1959-04-03 SP 131 Special Meeting April 3, 1959 Present:.. LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith IDentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsox Councilman $taxley.J. Miller Councilman The Board convexed at 7:30 p.m.,. A -petition was received from the residents of Luzerxe Road and Western Park, area recommending a 35 mile speed zone be-established from,Mixxe- sota Avenue. ox the Luzerxe Road and Central Avenue and all other cross roads-ix the Western Park area, , axd that signs be erected to that effect. Resolution Hoy. 52 introduced by Justice Akfxs, seconded by Councilman Lampsox: RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby requests the State Traffic Commissiox- to.limit the maximum speed at which vehicles, may travel to 35 m.p.ho in the. following described area in the Tows of Queexsbury: Beginning at the westerly boundary line of the City of Glens Falls on the easterly line of the Torn of Queexsbury at the south- side of'-the Corinth Road and thence running westerly along the southerly side of the Corinth Road to a point in the southerly side of the Corinth Road where the same would be intersected by an extension of the west liner of Minn- esota Avenue in a southerly direction; thence running northerly along swch extension of the westerly line_ of Minnesota Avenue and the west side of Minnesota Avenue to the northerly side of the Corinth Road; running thence in an easterly direction along then. northerly side of the ` said Luzern Road to the said westerly-boundary line of the City of Glexs- Falls and running thence southerly along the said westerly bkmdary line of the City of Glens Falls, and running thence southerly along the said westerly line of! the City of Glens Falls to the south side of the Corinth Road, the point or place of beginning,, Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsox, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none The following officials of the City of Glens Falls were present: Mayor J. Ward Russell , Councilman William E. Meehan and Frank Hurls City � Ys Y Attorxey. The privilege of the floor was extended to Mayor Russell who presented a verified petition requesting that the proposed plan of the • City of Glens Fulls for setting apart a portion of its lands in the Town of Queensbury for rubbish disposal purposes be approved and for such other further and different relief as may be just and proper. Mayor,Russell orally stated the method of disposal of the kirbage and Councilman Meehan also informed the Board that several municipalities were successfIlly using this method of disposal of rubbish. Mr. Hurley also added further statements in connection with the city's proposal. Resolution No. 53 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Akins: WHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls has made application praying for approval of its proposed plan for setting apart a portion of its land in the Town of Queensbury for rubbish disposal purposes, RESOLVED that a Public Hearing be held upon such application at 8 p.m. on April 189 1959 at the schoolhouse, Aviation Road, Union Free School District No. 2 of the Town of Queensbury, i i F ----------------- 13Z FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby author- ized and._directeed�to.eause to be. published once in the Glens Falls Times on or before the: 8th day of April, 1959 , a notice to read in substantially the following form Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of an or- dinance to- regulate dumps and garbage and rubbish d�.sposal in the Town. of Queensbury adopted March 7, 1959s that a Public Hearing will be held at 8:00 ol'clock p.m. on the 18th day of April, 1959, at the schoolhouse of Union Free School District �- of the Town of Queens- bury, Aviation Road, in said Town-upoa an application of the City of Glens Falls made pursuant to the provision of the said ordinance, for approval of a proposed plan for setting apart a portion of its lands covering approximately 10 acres„ abutting and adjacent to the Potter Road in the Town of Queensbury for the: purpose of rubbish disposal.. Dated April: 3rd, 1959. By order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Ms. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none The following letter was read to the Board STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC-WORKS J.Bunch McMerrax: Albany, N. Y. March 13, 1959 Stanley B. Miller, Councilman � - Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Hall, Star Route Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir,. In connection with the construction of Interstate Route 502, in the .Towm of Queensbury and as agreed upon at recent meetings it will be. necessary for the Town to maintain various roads recon- structed and severed by construction. of Interstate. Route 502'from the north bank of the Hudson River to Gurney Lame in Warren County. They roads referred to are indicated in red on-the: e9nclosed map of our proposed alignment. Also enclosed are five copies of a maintenance resolution, four certified copies of which are required by our various offices. Your assistance in obtaining the adoption of this resolution by they Town Board will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, For G.L. NICKERSON District Engineer By G. V. R'* Artbur Chief Draftsman Resolution No. 54 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman,Millen:. 1 E 1_36 STATE OF NMI YORK RF 0LUTION BY KJNICIPALITY_ OR-POLITICAL- SUBDIVISION T,Q...YjklNTQ.IN. FRONTkOE4 MARGINAL. QR-SERVICE. ROADS CON- STRVQTED..1N CQNNFCTION. KITH .CONTROLZD-ACCESS-UIG1JWAY. WHEREAS, Subdivision. 25 of Section 10 of the New York Highway Law as__aZj4k4P,d In 1956 provides, in part, that the Superintendent of Public Works shall "Have power in connection with the development of any controlled access facility to plan, designate , construct,., alter, improve and vacate frontage,, marginal and service roads, ", and it also that,, "The maintenance of any highway, road, or street which is affected by.this subdivision and which in the judgment of the superin- tendent , of public-works is not deemed to be a part of the state high- way system shall be maintained by the municipality or- the municipalities in which all or part thereof is located," and WHEREAS , the Superintendent p proposes to improve the Interstate Router 502 from the Hudson River to Gurney Lane in Warren Co. 502-3-1.2, 02-3-2_,1.1 a controlled access highway, and in eon- nection thgrevith to construct the following described frontage, marginal or service roads as shown on attached Sheet No.. 1 and WHEREAS, the said frontage, marginal or service roads are to be located within the _Town of Queensbury, Warren County, and in the judgment of the Superintendent of Public Works wi4 not be deemed to be part of the state highway system, now therefore, It IS RESOLVED that, upon completion of construction of the above- described .frontage, .marginal or servicea roads , the Town of Queensbury will maintain such roads in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, 'Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ Attached Sheet No. 1 to Town of Queensbury Resolution No. 54 dated April 3, 1959 1. Construct Big Bay Road - Proux Road Connection from, Station G 6+50 to Station G 120+27, appro4mately 2.15 miles in length. 2.. Reconstruct Big Bay Road from Station GA_ O+O.O to Station GA 7+72:.,50 and from Station HC 5+25.40 to Station_HC 0+12.0 approximately 0,25 miles in length. 3. Recon.struct Sherman Avenue from Station J 5+00 to Station. J 23+00 approximately 0.30 miles in length, including a highway grade seearation structure over Interstate Route 502 upon which the Town will maintain pavement and sidewalks. 4. Reconstruct Dixon Road from Station D d+50 to Station D 16+25 apgrox�m4tgly Q,,U-mlles in length. 5. Reconstruct Aviation Road from Station 15+00 to Station 27*25 ; apprgx�m4tely, Q.23 .miles .in length including a highway grade separation structure over Interstate Route 502 upon which the i - Town will maintain pavement and sidewalks. . Reconstruct Schoolhouse Road intersection at Station 24#37 Aviation - Road from 121 left to 1.50", left of centerline. 7. Reconstruct New Hampshire Avenue: intersection from 10' to 90' left of Station H 4484, Corinth Road centerline. - And to. sever the f©llowing-described town streets and roads the severed sections of which the Town will maintain:. ,13.4 1. California Avenue from 1281 right of Station A 268+78 to 1971 Qf Station A 269*02. a length of approximately- 75 feet, - 2* Kansas Avenue from 20011 right of Station A. 2,69#20 to 1691 right of Station A 270*20 a length of approximately 125 feet. - 3* Maine Avenue from 701 left of Station HB 18+18toitit intersection with East Avenue. - 4. South Avenue from 1001 left. of Station HB 24*78 to its intersection with East Avenue a length of approximately 150 feet.. 5. East Avenue to a point where it will be dead-ended 13211 left of B 28WOo - P. June Drive to a point where it will be dead-ended 1251 right of NB 46"20, 7. V`ee ks Road to a point where it will be dead-ended 1251 -right (east) of EB 58#25 and 1451 left (west) of SB 57*80,*, The Town Board discussed with the Town Superintendent of Highways the proposed expenditure of moneys for Item. one and contract thereof. The sum of $80,000 was set aside to -be expended for primary work and general repairs upon 109 miles of Town highways. The sum of $20,,000 was sat apart for special improvement to be expended for a stone and tar penetration :improvement upon the following roads: Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys Section 284, Highway Law AGREEMENT, made by and between BERNARD CODNER, Town Superinten- dent of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and the undersigned members of the Town Board of such Town. WITNESSETH.- That pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law it is agreed that the moneys levied and collected in such Town for the repair and improvement of highways, and received from the State for State Aid for the repair and improvement of highways , shall be expended, as follows: 1. GENERAL REPAIRS: The sum of $80,,000.00 shall be set aside to be expended for primary work and general repairs upon 109 miles of town highways, including sluices , culverts and bridges having a span of Jess than five feet-and boardwaJAs or the-renewals thereof. 2. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: The following sums shall be set aside to be expended for the-,permanent. impravement of town highways :, SCHEDULE "A" Type •Stone and-tar penetration 1. Owen Ave. beginning-at the end of the present macadam northerly for a distance of 300 feet the sum of . . . .. . . . . . . $450.00 2. 1uena Vista Ave beginning at the Aviation Road northerly for a distance of 1000 feet, the sum of 1500,00 ' 3* Division Street beginning at the Corinth Road southerly for a distance of 1000 feet, the sum of 1500,00 * 4, Ogden St. beginning at the Corinth Road southerly for a distance of 1000 feet, the sum of *1500*00 5* Stevens Street beginning at the end of the present macadam easterly for a distance of 300 feet to Corline St. the sum of 450*00 13 -5 6.. Columbia St. beginning at Holden Ave. northerly for a distance k Qf 500 feet,; the sum of ._ . . 750.00 T. Feeder Dam Rd.' from' the City line westerly for a distance of 1200 feet, the sum of . . . . . ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800.00 8. Patter Rd. beginning at the Aviation Road southerly and westerly for a distance of 2600 feet the sum of . . 3900.00 9. Michigan Ave.. from the Luzern Road to Central Ave. a dis- tance of 600 feet the sum of . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 900600 10,_ Vermont Ave. from the Luzern Road to Central Ave. for a distance . of 600 feet, the sum of . 900.00 11, SUnnyside Road North from Bay Road easterly for a distance of 1500 feet; the sum of 0 2000900 12, Meadowbrook Road 'beginning at the end of the present macadam northerly for a distance of 1800 feet the sum of 2850.00 No moneys set aside for such permanent improvements shall be expended, nor shall any work be undertaken on such improvements , until the County Superintendent approves the plans, specifications and estimates for such constructionI This agreement shall take effect when it is approved by the County Superintendent of 'Highways. Executed in duplicate: this 3rd day of April, 1-959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace H. C. Akins , Justice of the Peace 'Curtis Lampson,, Town Coubeilman Stanley-B. Miller, Town Councilman Bernard J. Codner, Town Superintendent On motion the meeting adjourhad. Town Clem Special Meeting April 9, 1959 Present: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Ak3hs Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsoz Councilman Stanley- J. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m,, The: Supervisor presented a letter which read as follows: ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at_Law. Glens Falls, N. Y. April 3, 1959 Mr. LeRoy Gordon, Supervisor Foster Avenue Glens Falls , New York