1959-03-28 126 - RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed _to pay to the widow of the late Emmanuel Maille the amount due to him. in wages and vacation credits as an employee of the Town of Queensbury Highway Department, as certified by warrant of the Highway Superintendent. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. La.mpson, Mr. Akins , axd Mr. Gordon Noes none On motion the meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.. �'rarce� Turner `r ' Town Clerk Regular Meeting March 28, 1959 _ Present : LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor ' Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Arras (Absent) Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsox Councilman Staxley..B. Miller Councilman � c The Board convened at 7:30 o.m. i Mr. Boevin discussed. with the Board the extension of water for an area in Moxtray Heights. There was also discussion of the .forma.- tiox of a district for such purpose. Mr. Kline of the Assembly Point Association was present a.xd ditcus I sed with the Board the posti xg of speed restriction signs and danger signs in certain areas in the Assembly Point region.. He was informed that a speed area had b6ex established at Assembly Point. Mr. Veeder was present and requested the Board to activate the water supply system in the development at Assembly Point. He also suggested that someone should be placed in. charge thereof. The Board thereupox discussed with him certain objectionable features in the deed of conveyance and the reservations therein. Andrew McCormick,. secretary of the Queex.sbury Taxpayers" Association, was present and discussed �nrith .the Board the matter of maixtexaxce and repair of Thomas Street,. stating that several residents in the Town of Queen.sbury along Thomas Street had requested the Association to'act for them to obtain xeceesary relief in connection. with the { main.tena.xce of the street. ! A discussion was also had respecting the Reservoir Park Sa.rtitary Sewer System, Resolutiox'No. 47 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the collector of taxes be and is hereby authorized and directed to expend the sum- of not in excess of $50 for postage for notifying of delixquext taxpayers that the tax roll will be turned over to the County Treasurer according to law. Duly adopted by the follot.,;ing vote : Ayes .. Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson sad Mr. Gordon Noes - mone - i i 127 Resolution No. 48 introduced by Councilman Lampsou seconded Justice Bentley; by WHEREAS the cost of water supplied by the City of Glens Falls to the several water districts in the TourA of Queensbury has been in- creased by the City of Glens Falls; therefore be it RESOLVED that the present rates of costs of water to individual consumers liar said districts in which water is supplied by the City of Glens Falls be increased by 20%. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsox and Mr. Gordon Noes - none In. coxnectiox with the applicatiox of Roland Maxd.igo for a jumkyard licenser the money received therefor was turned over to the Supervisor. Resolution No. 49 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the juxkya,rd license issued to Roland Mandigo for the year of 1958 be renewed for the year 1959. Duly adopted by the following vote - Ayes - Mr.. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Laympson. and Mr. Gordon r Noes -- none The following letters were read to the Board :. State of New York STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany 1, N. Y March 4, 1959 r - Town Board Town of Queexsbury Warren County Gentlemen: A review of conditions on Route 149 at its intersection with Bay ,Road in the Town, of Queensbury indicates control of traffic by STOP signs would possibly be more effective if the STOW requirements were on Bay Road rather than on Route 149. Route 149 will be sigxed with new route markers this summer. This would undoubtedly indicate to strangers in the area that they do not have to watch out for STOP signs on the State Highway. It was noted. during; the review that most cars- traveling ox Bay Road reduce their speed upon approach to the intersection indicatixg the motorists'` awareness of approaching a main highway. :+fie have , therefore , rescinded a portion of the July 22, 1957 order and re--established the STOP requirement on Bay Road. A copy of the order is enclosed for the records of the Town. The State Department of Public Works ixstell and maintain. STOP signs ordered byethis: Commission, and that Department will effect the wore nec- essary to carry out the provisions of, the order. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION /s/ Lloyd A. Maeder Director 128 State of New York ST.kT3 TRAFFIC CCM!�/IISSION Albany 1 Mr. C. Bassette Date : Marcl-� �' c3 , 195 Div. of Operation & Maintenance De,:.-ortment of Public Albany Yorl,: TRAF7IC C0M")'­iISSIUN ORDER Pursuant to �Luthorit y conferred by the Ne % Yoh{ S tcte .Vehicle end Try""' c LaT,! , the State Traffic Coma fission hereby 1, Rescinds Item 2 of its order dated July 22, 1957 which directs t}::- or�c+ * nr arl --nainte, ance of SSTCP suns on the Harrisce_", a-Fort Ann , Ft. it State Hichway, S.H. 9759 , at its lnt,,?rsectior. with Bay Road , a County Road , in the TCILn of tiUee nE bury, 7,'�arren County . S.H. 9359 intersects Bay Road at StE,tion 161+10 ± from the so-at.hwest and. !--orthe!ast . 2. Des_ anates the int,'arsectlor_ of Routs 149 , S.H. 9359 , with Bay Road a. County Road , in thc' Tc,;7n, cf 2lueensbu ry , Warren County, as a STOP _- -_(2t9rF,:?ct1- or. 3. Directs the Ne-vT Yor!� State Department of Public install a_nd maintain STOt si:i1*n,- in colaftrmance with the .1arjual ­r Ur.ifcrr,,, Traffic Control D v'ce- or' the State Traffic Corp.mlissior". 0.,--, Bay Road which enters S.H. 9359 at Station 161+10* frc,,n the southeast and 7-indly a6viss the Traffic Commission when this order has been com,olis--d �,ith. S N 3T�,",,T E 71 7,i C �0'Cl,-7 13 S IC cc : a- l.nt. State Police /s/ Lloyd Maeder Town,, Board—queensbury Director Sheriff McCoy The Supervisor ra-,-�orted that the action entitled Uphonse Rainone and Albert Rair-one (2/b/a Fan & Bill'S against The To�,.rr, of roaeensbury had been settled arid a releass execiit?d by the plaintif-P-s was presented and filed The f0110WInL letter was read : Attwxor at L" W ftals IWO 110 Mardh 14,19eg Xr. lefty Gwdom,, Saperwlrcr frastor LVMUW GIMTS Waliza arw York Dear Roy: You have asked me as to the procedure for the purchase of surplus propertyc.'Qy,-�-an incur-porcted, parsed,z,torlave the company, to vwr to T 4 t As l 'underSt'aild-it , an fh6o'ipdratd�' flig Company is" "riot legally entitlo4 .to,.purchasq aur,Aua,,pro�Arty;, raise `1 .14;UeS- as-t such tA !, " When the fire company pays its money to you, the money becomes town fund s,'Ao -�he 4-S&Me e2 tent l­_ -�-taDu& -t h - money had be n r4 -s ed tb y triks ,m6Ae y tjaqllze on equipment owned by 'the "fire company, but it I will 11_.h ave ,to-b I e- and­remain town property. If there are matching funds or any reimbursement on the purchase price to be received , such reimbursement would be town funds and eould not- legally be paid to the fire company since you may legally pay then 12 amount only the aunt of the c price. _ ,r s _ � e contra t pr c . li 7 .. ,. T _c c I-r-ii r. � � rJ $ ? 3F3'+1�. �F�t"9tre 'P '1''`"'� � iF•. �1ie ,} �Q Q tiLL' \.C>j e � reFCammjpsj_C%1 ft4r4s9pW. htesFa tt od tr Yours very truly: /s/ Albert S. Beswick Coumty ittcrney Mr. Gordon reported that he and Mr. Lampson attended the Chief and Officers Association meeting and_explaixed the matter of the proposed inclusion-Of a.` two-way radio for the fire companies. The Supervisor presented the following report: MONTHLY STATMVENT OF SUPERVISOR February,; 1959 Date RECEIPTS Amount Received Source ReceivL-d Feb. 16 • State per capitaL• assistance---General 5242-.46 16 Cleverdale Lighting District--General 41.08 16 Ft.kmherst•-Garrisox Rd: Lt .Dist.-Gex. 168.46 • 16 - Earl Jones*-Water Collector­W.G.F`.W.D. - 10.00 5 • Social Security Ded. from Hwy payrolls.» • Soc.Sec.. 236.01 Y 5 Social- Security ded. from PV payrolls-S.S. 10.00 5 Social Security ded. from Gen.pa.yro11-S.S'. • 64.29 20 - County Treasurer--Dog Fund monies-General 1662.90 20 . County-Treasurer-County aid for snow • removal-Highway 5168.00 18 . Frances Turner--Town.Clerk' s fee s--General 294.75 24 Frank Cowles ,Jr.-Cemetery�Funds-FV • 140.00 2? Lee Lavery-.Water Funds collected--.NGF19D Ext. ' 674.70 27' • Lee Lavery-Water Funds collected-NGFWD 29.70 . _ Total receipts $23743.55 DISBURSEMENTS Amount .Date Pd. _ -Fund or Acct. Paid .Feb. General - 7499.85 • - Pineview -700.21 N.G.F .—D. 714.20 • N.G.F.W.D Ext. 944.63 W.G.F.W.D. 780.2.7 Ridge— Road Water Dist. 104.00 Fire Pprotectiox - 7500.00 Cleverdale Lightixg District. 821.16 Ft.Amherst--Garrison Lighting District 168.46 Highway 9713.67 Total Disbursements $28207.45 /sf LeRoy J. Gordon Dated : March 9, -1959 - - Supervisor . Resolution. No. 50 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman KLller: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to distribute in equal shares to the five fire companies of the Town of Qu.eensbury the money received upon foreign fire insurance policies written in the Town of Queexsbury. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordon Noes - noxe _ 130 Resolution No. 51 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun- cilman ampson: RFSOLV D that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to lease at Town expense a suitable safe deposit boc in the GlenstFalls National Bann and Trust Co. in the name of the Town of Queensbury- r LeRoy Gordon, Supervisor. Duly adopted by the following vote :. Ayes -» Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordox Noes none The Board audited claims as follovs.. March, 1959 Amt. Amt. Ho of Clainn Brkture of Claim Claimed AlS.+a od F agara hawk Power- Ft. erst- rr.. s oar. Rd. Dist.-Lght. 168:.46 $. 168.46 74 • Niagara-Mohawk Powji Ft.Amherst-Ga�,rrisox • Rd. . Dist.-Lght.. 168..46 168.46 75 • Niagara-kohawl Pbwir Str.lts. &,traf.sgxls 201.91 201.91 76 ` Xiagara-wo k P©wer Cleve ale Ltxg. Dist,*, 41,08 41.08 77 R. G. Landry ftpplies, Supervisor 16.30 16.30 78 ' Frances L, Twm r Postage stamps-twx.clk. 440 4.00 79 G.F. Pit-Co. Pkb.Not.Adoptiox of ' ordixaxee 34.00 34000 80 Harald E.Rist Asse. Prints-Assembly Ft. 2.68 ,2.68 81 Barber & Hart Prem.Coastable boxdft� aalph Hill- 10600 10000 82 ' J.E. Sawyer & Co.,Ixe.ft p lies,*.,PV Cemetery 8.2.4 5.24 83 Sawyer & Go. , -Inc.2 split Dredges,PV ' Cemetery _ 3190 3,90 84 ` J.R,.Siwyer & Ca.,Ixc. Garage door brace-Pv Cem. 1.17 1.77 85 S.R.Stwyer & Co.,Ixc. 1 pr.138- level sights-PV 2.45 2:,.45 86 ' Leox.M.Steves M sc.serv.as itemised on voucher 165.75 165.75 87 N wY.Tel.. Co. Phoxe serv.towx strhse 119.95 '190.95 88 Frances L. Turner to-stage stamps-twx.clk. 4.00 4.00 89 LeRoy J'.Gordox Postage stamps-superv. 1.00 2,00 90 Rd. Bli xx,I*suraxce Prem Lee Lavery's bond 10.40 100.00 91 Lee V. Lavery Stamped exvelop4s-1FWD . ' - $at. 18.56 18,56 921; Niagara-Kohawk Parr.. 'dater Fund 81.80 H.A,. 93 ` Rathax Froller Preq.ox Band ,#7a7 O- ' RM. & Audit for period 8128158 to 11/28 '58 on Comp.polic $WC 7641C, . ` CS.O-HD.WDS3147.64 Cam. 1157.,i4 1157(.64 94 Nathan Prollitr Contractors�Rgaig.Fla� aters poI&#IK UM per. 2,/28,/59 ter-660;#505.84 5329.39 5329.39 414 G.F. Post Coo ' Pab.Not.oxi sealed prop- asals on Hvy.Dt9.t ck: 8620:. 80,2£3 Ox moti c x the meeting, adjourned, Twx Clerk