapha)n'"s , Inc. 2 Radar lite Btries ,less 10% 4.40 4.40 Totals $2886.72 42251.72 lJ - On motion the meeting adjourned `r "+ , TrXr" WITown Clerk c{ - R j. r u2