1959-10-05 215 Regular Meeting October 5, 1959 Present _ LeRoy S. Gordon_ Supervisor Neledith Bentley Justice of the Peace Earold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis ;ampson Councilman $tatall.ey,B. Miller. Councilman The, Board convened at 7:30 p.m. Bernard`- Codger was also present. -The Clerk presented the following estimates : ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERVISOR • Town of Queensbury • For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Expenditures General Fund 'Town Board • Town- Hall and Town Offices Rentals (board room, offices, elections,. etc.) 400.00 Comsation of employees - 100.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 500000 Repairs, light, heat, telephone , 3000.00 Elections Compensation of election officials Unc. mileage) 1700.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines - 140.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair 500.00 Rent of polling place - other expenses 500.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 8000.00 Official bonds and undertakings 150.00 Fire and liability 2500000: Printing and advertising (all departments) 1000000 Services of attorney and expenses of litigation 2500*00 Servicest of engineer and expenses 3750.00 Association of Towns - 110.00 Social Security- 3000.00 Employees* Retirement System (town share) 57O0.00_ Total $33,550.00 Supervisor (Salary of Supervisor 4000.00 Office expenses 250,00 Total 40250.04 Police, constables and deputy sheriffs Compensation 800.00 Mileage and other expenses 150.00 Total � 950.00 Town Dump, 1 Salary, 400.00 Expanses 600.00 Total $ 29000.00 Traffic Lights 2;,600.00 Signs; signals,, highway lighting,, repairs - 900.000 Dog Warden ' Compensation' 550,00 Other expenses • 100.00 . Total 650.00 • Mal.tiple'Bldg;. inspector, salary 300.00 p a expenses E Total 50, W.0 216 Protection of Persons and Property Salaries and wages of officers $7050.00 Materials and supplies 900100 Lights 2600100 Office. expenses 300.00 Mileage 250.00 M'i.se. dump expense 600,00. Total $11V700,00 Historian ' Compensation. 18011koo, .: Other expenses 54100 Total 230.00 Public Library Contract 100.00 Total 100.00 Parks and Playgrounds - 330.00 Patriotic observances 154.00 Redemption of debt (.principal only) 2.,500.04. Stgrehouse completion bcnd 2504.00 Interest on debt Stgrehouse completion bond 162*50 Total' 162.50 Construction and. Permanent Improvements To*n Hall or other buildings Lgoo too Total � .000.00 Veter#ns Organizations for Rooms 200,00 Revues-General F%d. Unpxpended balances (See.115, Tern Law) 100O0100i age taxes - -. 15000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 2500.W Lipennsses and Permits-Jmnk and Bingo 300.00: Fags of cemeteries 4155.W Feos of Tarn Clerk 2500.00 Fees of Justices of the Peace 200010 Fees of tax eollector 1300.00 Per capita assistance .00O.00 TOTAL RE ENUrES TOTAL 7,755«OO Dated; September 300 1959 - LeRoy J. Gordon -Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN CLERK m Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Expenditures Salary of Torn Clerk 4000.04 Salaries of Employees 200,00 Ropds 1.0 00 Total Expenditures X4,210.00 Revenues Dog tags, 307,00: Marriage licenses-transcription on marriage licenses 222.00 Hunting and fishing licenses-(Res., Ton-res.,: alien, 3 Post license: certificates 905.00 Filing (conditional sales contract and chattel more- • gages., etc. 400#00, Transcripts of records, searches, etc. .50 1-Junkyard permit$ and 5 Junk dealer licenses 35.40 Explosives licenses 5.00 moo,, carnival, circus permits 760.00 • Big game, res. & non-res. , Archery, res. non-res. 472.75 217 Res. trapping licenses 2. 5 Total Revenues 3 AOli.00 Dated: September 30, 1959 - - Signed-Frances L. Turner v - Town Clerk ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . _.. _ _ _ , • _Tm of Queensbury.. _ For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Expenditures Salary of Justice 3300W00 Salaries of other employees-stenographer 200,00; Postage 30.00 Bonds 10.00 Lax books 501,00 Forms- 50000 Association of Towns attendance 100.00 Total expenditures $ 39740,00 Rues- Fires penalties and forfeitures 100.00 Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 750,00 Criminal-fees-Indictable cases (received from Co.) 20.00 . Civil fees -1000,00 Civil fees-dog (received from county) 20,00 Total Revenues 9s0.00 Dated. September, 19, 1959 (Signed) Meredith S. Bentley C - Justice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF' THE' PEACE Torn, of Queensbury- . . For Fiscal year beginning January 1,, 1960 Expenditures Salary of Justice 2500.00 Salaries of other employees 100.00 Postage 20000 Stationery-dockets, etc. 80.Q0 Association of Towns Total expenditures $;0800.00 Revenues Fines penalties and forfeitures 50,00 Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 100.00 Civil fees 20.00 Civil fees-dog (received from county) _ 30.00 JtCivil fees-Conservation Lax (rec*d. from defendants) - 20.00 Tonal Revenues 220.00, Dated*, September 26, 1959 Signed-Harold C. Akins Justice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN _ Town of Queensbury . .- For Fiscal year beginning January 1,, 1960 Expenditures Salaries _S1200000 Total Expenditures 19,300.00 I ' Revenues None Dated: September 19, 1959 Signed-Curtis Lampson Councilman ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN _ - .. �.Town. pf-Queensloury _ . - . For Fiscal, year, beginning January 1, 19 - - Eatpendi tore s Salaries 01200.00 Stationery, attendance Assn. Towns, Postage 100.00 Total expenditures 1,300.00 Revenues None Dated: September 26, 1959 Signed-Stanley B. Miller 4 Councilman ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS . Town of Queensbury • For Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1960 Hiahxav Find (Item 1) Eicpenditures General repairs �SOppp.OQ. Special improvements .20= ,0 , Total expenditures � 008000.0a; Revenues Mate aid a181.75 Unexpended balance 30000.00 Total Revenues $ 38,181.75. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $GI.,8.18.25 Bridge Fund - Machinery ftnd Expenditures* Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 4500.00 Repair of- machinery,, tools and implements 6968.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 10700,00: • Interest on machinery certificates 1000,00 Total Expenditures 239169.00 Revenues Rentals of machinery 3168,00, i Total Revenues _ 30,168.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR ,MACHINERY FUND _ $209000.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund Expenditures _ Salary of town superintendent 5500.00; Expenses of town superintexdent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 20000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brash 3600.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 7,00 00♦ Total Expenditures 290900.00 Revenues Total Revenues 2.3,000.00 AMOUNT TO BE' RAISED BY TAX FOR SNOB AIM MISCELLANEOUS FUND $2:7,900.00 Signed Bernard F. Codner Superintendent of Highways 210 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR Toga. of-Weensbury For Fiscal, Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Salary of Assessors Expenditures $3800.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 150.00 hostage 5.00 Total Expenditures $ 31955.00 Revues None Dated: September 24, 1959 (Signed) Ernest Hillis Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR . Town of. Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Expenditures Salary of Assessors 1700.00 Office,; traveling and other expenses 300,00 r Total Expenditures - 22000.00 Revenues None. Dated: September 21, 1959 (Signed) Ralpk M. Nestle Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY RECEIVER OF TADS (Tau Collector) Town-of Queensbury For Fiscal Year .Beginning January 1, 19- Expenditures Y nditures 2600,00 L_ Salaries of Employees 0 Office, traveling and other expenses 2130.00 Postage 50.00 Bonds l 3 7,50 Tslephbne `t Tax Adv' .. in local newspapers 32*00. Printg t 45.00 U.S. Govt. 4j window envelopes with imprintizg . 290,00, ' Office stationery and envelopes 55.00 Office equipment 5.00 Total Expenditures $ 3,314.50 Revenues Interest and penalties on taxes 1000.00 _ Total Revenues 19,000.00 Dated: September 26, 1959 (Signed) John 0. Webster Receiver of Taxes This estimate has been prepared after consultation with Mr. Forrest Cramnell who will probably be Collector during the coming years. A raise in the salary of Collector is not being requested. However, It should be* pointed out that this salary has remained the same for several years now while some of the other salaries of Town Officials have been raised. If the Teen Board feels it appropriate to raise any salaries this year, it would seem only proper that the salary of the Collector be considered along with all the others.. 221 Mr. Crannell intends to conduct the office of Collector about the same _as during the past two years„ mailing out- -reminders" in May on delinquent taxes and the estimated expenditures are based on this fact. Some of the items may properly belong to some other category of the. Town Budget,; such as printing, insurance, advertising= etc. havever,_I am. listing all known expenditures for the office for your information.. Last year we estimated penalty receipts to be $1,300 and actual penalties for the year amounted to $11,276.03, or $23,97 under the estimate. Because this item could vary greatly from year to year I thought that a more conservative estimate of $1,000 would be : safer this year, but receipts will probably exceed that amount. John 0. Webster Collector. PIREVIEW CEMETERY .1960 Estimate .. Cost of Improvements Improvements to Cemetery $ 500,00 New Equipment 200100 Material for foundations 100.00: Maintenance: 500.00 Personal services 5000:100 RepaJ,rs to existing equipment 150.00 Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas & oil for equipment 125.00 Compensation Insurance 300.00: Bond for Commissioner & Superintendent 35.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Cost of Maintenance of outside cemeteries 500.00 __$9.560.00 Revenues:* 110,360.00 Salo, of Lots, less Perpetual care 3500.00 Feep for-Vault rental 50,00 Fees for opening graves 2000000 Feeq for setting monuments 100.00; Tatimated Balance Dec. 31, 1959 _ 100, Requested Budget 5`750 Appropriation. �4,G10.0O AIIINUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY BOARD OF HEALTH r Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1960 Expenditures $1750..00 *Off] e, traveling and other expenses 100.00 (*includes postage and telephone) Total Expenditddu��re��s r $1,850.Q0 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY.. OF OF VITAL iS ATI M.D.C . Tow of..Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1., 1960 Expenditures Compensation 40.00 Other expenses 10.00 Total Expenditures 50.00 Revenues None (signed) Frances Turner Registrar-of Vital Statistics 221 AWAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 000.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Mowing 25.00 La.inting and shoveling hydrants 75..00 Repairs. 30U.0 Power and light 1 10.00; Purchase of water 3100..00; Purchase of equipment 100.00 Total Expenditures 50500.00 Revenues • Mater rents 7000.00 Unexpended balance 2=100 Total Revenues 9,000.00 Dated: September 30, 1959 (signed) LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor of Board of Commis- sioners ANNUAL ESTIMTE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXTENSION - - Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 5000.00 Bond interest 1000.00 Total 60000.00 Maintenance Personal services 600600 Office and other expenses 100.00 Mooring 25.00 Painting and shoveling hydrants 75.00 -- Repairs 300.:00. Purchase of water 5000.00 Total G 100.00 • Total Expenditures gaVIO0.00 Revenue s Water rents 10000 00 • - Total Revenues "0,040.00 Dated., September 309 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon • Supervisor o < ANNUAL ESTIMATE. FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT _ Expenditures - - _ Maintenance Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 100000 Repairs 2501.00 Purchase of water 2600*00 Purchase of equipment 10 00. • Total- 3,550..00 • Revenues 'Mater rents 4100.00 Unexpended balance 9000.00 Total Revenues � la-.100.00 Dated: September 30, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon -Supervisor 222 AMAL ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT.,- _ endi tore s_ _ Cost of Improvement Bond, p inciPa 2000.00 Bond iiterest 187.50 Maintenance Fersongl services 100.00 0ffice. and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 10O..00 Purcha,pe of water 400..00 { Total. expenditures $ 2,812.50 Revenues Water rents 1600,00 Total Revenues 1:,600.00 Dated: September 30, 1959 (signed) LeRoy J. Gordon:. _ Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR DRAINAGE DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond. principal $ 5OOO.00 2600.00 Bond Interest 250.00 Capital Reserve Note Interest 5.00 Total 7,855.00 Revenues None Dated: September 30, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon. Supervisor ANNU' L ESTIMATE FOR RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT , - Expenditures Main enance rsonal services 100.00 ffice and other expenses 100.00 Flush hydrants and snow shoveling 50.00. Repairq 250.00 rchase of water 600.O0 Total Expenditures � 10100.00. Revenues Water rents 1100.00 Unexpended balance 5OOO 0 Total Revenues 69100.00 Dated: September 30,, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenaneq Rrsonal services 50.00 pairs 50,00 Total 100.00 Revenues s T'nexpended balance 950.00 Dated: Sepstember ,301, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor 223 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FERffiING-ASHLEY-COOLIDGE; SEWER DIST• _ - . _ .Town of..Queensbury. - For Fiscal Year-Beginning January 1, 1960 - - Expenditures Contracts to Glans-Falls 1000 00 _ Total Expenditures C 19,000.00 Revenues 20 0 $50.00 1000000 Unexpended balance - • 712 Total Revenues 1,712.00 1 Dated: September 30, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon ANNUAL ESTD1ATE FOR QUEENSHUBY FIRE DISTRICT . -Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year Begirning January 1,, 1960 Expenditures Contract 190001.00 Total expenditures $19,00010a Revenues Fire protection contract 15000*00 Unexpended balance 4550 Total Revenues $199,553.00 Datedt•September 30, 1959 AID UAL ESTIM&TE FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DIST.. Torun of Queensbury For Fiscal Year.Beginning January 19 1960 Expenditures Maintenance t Payment on .conttract 500,00i • t Total Expenditures — 500.00 Revenues • None Dated:: September 30, 1959 • (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon Supe rvis or ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR, SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures - Maintenance Personal services 200..00 Office and other,ex-penses - Power and chlorination 150.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Total Expenditures $ 450.00 Revenues Water rents - 450.0Q. Total Revenues # 450.00 Dated: September 30, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy J. Gordon: Supervisor t ANN 4 ESTIMATE FOR FT. AMMST-GARRISON LIGHTS For.Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 19- Expenditures Contract , 2025.00 Total. expenditures $ 2..0025.00 • -24 sol tN' 8 introduced by Justice Bentley,, seconded by �C RESOLVED that 'the/annual inary Budget of the Town of Queensbury and the several districts therein contained for the year 1960 having been completed, they same be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of th® Town of Queensbury where it shall be available at all reasonable hours for inspection and that this Board hold a hearing thereupon at a meeting thereof to be held at the Town Clerk's Office,. Ridge Road, - on the 5th da'y of November, 1959 , at- 7.,30 p.m..., and that a, notice of hearing be 'published twice in the Glens Falls Times, the first publi cca'tionishall be at least 10 days prior to the. da.te of the holding of the hearing at which time and place the Town Board will meet and review the said Preliminary Budget and any person interested may be heard in favor of or against all or any of the items of said Preliminary Budget as completed. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk cause notice of the hearing to be published and` posted as required by law in substantially the following form:. ` PUBLIC NOTICE OF ANNUAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the annual Preliminary Budget of the` Town of Queensbury for the year 1960 has been completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queens- ' bdry, that the Town Board of said Town will, at a.meeting. there- of to be held on the. 5th day of November, 1 !59 at 7:30 p.*, at the Tom Clerk's Office, Ridge Road, in said Town, hold a hearing thereon and review said budget and any person may be heard in favor of or against the budget, as 'compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained; it the proposed salaries of the several officers of the Town of Queensbury are as follows Supervisor $40000.00 Justices of the Peace (2) .51,500.00 Councilmen (2) - 21,400.00 Town Clerk - 4,000.00 Town Superintendent of Highways 59,100.00 Collector 281600900 Assessors (3) 11200.00 By Order of the Town Board, Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes r Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon; Noes none The following is the Preliminary Budget as adopted by the Town Board:: PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY . - General Fund — Appropriations General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board, roam, offices, elections, etc.) 400.00 Compensation of employees - 100.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 500.00 Repairs, light, heat and telephone• 3000.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 1700.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 140.00 .225 Other expenses 500.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair 500.00 Insurance Zompensatior insurance 8000100 Aff .cial. bonds and undertakings 150.00 Zire and liability 2500.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 1000.00. Services of attorneys send-expenses of litigation 2500.00 Services of engineer and expenses (contract), 3750.00 Association of Teams - dues. - _ 110000 Social Security, Town share 300.00 Ritployeesl� Retirement. System (town share) 570OLtOO, Total 331,550.00 Supervisor Salary 4000*00 Office and other expenses 250 00 Total 4,250.00 Justices of the Peace Salaries 5500.00 Office and either expenses 440.00 Compensatica of employees 300.00 Total 61240.00 Councilmen Salaries • 2400,00 Office and either expenses 200 Total 2;,600.00 Town Clerk Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 200000 Compensation of employees 400 00. Total 41p600.00 Assessors Salaries 7200.00 Office and other expenses 660.00 • Total $ 79,860.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary 2600.00 Office and other expenses 725.00 • Total 3,325,00 Total General Government 629425.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY - Police,, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs C ompensati m 800.00 Mileage and other expenses 150.00 Total 950.00. Town Dump Salary 11400.,00 Expenses � 2 X00.00 Traffic Signs and signals 900.00 Highway lighting 2600o,00 Total 3,500.00 Dog Warden, - . Compensatim, 550.00 Other- expenses 100000 otal 650.00 Building; inspection (multiple) Salary - 300W00 Expenses t 50_ 0 . Total 350 00. t - Total Protection of Persons and Property $ 50450.00 • C C EDUCATION Town Historian; Compensation 180.00 Other expenses 50.00 ,226 Town Library Payments to other libraries (contract) 100.00 - ' Total $ 330.00 RECREATION aParks and F1a.Tgrounds Total 300.Oa Patriotic Observances _ 1pQ,00 t Total Reereatitaa 400,,00, PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries ' ' Pineview Cemetery _ Schedule A. Cost of Improvements: Improvements to Cemetery 500.00 New Equipment 200.00 Material fog foundations 100.00 Maintenance t- 800.00 Personal services 8000*00 Repairs to existing equipment 150,00 Material for ground Maintenance 1000,00 Gas & oil far equipeent 12.5.00 Compensation insurance 300.00 Nand for C ommi s si one r and Superintendent 35,001 Miscellaneous 50.00 Cost of Maintenance of outside cemeteries 8 9 560, 00 Total 0:3GQi�4 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of- district and special improvement debt) Redemption of Debt (Principal) Bonds Store compYetitin bond 004.00 Total Redemption of Debt — 2*500,00 Interest on Debt . Interest on-bonds Storehouse "completion bond 225,00 Total 225.00 Total Interest on Debt 9725.00 CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement, Improvement on town storehouse _500? 00 Total Construction and Permanent Improvements 500.00, MISCELLANEOUS Veterans Organizations for Rooms. _ 200*00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES Sec. 112 of the Town Law $ 63,000.00 GENERAL FUND Estimated-Revenues Mortgige taxes 15000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 1540.00: Other licenses (town ordinances) 300.00 Fees of tow,' clerk 2500.00 Fees of justices of the peace 2000.00 Fees of tax collector 1300.E Fees of cemeteries 5750.00 Per capita'assistance 21000.00 Total $49,350.00 � Unexpended balances(Sec. 11.5 Town Law) .16 000 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REMMMs. GENERAL-FUND 58350.00 GENERAL FUND ' 9vmmary Appropriations ' General Government 621425.00 Protection of persons and property 545:0.00 Education 330.00 227 Recreation 400.00' blic Utilities 1Q860,00, Redemption of debt 2500*00 Interest on debt 225.00 Construction` hmd permanent improvements 1000.00 Contingent" pi-poses 6000 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 882,690.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GEN. FUND) _. 65 350.00 AMOM OF TAXES"TO B3- RAISED FOR GENERAL FOND 32,3 40.00 ' HIGHWAY FUND High*ay Find (Item 1).Appropriati ons j General repa3:rs 80000.00 Special improvements 20000.00 — Total Appropriations 11001000.00 Estimated Revenues Statetaid 8180.00 Unexpended balance 30000.00 Total Revenues ' 38,180.00 AMOUNT TO 'BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM- 1) $61,820.00 Machinery Fund(Item 3)-Appropriations Purchase of-iachinery, tools and implements 4500..00 Repairs of U " " " 6970.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 9000.00 Interest on 'zdachinery certificates 1000=00 Total Appropriations ��21*470.00 Estimated Revenues Rentals of machinery 1470,00, TotaM Revenues $ 1,470.00 AMOU1qT TO SR. RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY Fes' :(ITEM-3) $20,000.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)-Appropriations Salary town superintendent. 5100.00, Expease`s torn superintendent 100000 RembVint obs'tructibn's caused' by 'sn'oW "' 20000.0x. Cutting and removing noxious weeds 8c brush 3600.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 700.00 Total Appropriations $j500,OG Estimated Revenues Miseellanecus' revenues (from County 3698.00 Total Revenues- f 3,698.00. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FU19D. CITEM 4) $250802.00 AMOUNT`TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND. (ITEMS 2_,3,and 4) 45,802:.00 ` TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Board of Health Salary of hej1th 'officer' 1750.00 Baby clinics _ 1550 00 Total Board of Health � 30250.00 Registrar of. Vital statistics Compensation 40.00 Other expenses 10#02 Total.,; Registrar Vital Statistics 50.00 `— AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH E 3.9300.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUINDS-North Glens Falls Water District Expenditures- Cost of Improvement 3000.00 --------------- .2.28 Maintenance Personal. services 600.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Mowing 0 n&;0 Painting and shoveling hydrants MQOO Repairs 300.00 Power and light 1200.00 Llurchase of water 3100.00 EUrchase of equipment 100000 Total maintenance 5,.500.00 Total expenditures 82500.= Revenues Water rents. _ 70001.04 Tnexpended balance ZOOO 00 Total Revenues 99000.00 Amount to be raised by^tax . None w f SPECIAL DISTRICT FURDS-- .North Glens Falls Water District Ext.. Expenditures Go�st t of improvement Bond princi pal 5 } 000.0 Bond interest 10000 Total 6,Q.00.00 Maintenance Personal services 600.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Moving 25.00 Painting and shoveling hydrants 75.00 Repairs 300.00 Purchase of water 5000,00. Total . Total expenditures Revenues Water rents - 10000.00" Total Revenues 10 0 0 Amount to be raised by tax . 2,, 00.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--West Glens Falls Water District Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 504.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Repairs 250.00 Purchase of water 2600.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Total 39550.00 Revenues . Mater rents 4100.00 Unexpended balance 9000.00 Total Revenues $13$100.00. Amount to be raised by tax None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS—West Glens Falls Water District Ext. Cost of improvement Bond anticipation note _ Interest 200 00 Total 200.00 Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00: Repairs _ 100100 'Purchase of water 400.00 Total 3 _ 625.00 Total Expenditures $ 925.00 220 Revenues Water. rents, $800.00 S Total Revenues 800.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ 125.00 t t SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Drainage District Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 5000.00 Eopd interest 20.00 Capital Reserve Note 250,00 Interest - 5.00 Total $7855.00 Total Expenditures $7,855.00 Revenues None Amount to be raised by atxes $7,855.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS..-Ridge Road Mater District Expenditures Maint�:nanc:e Personal. services 1000.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Flesh hydrants and snow shoveling 50.00 Repairs 25040. Purchase of water 600_:_OQ __ Total $1,100.00: Revenues 'Mater rents 11001W Unexpended balance 5000.00 Total Revenues $6,100.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None SPECIAL DISTRICT EMS-­Reservoir Park Sewer District _ . Maintenance Expenditures _ Personal services 50.00 Repairs _ _250.00 Total 300«00• Revues Unexpended balance 950,00, _ Total Revenues $ 950.00 Amouact to be raised by Maes None SPECIAL DISTRICT PUIITDS-- Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Sewer District Contracts to Glens Falls Eapend. tures 1000600 Total Expenditures ,000.00 Revenues 20 0 $50.00 1000.00 Unexpended balance Mgt_*_0_0 Total Revenues I,712.,00 Amount to be raised by taxes None `- SPECIAL DISTRICT. F=S*Queensbury Fire Protection Dist.. Expenditures Contract , 000000 Total Expenditures $190000.00 230 Revenues Unexpended balance 11=553.00 Total Revenues 49553.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $141,447.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FONDS--Cleverdale Lighting District Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract §00. Total expenditures 500.00 Revenues - none Amount to be raised by taxes 500.00 3 SPECIAL DISTRICT FONDS--Shore Colony Water District '! Expenditures Maintenance Pors oral services $ 900.00 Office and other expenses Power and chlorination -- 150.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Total expenditures $ 450.00 Revenues Water rents 450.0 Total Revenues 450.00 t Amount to be raised by taxes None SPECIAL DISTRICT FONDS--Ft. Amherst--Garrison Lighting Dist. Expenditures Contract . 2025.00 . Total Expenditures E 2.0025.00 Revenues - none Amount to be raised by takes $2-,025.00 On motion the meeting adjourned. Q" I.9 Ces L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 14, 1959 Present.- LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor old Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman Absent: Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7:30 p. mr.. Resolution No,. 119 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council® man L- mppon;: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and -is hereby authorized and directed .to purchase three complete hydrants as per letter dated October 9. 1959. for the sum of $637.96. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to purchase three G" gate valves. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - W. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _