1959-09-26 �o Regular Meeting Ssrptember 26 Present:LeRoy J. Gordon. Sape.rvisor 1 9 5 9 bradith Bentley Justice of the Peace lareld Akins' Justice 'of the Peace Cards Lampsea. Councilman Stanley-S., Xiller Councilman The Board convened at` T aO p.m_. Lucius Carey and Mr. WiiLtams were present respecting the Glans ftll.s Associatficn.of Frionds.. PW dismas 4n with the Berard the Urbw of the cemetery-on the' BO property on Bay Road, stating that it was the burying ground for the 'forefathers of. this area. Mr. Williams re- quested that the cemetery be taken over by a more permanent body to asses control and: care of the cemetery. The matter was referred to the County Attorney,. The Eeard also discussed the purchase of insulation for the now Tam ste; ouse The matter was referred to the Torn Superintendent of High- ways ror sfudy and report. Lee Lavery, StperintandentL of the North Glens Falls Mater District, was ment and dig ssed with the Board the installation of rooters for ess properties, The privilege of the floor was extei2ded to Mrs. Congdon. She discussed with the Beard the spelling of the Street, stating that it had been is - correctly, spelled en a sigh provided for the street. T'he aais of the street should be Bsrrtbaap Drive instead of Northrup Street. The matter vas- referred to the Superintendent of Highways.. The Board also discussed with Mr. Codner the condition of the balance remaining in the highway items. Reselmtion Be. 108 INTRODUCED by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman RESOLVED that the S"atehrvi.sor be and i h . by uth rip aed directed to transfer from a sneer removal I�em a e machine fai the six of $2,000, _ Duly adopted by the following vote: + Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Bites - none. Rejolation Be. 109 introduced by Councilman Killer, seconded by Justice as:. RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause the contract with the City of Glens Falls for the Pershing-Ashby-Coolidge Sewer District to be amended to include Nxten- sion I of the said Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District. to eze eh ie dI on c w i o i g Gl8nhse san r o t further _ - RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorised and directed after execution.of said contract to the City of Gleng Falls _ the sag of $100 in accordance with the terms thereof covering the con:- sections of-Dr. S3mmcnds and Dr. Parker. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, W. Lampson, Mr. Alders , Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - 201 Reso twig lied introduced by by Mr. Miller, seconaed by Mr. WHEREAS& Undoubtedly due to the increasing umber of homes that have b. ,_4,44 aXa new being built in our Town and the struction of streets and other facilities, recess ary con- in addition to the resulting increase in population of our .town as a result of such constructio7st, the regular scheduled meetings of this Board held am the Fourth Saturday of each month Mgt, of` necessity be liven over to a consideration of these Problems and hearing the various interested citizens, god WHER ASS, this very 'Ofteu postpones the consideration of other business and very often delays the consideiati on of the auditing of the Tills financial obligations into the late wars, -- HOW SORE 21 IT RESOLVW, that the second Wednesday of each myth at 7:30 pan. be designated as a regular meeting date of this Bard, said meeting to be in addition to the presently scheduled date of the fourth Saturday of each month. ' It is to be hoped that the establishment of this second, meeting date will-peruit of and be devoted primarily to the auditing of'V the Towwlls obligatious. This Resolution to become effec- tive with the went of September, I959 Daly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsom, Mr. Akins, Mr. biller, and Mr. Gordan Bees - none: The following_ list: of active members of the West Glens Falls Pyre Co. Ho. 19, Inc. was receivedr Chief Richardson, Leox let Asst. Chief Rillisp Leslie 2nd Asst. Chief Rozell, Janes 3rd Asst. Chief Caapagaau-:, Paul Captaiim Resell, Percy lst Lt. Chadwick., Royal S%.. 2" Lt. Hobert Mavens Steward Frank Harris Akins, Sterling Lattimore, Robert Bell, Ivan Lilly, Forrest Bovee, .Leon Lilly-, Robert Brennen, James Kabb, Fred Burch, Frank Martindale, Lloyd, Sr. Carpenter, Ritchard Minor, Joseph Carpenter, Robert Bayler, .Paul Cassent, Bernard Phillips, Stanley Chadwick,- Royal, Jr. Potter, Crandall Chase, Donald Pbtvin,, Janes - Clark., Alonzo Powers, James Crannell, Bruce Reynolds, Ceylon Denton, Kenneth Richardson, David DiDiaq Chauncy Richardson, Herbert Finch, George Rozell, Gerald Finch, Robert Saville, Foul Flint•, Mort Sc evi lle,. Levi s Flynn, Bdward Shoenaker,-George Harri s, Frarsci s Sins, Dewey Hermance R. Smith, -Albert Heree, Fred Springer, Walter Hermance, Harley Sr. Tangrady, Anthony Hopkin , Scutt Tromblee, Charles Johnson, Francis Troubles, Donald Joslyn, Kinnett Tromkles, Thomas JoslyA, William Tacker, James Kenney, Harold Tw eker,, Pliuey Ladd,= George Tamer Rai Lambert, Jebm Vanauilder, James LaPoint, Richard White, Wayne Resolution loo. 111 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice AJdns: _ RR80LVED that the Tern Board confirms as active numbers of the West Glen -ltl.ls Fire Company. loo. ;, Inc. the follewiag V Chief Richardson, Lean: Ist ,Asst. Chief Hillis, Leslie 2nd Asst. Chief Rozell, Tames :3rd Asst. Chief Caapagnon, Paul Captain Xtozell, Percy 1st Lt. Chadwick, Royal, Sr. 2nd Lt. Babert Havens Steward Frank Harris Akins, Sterling Lattimore, Robert loll IYan Lilly, Forrest �Jee, -Leon Lilly, Robert ]iron, Janes Kabb, Fred Burch„ Fftnk Martindale, Lloyd, Sr. Carpenter, Richard Minor, Joseph Carpenter, Robert Naylor, Paul Cassent., Bernard Phillips., Stanley Chadwick,. Royal, Jr. Potter, Crandell Chase, Ronald Potvin, James - Clark, -Alonzo P6wers, James - Crannell, Brace Reynolds, Ceylon. Denton, nth Richardson, �David DiDiQr Chauncy Richardson, Herbert Finch, George Rozell,, Gerald Finch, Robert Saville, Paul Flint„ Mort Scoville, Lewis Flynn,, Edward Shoemaker, George Harris,_Francis Sias , Dow" Hermance, H. Smith, -Albert Hermance, Fred Springer, Walter Hermance, Harley Sr. Tangrady, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Trombl'ee, Charles Johnson, Francis Tromblee, Donald Joslyn, MonnethL Tromblee, Thomas Joslya, William Tacker, James Kenney, Harold Tit ckeGr, Pliney Ladd, George Tamer, Ralph. Lambert, John Vanttilder, Jams LaPcint, Richard Wlhite, Wayne . Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none- The following co cations were read: STATE TRAFFIC CODVISSION Albany, .N. Y. Aupit 31,. 1959 Town Beard Tom of Qaeensbury Warren County, N. Y. Gentlemen: This has further reference to the request for the extension. northerly to Cronin Read, of the: 30 MM speed limit in effect eA .Ridge, Road, Route 9L,. between the Glens Falls City line and a point 2224 feet northerly therefrom, as established by our order, dated August Iii}, 253. A study of traffic conditions was conducted in this locatio. Roadside development is below the minimum number of units consider- . ; 208 ed the standard for the efficient operation of a speed zone. In li Of this and lack of. other read factors which would r®Q ii.re reduced gh speeds, we are of the opinion that Ccem.ssion action to increase the length of the present restriction is not jilsti.fiable. The Commission has a program underway which provides for the eventual revaluation of all existing s restri c ti ons es State high- ways to maker them reasonable and realistic :tor present conditions. In this connection, the regulation established by the above order of August 16 was reviewed, and based On existing conditions it has been found that instead of the 30 NM speed speed limit is app limit how in effect, a 35 MPH rpriate. We., therefore, have revised our order - accordingly. A copy of the order is enclosed for the Town's records. — very truly y LLOYD A. MM Director STATE TRAW C COWISSION Albany, New York. . _ William C. Bassette, Supt, August 31, 1959 Div. of Qgerati on & Maintenance Department of Pabl.ie Works Albany 1, Now York TRLMC CON aSSIQNCtRDER Pursuant to authority conferred by the Sew York State Vehicle and Traffic Lax, thee, State Traffic Commission hereby 1. Rescinds its order, dated August 1f:, 1951, which restricts to 30 NM the speed at which vehicles may prnceed on Route 9-L, S".X. 1 660 between Station 0*00; (Glens F`all.s City Line) and Htati on~ 22*"*, a distance Of` 2$24 (more -or less) feet in the Tam o'• Queensbury, Warren County, Z. Establishes 35 MPR as the maximmr speed at which vehicles may Proceed on or along Ridge Road, Route 9L, S.H. 1656 between StatIcar. 0#00 * (Glens F&Jls 'CSty lime) and Station- 22!24 *, a distance of 2U4 (more-or less), feet, _in the Town of Warren county. Q�eensbxry, 3'0 Directs the Sew York State Department of Pablic Works to install and maintain signs in_conformance with the N1aUual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of they State Traffic Commission to post this regul.ati on, -in Item 2 above. with. Kindly advise the Traffic C ommission when this order has been complied cc*, SOt. State Police STATE TRAFFIC Com IISSION' Town Boar;-Qaeenslury -Lloyd- A. _Maeder Director Sheriff McCoy STATE TRLMC CON USSION Albany, -N. Y. - September 22, 1959 Town Beard Tom of Queensb wy ' Warren County Gentlem m This concerns Traffic Commission Orders, dated .February 2, 1955, N and amending order dated Zone 199 1968, which eatabiishes a 20 � Speed Restrittior on Cloverdale Road, a Town Highway, between ` Lane- Read and the northerly terminus of Cleverdale Road, in the Hamlet of Cloverdale, Term of Queensbary, Warren County. 204 In- reviewing oar riles, we fired that we have net been notified that the regulation has been posted with 20 NM" Speed Zone aims in accordance with the order. We would appreciate being advised if the signs have been erected . so that we may arrange for an inspection to determine their conformance to Commission standards. Very truly yours, STATE' TRAFFIC COM US&ION cc: Sapt. Public Works Lloyd_i. .Naeder Town Sapt. of .Hwys. NIA. Carpenter reported that the signs had been posted. The following letter was presented: STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany, New York- September 22, 1959 Town Board T®!wn of Queensbary Warren County Gentlemen.: This concerns Traffic Comission Order, dated February 18, 1959 , which establishes a 30 MPH Area Speed Zone on all Comity Roads and Tovm Highways on Assembly Point,- in the Town of Qaeensbary, Marren County. The Tam is responsible for the posting of this regulation as directed in the order. A review of our files indicates that we $av®`not been notified that the regulation has been posted. c We would appreciate being advised if the posting has been com- pl:ated .so that we may arrange for an inspection to determine its con- formance to Commission standards. Very truly yours, STATE ZRAFFIC COMMISSION cc: Supt. Public Works Lloyd A. Maeder Town &apt. of Hwys. w Mr. Codner reported that it had been done, Other communications: UNITED STATES POST OFFICE Glens Falls, New York . August 25, 1959 Mrs. P!rances Turner Town Clerk Town Smard, Town of Qaeensbu.ry 338 Ridge Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mrs. Turner: The attention of the Town Board is directed to the inauguration of city delivery mail service to patrons residing on the streets listed below. Prier- to the insugaration of this service, it is necessary that all houses on the roads, avenues and streets listed below be =mbered in order that correct delivery of mail addressed to these patrons may be effected. It is now requested that you convey this information to the proper authorities who are authorized to furnish the street numbers I& order that no delay and inconvenience may be caused to the patrons mho are demanding city delivery service in lieu of rural delivery service which is presently being supplied them. 205 It is hoped that this -commni.cation will receive the immediate attention of the Town Board inasmuch as this change-over of service is being held in abeyaned pending the Board furnishing. es the informa- tion requested. Seward St. , (Off Sharman Ave. Kendrick Ed. Ue adowbr,00k. Road- Winere s t Drive ,Brown Rd. between Meadowbrook & Ridge Montray Road Ridge 2d. from Mea4's Nursery to._Cemetery Sweet Road . fifth St. (Bat. _ Lynn Ave. Carolina e.. Jerome Ave.. R Aviation Rd. to Pinewood Ave. Park Place t®sere Ave. Ballard Ave.Drive 1�®rt pr Buena Vista Ave. lvan Ave Glendale -Drive set Drive Meadowiew Rd. (Roger'is Develop.) Oven Ave. Glen St. to Baer an's Skating Rink Pinewood Ave. Yours truly, ' Louis G.B. Stebbins -Postmaster ing The matter ,of the number{of the streets was referred to the o���>. The following petition was presented:: September 2, 1959 73TITIO $ To the Tevn Board t Town of.'Quaensbury, N. Y.. Gbntleamn Ballard Ave. is building up fast and in turn will increase in population. More families with children are moving into the street and area because of the new Kensington Graded School. The growth of the area will also bring; more automobile traffic to Bullard Ave. to endanger our children. In view of the above, we, the undersigned, petition the Town Board, Tom of Qaeensbury, N. Y. to install lights an the two dangerous corners, namely: Ballard Ave,. k Park Place and Bullard Ave. A Dixon Road. Signed:: Louis X�Fiers, 8 Ballard Ave. . M"a►eMrazi a Lance., 7- Ballard Ave F. Ray Adams, 5 Bullard Ave. William- Gardners- 9 Ballard Ave. Frederick' J. Pekins; Ballard Ave. - Leon M. Renow1 11 Ballard Ave. . John (not legible)., 10 Ballard Ave. Martin Davies, _ Ballard* Ave. Debra Parker„ g 0 +� Welyn McCormick 1 Ballard Ave. J.M. Rarmte, ?7 i1xon. Read Glen Rayne, 13- Ballard Ave. K9 , 17' Ballard Ave. Jean Aro , 6 Bullard Ave. NEV YORK STATE BMPLQYBFS' RETIREM W SYSTEK Albany, B. Y... . _ September 15, 1959 Mr,. LeRoy J. Gordon, _Saperviser Tom_ of QaWmabury 14 Foster Avenue Gle ms' lulls, Beer York Dear Mr. Gordon.- In reply to your recent letter, it is estimated that employers' anhual:contribution.s for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1959, will be approximately fgjoo. 206 information concerning the particular members mentioned in your letter..will bt forwarded at a later date,: after we have had an oppor- tunity to make an investigation of these items. Very truly yours,, • ARTHUR LEVITT Sta�te,_Coapptroller By L.S. Hungerford. Administrative Director QUEEN RY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. , INC. • 1. Poster-Avenue Glens -Falls, New York September 20, 1959 Town Board Town of Queensbury ejo Town, Clerk's Office . Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sirs: Would you please add to the Active List of the Queensbary Central Volunteer FYrer Company, Inc. the following new members. Gordon T. Webster Malcolm J. Lester 14 Hower Ave. West t. ,Rd. Glens Falls,; N. Y. RD #2. Glens Falls, R. Y.• With the addition of these two men 'oa� total. Active membership. numbers thirty-six (36) men with one still on a leave of. absexace. Wishing you continued success, I remain. Yours truly, ` • C. Pbwel South Secretary... Ragolutign No. 112 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Com- cilman Epson:: RESOLVED THAT the following be confirmbd gs active members of the Queensbury Central. Pyre Co. , Inc.:- , Gordon T. Webster Malcolm J. Lester 14 Romer Ave. West Mt. -Rd. ,RD 2 Glens balls, N. Y.• Glenn Falls, N. Y. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none. The following letter ims read: COLONY HOMES Saratoga Read South Glens Falls., N. Y ' Town of Queensbury Taam Board ' Queensbury, N.Y. ` Gentlemen: We would like to request permi s si bn of. the town to extend our water- main 2501 (approximately) on West Clark Street' so that'we may get water into-Lot 35 and 35-where we have two new homes completed. We have already received City approval subject to your approval. This of course will be of no expense to you. T13anking you for your past courtesies shown me. very truly yoars F.T. HAY PRESBiNT • _CE Loiy A S 207 Seso3Attion No. 113 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man Lamps o ,t. . BESOL# that 'OMWASion is hereby granted to Colony Homes to extend_v&t*r,*ervice by the laying of a metal pipe from the- end of the present service on test Clark St. for a distance of approximately 250, feet to provide watqr service for Lets Nos. 34 and 36. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Does t ALBERT E. BESWICK ._ Attey at_Law_ - Olens alls,_N. Y. September 22, 1959 Mr. LeRoy-,X. Gordon, Supervisor roster-Avenue.,. .. Glens falls, N. Y. JDear Roy: Phrsuant to your telephone call I have revised the ordinance reg- ulating use of your town dump to include a prohibition against the dump- ing of garbage. I.have also included in the ordinance a prohibition. _against the dumping of sewage. There is quite a business -of pumping out septic tanks and cesspools, and your town dump would make a handy place to dispose of the contents of these pump tanks. I don't known that this would ever happen but since you are protecting your dump you might well consider adding this. I enclose three copies of draft of proposed ordi- nance and will ask you to destroy the ones previously sent to you. You also asked as to draft an ordinance establishing a set-back line. The power of a town board to adopt ordinances is contained in Section 130 of the Town Law. It has been held that the power of a town board to legis- late by. adoptina ordinances is strictly limited to the subjects contained in the Town Law. There is nothing in Section 130 which would cover set- back lines. So far as I can find the only authority to establish a set- `— back line is-contained.in Section 261 of the Town Law, which permits the adoption of a zoning ordinance, and accordingly, it is my opinion you will not be able to adopt an ordinance establishing a set-back line individually of a zoning: ordinance.. Yours very truly, ALBERT E'.. BESWICK Catuty Attorney . Resolution Nor. 114 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson RESOLVED that the Town. Clerk be and is hereby authorized to cause to be p%blishod ,once in the, Gleans Falls Times on or before the 3rd day _of October, 1950,, a notice to read-substantially -as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: on a proposed ordinance of the Team of Queensbury as set forth. herein: Legal notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law and pursuant to a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted September 26, 1959, the said Town Board will. hold a Public Hearing at the Town Clerks Office, Ridge.Road-, Town of Queensbury, on the 14th day of October, 19-59- at 7s30 p.a., to hear all interested p against the adoption of a proposed ordinance parties and citizens for or - - to read as follows:: ORDINANCE REGULATING USE OF TOWN DUMP HB IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town -of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, as follows:: - 20-8 Section 1. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby determinedy that the practice of scavenging and removal of junk and waste material and the setting of fires at the: toanm dump by 'unauthorized persons is dangerous to persons and property, that the disposal of garbage or sewage at the team dump is dangeroue to public health and that; the discharge of tirearme, air rifles and pistols at the dump in the killing; of rats or target practice is dangerous to persons lawfully, using the damp. SecttiozL 2, Definitieams. The term "rsons" as used, in this ordinance shall include an individual, fimm, partnership, corporation or association of persons and the singular number shall include the plural number. The terms "dumpy or "town dump" aw used in this ordinance shall include the existing town dump situated easterly of the Ridge Road and xxx w and all other team dumps which may hereafter be provided ud designated by the Toga: Board of the Town. of Queensbury. The term "scavenging" as used in this ordinance means the pick- ing up, collecting and removal from the town dump of any iron, copper, metal, wood, paper or other discarded material, or parts thereof, which shall have been placed in the town dump. The term "garbage" as used in this ordinance means mat, fish, vegetables, bones and all forms of food or waste capable of fermenta- tion and decay and includes the bodies of animals err any part thereof. The term "sewage"� as used in this ordinance aaans the contents of septic tanks-or cesspools and human or animal. waste. Section 3. Scavenging at the town dump, including the picking up, .collecting and_removal from the tmn dump of any iron, copper, . metal, wood, paper or other discarded material or parts thereof which shall have been placed in the town dump for disposal is hereby pro- hibited. i Section 4. The setting of a fire at the term dump and the burni of waste material deposited at the tarn dump for disposal is hereby prohibited except by on officer or employees of the Town of Queex sbury. Section 5. The deposit of garbage or sewage at the toga dump is hereby prohibited. . r,Section G. The discharge of firearms, air rifles and pistols at the tarn dump hereby is prohibited. Section- 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be punishable by a fine not exceeding $4.00 for each_ offense or by imprisonment is the county jail not e=eeding 60' days, or by both such fine or imprisonment, and upon failure to pay any each fine, to be im- prisoned in the eouaty jail until such fine be paid, not to exceed cue day for each dollar of the fine imposed. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Town Board of the Tovn of Queensbury By Frances L. Turner -Town Clerk. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall meat on the 14th day of October, 1959 at 7:30 p.a. at. the Clerk6s office for the purpose of holding the above Public Hearing. Daly adopted by the following vote:- Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, W. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none 209 The following letter was read Glens Falls, N. Y. R. F. D. #2, . ept. 119-1959 Mr. LeRoy Gordon Superyiaor;. Town of Queenabury Foster Avenue Glens falls, N. Y., Dear Mr. Gordon: Pursuant to a copy of Town Board Resolution Ito. 100 duly trans- mitted. to me by Mrs. F7rances.L. Turner, _Tcnm Clerk, which resolution requests the Board: of-Assessors to makes application to the State Board of Bqaalization and Assessment for a State Board appraisal of the- fall values of public -utility, railroad and industrial properties in the.. Town of Queensbury,; I am pleased to advise you and the members of the Town Board that the Board of Assessors is glad to &rant this request. Herewith enclosed is a copy of the fora sent to the State Board requesting this service. We understand from talking- with members of the State Board that they have a great many requests of this kind and that_it may be Vtite some time, even if the Booxd will do this work, before they can start in, Very truly yours, Board of Assessors Team of Queensbury By. Ernest Hillis, Chairman State Board of Equalization and Assessment Building State Campus Site Albany 1, -New..York _ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, assessors of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren New York, respectfully request that we be furnished, in writing, an estimate of the fell value of real property of public utilityq, rail- road or industrial companies,- in our -said tau =its, as listed below. It is understood that the valuations so- furnished shall be for the advice of the: .assessors oM shall• neat- be binding upon them. It is also under- stood that requests for appraiso].s for public utility property, located in may city, town or village, haviing a. population of less than 10,0011 aceording to the latest Federal census and- an assessed valuation of less tha32 $109000,000 gill ba--honored ahead of other requests. The follvring comprise the properties we desire to be appraised. • - - Present Name of Company Assessment Ame%-scan Paper Machinery arA1kagimering Works - -18,000 American Telephone &-ad Telegraph Co. 20,800, Delaware & Rud soft Railroad - 700800 De vey"s Concrete Products, Inc. 149,240 Glee Falls Portland -Cement Co. (Now Flintkote) 4701,800 Glens Falls P149 Works, Inc. - - - 49000 Imperial caor, Chemical-and Paper Corp. 103289,660 Moraim Kfg. Co. 1019000 Now York Telephone Cep. 154,10E Niggara-Behawk R05620156 Queensbury Stone Co. 89400 Henry Sleight Residence and Mercantile 9,600 M Mercantile and Residence 101000 s Store: and Gas Station. 10,000 U.S. Catheter and Instrument Cory. Mercantile 47,600 Y Respectfully, Ernest 'Hillis Dated 9/16 19.. Stephen R. Duell 210 The following letter was presented: ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney atw rilens Falls,.H. Y.. August 24, 1959 Mr. LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor Paster Avenue Glens Falls, Nov York. Re: Sveet Road Dear Roy.- You have asked me about the rights of the Town of Queensbury in the crossing of the sa-called Sweet Road over the fdrmer..D & R Rail- road, and so far as I have been able to learn the Sweet Read has never been accepted by the.Town of Queensbury as a town highway, and.. althouo this Road has been pled during the pest few years and the Tom saper- . intendant has this year done some weak on the Road, this is net se2Yi- cient to make it a public highway. Based on this information, it is my opinion that the Sweet Road is a private read. The use of a private road by the public without hindrance may resal.t• in public easement of use without making it a town highway. Under these circumstances, the Town of Queensbury would have no right and title in the railroad crossing, and. you will probably have to acquire from Mr. Martin, the present owner of the former. D & Ik property, title to such piece of his land as you may require-for laying out S veert Road. Yours very truly, Albert B. Beswick County Attorney The Board generally discussed the. matter in the letter. . The monthly statement of the: Supervisor was read and placed on file. AUGUST, 1959 REiCEIPTS Date Anownt Received Source Received Aug. 6 Highway Payroll. -Soc.Sec.477.0241tate W/K 7.20--Agency A Trust _ 104.22. 5 Pine Vier Cemetery Pr. 14-S.S.$11.28-State W/1L $4.70 15.3& 6 General Pr. #?-B.S. $67.45-Status W/H f18.90 86.35 7 George W', Renn-Vater .rents Ca11.44tare Colony WD 90.00 7' Earl Jones-- "° " K. -VGFWD 12.94 7 Lee Lavery -NGI D 94.01 7 -NGFWD Ext. €0.936. 17 George-W. Renn M qt -share Colony WD 60.40 17 Rwy Pr. . 18-6.S._#6fi.74r.3tate W 17030.4gcy is Trust 84.04 17 Pine:-View Pr. #18-S.S. 410.' «ftata "W 4.30 15,02 17 Dances L. Tanner, _Tqwn-Clerk''s Freers-! a eral 7*.50 17 State Comptroller Per Capita Assistance-Gen, 52 .46► 26 Frank Cowles-Cemetery Fgnds-Pine View 1111.25 28 Earl E. Jones-Water rents collected-WEND 13.37 21 Lee W. Lavery " " " -NQND 353,U 21 r " - "� -Nam Ext. 1.70.32 28 n, ` M, M -NOOND ` 229.67 28 r` �'° a n` -I+fC: it? Wit. t .Total-,Receigts 8632. Disbursements Date - Amount Paid Fdnd or Account Paid August General 3961*95 Pine View 905.99 NGFWDist. 1628086 NGFWD Ext. 2364.59 NOW-Dist 1114.2€ 211 0 . Ridge Road Suter Dist. 1482 Shore Colony. Suter Dist. 48,0 Qleverdale Lights - ..08 41..28 rt. AmherstwGarrison Lights 141 Highway _ W238*04 Total Disbursements �' gi Other correspondence: Isl LeRoy J. Gordon + ALBERT S. SEMICK - Attorney at Law Glens Falls,-N. Y. Mr. LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor September 18, •1959 Foster Avee Glens Falls, New York Tear Roy I have prepared and enclose herewith a budget note resolution authorizing the borrowing of #254.22 for the Queens bury Drainage District,, which amount is to be included in your 1960 budget. With-this budget note resolution is a second reso;Lation authorizing; the investment of X252.02 of year capital reserve fUnd for the purchase of, the budget note. Also enclosed is the original budget note. This will enable you to replace the monies which you have temporarily taken from your general fund. L hove also drafted and enclose- the original and copy Of an ordinance regulating the se' of the town dump. This follows the one which I drafted several years ago and which, I understand, was never adopted,. but I have added Section. 6 which prohibits the discharge of firearms. If this ordinance is net satisfactory I should be glad to revise it, but when-it is in final form the: Town Glark should give notice of public hearing on the proposed ordinance. After the ordinance has Teen adapte4 they entire ordinance has to be published and a copy p9sVe4 off, the Town lerk'`s bulletin board. Yours very truly, Albert Z. Beswick County Attorney Justice Akins presented the fallowing letters to the Board:: TOWN CF QUIMSBURY 9/12/5:9 Glens Falls, 1. Y. Shalman Industries Inc. Warren Foundry & Pipe Div. Iveretts, Mass. Gentlemem-, If you have the following material for immediate delivery, we would be pleased to receive a quote from you for these items delivered to our Qaeimsbury Storehouse. - 24000 of G» cast iron,, S &- S, 150# water pipe Misc. Tees- & Ills for above._. . 2 - G• standard connection 'hydrants. Very truly yours, . Darold C. Akins 23 Main St-. - Glens Falls 40,- N. Y. TCMN CF QUEENsBM _ 9 :2/59 Glens Falls, N Y. Waterworks Supply Corn*. - Johnstown, N. Y. . Att: Mrs. Lawton: The Town of � Queensbury wishes to place an order far approx. 2422' Of a , . C.I., B A S, 150# WP water piper, several hydrants & misc, fittings for above -pipe. We would be pleased to receive from you a proposal for furnishing this material. Please state price delivery tm the Tyr, o#' r trtzry Storehouse in your quote.. M 21 Very truly yours, H. Co AkIn .23 Main St. , Glens Falls 40 New York - 6UHMO0N INDUSTRIES, INC. $5,Lei betty Street, _New- York 5, N. Y. - _ September 17, 1939 Town of Queensbury c/o Mr. garold C. Akins 23 Main St. . Glens Falls 40, N. Y. Gentlemen: wthis quotation is made subject to conditions of sale printed -,on reverse side.* Referring to your recent inquiry we are pleased to quote as follows: 2400 ft. S" B k. PB Pipe 181 lgths. , Class 150 AS& A.24 -T.C.. ' 41.935 f t. 64� Standard BAS- fittings Class D AWWA TC .151 lb. The above: prices-are quoted f.'o.b. our Phillipsburg, N. J. foundry with motor freight allowed to Town of Qeeensbury, S Ye based on shipments being made in not less than minimam truckload lots. Shipment of the above material can be made in one week.. Please note, we do not mannfacture or handle. hydrants. Please note our liability is limited to the value of the defective material or replacement of same, f.o.b. point of delivery. No other claims will be allowed Terms: 30 days net from date of invoice. Yours very truly, SHAHR00N INDUSTRIES, INC. Warren Foundry &.Pipe -Div. G.W. Taylor District Manager The- Board generally discussed the matter of the purchasing of the pipe and fittings , no bids having been received in response to advertise- ment for same. ResojAtion No. US introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded' by Coancil- man ampson: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby directed and author- iced to purchase for use-in the mater Districts in. the Town. of Qmeens- bury from moon Industries the following. 2400 ft. `*. B&M- pfpe 189 lengths, class 150 AS& U1,6 T.C. a 11.935 per foot. t' Standard B&S fittings, class D AWWA. T.C. 0 .15* per lb. 4 + G L!s in accordance-with proposal submitted. Daly adapted by they following vote. Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - Resdixtio' N9. 116 introduced by, Mr. Akins who moved its addp,t�oz , seconded by 9r. Bentley: 213 BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION OF S&PMMSR 26 1955, OF .T_VO -OF..QU=NaUU v WARREN COUNTY, -Iii'_YCRK, IN THE,_AMOUR.T- 01?_ • B8 IT RESOLV�D this 26 day of September, 1959, by the Town Board of the Town of Qneensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section -1. That, pursuant to the -Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Tom of Qeeensbury, Warren County, New -York., for- the purpose of providing fonds for the Queensbury Drainage District of the Town of:' Qu.eensbury for, the balance of the fi-scal year of 1959, shall issue and sell= a budget note to the amovrat of #250.00 to mature on the lot day of April, 1960. Section 44 That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note- shall be of the date, terms, form, contents, and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding three and one-half per centua per qnnm as may be determined by -the Supervisor, consistent, however, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, abd shall be executed in the name -of said°:Town by the: Supervisor and the seal of then. Torn shall be attached thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at - a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the -due exectation and sale of said ,note the amme, shall be delivered te 'the purchaser upon the ant to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash;; and the receipt of .the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be -obliged to see to the application of the purchase money., Section 4. The full faith and credit .of the Town of .Queensbury, Warren .County,- New:York, are pledged to the p nctuaL payment of prin- cipal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregol ' resoluti can was dull* put to a vote by the Town Board which results& as follow r- LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Aye Meredith 11dntley Justice of the Peace Aye . RarW A G.. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye Curtis Lampoon, ACouncilman -Aye Stanley-B. Miller Councilman Aye Resoles ion B„� ? intrmdmced by Justice Bentley, who moved its adoption seconded y : WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Qaeensbury has authorized the -issaance acrd sale of- as budget note in the..smount of#250.00 to provide funds for the Qaeensbury Drainage District of the .Town of Queens'bury fop- the balance of the--fiscal year of 1959. • RESOD that the Zupervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to invest #M..00 of the fads in the .Capital Reserve Fund of the Mown of Qaeeusbury by purchasing said Budget note. The foregoing :resolution was duly pat to vote which resulted as fellows: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Aye Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Aye .-.Akins Justice of' the Peace Aye ,T Curbis Lampoon Councilman Aye Stanley-B. Miller Councilman Aye The Board audited claims as follows-:: l CHED= OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUMSBURY, WARMM C OI NTY, NW YORK, FOR THE MONTH OF 1959. 2i4 Amt. Amt. No. Name. �f Claimant. Nature of Clam. Claimed Allowed 469 Warren County Clerk Rec.. dee,­Dorr T.Martin 5.00 5.00 to Town of-Queenshury. 249 G.F.' Post Co. Pab,Notice on completion. .. assessment roll. 10.88 10.88 270 Niagara-ftk. tPwr. Cloverdale Ltng.Dist, 41.08 . 41..08 271 Niagara- k Vwr. 111ee.serv.Twn Strhs. 43.43 43.43 272 Niagara-Mk Pwr. St.ltng.&traaf-n1=s 3 s 2p8.78 208.78 2.7S Niagara-ltk Nr. Ft.Aeherst-Garrison Rd. Ltng. Dist.- 168.46 168.46 274 Russell 4 Wait, Inc, 2 pads-oath of office- .. T Clerk 1.20 1.20 273 G.F. Hospital Ropeter re. Judge Akins 3.00 3100 276 NZ.Telephone Co. Phone serv.Twn Strhs 16.25 16.25 277 NuXiazat Sheridan. Inspect. at. Primaries 15.00 15.00 278 Doyletwftft A 4 bags of .lime #50 Garden Center Pineview Cemetery 3.20 3.20 279 Z"r s Slimlair Sta, Gasolene-Pit Cem. 19.50 19.50 280 C.G.Woodbury is Sa Misc. items-PV Cem. 27.66 27.66 281 Uoag's -Tire Service 1-5 gal.pail_.Kendall #30 Y ,oil-Pty Cem. - 5.30 5.30 882 J.E. Sawyer & Co, , Inc,Ki:sc.items-PV Cem. 6.49 6.49 Hoag's Tire Sere. Repair tire &.,tubeADazp , Dept. - 2.50 2450 284 City of G.F.Vater Fd.V1sc.Craffie11 's Dairy- - - WGFWDD n - 48.85 48.85 285 City of G.F.Water Fd,Mi sc.Aviati on Rd. NGFWD 80.70 84*70 286E My of G.F.Water Fd.Mise.R.R.Wster_Dist. - 81.30 91,30 287" , p0:s Gen.Store- Gas 4 Oil .T n.dmmp truck 38.75 38.75 288 Rockwell Mfg.Co. Supplies s for voting Auto.Yoting Mch.Div. machines ,7.34 7.34 289 Dennis & Co., Inc. 1 pad #WX Denco Blanks 2.29 2.29 290 Mrs. Delia Duckett Water Tax rebate for per. 9-1-59. to 10-31-59 NGF6D 6.45 6.45 291 Ballard-Glencraft A 8743-500 Bingo forms . - LC-6 (S. Miller) 24.55 24.55 292 Stanton Batease Moving & setting up Elect. booths 75.00 75.00 293 Raymond Hoague Serv.veniremen for Jury duty for Mr. Akins,JP 12.24 12.24 294 Zena Hewitt Rental space for storage elect.equip.Dist 3 * 4 . 50,00 50.00 295 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Serv. for Booster pump- NGFV1D 92,31 92.31 296 Lapham's, Inc. Sealed beam light for spot I,t.NGFWDOL.Lavery 2,65 2.66 297 Louis Curlew Clean & paint fire hydse. is guards-NGPM 44.80 44180: 298 Louis Corlew Clean & paint-hyds. k guards NGFWD Ext. 39.20 39.20 299 W.G.F.Water Dist.#1 5th St. Ext.Water Dist. - Port,l aig WOFWD - 133.03 133.03 300 W.F.Gubitz & Sons 1-1210-1 .transfer caste for L.Gordon,ipvr. 4.65 4.68 341 Hoag's Tire Serv. Chassis grease & hyd.oil (Town dump dept.) 6.03 6.03 302 Nathan Proller (8/31/59( Audit Comp.Pol IFC 7791 C for period: 2/28/59 to 5/31/59 General-5293.40 Hwy .769.05 Cetetery 666,28 8 73 1 28 73 _V406NO 12406.00 On motion a meeting ad Darned. -Town Clerk