1959-10-24 '23-4 Regular Meeting October 24, 1959 Present LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith tentley Justice of the Peace Rarold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Pumps on. Councilman ,Stanley,B. Miller Councilman -The- Board convened at 7:30 p. m. Y The following communication was read to the Board:: October- 23, 1959 u • Dear LeRoy.,_ • We-have completed numbering the Streets and_Roads the• Postmaster asked. for. Very truly yours, • Ernest Hillis - -The Supervisor reported he had received an anonymous letter requesting that. lights be installed at the intersection of Richardson Street and •Corinth Road. -The Supervisor retained the letter. -There w4s a •discussion•respecting the extension of water service in the . North Glens Falls Water District and laying of mains. The matter was -referred to-the water-district committee. .Resolution Igo. 122- introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Miller: . RESOLVED that the water district committee be and are hereby authorized-and directed to cause to be installed 6" water mains with fittings as follows.- _ North Glens Falls Water District. On the Montray Reed from-the intersection thereof with the Sweet Road southerly for a distance of approximately 800 ft. West Glens Falls Water District Ext. On Carleton -Drive from and of existing main southerly to Aviation Road, thence easterly along the Aviation Road for a total distance of approximately 504 ft. FURTHER RESOLVED that the staid water district committee be and are hereby authorized -and directed to enter into a contract with the lowest responsible bidder and to execute any and all necessary documents in order to carry into effect this resolution. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways, was also present and dis- cussed with the Board the necessity of acquiring insulation for the new storehouse. A discussion was also had respecting water mains in the Rogers develop- ment. The following petition was read to the Board:: .235 Mary St. John Historian Town. of Queensbury We the residents of Green St., Lower Marren and Brayton Ave. , request your attention to the dangerous situation pertaining to our school bug problem. Every noon when the bus stops to pick up our children, the cars seem to disregard the law and rail to stop, some even fail to slow up, this same problem exists at night. This same traffic problem exists for the residents of the above locality in making a left turn, going from Warren to Green St. , and every year there are several accidents due to this circumstance, this being the reason we are sending this petition at this time. We would like your kind consideration in this matter, and would like to suggest a blinker light, or something to slow up the traffic at this location. Thank you for your interest. - Signed., ,Alfred Torchett Leon Delisle - Green St, Hector St. John - L. Warren Anne St. John - Lower Warren Rosario Lawrence L. Terry, 25 Green St. - Mrs.. Jeannette Rivers, Brayton Ave. Rose St. John - Brayton Ave. William Powers Brayton Ave:. Hermione_ Tarchetti, Brayton Ave. James McDonald, Green St. Genevieve McDonald, Green St, Mrs. Hazel Lsmery„ . 25. Green St. Theresa F. De Lisle, 7 Green St. Louis Delisle,- 7 Green St. . Mrs. Bruno St. John, G Green St. Bruno St. John., g Green St. The matter was- referred to Mr. Lampson. Nor. Johnson= caretaker of the; Town Dump,, requested a reduction in salary to the extent 'of $10 per month.. for the month` of November. Resolution, No. introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that the salary of Eugene Johnson be reduced from $120 per month to F . per month for the month of November, 1959. Duly adopted by the following vote t Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Foes - none. _ The Supervisor. stated that Mr. Johnson had requested that two signs be erected at the entrance of the Town Dump advising of the existence of regulations respecting dumping therein, and that no scavenging or picking on the dump is allowed. . Resolution No. 124 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Miller:: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby directed to acquire two suitable signs containing the regulations of the Town ordinance re- specting the Town Dump, to be erected ate"the entrance of the Dump. Duly adopted by the following: vote: Ayes - Mr. -B-entley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Bordon Noes - none 236 A further discussion was had respecting the conditions existing at the *it# dump. The matter was referred to the Supervisor to ascertain what legal steps could be taken. respecting compliance with the Town ordinance. Walter Richards requested that a marker on Route 9 advising of the approach to the Farm to Market Road be erected. Resolution No. 125 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley: WHEREAS a dangerous traffic. condition exists on Route 9 at the junction thereof by the Farm to Market Road in the Town of Queensbury by reason of. the inadequacy of signs and markers indicating the junction. and numerous complaints of such condition have been received by this Board , and WHEREAS numerous vehicle accidents have occurred at{ or near said junction; therefore be it RESOLVED that this Board hereby requests the State Traffic Commis- sion to make the necessary traffic examination and cause the necessary and suitable traffic signs to be erected near said junction warning traffic of its approach to said junction. u Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr... Lampson, Air.. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none Mr. Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways, recommended that the Town acquire for use of the Highway Department a half-ton pick-up truck. Resolution No. 126_ introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is -hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published once -in the Glens Falls Times on or before the 31st day of October, 1959, a notice to read substantially as follows: Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Torn of Queens- bury will receive sealed proposals up to 7:30 p. m. on the 11th day of November, 1959 at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road in said Town, to supply the Town of Queensbury with the following equipment for use in the Highway. Departmentr 1 1/2 ton pick-up truck 6 cylinders with standard cab and standard body 3 speed transmission, Heavy duty 6 ply tires Heater and defroster; dual windshield wipers Directional signs and signals and< reflectors - Proposals should reflect a trade-in allowance for one 1951 Inter- national pick-app which may be inspected at- the storehouse, Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, New York. The Town Board reserves the right to reject-any and all bids. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town-Board will meet on the 11th day of November, 1959, at. the Clerk's office to take proper action on any and all bids received. By order of the Town, Board Frances L. . Turner -Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes w Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - - 23'7 The iponthly. statement of the Supervisor for the month of September was read and placed on file:. _. RECEIPTS Date _-6ource Amount Received Received 9 3 Highway Pr. X17" Sec. See. 74.56-State W/H 23.80-Agency-& gust 98.36 9 3 . Pine View Pr.#16-S.S. 10,44-State W/R 3.90 Agency & Trust - 14.34 9 3 . General Pr. #B-S.S.. 65.1T-State W.H 18.90 Agency-and Trust 84.07 9 3 Shore Colony Pr. #2-Soc.Sec. 1.00, Agcy & Tr. 1.00 9 George Benn:-Water rents toll. Shore Colony. 90.00 9 11 William P. Simmonds-Pershing-Ashley Sewer-Dist. 90.00 9 11 Jesse Parker '�� a ,� 90.00 9 22, , Frances Turner-Town Clerk's Fees-General 86.25 9 22 . H. Go Veeder-Water rent-Shore Colony 60.00, 9 22 N.Y. Civil Def. Comm-Matching funds-Fire Protection 453.25 9 22 West Glens Falls Fire Co.-Matching funds- . Fire Protection 2.75.62 9 22 Bay Ridge Fire Co. Matching funds-Fire • Protection 340.11 9 22 Frank Cowles-Cemetery funds-Pineview 968.75 Total receipts 12651.77 DISBURSEMENCS Amount Ftind or Account Paid September General 5717.58 Pineview 807'..55 �TQ Dist 220.46 NGFW Eat, 139.20 WGFW Dist. 105.30 WGFN Ext• 133.03 Ridge Road Water Dist. 91.30 Shore Colony Water Dist. 00 .80 Fire Protection-matching funds 1080000 Cleverdale Lights 41.08 Ft. Amherst-Garrison Lights 168.46 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist.- 12.50 Social Security 8.72 Highway 15786,59 Total Disbursements ;24380.77 .77 LeRoy J. Gordon Dated: October 5, 1959 Supervisor The Board audited claim as follows:. SCHFsDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN- COUNTY, -NEW YORK. FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1959 Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant . Nature. of Claim Claimed Allowed 323 Bullard-Glencraft Printing R.R. Dist. $ 8.00 8000 (Printing, Inc. (Water rent sheets) - 324 Sears-Roebuck Inc. Mower blades & tarp. P. V. Cem• 26.91 26.91 325 Montgomery-Ward & Co. 8/13 MC Number Machines P.V. Cem. 9.12, 9.12 326 Louis Curlew Mowing hay, Pv.. Cemetery 24.00 24.00 327 M.A. Ricketts Repairs on machinery-PV. 10.40 10.00. 328 Joe's' Sinclain Sta. Rep.tire & tuber gas-PV 21.50 21.50 329 Robert E. Engwer Parts-P'ineview Cem, 20.12 20.12 330 Norman A. Harvey Well baby clinics 160.00 160.00 331 Hoeg t s Tire Serve - Rep.tire Twn Dump tractor 7130 7.30 33Z N. Y. Telephone' Co. Phone servo Twn of Q. 15.60' 15.60 333 Mary V. Sullivan Insp. of Election 15.00 15.00 334 Lean V. SRteves Servo rend. surveying 20.25 20.25 335 Allen. F. Towers Services red. surveying 16.50 16.50 336, Mountainside Grange Cleaning Jenkins, Sunny- side,_& Scotch .Cemeteries 300.00 300.00 337' Dorrance L. Branch Cleaning Mr. Herman, WGF - & Gurney Lane Cemeteries 300.00 300.00 338 Sanford Harrington , Sery. rend.-WOWD, 2.50 2.50 339 WGF Fire Co. Inc. Flush. fire hydrants- - ` WGPVD _ 20.00 20.00 340 Bullard-Glencraft Print water rent bills *Printing WGFWD, - 12_100 12.00 341 Marie Vallee, Phar- 100 stamped'env H.C.Akins 5.00 5.00 ,Gecy. 348 'George A. Brooks ,Insulation, Town..-Garage 100.00 100,00 343 *Bullard-Glencraft Water rent sheet,NGFWD Pd. 19.95 19.95 344 Uigara-MMahawk Pvr. E.ect.Serv.Aviation Rd. 79.73 79.73 . 345 Bullard-Glencraft Water rent sheets,NGFWD Fund - 13.00 13.00 346 `Lee Lavery W stamped env.L.Lavery .23.20 23.20 347' 'G.F.- Post Co. - Notice to water users,, NGFWD & Ext. 12.60 12.60 322 'Stanton Batease Setting up & removing elect. equipment 10/3 & 10/10 1959 - 150.00 150.00 $1412.29 $1412.29 ' On motion the meeting adjourned. Cr L. Turner Town Clerk Special Meeting, November 2, 1959 Preseht : , f LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor ` Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace ` Harold Alois Justice of the Peace ' Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.,m. Resolution No. 127 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Council- man LbL raps on RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published a notice on or before .the 7th day of November, 1959 in the Glens Falls Times to read substantially as follows: Notice to Bidders The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals up to 7:30 p. m-. on the 17th day of November, 1959 at the 'Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road, in said Town, to install approximately 2650 feet of 6" cast iron water pipe with fittings in the Town of Qdeensbury is follows: , North Glens Falls Water D�strigt qn the Montray Road from the intersection thereof with the Sweet Road southerly fo-r a distance of ft;. including one gate valve and hydrant. Carleton Drive from the end of the existing main southerly to the -' Aviation Road and 'thence easterly along the Aviation Road for a dis- tance of approximately 650 ft. _ West Glens Falls 'Water District,, Ext. No., 1 on Fourth Street EXtension, beginning at the intersection tharpof with Carleton. Drive, thhnca westerly on Fourth Street to Richardson Street and thence nottherly on' Richardson Street to connect with the existing main on