1959-10-14 230
Unexpended balance
•- Total Revenues 4v553.00
Amount to be raised by taxes $14,447.00
SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Cleverdale Lighting District
Maintenance Expenditures -
Payment on contract 500.001
Total. expenditures 500.00
Revenues - none
Amount to be raised by taxes $ 500.00
SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS.-Shore Colony Water District
Expenditures _
Maintenance .
Pors oral services 800.00
Office and other expenses
Power and chlorination -- 150.00
Miscellaneous 100.00
Total expenditures � 450.00
Water rents _ 550
Total Revernes
• Amount to be raised by taxes None
SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-►-Ft. Amherst--Garris= Lighting Dist.
Contract 2025.00
Total Expenditures E 2-0025..00
Revenues - none
Amount to be raised by taxes $2.9025.04
On motion the meeting adjourned.
` 0
ce sr-IL. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting October 14, 1959
LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor
mold Vxins --Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
The Board convened at 7:30 p. a*
Resolution No,. 119 introduced. by Justice Akins, seconded by Council-
man Iampgr=.r
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to purchase three complete hydrants as per letter dated
October 9, 1959,, for the sum of $537 46.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized and directed
to purchase three 60, gate valves.
Daly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon
Noes - none
At this point, Mr. Bentley entered and took part in the proceedings.
A communication from Albert E. Beswick, attorney, addressed to the
Supervisor dated October 8, 19599, was read to the Board, advising the
Board that the default Judgement taken by Mr. Fogg- against the Towns of
Queensbury in his certiorari proceedings had been set aside and. tha.t
.the costs were allowed to Mr. Fogg in the amount of $10 in the order
setting aside the default Judgement.
Resolution No. 120 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coon-
- oilman 1 T r.
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to pay Merle N. _Fogg, Jr. , the sum of $10 pursuant to order
of Judge Hughes in the matter entitled: '
Fogg vs. Town of Queensbury
Duly adopted by the following vote: .
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsor , Mr. Akins, Mr. Millbr, and Mr. Gordon
Noes - none
At this point' in the meeting, the Board proceeded to hold a
PUBLIC HEARING upon the proposed ordinance to 'regulate use of the Town
Dump-pursuant to notice thereof as published in the Glens Falls Times
September 30, 1959.
Proof- of publication of notice of Public Hearing filed.
No one appeared opposing the adoption of the ordinance.
PUBLIC HEARING declared closed. 'It was moved 'by Mr. Akins; seo.onded by
Mr.- Lampson, that the following ordinance to regulate use of the Town
Dump-be adopted.
Resolution No. 121
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Queens-
bury, Warren County, New York, as follows: '
Section. 1. Declaration of Poli y. It is hereby determined that the
practice of scavenging and removal of�Junk.and waste material and the
setting, of; fires at the town dump by unauthorized persons is dangerous to
persons and property, that the disposal of garbage or sewage at the town
dump is dangerous to
public health and that the discharge of firearms,
air rifles and Pistols at the dump in the. killing of rats or Sarget prac-
tice is dangerous to persons lawfully using the dump.
Section 2 `:Definitions. The -term "persons" as used in this ordi-
nance shall include an individual, firm, partnership corporation or
associati(O of persons ark the singular number shalt include the plural.
The terms "dump" or "town dump" as used in this ordinance
shall giicluder the existing town dump situated easterly of the Ridge Road
any" ai .d a ether town dumps which may hereafter. be provided and
designated by the Town Roard. of the Town of Queensbury.
T The term "scavenging" as used in this ordinance means
the picking-up.v collecting and removal from the town dump of any iron,
copper,, metal, wood, paper or other discarded material, or parts thereof,
which shall have 'been placed in the town dump..
The term "garbage" as used in this ordinance means meat,
fish, vegetables, banes and-all forms of food or waste capable of fermen-
tation and decay and'-includes the bodies of animals or any part thereof.
The term "sewage" as used in this ordinance means
-the contents of septic tanks-or cesspools and human or animal waste.
Section 3. Scavenging 'at the town dump, including the pieking-
up,, collecting and removal from the town `dunp of any iron, copper, metal,
wood, paper or other discarded material or parts thereof which shall
have been placed in the town dump for disposal is hereby prohibited.
Section 4. The setting of a fire at the town•dump and the burn-
ing of.waste material deposited at the town dump for d,,i.sposal is here-
-bp prohibited except by an officer or employees of the. Tern of Quee'ns-
Section 5. The deposit of ge or sewage at the town dump is
Barba ag p
hereby prohibited.
Section 6. The discharge of firearms , air rifles or pistols at
the town dump hereby is prohibited.
Section 7. Any person violating any of. the, provisiops •of this
ordinance shall be guilty' of a misdemeanor and upon conviction- thereof
be punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each offense or by
imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 60 days, or by both such
fines or imprisonment, and upon failure to pay any such fine , to be
imprisoned in the county jail until such fine bepsid, not to exceed
one day for each dollar of the fine imposed.
Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon
Does - none
The following letter was read to the Board:
West Mountain Road
Glens Falls, New York
September 28, 1959
` Mr. LeRoy Gordon
Foster Avenue
Glens Falls, N. Y. '
Dear Mr. Gordon:
I am calling your attention to a nuisance condition which is
building up on the corner of Sherman Avenue and West Mountain Road.
Over the past se'treral weeks, it has become increasingly evident that
an automobile wrecking and junking business is being built up on the
southwest corner of this intersection. ' It is my belief that there is
an, ordinance in the Town of Queensbury against such an establishment
and I believe that early steps should be taken to correct this, situa-
ti on.
In addition to this condition, a couple of rough board shacks
have been built on the lower end of this property in which people are
living and which add to the unsightly condition of the property. The
occupants of these shacks have built a wire fence enclosure in which
they harbor an unknown number of mongrel dogs whose incessant barking
and howling create a major disturbance both day and ni4ht.
I request some action from the Town Board of Queensbury for the
abatement of this nui saAce.
Yours very truly,
L. G. Brockelsby,
The Board audited claims as follows:
QCT OBER.,,. 15 ;... _
No. Name of Claimant Y nature of Claim Amt.Claimed Amt.Allowed
303 Glens Falls Post Co. Publish Hearing on Ordin:-
ance on Tern Dmm $ 20.00 20.00
304 Ralph Nestle Mileage anq: s}ip s(file) 15.50 - 15.50
305 Co. of Warren, Board
of Supervisors Supplies-Mseel. 316.63 N.A.
306 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Cleverdale Ltng. Dist. 41.08 41.08
307 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. St. Ltng. &-'Traf.Signals 2 .78 208.78
308 Niagara-Mohawk. Pwr. Ft.Amherst-Garrison. Rai.
Lighting 168.46 168.46
309 Mrs. Albert Keeck Strg.Elect.Equipment 25.00 25.00
310 Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clerk's Ofc. 3.25 3.25
311 RQu,te #9 Motor Serv. Mis.serv.Twn Dump tractor 20.18 20.18
312 Deis -& Co. , Inc. 1159 supp.. to C.L.S. Town
Law shipped to H.B.Harris 3.50 3.50
313 Dennis &'Co., Inc. 159 Supp..C.L.S.Yehicle &
Traffic Law-H.C.Akins „JP 3.50 3.50
314 Niagara-Mohawk Pvr.- Serv. Shore Colony Water Dst.4.63 4.63
315 Niagara-Mohawk Farr. Gas & light sere. Town of-
Queensbury Storehouse 35.50 35.50
316 Nora C. McLoughlin Preparing Water bills,
WGFwTD Fd. 21.00 21.00
317 Nora C. McLoughlin: " Water bills„
BM Fd. 9.48 9.48
318 Nora C. McLo ughlin p. Water. -bills,
NGFWD Fd. 33.00 33.00
r 319 :Earl Jones 250 stamped env., mailing
water bills NGFdD Fd. X1.90 11,90
.320 Nathan Prvller. Comp. in Glens Falls -Ins.Co.
1191.93 1191.93
341 Glad:i,, s ' it General:- $295.56
Highway .832.55
Cemetery; 63.82
321 Gladip E. Phillips Reg. Day Oct. 10,. 1959 15.00: 15.00
j 322 Stanton_Batease Setting up and removing
Elect. Equip. 10/3 and 10/10
150.00 150.00
;21,M.12, ;11832.49
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Cle