1959-09-09 252 City G.F.Vater Fund Water rent-NGFWD#93 Xt. 2264.59 2264.59 253 City G.F.1Iater Fund Water rent-NGTA94'93.A,-C.D. 1527.39 1527.39 254 City G.F.Water Fund Water rent-RR-Water-Dist. 148.00 148.00 255 City G.F.Water Find Water rent WCGFWD _ 1064.25 1064.25 256 Niagara.-Mohawk Power Gleverdale Ltng.Dist. 41.08 41.08 257" Niagara-Mohawk Plower Lights & gas-Twn-of Qsby Storehouse(Hwy) - 43.43. 43.43 258 Xiagara-Mohawk Plower St.Lts.Ft.Amherst-Garrison 168.46 168.46 259 Niagara- Mohawk Power St.lts. and traf.signals 208.78 208.78 260 Ralph M. •Nestle 'Nt leage-Assessor 11.51 11.51 261 The .Ames Chem.Wks. 1 gal CHEKCHLOR-Shore -Col- ` ony Water .,Dist. 1.25 1.25 262, Ohas.B.Houghtaling Supplies for, a Justice of Pc.21.47 21.47 263 Niagara-Mohawk Power Power for Booster Pump- ' NGFWD - 83.53 83.53 264 O.G.Woodbury, Inc. 2 pain;- brushes-NGFWD 1.20 1.20 265 Cal 1 Hard-ware Corp. Red- rubber packing .NGFWD (O.D.) - 1.83 1183' 266 Leon M. Steves- Misc.serv.surveying OK'd by 4 ` _J.VanDusen,Town surveyor 10.50 10.50 26?' Aden F. Towers_ Misc.serv.surveying-OK'd by J.VanDusen,Town surveyor 10.50 10.50 Audit No. 232.. James Ma.ranville not audited month of July, 2959, represented for auditing-rebate water rent- NGFWD 14.90 14.90 . $5746.16 §5746.16 On motion the meeting adjourned . antes Town Ci;?IZ�Vrh'�eqrA/ rk Publie Heang September 9, .1959 Present z • LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley ]F. Miller Councilman Absent: Curtis Lampson Coan ilmn. The Berard convened at: 7:30 p.m. Public Hearing upon the proposed extension of the Pershing-Ashley- Coolidge . Sever District was called to order by the Stipervisor. Robert J. Nolan, attorney, appeared for and on behalf of the peti- tioners-,,,the petitioners, Jesse S. Parker and William P. SfiMmosdi appeared in person on behalf of" the. Petitiaeaers. Mr. Nolan filed proof of the publication of the notice calli for the Pablic Hearing • and proof of posting of the notice of the Public° Hearing.. Mr.. NQl an spoke in favor of ther proposed extension on behalf of the petitioners, • Mr. Parker and Mr. Simaaonds also spoke in favor of the extension. No one appeared oppose ng the proposed extensi ok.. Thereupozr , 'the • Public Hearing was declared closed. • Resolujign N,g= lg§ introduced by Justice Bentley, 'seconded by Council- 3 man Mi ler RESOLVED that the following order be adopted by this Board:: • At a meeting of the Town Board • of the ToWn of Queensbury., Marren - County, . Now York,: held at the Town-Offices of said Team of Qaeens- •bury, County of Marren, State of New York, on the .9th day. of September, 1959. 197 Present SMiller, h ..._BentleY, Justice of the Peace LeRoy Gordon.$ supervisor Harold__.C. Akins , Justice of the Peace in the Matter The extension of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Surer District in the of Queensbury, Warren* Qounty, New York.. 4 e e e VHER1 , -a_signed inch acknowledged-petition has been presentdd .� to thin. ]DQard. by Jesse S. Parker and William P. Simmonds, said residents residing.. on Ashley Flag, in said Town., asking for the extension of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sager District and said petition having been filed with this Board, signed and acknowledged as required by lax, and this Hoard having met and set a time for a public hearing to be held on September 9th, 12599 at 7:Z0 p.mr.,, and due proof of publication of said notice in an authorized ngwspaper having been Filed with this Board and due proof' of posting of said notice in five public places within said - Sewer District extensions having been filed with this Hoard, and a map of the-proposed extension having been filed with thi& Hoard, and said - public hearing having been had, and after hearing Robert J. Nolan, attor- -ney for the Petitioners, in support thereof and no -one appearing in opposition thereto and due deliberation having -been had, it is JMSOLVW that all the property owners within said •Sewer. District Will be .benoflteed by said extension and that they are all included within the limits of the extension and it appearing that it is in the public interest to grant the relief sought, it is further RESOLVED that the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District be enlarggd_to include the following,premises "Lots Nos. 6 and 7 on Block No. 149 as shown on a map of First Subdivisioa, Broad- acres,. Glens Falls, N. Y., as filed- in the barren. COUNty-Clerk's office June 10, lam; and Lots acre. 140 15 Of Block 15 as shown ear. a map of First Subdivision Broadacres, Glens Falls, as, filed in the.Warren County Clerk t s office Novem- ber T*' 19269, and , Leta Nos. 1 and part: of Lot No. 12, of Block 15, as- shown on a map of First-Subdivision Broad- acres,, Glens Falls, N. Y., filed in the 'barren County, Clerks* office September 10, 192694, and it is farther R=OLVED that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be empowered to enter isato.a 'eontract_with the City of Glens Falls concerning dis- position of the sewage from said extension under-the terms of the formula heretofore followed in a certain contract between the Pershin&; Ashley- Coolidge ,Steer District and the City of` Glens Falls.. r Frances L Turner Town Clerk., . Turn of Queens- bury, Warren. County,, New York Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley,: Mr. Akins and Mr=. Gordon Noes - none r