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1959-01-03 SP
96 Special Meeting January 3, 1959 Present : A.predith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened , at 7:30 p.m. Also present was Leroy J. Gordon,: designated and appointed Supervisor, but who took no part in. the proceedings for the reason that his under- takings= as Supervisor had not yet been approved and filed in the County Clerk's office. Resolution No. 19 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Akins : RESOLVED that Mr. Bentley be and is hereby designated chairman of this meeting. Dul�r adopted by the following vote : Ages - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampscn, and Mr. Akins . In the matter of the proposals to supply the Totiti7n of Queensbury with a tractor for use at the Town dump,; the proof of publication calling for sealed proposdls was received and placed. on file. The folloi�ring sea.l:;d proposals were opened and read to the Board : BR94'N' S GARY GE Cropseyville ,. N. Y., January 2, 1959 Town of Queensbury Glens Falls , New York Att: Mr. Codner Dear 'Yr. CGdner: ,,,Ie wish to submit the following bid on. Ford Tractor & Equipment. 851 Ford Tractor with heavy duty clutch, power steering, heavy duty Front Axle , 750X16 6 ply front tires and 800 lh wheelwei_ghts. Heavy Duty Loader (Industrial) 'with down pressure and 1/3 yd.. bucket. Rear 84" blade P.,odel. 19-»85 je can deliver the above equipment within ten days for the sum of $3715.00. Optional equipment 1100 lb. wheelweights X30.00 extra 14x24 6 ply `rear tires $175.00 extra Tread vidth. bucket X50.00 extra If Txr�_= can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to call on us . Yours truly, /s/ Leon F. Brown :Brown' s Garage 97 Town Board Town of - eensbury, N. Y. Gen.tlemdn: ,.,t7e are pleased to 'submit the follot.Ting bid on a tractor Loader„ le will deliver Tractor Loader Blade to Town of `uepnsbury for total_ 'sum .of 3370.00. This is same tractor as we . bid before. Also we would like to submit an alternate bid on Farm type tractor & loader which meots all specifications . We will deliver this tractor & leader to the town -of I-. ueensbury, N. Y. for t!7-e sum or tl`2985.00., Res-r-,ectfully submitted Cc 0 TRACTOR CO. Isl john Casey 1� CTT-MAJMECY, lv-,�.,CHIIERY CO. I IDTC Latham, Nei: Yorl,-, Toi•m Board January 3 , 1959 Town of �ueer-sbury Franc-Is L. Turner', Town Clerk Gentlemen: In response to your neTvspaper advertisement seeking bids on a Tractor Loader combination, we are pleased to submit the folljoInTi np, propositions : PROPOSP-L. NO. I - T.^Te propose to furnish 1-New Case D-70del 310-B Tractoi, Utility Loader with standard equipment and attachments as follows : 8 speeds forward and 8 speeds reverse transmission with shuttle gear, power steering , counterweight weighing 1256 lbs. , 9 cu. ft. bucket, 8411 x 2411 heavy push blade with safety sprin6s &.nd wrap around frame. All the above for - - - - - - - - 01595.00 PROPOSAL NO. 2 '.Ale propose to furnish-a Case 1,,:,odel 320 Tractor with Loader with 750:16 6-ply front tires, 13 :00 x 24 6-ply rear tires , 8 speed forward and 8 speed reverse shuttle gear transmission, po,xTer steering,, counter weieht weighing 1256 lbs. ., 13 ft. bucket,, 8411 x 2411 two position blades ?t blades springs. - For a delivered price__of - - - - -X3 ,872.00 PROPOSAL NO. 3 We propose to furnish a C6-se Model 420-B Tractor i,rith 750:16 6-ply front tires , 13:00 x 246-ply rear tires., 8 speed.transmissioia with torque coriverter, power steering, counter- weight weighing 1256 lbs. , 1511 bucket, 5411 x 2411, two position blade. - All the above for a delivered. -,-)rice of $4.,978.00 In all the above proposals the Tractor, all attacbmer-ts and the loader are products of one manufacturer , ar-d are not a makeshift arrangement with two manufacturers involved , but are covered by one warranty. Attention should be directed to: 1. The heavy duty one piece drop forged front axle, 2. The well built wrap around frame to i,�nich a backhoe attachment can easily be installed at a later date, 9S The iodel 420-B covered, by the last proposal not only has a self--level-n.L bucket , but has a torque converter drive similar to that used in enlarged wheel type loaders costing upwards to X23,000. A torque converter adds 50j� to the power without spinning any tires and is the recommended tool for land fill work. r-de carry in stock at our Latham Shop approximately $17,000 in Case parts inventory. You will find attached literature covering each proposal. Trusting we may have the pleasure of serving you, we are, Very truly yours, MOTT MARBECK YD:XHINERY CO. ,INC /s/ J. A. Manbeck Exec. Vice-President NORTEP11 Y EQUIPMENT CO. Hudson Falls, Nre`.., York Jan. 3, 1959 Town of Queensbury Glens Falls , N. Y. Gentlemen: We wish to submit the following specifications for your approval in connection with our bid to supply you with a new 1350 industrial tractor with loader and blade. New tractor with the following equipment 6.00 x 16 6 ply front tires 12 x 26 4 ply rear tires standard drawbar 40.57 horsepower at drawbar 44.94 horsepoT�,Ter at belt integral power steering -- 4- cylinder gas engine- - bore and stroke 3 1/8 x 4 piston displacement Y-_ 175 cu. in. 5 speed transmission 2 valve hydraulic system 600# counterweight lights Hydraulic loader break-away capacity -- 2800# load lift capacity --- 1350-# to full height of 121111, bucket -- 1/3 yd. capacity with hydraulic dump Leveling and grading -blade with attaching units 84" blade -- 2 position (rt. or lt.r -- 18" height reversable & replaceable cutting- edge Total price .3275.00 Respectfully submitted /s/ Harold Gould North- way Equip-rent Co. NORTIT9P.Y EIU'I PMEXT CO. Hudson Falls , New York _. Jan. 3 $ 1959 Town of Queensbury Glens Falls , N. Y. Gentlemen. fire wish to submit the following specifications for your approval 99 in connection with our bid to supply you with a new 1330 Industrial tractor with loader and blade New tractor with the following equipment 6.00 x 16 6 ply front tires 12 x 28 4 ply rear tires standard drawbar 32.41 horsepower at drawbar 35.24 horsepower at belt integral power steering 4 cylinder gas engine bore and. stroke -- -3.1-1/4 x 4-1/16 piston displacement -- 135 cu.. in, 5 s-Deed transmission 2 valve hydraulic system 600# counterweight lights Hydraulic loader break-away capacity -- 2800# load lift capacity -- 1350# to full height of 121 1" bucket -- 1/3 yd. capacity wl'th hydraulic dump Leveling a-rid grading: blade with attaching units �411 Plade 7-- 2. posit-Jon (rt. or lt.) -- 1811 height peversable & replaceable cutting, edge I - Total price $3085.00 Respectfully submitted Isl Harold Gould Northway Equipment Co. South Glens Falls , N. Y. 12/28/58 Town of Queensbury ROUTE 9 MOTOR SERVICE 821 new, gas tractor 19-97 H.D. double acting industrial loader 19-125 13� cubic ft. cap tread width bucket 19-2 Down blade &. mounting kit This tractor will* be equipped with Power Steering Heavy duty front end and clutch Directional signal's Lights $3660.00 Rear wheel weights , 1150 lbs. Fluid in wheels , 900 lbs. Diesel available for $,395.00 more Bid urice - - - - - - - - $2750.00 Isl Robert J. Vittengl The Board generally discussed the several proposals received and discussed the various machinery with the representatives of the bidders -oresent. Resolution No. 20 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Akins: RESOLVED that the bid of the Route 9 Motor Service to supply the Town of Queensbury with one new tractor and equipment as requested in the advertisement which was submitted by the said Route 9 '.Motor Service be and the same is hereby accepted at a cost of $2,750.00. It was moved by Mr. Tm1ller, seconded by Mr. 1 kins that the above 100 motion be and is hereby amended to add that such acce-ptance is upon the expressed condition of a demonstration of the tractor and equipment to the satisfaction of the members of the Town Board on or before January 10, 1959. The ai',q.endment was adopted by the f ollo�,llinE vote; Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lay-riipson, and Mr. Akins Noes - none The original motion as amended, was adopted by the -f-ollowing vote : Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Eertley, Mr . Lairpson, and Mr. Akins Noes - none Resolution No. 21 - introduced by Councilmen 1,"1jll,-7:;r seconded by Justice Akins : RT,SOLVED that the folloltin- undertakings of the followinj,�, officers C are hereby a-p -,roved as to form, amount ,. sufficiency of surety and manner of execution: Name Office Surety .%mount Raymond Hcaque Constable Glens Falls Ins . Co-* 11000.00 Earl Jonas v Collector, 7-*vGF,%T ti 11 11 41,000.00 Bernard Co(f)ner 'Fi'z'-'-'W'_;yF 000.00 LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor (GenoFd .) Glee_-_ Fall s, Ins. Co. a C)3;00,0.00 Le7cy J. Gordon Supervisor (Highway} I Glens Falls Ins. Cc. 101000 .00 7J7, T'H-2Ja R77OLVED that the members of the Board siEn a certificate or (-?ch. of the afbre8a_J(9 irstrum.ents indlca.tirE the approval. _F afore- s ai d Dn)ly 0., by the foil 0?,,Tin,-, vote Ave!7 Mr. I.Viller , Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, and Yr. Akins NoeF none Th,,� c f t'ne li -_R o a-rd si.-ned. a certificate set forth in the above F,-,so -itior on each o.n the instruments. T kins : Resolution No. 4�-, - introduced by 'lVir. UaT--()son seconded by Mr . IT ^T 713-c'OLVEAD that the hourly rateF cf pay for Tc-T.'r em-ployel-s be an6 are hereby fixeO as' f olloi-is : S''novel operators cer hour Grader operators 1.65 per hour Motorized equip. o-nerator 1.50 per hour Laborers 1.40 per hour Daly aCopted by the fclloi,,TinE-, vote Ayes Mr. 1;71,11.er, Mr. Bentley Yr. iLhins Nces none Resolution No. 23 - introduced by Courcl-Iman Miller,- seconded by Justice A�-irF 1^47- E:�'I' 3.:,R F, under the proviFion.!F of a contract entered into on the T)art of this Board on behalf of the Pershing;--Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District with the City of Glens F-,_ills there is a. limitation of 18 persors or liro-.ndrties to be attached tr the sewer systems, , and there are persons. or prolerties allegedly attached to said sewer 111=�-?,lly-, and 10-1 the aforesFid contract requires that the District police the syste!1! grid maintain the limitation to the 18 persons or _,rooerties afore rr,entioned., L , T Pl:SE-.1= , �V"i�, that the District be directed to employ ncb©rt Dolan,. say. to prosecute this alleged. infraction of the terras of the contract, in that he has handled the formation of said district and is familiar with its terms . R=''SCi:V-ED that the compensation for such. services shall not exceed !x200.00. Duly adopted by the following vote : ANres - Mr. Miller, T�Ir. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and Mr. Akins Noes - none Resolution No. ?,4 - introduced by Justice skins , seconded by Councilman Miller: R:jSCLVED that the bond of John 0. Webster, collector, in the amount of X10,.000 with the Glens Falls Insurance Company as surety is hereby approved as to amount, form, sufficiency of surety, and manner of execution,, and that the members of the Town Board sign a certificate on the bond indicating such approval. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. La_rnpson, and Mr. Akins Noes - none Mr. Gordon at this oint in the meeting expressed his thanks and appre- ciation for the confidence and tn st placed in him by the members of the Board . Or_ motion the meeting; adjourned at 10 :15 p.m. �`T'Y'anc e s L. Turner Town Clerk