1959-01-24 102 Regular Meeting January 24, 1959 Present : Leroy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman Absent: Harold Akins Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7.30 p.m. Kenneth Palmer, County coordinator, was present and discussed the radio purchase for the Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire Company. The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr. Palmer who explained the cost of an additional radio. After discussion, the chairihan referred the matter to the_ Fire District Committee. Mr. Hillis was present and presented the following-letter which was read. to the Board: EASTERN STATES BUILDING OFFICIALS FEDERATION New-York,, N. Y. ` January 2.0, 1959 Mr. Leslie A. Hillis Deputy Coordinator 17 Newcomb Street Glens Falls 40, New York Dear Mr. Hillis:' With reference to your letter of January 16th, we are happy to -hear that you hope to attend the tenth annual .Eastern States Building Officials School. I am enclosing herewith a notice from the Hotel New Yorker showing their rates for the Building Officials. When applying for a room, be sure to indicate that you are a Building Official. Registration will be on the morning of February 19th starting at 8:45. The sessions will close about 4:30 p.m. on February 20th. In addition to the school, the State Building Code Commission has a session for the benefit of all New York State Building Officials on Wednesday afternoon, February 18th, starting at 1:30. If you are inter- ested in the State Building Code, this is a wonderful opportunity to be brought up to date and to have any questions answered. Looking forward to seeing; you. Sincerely, /s/ Wes Farrington Resolution No. 25 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman , ampson RESOLVED that Leslie Hillis, multiple dwelling inspector, be and -' is hereby authorized-to attend the 10th annual Eastern States Building Officials School to be held February 19th through the 20th, 1959 in New York City, FURTHER RESOLVED that the actual and necessary expenses of Mr. Hillis in so attending be. and the same are hereby a Town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote : -- -Ayes -- Mt. Miller, Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordon Noes - none John Slack was also present and, protested the adoption of the Zoning - ` Ordinance. In connection with the zoning matter, the following were also present: 103 ' Mr. and Mrs . Howard Mason < Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Zbozanski . Mrs. Norma Beattie The Board generally discussed the- matter. The privilege of the floor was extended` to• Mr. Harris, former supervisor, who was present and who explained his position respecting the passage of the motion adopting the ordinance. Mr. Slack requested the Board to rescind- the• Zonine. Ordinance. Resolution No 26 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that Resolution No. 150 adopted December 20, 1958, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Gordon Noes,, Mr. Miller - Henry Sleight,, former Justice of the Peace , was present and discussed with the Board the matter of zoning. Mr. South, Secretary of the Queensbury Central: Volunteer Fire Colpany, was present and presented the following: QU=SBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. , INC. 1 Foster Avenue Glens Falls, New York January 20, 1959 Mrs . Frances Turner Town Clerks Office Tornm of Queensbury "barren County, N. Y. c/o Town Board Dear Sirs : Enclosed is a •list of our membership,, officers and firemen, for the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , 1 Foster Ave. ,. Glens. Falls , Nev York Chief: * Jess Smith, Potter -Rd. , Glens Falls, N. Y. lst Asst. Chief: J. Floyd Sleight , 111 Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls , N. Y. 2nd Asst. Chief: Gerald LaClair, 51 Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls , N. Y. Captain: Earl Anderson,- Farm-Market .Rd.. , Lake George , N. Y. Lieutenant: Bertram Martin, Aviation Rd .,-Glens Falls, N. Y.- Captain of Fire Police: Kenneth Gage , Country Club Rd. , Glens Falls, N. Y. President: , George Liapes , .3 Foster Ave. , Glens Falls , N. Y., Vice President: Charles Ting, 31 Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls,, N. Y.. Secretary: * C. Powel South, -29 Pa.rkview Ave. , Glens Falls, N. Y.. Treasurer: Fred Leuenberger,, Lake -George Rd. , Lake George , N. Y. Chaplain: Andrew-Butz, 2, Blend,ale Drive, Glens- Falls , N. Y. Directors : Jerome Thorne, Blind Rock Rd. , Glens -Falls , N. Y. Walter Whitman, Aviation Rd., Glens Falls , Y. Robert Stott, Bay Rd. ,, Glens Falls, N. Y.. . Firemen: Edward Butz,; 11 Greenwar.y No. , Glens -Falls, N. Y. Earl Chadwick, Farm--Market Rd. , Lake George,: N. Y. - - Bernard Codner, -Mountain View Lane , Glens Falls, N. Y., George Daley, Country Chub Rd., Glens ,Falls , N. Y. Robert Dickinson, -Lafayette St. , Glens Falls, N. Yt LeRoy Gordon, Foster Ave. , Glens Falls , •N. Y., Robert M. Griffin; Aviation Rd . , Glens Falls , N. Y. Charles Howe, 88 Glenwood Ave. , Glens Falls , N. Y. JQtarnest Miller,, 730 Glen St.. , Glens Falls , N. Y. Clayton Ramsey,, 690 Glen .St.,F, _Glens Falls, N. Y Zranklin__Reigler, Avlatioi Rd. , Glens Falls-, N. Y. , George. Reese,. 2 Glendale Dr,. , Glens Falls , N. Y. Francis_Robillard, Country Qlub Rd. , -Glens Falls , N_ Y. VkJohn Sehoelermann,, 54 AvieLtion__Rd. , _ Glens-Falls). N. Y., Frank Shortell, 11 Vista-Court, Glens Falls, -N. Y. 156u1 Sperry, 3-21 Dixon Rd,-, Glens Falls , N. Y.. David_Sperry,, 121_Dixon.._.Rd. , -,Glens -Falls , . N. Y.. Arthur,,Stewart, West Mt.__Rd. , ..Glens _Falls ,_ N. Y., Liarry Stewar.t, West Mt. Rd.., Glens Falls , R. Y Owen Kane, Bay Rd. , : Glens Falls , N. -Y. (Honorary Active Member) denotes Lifetime Active Members over 65 years of age. The following members are on a leave of, Absence : Stanley Smith, Potter Rd . ,, Glens Falls , N. Y.- Carlyle Gooch, Aviation Rd . , Glens Falls, N. Y. This Company now has a limitation on membership The company shall have no more than 40 active members under 65 years of age. Total active members under 65: 30 men Total lifetime members over 65 yearn of age: 3 men Members on Leave 2 men Hon. Active-members: 1 man . Total Membership 36 men Wishing you success in this years Town affairs , I remain, ` Yours truly, /s/ C. Towel South, Secretary Resolution No. 27 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as active volunteer firemen in the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. .- '__.,, Chief Jesse Smith, Potter Rd. , Glens Falls, N. Y.. Lst. Asst Chief: J. Floyd Sleight, 111 -Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls, '1 . Y. 2nd Asst. Chief: Gerald LaClair, 51 Aviation Rd . , Glens Falls, N. Y.. Captain: Earl Anderson, Farm-Market Rd. , Lake George, N. Y. Lieutenant Bertram Martin, Aviation ,Rd. ,-Glens Falls, N. Y.. . Captain of Fire .Police: Kenneth Gage, Country Club Rd . , Glens Falls ,NY .President: -George Liapes , 3 Foster Ave. , Glens Falls , N. Y'�. Vice President: Charles King, 31 Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls, N. Y. Secretary; C. Pmrel South, 29 Parkview ♦Ave. , Glens Falls , N. Y. Treasurer: Fred Leuenberger, Lake George Rd. , Lake George:, N. Y. Chaplain: Andrew-Butz, 2 Glendale Drive, Glens-Falls , N. Y. Directors . Jerome Thorne, Blind Rock Rd. ,, Glens -Falls, N. Y« Walter Whitman, Aviation Ind. ,� Glens Falls N. ;Y. Robert Stott, Bay Rd. , Gler}s Falls , N. Y. Firemen Edward Butz, ll Greenway No. , Glens Falls, N. Y.. Earl Chadwick, Farm Market Rd . , La%e George , N. Y.- Bernard Cod.ner, Mountain View Lane , Glens Falls , N Y.. George Daley, Country Club Rd., Glens Falls, N. Y., Robert Dickinson, Lafayette St., Glens -,Falls , N. Y. LeRoy Gordon, Foster .Ave.., Glens Falls, -N. Y_« Robert M. Griffin, aviation Rd. , Glens Falls , N. Y. Charles Howe, 88 Glenwood Ave. , Glens ,Falls, N. Y.. J. Ernest Miller, 730 Glen St. , Glens Falls, N. YIt Clayton Ramsey,; 690 Glen St. , Glens Falls , ,N Y. Franklin Reigler, Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls, N. Y. George Reese,. 2 Glendale Dr. , Glens Falls , N. Y. 105- Francis Robillard., Country Club Rd . , Glens Falls, N. Y.. John Schoele.rmann,, 54 Aviation Rd. , Glens Falls ,. N_. Y. Frank_Shortell., 11 Vista Court, .^Glens Falls,, N. Y., Paul Sperry, 121 DiXon Rd. , Glens Falls, 9. Y., Pavid„Sper_ry,, 121.Dixon__Rd. , -.Glens -Fall.s,..N. Y.. Arthur-Steuart, West Mt.._Rd. , Glens -Falls ,;.'N. "Y.. Harry Stewart, West Mt. Rd. , Glens Falls, N: Y. Owen'Kane , Bay Rd. , Glens Falls, N. -Y. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes y Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordon Noes - none L- Mr. South also `requested on behalf of the Queensbury Central. Volunteer Fire Company,, Inc. a permit to hold a carnival on June3A 1959g on the Glendale lot, upper Glen Street. Resolution No. 25 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that 'a carnival license be issued 'to the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company,: Inc. to hold a carnival as follows: Date June 1 to June 6, 1959 Place Glendale lot,. Urpper Glen St. Name of Carnival -. Continental Shows Carnival Lowell, Mass. Fee .. $100 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a. permit' t`o hold a carnival as aforesaid upon payment r of the fee of $100. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordon LNoes -- none _ Mr. South also presented an application for Bingo license. Resolution No. 29 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman pson: exeas an application has bben received from the Queensbury Central Volunt r Fire Company, Inc. to hold Bingo as follows: J 1-17-59S 1-24-59* 1-31"59 , 2-» 7-59S, 2-14-591, 2»21»59, 2-28-599; 3.1- 7­59 ,. 3-14-59.. 3-21-59 * 4" 4.59s 4.11-599, 4,.►18.5,0 do 4.25-59. ` 'Whereas a fee of $140 has been paid. RESOLVED that the Board does hereby authorize and approve that Bingo games be and the same are hereby authorized to be held by the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. ` FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue liscnse or permit to hold Bingo by the said Queensbury Central Vol- unteer Fire Company, Inc. on the aforesaid dates. 0 Duly adopted by the follorrTing votes : Ayes Mr. Miller,, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and. Mr. Gordon. Noes -- none Yxs. Lackey who-was present requested the Town to return a space heater which was borrowed from her son. Mrs. Lackey was informed that the heater would be returned. A discussion was had respecting the layingtof water pipe .cross .and under the proposed Northway. � Resolution No. 30 introduced. by ,Justice Bentley, sedonded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the undertaking of Theodore. Turner, collector of the Ridge Road Water District,in the amount of $4,000 with the Glens Falls Insurance Company as surety, be and the same is hereby approved as to form,, amount, surety, and the manner of execution, and that the. members of this Board sign a certificate to that effect on the instivu merit. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lanpson,and Mr. Gordon. Noe-s - none - The members of the Board signed the certificate on the undertaking re- ferred to in the last proceeding. The following letter was read to the Board, by the Chairman:- ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at_Lair. Glens Fa.11s,N.Y. January 5, 1959 Mr. Leroy J. Gordon, Supervisor Foster Avenue Glens Falls , New York Re: Fan & Bill's - .against Town of Queensbury Dear Roy: Enclosed is copy of' a complaint in action brought by Alph.pnse Rainone and Albert Rainone,> doing business as Fan & Bill's, against the Town. of Queensbury to recover J1,000.00 alleged to have been caused to stock of liquor in the basement •of Fan &. Bill's because employees of the Town opened a water valve on October` 7,, 1954, which caused a flooding of the basement. I recall that at the time this happened-we had ah investigation and there was some question as to whether the-valve was turned by town employees or by employees of the Water Department of the-City of Glens Falls . There is no doubt that somebodytdid by mistake turn the valve at the curb which caused the flooding of the dellar. - I suggest that you take this up at your next Town Board meeting, and you may want to ask the Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District to give you his report. If the valve was actually turned - on by a town employee there is probably liability, but I think the case could be settled for much less than 41,,000.00. I have done nothing about it because I hoped it ,would die .a natural death,, but now we have been served with a complaint and we will have to do something, either settle or prepare for trial. t _ j Yours very truly., /s/ Albert E. Beswick County Attorney Encl. The Board generally discussed the matter: - 107 Resolution No. 31 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun- cilman Miller: RESOLVED that the County Attorney be and is hereby authorized to neggtj4tg_a settlement in an-action entitled.- Al,bhutse Rainone and Albert Rainone, d/b/a Fan & Billss against The Town of Queensbury in an amount not to exceed $1,,060. Duly adopted by the following vote : `— Ayes - Mr. Miller,, Mr. Bentley, Mr,, Lampson, and Mr. Gordon, - Noes none The matter of stocking a pond in the Cemetery property with fish was discussed. No action taken.' The matter of rules relating to the opening of graves in the Town Cemetery was discussed. Matter referred to the Cemetery Committee, The application of Nelson Harrington for a junkyard license was pre- sented to the Beard. A $10 fee accompanied such application. The matter was referred to the Junkyard Committee, The following letter was presented : January 23, 195:9 Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Falls , New York Gentlemen: - I would like to apply for the position of Zoning Law Administrator. For the past twelve years I have been employed by the Glens Falls In- surance Company and have worked in the dual capacity of Safety Inspector- Auditor, This job includes, among other things, inspection of all types of buildings, I am also an active member of the Bay-Ridge -Fire Company and Emergency Squad presentlyrserving as Vice President in -both organizations, Together with my wife and three children, we live on the Ridge Road , Star Route, Glens Falls , New York.' r r Thank you for your consideration.. Sincerely, /s/ John D. Henry DOYLE' S Glens Falls, N. Y. January 2, 1959 Mrs. Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk, 340 Ridge Street Glens Falls , N. Y. Dear Mrs . Turner: Just �as a matter of record , I am informing you that about 11:30 this morning the town plow went past our property at Glenwood Avenue and while plowing ran up against the hemlock hedge. I immediately went after Mr. Cod.ner, Superintendent of Highways , and.brought him over to 108 see what had happened. We are unable to determine th6 extent of damage until spring , but our estimate of possible damage will not exceed five hundred dollars, Very truly yours, /s/ Mark C. Doyle Copy to Mr. Churchill. G.lens ,Falls Insurance. Notice of the meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York, to be held February 9 through February 11, 1959 , in New York City was presented to the Board. Resolution No. 32 introduced by :Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that LeRoy Gordon,' Sup,ervisor, be and is he.reby- desig- nated to attend the annual meeting of the Association of Towns on Feb. 9, 10, 112 1959 , in New York City to cast the vote for the Town of . Queensbury,, and. in his absence, that Mr. Curtis Lampson is hereby designated to attend and cast the vote fbr the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Mill6r, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, and MTr. Gordon. Noes - none The following was read to the Board: ,STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany 1, N. Y. January 7, 1959 Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County Gentlemen: This is in reference to the joint request submitted by you and the Warren County Superintendent of Highways relative to a 35 MPH speed limit on Cronin Road , Big Bay Road and Sunnyside Road, in the Town -of Queensbury. Conditions have been reviewed on each of the three highways in accordance with your request. The review indicates that the highways are generally level and are, for the most part, tangent to alignment. The highways have relatively narrow macadam pavements., and traffic appears to be primarily of local origin. Marginal development consis- ting of 18 homes and 2 commercial establishments in 1,05 (more or less) miles on Cronin Road ; 7 homes in 0.75 (more or less) of a mile on Big Bay Road; and 37 homes ,, 3 commercial establishments , 4 public buildings and a cemetery in 2.0 (more or less) miles on Sunnyside Road , is far below the normal minimum standards fbr a reduced speed zone in each in- stance. The roads appear generally rural in character and factors in evi- dence do not indicate that Commission action with respect to speed is justified. We regret that we cannot comply with your request. Very truly yours ., STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION /s/ L1okd -A. Maeder Director A discussion was had respecting the bill of Mr. Reoux. The following in connection therewith was presented to the Board:. ins To: The Town Board From: The Assessment Committee There was assigned to this committee at our December, 19;58, regular meeting the bill as presented by Harry A. Reoux Es services rendered covering assessment matters. ' q• which concerned The first record that is WkIlbble from the minutes of the Town Board's Meetings is under date. of Sept_. 62 1955 when Resolution No. . 86 was intro- duced by Justice Akins and seconded by Councilman Walkup reading: I' "TtJHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls .has instituted a certerorari proceedings against the Town of ,Queensbury respecting assessments of certain city property in the Town of Queensbury by service of petition and notice to the Town Clerk,;. "RESOLVED,; that Harry Reoux be and hereby is retained to rep- resent the Town of Queensbury in the matter and that he is authorized to prepare the necessary return in the proceedings.. "Further Resolved that the: Board of Assessors or the Chairman thereof be -and hereby are authorized and directed to execute the return on behalf or the Board of Assessors and/or of the Town of Queensbury. "Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Messrs Tgalkup, Lampson, Akins and Harris. No 'none' . (Mir. Bentley but did not vote?) At the regular meeting of the Board Sept, 22, 1956, the following reso- lution was introduced as No. 81. "'WHEREAS, Certerorari proceedings have been instituted against the Town of Weensbury by Caroline. F. Brown to review assessments made .on her property. "RESOLVED, that Harry Reoux be and he is hereby authorized to appear for 'and-- on-beh if a of the assess ors and the!, h Town of Queensbury to tape the necessary action as deemed advisable in the matter to protect the interest of the tax district." And on the 'same date Resolution 82 was introduced, by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Justice Akins reading �s follows : uWHEREAS, Certerorari proceedings have been instituted against the' Assessorrs of the Town of Queensbury by the City of Glens Falls to rev'iew the assessments of its property, _ "R'ESOLVFX,, that Marry Reoux be and he is hereby authorized. to appear for and- on-behalf of -the Town of Queensbury and of the Assessors to take they necessary action as is deemed advisable in the matter to protect the interest of the Tax District."; y (The resolution No. 81 was introduced also by Justice Bentley and seconded by Justice Akins. Both resolutions adopted unanimously.) I can find no record of any other Resolution 4ealipg with authorization of Mr. Reoux to appear for the Assessors. Mr. Reoux presented a bill for' $3500 iii January of 1957 which was paid by voucher 169-May 25,; 1957. A study of the last bill presented by Mr. Reoux shows that his services were continued by the Assessors , apparently as they called upon him.for services particularly during 1957 when the hearings were being held on the reassessments. It would appear to have been a continuing process on `; L their part ds well as Mr. Harris who seems to have consulted him. also on �' several ocedsions. I have asked Mr-. Reoux to b9 present-at our meeting this January 24 s 1959 A further examinatidn of -the itinutes of the Towri Board during the year 110 1955 brings forth the following Resolution No. 67 introduced by Mr. Lampson and duly seconded by Justice Bentley at the June 25, 1955 meeting -. "AE50LVED, that Harry Reoux be and is hereby engaged as _attQrnqy. to represent the Town of Queensbury and its assessors , in the matters pertaining to equalization of assessments , the services to be paid for upon presentation of a properly verified or certified claim for services.u, In view of this Resolution it would appear. that Mr.. Reoux was properly bired and that the presentation of his bill was In accordance with said Resolution. Further, that the assessors were within their rights in seeking legal assistance from him. In discussing this matter further with Mr.. Reoux who phoned me this afternoon he agreed that he would compromise the bill for $3,000. 1 -- told him that the bill for that amount would be presented to the Board this evening and if the compromise was accepted the voucher would be processed for payment. Incidentally the Resolution No. 67 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, ,Mr. Akins and Mr. Walkup. Noes - none The Board audited claims as-follows : SCHEDULE OF AUDITS OF THE T(YdN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, FOR THE MONTH OF- JANUARY., 1959 . Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature •of Claim Claimed Allowed 1 Nathan Proller Public OfficialBonds for H.Akins,E. Jones,; and John 0. Webster 57.50 57.50 2. G.F. Post Co. Pub. Bids for Tractor-Dump. . 7.60 7.60 3. Swan & MacNeal Inst. of Heater Units in old garage & office as per cont- ract. 751,00 751.00 4. Edw. Thompson Co. McKinney's pocket parts 12,, 19 .,32,379-64 (2v) ,10 & 62a. McKinney' s Sesion Law Serv. 1958 44,00 44.00 5. Frances L. Turner Postage-Twn.Clkl:s office 4.00 4.00 6. Carson-Duffy Agcy. Supervisort-s Hwy & General Bonds-LeRoy Gordon,Superv. 41.00 41.00 7* G.F. Post Co. Pub.Tax Coll. Notice 11,76 11 *76 8. Glenn B. Coulter Making 2 prints-B & W of ' Map of Reservoir Park" for J.B-. VanDusen 4.60 4.60 9. Twin-Falls Electric Minco-charger voltage tester Supply Co. , Inc . PV Cem. 4.50 4.50 10. Adirondack Resorts 5670 Tax Notices 28.50 28,50 Press , Inc. 11. John Oo .Webster,Coll. Supplies-miscel, as itemized • on voucher-Twn.Qsby.tax coll. 33.10 33110- 12. Bullard-Glancraft Tax Collector supplies 326.86 326,86 Printing,. Inc . 13. Queensbury- Post #1797 Maintenance of meeting rooms American Legion - for Am.Leaion Post ,$1797, Town of., Queensbury 200.00 200.00 14. Ralph- M. Nestle Misc. Serv. as Asse8sor 2,66 2,66 15. Niagara.-MlohaTek Pvr. Amherst-Garrison Rd. - 168.46 168,,46 16* Niagara-Mohawk Per. Str.ltng.& traf. signals '201.91 201.91 Niagara--Mohawk Purr. Cleverdale Str.ltnZ.Dist. 41.08 41.08 18. N.Y.Telephone Co. Telephone serv.(2-2797) for 19. G�F; ..Post Co. Town Storehouse- 16,50 16i50 Pub. Notice-Zoning Ordinance Town of queensbury 433.15 433.15 ZOO Leon W. .Steves Working gn map of South sect- , Ion of Assembly Point 30.75 30.75 21. Mullen 1q;lding Wks. Making P, heavy steel hydrant Wrenches-WGF%9D 13.35 13.35 22. tlect.S6pply & Supplies for.new Town Store- Parts Co, louse Building 9.87 9.87 23. 4. Leo-Spain Agcy. Constable Bond-for R.Hoague 10.00 10,00 24. Nathan Jlrolle-r Custodian & CollectQr.' s Bond- for Theodore Turner 10.00 10.00 25. Nathan Proller Endorsement on policy -lr7641 t to Gen.Llability• & on-policy #7641 to auto liability 55.59 -55.59 26. Nathan Proller Workmen"s Compensation-Policy #- M 7641C in the G.F. Ins. Co. Audit for period 8/22/58 to 11/28/58 1147.64 1147.64 27. Niagara-Mohawk Pvr. Power service for booster pump NGFWD 56*46 86*46 741.8 3741.84 On motion the meeting adjourned . t;knces rner .Town Clerk Special Meeting February 21t 1959 Present: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the•Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson: Councilman Absent : Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. A discussion: was had in reference to the claim of Fan and Bill"s* Mr. Gordon presented the following letter which was read to the Board : VENDER REALTY Lake George Village,, N. Y. February 19, 1959 Mr, LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor Town. of Queensbury Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Gordon: In the fall of 1958 1 conveyed to the Shore Colony Water District certain ground at the northeastern corner of said district, part of which fronts on Harris Bay and upon which is located the pumping plant, pressure tank., supply line- coming out of the lake , and the initial lines of the dis• tributing system. Also located on this plot is a stairway serving as access to the pumping plant as well as to a dock which extends out into the lake. The previous owner had given certain individuals rights to the use of this ground and the dock and my conveyance to you was made subject to