1959-04-25 Public Hearing April 18, 1959 Present: LeRoy' J. Gordon StLpervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson C au=i loran Stanley-J. Miller Councilman Public Hearing held at 8 p.m. on the 18th day of April, 1959 upon the application of the City of Glens Falls made pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance to regulate duwps,, garbage and rubbish disposal- in the Town of Queensbury, for approval of a proposed plan for setting apart a portion of its lands for such purposes. Proof of posting of the Notice of Hearing filed. Proof of the publi- cation of the Notice of Hearing filed. J. Ward Russell, mayor of the City of Glens Falls, and Frank Hurley, City Attorney, were present 4nd represented the applicant. Supervisor Gordon opened the meeting briefly stating the purposes for which the public hearing was called and requested Frank Hurley, City Attorney, to read the petition. Mr. Hurley thereupon read the petition, After reading the petition, Mr. Hurley made statements in,support of the application. At the conclusion of Mr. Hurleyl�s remarks,, the Supervisor suggested that any questions which were to be submitted should be limited to three minutes and adirect the questions to the party whom you .wish _ to answer the questions.* Thereupon numerous questions were asked of both Mr. Hurley and Mr. Russell, to which responses were had. There were approximately 400 people present at the hearing. Numerous persons spoke against granting of the application of the City and there was one person who spoke in favor of the granting of the application.. After hearing all persons desiring to be heard thereon, the meeting was closed, and at 9 :00 p.z. it was moved and seconded that the Board go into executive session. At 9:10 the Board re-convened as a Town Board and Mr. Akins introduced Resolution No. 60 which was seconded _ by Mr. Lampson:. RESOLVED that the application of the City of Glens Falls for a permit ,to establish a dump and rubbish disposal area on sus property in the vicinity of Potter Road be and the same is hereby denied. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr.Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon. Noes: None 0n motion the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.. L. Varner Town Clerk_ Regular Meeting April 25, 1959 Absent: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Present:- Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-J. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m.. Resolution No. 61 It was moved by Mr. Lampson., seconded by Mr. Miller, that Mr. Bentley act as chairman for this meeting in the absence of Mr. Gordon. Duly adapted by the following vote Ayes -- Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Akins. Noes - none_. _ Resolution loo, 62_ introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council- men-Miller RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to do all necessary-work on street highway signs required for the proper° maintenance of the same ,, including the purchase of such signs. Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Aldins. Noes - none I _ J, Carleton. Harris was present and discussed with the Board the re- location of the Assembly Poirot Road, A discussion was had in reference to the Rogers development. A dis- cussion. was had respecting the Van Dusen Road, Hil1crest Avenue and Cottage Hill, The matter was referred to the highway committee. A discussion was had respecting the disposal of junk at the Town storehouse. Mr. Miller raised the matter of an exploration of the Reservoir Park Sewer System, The Board generally discussed the matter and the fol- lowin-.g. Resolution was proposed: Resolution Now 63. introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Akins RESOLVED that exploration work in the Reservoir Park Sewer District be under the supervision of the Superintendent of Highways, and that the said Superintendent of Highways be and is authorized and directed to -employ at Town expens-e -the necessary help to perform such service. Duly adopted by the following vote:. Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Akins, Noes - none Mr. Miller presented for filing. in the C1erk''s Office stenographic copy of the public hearing which was received and placed on file. The following telegram was read to the Board: WESTERN UNION Telegram The Queensbury Town Board, (To be delivered; do not phone) 340 Ridge St., Glens. Falls ,, -N. Y,(1959April 19 AM 9 59) GENTLEMEN A- COPY OF THIS TELEGRAM IS BEING SENT TO THE POST STAR WITH-THE: REQUEST THAT IT BE- PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC. INTEREST AS I FEEL YOUR PUBLIC HEARING OF SATURDAY -MUL 18th AT THE QUEENSBURY CENTRAL SCHOOL. IN REGARDS TO THE CITY OF.GLENS FALLS ESTABLISHING A LAND_ FILL METHOD DUMP' IN QUEENSBURY DID NOT ALLY A FAIR-AMOUNT OF- TIME TO- THE MINORITY FEW POINTS. GRANTED THAT A TIME LIMIT HAS TO BE HELD ON THE LENGTH OF THIS TYPE OF HEARING HOWEVER THERE WERE SEVERAL GENTLEMEN AGAINST THE DUMP WHO WERE ALLOWED TO SPEAK AT LEAST 3 or 4 TIMES EACH _ .. WHY- WAS I NOT ALLOWED THE FLOOR THE SECOND TIME, ESPECIALLY WHEN MY FIRST COMMENTS TOOK ONLY 15- SECONDS WAS I.T BECAUSE. I WAS AGAINST THE SHORT SIGHTED, SELFISH AND F,4MQTIONAL_ATTITUDF-_ OF.-MQST-OF, TliOSE.PRESENT. WAS IT BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO ASK THE PEOPLE. OF QUEENSBURY, WHO _WLD._ND'I._VNDFRSTAn WHY. THE-CITY OF_GLENS-FALLS_,DID, WOT._BUILD_ A=- OPERATE.-AN._INGINEUTOR-, IF-THEY_AS_A_ TOWNSHIP-WOULD. SHARE- THE US3__An COST..OF. $ETOH-AN INCINERATOR.. ON.A- PER.,CAPITA 13ASIS WAS IT. BECAUSE I. WAS GOING TO ASK WHERE, MOST OF QUEENSBURYS DUMPING a5 D QO_-AT:.THE.. PFXMT.AND.WHERE IT,WOULD_BE-DONE_ IF-GLENS FALLS. DID NQT_H,(M. A-_D '.- _ WAS IT BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO ASK THE MANY QUEENSBURY PEOPLE WHO HAVE CITY WATER-AT DOUBLE THE CITY RATE IF THEY WOULD'FOREGO THIS — WATER THAT WE IN GLENS FALLS HAVE COOPERATED WITH THEM TO OBTAIN WAS IT BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO ASK ABOUT THE GLENS FALLS CITY'SCHOOL DISTRICT WHICH ExTM TO A GREAT. DEGREE OUTSIDE OF-THE CITY OF GLENS. FALLS-AND WHICH AT LESS THAN CITY TAX PAYERS PAY MAKES POS- SIBLE CITY SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR MANY QUEENSBURY CHILDREN REMEMBER QUEENSBURY RESIDENTS IN THE. GLERS FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT PAY GLENS FALLS SCHOOL TAXES, BUT THESE TAXES-ARE BASED ON - A- ASSESSMENTS THAT ARE NOT MADE BY THE CITY OF GLENS FALLS AND MAKE POS46 SIBLE SOME WHAT OF A FREE RIDE ON THE BACKS OF-CITY TAX PAYERS WAS IT BECAUSE. I WAS GOING TO SUGGEST THAT THE GLENS FALLS CITY GOVERNMENT IN THE QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD JOINTLY INVESTIGATE THE METHOD USED- IN OAKLAND CALIFORNIA TO CONVERT GARBAGE ETC. . INTO FERTILIZER--.A METHOD ..THAT.HAS PROVED SUCCESSFUL AND QUITE. PROFIT- ABLE.AND SANITARY IS THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SO IIlATURE- THAT IT CANNOT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND LISTEN TO THE FEW.POINTS OF AN INFORMED MINORITY - . YOURS FOR COOPERATION CLIFFORD B. WITHAM TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX PAYER AND PROPERTY OWNER — The following application was reeeived by the Board:: BINAI B'�RITH - Uastate New York Council T April 24, 1959 TO VHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ' ` The Charles Gelman Lodge of B"nai B"rith of Glens Falls hereby requests a permit fdr a Circus to be held-at the: Kane Lot, Bay Rd. on 'Monday, June 22, 1959. - } A check of $100.00 is herein enclosed for said permit. ' Sincerely,. /s/ William Feigenbaum 3 Fulton Street Glens Falls, New York. Resolution No. 64 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson: ` RESOLVED that a permit be granted to hold a circus as follows:: ` Applicatiom. - B'nai B1,rith Date - June 22, -195,9 - Place - Bane Lot, Bay Road — Fee - fL00 - FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directid to issue -a permit to hold such circus as aforesaid upon. receipt of the fee of $100. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Akins Noes - none Resolution Nor. 65 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson::. WEEREAS Robert Sanders has made application for renewal of junkyard license and has submitted the fee of $10 for the same, RESOLVED that the junkyard license issued to Robert Sanders for the year 1958 be renewed for the year 1959.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mx. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. ,Akins Does - none Mr. Miller discussed with the Board the claim of Harry Reoux. There was also a discussion of the Kestner matter, A further discussion was had respecting the Weensbury town line and . the Caldwell town line. The matter was referred to the County Attorney. Joan Van Husen was present and discussed with the Board the location of such Tine:, A claim for compensation injuries was received for injuries to George Finch in connection with his duties as a volunteer fireman.. The monthly statement of the Supervisor was received and placed on file:: MARCH,, 1989 Date RECEIPTS Amount Received Source Received Mar. 5 John 0. Webster.-Tax Panalties--General 162.30 5 Social Security Ded. from. Hwy pAyrolls- Soc. Sec. a/c 150.64 5 Social Security dad. from General Sc Water Districts S.S. 64.29 5 Social Security ded. from Pine View Payrolls Soc. Sec. 14.86 10 Drainage District-Capital Note ,& Interest- Capital Reserve - 251.88 10 Gen. Town Fund-Capital Note & Int.-Capital Reserve 2540.6 10 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist.-Capital Note & Int.-Capital Res. 251.88 110 Nelson Harrington-Junk Yard License-Gen. 10.00 10 Adirondack Waste Co.-Junk Yard License-Gen 10.00. 17 Mrs. Turner-Town Clerk's Fees-General 176.25 27"' Frank Cavles,Cemetery Funds-Pine View 337.50 30 New York Fire Ins.Rating Office-Tax Refunds Fire Prot. 869.30 28. Lee Lavery-dater Rents-NGFWD Est. 718,92 3 Stanley B:, Miller.-:18 Sewer Rents Collected- Pershing, Ashley, S.D. 1532.99 31 Transferred from old account for uneashed cheeks-Pine View 2.24 31 Transferred from old account for uncashed checks-Highway - 9..50 Total Receipts 16463.18 DISBURSEMENTS Date Amount Paid Fund or Account Paid March General. 11659.77 Pine View Cemetery 618.76 ,147 NGFW Dist 100000 k NGFW Dist,: Ext. 18.56 ` YAM Dist. 50.00 ' DrAinage' (Note k Interest) 6581.88 ' ClOverdale Lighting Dist. 41.08 Ft: Amherst-Garrison-Lighting Dist. 336.92: Pershing Ashley-Coolidge Sewer-Dist, 900.00 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. 264.88 Highway I I 8773.95 Total Disbursements J29345.ZO lsl LeRoy J. Gordon Dated: April:8, 1959 -Supervisor The Board audited clams as follows:: SCHEDULE. OF AUDITS OF THE-TOWN OF ,QUEEN SBURY WARREN COUNTY$N.Y. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Clam Amt. Amt. } Claimed Allowed 95 W.F.Gubitz & Sons Supplies for Supervisor 82.36 82.36 96 C.G. Woodbury & Seen. Misc.New Twn.Qsby Store- house B1dg. ,Aviation Rd. 111.37 N.A. 97 Russell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-Twn..Clk' s Ofc, 2.50 2.50 98 Charles Houghtaling Supplies M.S.Ben.tley,JP 2.97 2.97 99 Harold F.Dean. k Son Service on control light- Qsby.Central Fire Station 22.05 22.05 100 Bullard-Glencraft 250 Water Rent Bills- Printing ' WGFWD 12.00 1.2;.00 101 Ballard-Gleneraft 350 Water Rent Bills for 13.00 13.00 Printing NGFWD 102; Bullard-Glencraft 40 Water Rent Brills-RR Printing Water Dist, 8100 8100 103 G.F. Post Co. Publishing Hearing on Rubbish Removal 4.80 4.80 104 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone serv. for Twn of Qsby store house 15.50 15.50 105 E.C.Martin k Son Serv.rendered as per con- tract Tait Qsby strhs 644.18 N.A. 106 City of Glens- Falls Misc.repair lent at Pine Water Fund Street-WGFWD 39.78 39.78 107 City of` Glens- Falls Misc.Repair-Hydrant- Water Fund WGFWD ' 15.21 15.21 108 City of. Glens Falls M1sc.Serv.(Otto$s Bakery) Water Fund 'NGFWD _ 4.24 4.24 109 City of Glens Falls Misc.working on frozen Water Fund service-Carleton Drive NGFWD Eat. 15.71 15.71 110 City of Glens Falls Misc.serv.Glenwood Ave. Water Fund A.C.Warner-NGFWD Ext. 4.74 4.74 111 Niagara--Mohawk Pwr. Str.ltng-Cleverdale 41.08. 41.08 112: Niagara-Mohawk Parr. Ft.Amherst-Garrison Rd. Street lighting 168.46 168.46 113 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Str.ltng.k traf.sgnls 201.91 201.91 114 Niagara Mohawk Pwr. Elect. & Gas Serv. at Town storehouse 600.86 600.84 115 Electrical Supply & Pig tails for wiring` on Parts Co.. new building 9.87 9.87 116 Warren Co. Clerk Recording deed from Ft. Am*Realty Co. to Twn. of Q 3.75 3.75 117 E. Leo Spain Agcy.. F.Scoville bond-Supt. of Pineview Cemetery 33.75 33.75 118 J.E.Sawyer k. Co. ' 2. es.3/4 Ro.soft steel 41.12.; 3/4 thrd cuts-PV 4.00 4.00 119 Harold C. Akins 100 stamped envelopes 4.76 4.76 120 Dorman A. Harvey.MD Twn of Qsby-Well Baby Clin- ic 210.00 210.00 I� Ralph M. Nestle Mileage supplies ,stam ►s 20.47 20.47 122 Nora C.MeLoughlin Serv.rendered RRWD Fd. 9..72 9.72 123 Nora C.NlcLoughlin -,u " WG$1D-.Fd. 21.00 21.00 124 Nora 0.9cLoughlin `! a NGFWD Fd.- 33.00 33.00 125 William_Lanfear Labor WGIWD Fd, 25.00 25.00 126 Sanford Harrington. - u. WEND Fd. 37.50 37.50 127" Rozelle & LaPoint Material„ -&-Labor WGFWD Fd 3:45 3.45 128 Earl L,. Jones Pstg,Mail w.bill,WGFWD_ - 11.90 11.90 129 C.O.Jefferies Refd.w.bill ,Old Dist-, ' NGFWD Pd. - 4.50 4.50 130 Henry•J. Sleight Compressor & labor,NGFWD Fund - .- 96.38 96,38 131 Frank Smith 'Rebate on w. bill NGFWD 13.50 13.50 132 William Reynolds Refd on w. bill NGFWD .fd 2..25 2,25 133 National Welding mowing Carlton Dr. , - RGFWD Fd. - 10.00 10.00 134 Mrs. Humphrey Casey- Sten.Serv.Public Hearing on Petition of City of Glens Falls Dump 25.00 25.00 135 Niagara Mohawk'PWr. Elect.Serv.NGFWD Fund. 156,37 156.37 746.89 $1991.54 On motion the meeting a.djourried Q, -.Town Clerk- Special Meeting May- 7. 1959 Present:: LeRoy J. Gordon. Supervisor Harold Akins - Justice of the Peace • Curtis Lamps on • Councilman. Absent: ' ' Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Stanley J. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m. The following letter was read to the, -Board.-. ALBERT E. SESWICK • Attorney at Lav-- Glerm Falls ,A*Y., May 5, 1959 Mr.. LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor Foster Avenue Glens Falls.: New York ' Re: Glens` Falls City Dump i ( r Deer Roy: I: talked with Mayor Russell the other day about the resolution. adopted by the Common Council on April' 29 for the purchase of a tract of land on Sherman• Avenue to establish a city dump and rubbish disposal area thereon. The Mayor said they do not intend to make application for a permit and apparently intend to defy the Town Board. You probably read the article in the Post Star this morning in which the Mayor denies they are going to' operate a dump but are going to-have a high class rubbish disposal area. It seems to me that the time has tome when the Town Board will have to take- some action, and I recommend that application- be- made for an injunction to restrain the City from establishing a dump at the Sherman Avenue location without first obtaining a permit from the