2006-05-22 SP MTG19 197 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #19 May 22, 2006 RES. 272-274 7:01 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TIM BREWER COUNCILMAN RICHARD SANFORD COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR TOWN OFFICIALS WATER SUPERINTENDENT BRUCE OSTRANDER DIRECTOR OF WASTEWATER MIKE SHAW EXEC. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARILYN RYBA Deputy Supervisor Tim Brewer-Opened the Meeting Change from Agenda, first item will be 4.0 and 5.0 Resolutions 4.0 / 5.0 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT OF BILLS – ND WARRANT OF MAY 22, 2006 RESOLUTION NO.: 272, 2006 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve the audit of bills th presented as the Warrant with a run date of May 18, 2006 and a payment due date of May rd 23, 2006, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Warrant with a thrd run date of May 18, 2006 and payment due date of May 23, 2006 and totaling $187,097.32, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Budget Officer and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. nd Duly adopted this 22 day of May, 2006, by the following vote: 198 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEEN KIMBLE AS ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER RESOLUTION NO.: 273, 2006 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury’s Animal Control Officer recently submitted his resignation and a replacement was hired, and WHEREAS, the Town’s Executive Director of Community Development has requested Town Board authorization to hire Colleen Kimble, a former Town of Queensbury Animal Control Officer, on a temporary basis to train the Town’s new Animal Control rd Officer for a period of up to four (4) weeks or from approximately May 23 through June th 16, 2006 for no more than 24 hours per week, WHEREAS, the Town Board has considered the Executive Director’s request and agrees that such temporary employment is appropriate and necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Executive Director of Community Development to hire Colleen Kimble through Heber Associates on a temporary basis to train the Town’s new Animal Control Officer, for a period of up to four rdth (4) weeks, or from approximately May 23 through June 16, 2006 for no more than 24 hours per week, with the understanding that Ms. Kimble will not be driving the Town’s Animal Control Officer van, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that payment for such temporary employment services in the amount of $25 per hour shall be paid by the Town of Queensbury directly to Heber Associates from the Animal Control Temporary Personnel Services Account No.: 001-3510-4155, and 199 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs a transfer of $2,400 from the Animal Control Vet Services Account No.: 001-3510-4760 to the Animal Control Temporary Personnel Services Account No.: 001-3510-4155 and the corresponding amendment to the 2006 Town Budget, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Executive Director of Community Development and/or Budget Officer to complete any forms and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. nd Duly adopted this 22 day of May, 2006, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor 1.0DISCUSSION MAIN STREET PROJECT-WATER LINES PLAN REVISIONS Water Superintendent Bruce Ostrander-Barton and Loguidice had a call from Clough Harbour requesting a change in the map, plan and report to extend the water line one thousand feet of twelve inch line up Big Boom Road. Estimated cost, seventy five dollars a foot. Noted because the map, plan and report would have to be revised a public hearing will be necessary. Board agreed to authorize six hundred dollars to upgrade the map, plan and report to reflect the additional water line on Big Boom. 2.0ROUTE 9 WATER & SEWER CONTRACT USER Mr. George Stark, John Richards and Tom Nace Requested water and sewer line extension to service the New Comfort Inn on Route 9, only easement will be the Dexter property to maintain the lines. SEWER DISCUSSION Councilman Strough-This is to be a district extension to town specs, easement to town and main to be extended to the farthest point of the property. Mr. John Richards- No objection to extending the district for the near term we would like to get on the contract to have a limited duration of that when we petition for an extension of the district. Director Shaw-Noted that has been done before, there would be wording in the contract. 200 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 Councilman Sanford-You are saying do it as a short term contract user and then convert over, which is fine with me but what is your time line? Director Shaw-District extension take longer including DEC’s review and this time of year they are busy. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-You have no problem going to the end of the property? Tom Nace, Engineer-The question is if that will ever be used, it may or may not, if we were to extend it we would probably do it by horizontal directional drilling. If we were to simply grant the Town an easement that would allow construction of that connection if the future would that be satisfactory? Councilman Strough-No, we have got to play it by the book on this, because we have forced other people to do it. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Will have Mike facilitate this and get the paper work ready. Tom Nace, Engineer-Noted a time line for the process will be approximately a year. WATER DISCUSSION Tom Nace, Engineer-With this site we are pressing the limits of the pressure service district that the Town has, to extend it any further than this unless the town totally re- works their water system which I do not think will happen, I do not think there is any possible service beyond this for water. Superintendent Ostrander-To extend the water district at all it will take a good size booster station. Deputy Superintendent Brewer-Suggested we treat the water as a contract user and the sewer as a district extension. Superintendent Ostrander-That was our thought. Mr. George Stark-Would like to have Town Water. Councilman Sanford-Sewer goes to the end of the property and water is contracted to the site. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-The water would be as a contract user but the sewer it has to go to the northern point of your property. Councilman Strough-Questioned as a contract user would Lumber Jack want to tie in? Superintendent Ostrander-I am not sure, legally. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-We should have a clause in there that allows if someone further wants to hook in George you would not have a problem allowing them to? Mr. Stark-If Peggy wants to hook in or Mary and her husband at Lumber Jack I do not care, that is fine with me. Tom Nace Engineer-Would it make sense to turn over to the Town the water main up to the point where it leaves the State Right a way. Superintendent Ostrander-We do not have a hydrant there so we would like to have a hydrant so that we can flush it. Tom Nace Engineer-That would become a town main to own and maintain and George would not have the expense of maintaining it over the years. 201 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 Superintendent Ostrander-That would be fine with me. We will have to come forward with a contract. Councilman Strough-We are running a main water line and what if Dexter and the Doll House that changes use and become a hotel, and the miniature golf course all tie in how will that affect George’s water pressure. Superintendent Ostrander-At Dexter it is fifty pounds… Councilman Strough-The water line up to where he branches off as Tom suggested will become a Town owned water supply. Superintendent Ostrander-That is fine as long as there is a hydrant. Director Shaw-Spoke to the Board regarding the update of the map, plan and report from B&L. Need to spend six hundred dollars to have the report updated to two thousand six dollars. A public hearing will also have to be held on the change to the report. 3.0ADVERTISEMENTS FOR LEGAL AND ENGINEEERING SERVICES Councilman Sanford-Two committees have been set up, John and Tim on Engineering services which we are putting out an RFP and the other is legal services. We are going to do a formal RFP but we don’t know in the case of legal whether we want to go with staff Attorney or continue on in a contractual basis with a firm. In a large part this will depend upon the interest that is out there, for legal or engineering. Do an advertisement in the Times Union and the Post Star initially run it twice Sunday and Wednesday, basically an advertisement calling for parties to submit a letter of interest if they are interested in receiving an RFP from us. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Noted he did not have a problem in doing this but to have the RFP’s delivered to the Town. Councilman Sanford-I want to make sure there is quick funneling to everybody and there is not a lag. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Suggested that it go to the Town Clerk or Leesa for them to make copies to the Board. Councilman Sanford-Looking for a letter of interest and when the RFP was prepared that would be sent out later. This would determine whether it is more practical to go with a staff or contracted. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Don’t we have to define what we are looking for? Councilman Sanford-We will, but it will be brief, a sentence or two at this point. Councilman Strough-When we are ready to send this out Tim and I will sit down and go through and see what we want in a Town Engineer. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-I think it is too early to send letters out now, why don’t you prepare what you want to send out and bring it back to the next meeting. Councilman Sanford-I have not done anything with the engineering but I have on the legal. On the legal I got it off the internet from what other towns have done, the whole process of circulating among the Town Board and having everyone review it would take probably a week no more than two. We are looking to give people for the letter of interest based on my discussion that I had here this morning would be a two week window or opportunity for those people who respond to a letter of interest, then send them the RFP. 202 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 05-22-2006 MTG. #19 Deputy Supervisor Brewer-If you are going to have an RFP, you advertise that and it is open to anybody isn’t it? Councilman Strough-Spoke about advertising in Boston and New York. Councilman Sanford-I am looking at getting a reading on what the interest is out there. Councilman Strough-You would not be getting a true reading, first you are only giving two weeks to respond. Councilman Sanford-Two weeks stating interested in receiving your RFP. Director Ryba-If you go that way if you want to solicit resume’ or experience so you can tell, what you might want to include in a description. Secondly, if you are hiring someone vs an RFP for contract situation it is different. With a hiring you have to have a very specific job description, it goes to Civil Service they take a look and they will help us draft it. Councilman Sanford-Trying to do two things A. not drag this out so months tick by, and B. find out which direction we want to go. Based on some discussions we have had it makes sense for engineering to try to attract a staff engineer. I have talked to some engineers they have told me that it is tight market we may not have a lot of applications come in. With the Legal I do not have a clue what the story is. With the letter of interest it is to throw it out there see what comes back, that will show what direction to go in, staff or firm and do the RFP accordingly. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-By the end of the week you put a letter together circulate it through all of us, by Friday. Councilman Sanford-I will do the legal only, block ad in the local section of the paper. Also discussed having this on the Website. st Councilman Strough-May 31 at 7:00 P.M. Tim and I will meet with Marilyn Ryba regarding the Engineer. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 274, 2006 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns it Special Town Board Meeting. nd Duly adopted this 22 day of May, 2006 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Strough NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor Respectfully, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury