1959-05-27 Daly adopted by the following vote: , Ayes. Mr.. Miller,: -Mr. Bentley, Mr:. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - non®.._ . Fran ess L.- Turner • - Town Clerk Ad j ourned Mooting May B7', 1989 Present: < LeRoy J. Gordan gaper isor Meredith tgentley Justice of-the Peace 'Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Gounall - Stanley-J. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 8:00 pox*. Mr. Bernard McPhiU ps of the l.aw_firm of McPhillips, Fitzgerald and McCarthy was present ate the Country Club in the matter of its dedicating. eertain lands to the Town for highway purposes. The Board generally discussed the matter and no other action was taken. t H. Rassefll Harris was present and presented the fclloaring which was read to the Board: MOHICAN GRANGE No. 1301 In regular session, May 7, 1989 , Mohican Grange did discuss and adopt the following resolution: THREAS; The Town of Queensbury has become a highly developed residential area., and feeling that such areas should. be protected from. eneroachment by any nuisance, public or otherwise, and VfUdMS:. A movement is underway to establish within the boun- _daries of our .Town, a dump or disposal area, and WEPSASO We feel that any such area will injure, depress s, de- preciatq des, injure the health of and cause unhappiness to our citizens, ORE BH IT RESOLED THAT: We go on record as registering our otcjections to the eatablishment , of,any such disposal area in any part of our Town. t We also urge our Tom Beard and- all ether public officials to do everything possible to prevent such a wove. /9/,!Robert was, Master Y /s/ H. Bnssell Harris,; Chairman - The, f 611imd,ng a eation from, the l eEensbary dentral Volunteer Fire Company Inc. , was read to the Boards SBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. 1 Faater Ave=s Glens Falls, N. X. May 159 1989 , Town Board Town of Q erensbury Town Clerkts Office Glens Falls, X. Y. Lear Sirs: _ The< following are the newly elected officers of the ,_Weensbury Central. 'Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. These officers will hold office 160 until May 1,, 1960. president_., ,--Andrew Butz, 2 _Glendale Dr. , Glens galls., N. Y. `ice President --aobert Stott., 257 Bay St• , iecre -------C.Powel.,South, 29 Parkgiew Ave." " 7:: . _ ,,Lake George,_N. Y. r e ------- Fr Direetars--------Walter Wh tman, R.D. 2., - _G1eAS Falls, N. Y. George Reese, 2 Glendale Dr- . a " John Schoelerman, 54 Aviation Rd. Glens Falls, N. Y. c Chief---------7__J9sse Smith,: 121 Dixon Road Is lst Asst. Chief--J. Floyd Sleight,-111 Aviation Rd. " Is 2nd Asst. Chief--Carl Anderson, R.D. ,, Lake Georges 19• Y Captain-----------Bertram Martin, _R.D.- ,- Glens Fells, Y yiatenant--- _Uorge Liapes, 3 .Foster Ave. Fire Foliee Capt.Senneth-Gage, R.D. •* a p t Chaplain---- Edward Butz', 11 Greenvay .� �` " W Also would you add to our Company roster the nameX of Reginald LaFouutain 15 Lafayette Street Glens Falls, Is Y. This man was elected to membership in this company. on May 1:2, 1959. Thanking you, I: remain, Yours truly, Is/ C. Powel South Secretary Resolution Nor. 77 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Epson: SOLVED that Reginald LaFbuntain be and is hereby confirmed as a member of the Queensbury-Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none Mr.. Aktns brought up the- matter of the reads in Rolling Acres. He stated that the accepted roads were in fairly good condition. An application was received from the Queensbury Gentraljolunteer Fire Co., Inc., for a license to hold Bingo. Resolution loo. 78 introduced by Mr: Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson: WHEREAS, Queensbury Central Volunteer Fira Co. , Inc. has made ap lication,for.Dingo license for 16 occasims beginning. on May 20 1959 through August 299, 1959 and WHERUS, an investigation has been had respecting the qualifica- tions of the:appllcamt and the merits of the application. SORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the applicant, the Queensbury Central Ve2.unteer� Fire ,'C*. ,- Inc. , -is duly qualified to conduct such Dings and that the -up in all respects, is in conformity with law and is meritorious. FIJRTHE& RESOLVED that the application of the Queensbury Central Volunteer. Fire Co., luo•. tor. a license to hold Bingo games be grant- ad* i FURTHER RESOLVED that thee Tarn Clerk be and is .hereby authorized' and directed to sign the license and sign any other docents neces- sary to the granting of such license. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. puller,. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lempson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ 161. The Supervisor brought up the matter of an attorney and stenographer for the use of assessors on grievance day. He stated he had talked with the County Attorney and apparently there was no necessity for the hiring theregf. - Mr. Killer also discussed the matter and stated that her had investigated the, matter.►. Resoluti on No. 79 It was moved that the per' rvisor.be and is directed linform seconded the chairmaann�off the Board: of .Assessors that the request for designating of an attorney and stenographer for grievance day at Town expense be and the same is hereby denied. . 1 Dull adopted by the. following vote:+ Ayes - Mr., Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Roes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file: . April, 1959 Date R34MPTS Amount Received - Source- Received AgL1` A John 0. Webster--Tao Penalties, General 231.01 . .6 Roland Mandiga--ftnk Licensel#General 10.00 6 Earl S. Jones-mater Rents-WGFWD - 23.11- lei 6 Social Securit ded. from y . wry-payrolls-Soc.Sec.140.49 • i - &wial Security ded.from Gen. a Mater Dist.SS 64.79 r 6 Social Security ded. from PQ payrolls-S.S. . 15.14 17 Sustice Fees--Dep°t.-of Audit & Control-General358.00 21 Frances L. Turner-Twin C1erk',s fires-General 68.75 " &a Frank Cowles--Cemetery Pads-Pine View 800.00 "t 30 General Town Fund-O Ser.Band_dated 10/25/58 Capital Res. 2$94.7$ • Total Receipts R606.07 DISBURSEMENTS Amount Bond or Account Paid April General 8798.54 Fine -View 942019 N.G.F.W.D. 433.24 N.G.F.W.D.$ut. 4536.70; W.G.F.W.D. 215.84 Ridge {Read Water Dist. 17.72, Fire Protection:. - 8669.80 Cleverdale Lighting Dist. .41.08 Ft. Amherst-Garrison-Lights 168.46 Social Security - 1522.95 _ Highway- 10255,7a Total Disbursements 922801.74 /s/ LeRoy J, Gordon Dated May 11, 1959 -Supervisor The Board audited claims as foll'ows SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TMN OF QUBENSEDRY, WARRED COUNTY, NEW YORK May, .1959_ . . Amt, Amt. No. Name of Gla mant . Mature of Claim Claimed Allowed 136 Niagara-Mohawk Power Cleverdale St. Lighting 41.08 41.08 137 Niagara-Mohawk Power Ft.Amherst-Garrison Rd. Street lighting 168.46 168.46 138 Niagara-Mohawk Power St, ling.& traf.signals 201.91 201.91 139 Russell & Wait, Inc. Supplies-Twn.Clkl,s Ofc. 8.45 8.45 140 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone serv. at Town of Queensbury storehouse 15.05 15.05 162 141 Bullard-Glencraft Envelopes for Tax Col . Printing lector 12.50 12.50 142 C.Ity G.F. Water Fd. Water Rent-NGFWD-93A 610.31 620.31 143 City G.F. Water Fd. Water Rent-NGF D*93-. 992..95 992,95 144 City G.F. Water Fri. Suter Rent RR'WIl- 104*00 lUe.00 145 City G.F. Boater Pd. Water Rent-WOND 871.84, .871.84 1:46 Dennis & Co., Inc, Supplies--H,C.Akins,J.F. 26.04 26,44 147 State of N.Y. Dept, of-T. af' Q.. share of the cost . Audit Control of suppl..pension fund. 55.95 55.95 148, Marren County Clerk For filing deedr-Yeeder to Townof Queensbury, 5,00 5.00 149 Rotell.e & LaPoint 15 gal.gas.can WGFWD Fund . 3.00 3000 - 150 F.A.Richardson's Sons 10 gal.kerosene 400-Fund 2.50 2,50 151 John Richardson. Labor rep. plpe-WGFWD Fund. 2.5a 2.50 152 Sanford Harrington Labor perf. in WGM-FSand 13.75 13.76 153 Nathan Proller Ins. on, Fordson ,Zftetor , 22,90 22s90 154 Niagara-Mohawk Power` Power sere. for Booster Pump Aviation Rd.-NGFWD 80.15 80.15 155 Louise Kokoletsos Rebate on water-rent om one apt.Oct.58 to May 59-NGFWD 9,00 9100 156 Joseph Esposito Rebate on 4 mo. water rent NGFWD 31.18 31.18 157 1illiam Feller Rebate on water rent-5 mo. WGFWD 41.33 41:.33' 158 Louis Corlew Shoveling snow-NGFWD 22.40 22.40 159 NA&S. Eployees'' Zmployees' annual,-Cantr#u- Re9irement, System tion to Retirement System Torn of Queensbury 572loOG 5721900 Claim No. 29` Glens Falls Hospital- I?atient,_ Marvin-Devine, Presented for . audit Feb. 28 9 1959 _ 8.00, 3'.00 TGG Carl Brothers Rebate,on water taxes- WGI'WD 7,88 7.88. 19074.13 $. 0n motion the meeting ad j ourhed. ON=g '� ices n -T Q1erk. , , Special. Meeting Jwne 10, 1959 Present s: , LeRoy J. Gordon: Mtpervisor Harold -Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Council Abs Stanley-J. Miller Councilman 47e�F Meredith .lntley Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7:30 p..m. =I 2—xikkkinazz The following e6mmmication was read to the Beard WEST GLENS FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. 11 !NC. , -West -G.Iens Falls, Now York ivas • Town Io4 dd , • ToKa of.Q%eensbury Dear Sirs- , We. of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. , would like to make appli.-