1959-11-02 SP 238 335 Allen F. Towers Services red. surveying 16.50 16.50 336: Mountainside Grange Cleaning Jenkins, Sunny- side-& Scotch .Cemeteries 300.00 300.00 337' Dorrance L. Branch Cleaning Mr. Herman, WGF & Gurney Lane Cemeteries 300.00 300.00 338 Sanford Harrington , Sery. reed.=UGFWD. 2.50 2.50 339 WGF Fire Co. Inc. Flush. fire hydrants- -- ` TdGFigD _ - 20.00 20.00 340 Bullard-Glencraft Print water rent bills 'Printing WGEWD - 12_.00 12000 341 Marie Vallee, Phar- 100 stamped env H.C.Ak ns 5.00 5.00 rmacY - 343 'George A. Brooks Insulation, Town-Garage 100.00 100.00 343 'Bullard.-Glencraft -Water rent sheet,NGFWD Fd. 19.95 19,95 344 Niigara-Mohawk Pwr. E.ect.Serv.Aviation Rd. 79.73 79.73 345. 'Bullard-Glencraft Water rent sheets,NGFWD _ bind - 13.00 13.00 346 'Lee Lavery W stamped env.L.Lavery .23.20 23.20 347' 'G.F._ Post Co. _ Notice to water users,, NGFWD & Ext. 12.60 12.60 322 'Stanton Bjtease Seting up & removing elect. equipment 10/3 & 10/'10 1959 - 5..50.00 150.00 $1412.29 $1412.29 On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Special Meeting; November 2, 1959 Preseht: ' ' LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace - Curtis Lampson Councilman ` Stanley-B. Miller Councilmen The Board convened at 7:30 p..m. Resolution No. 127 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Council- man L6m pson: RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published a notice on or before the 7th day of November, 1959 in the Glens Falls Times to read substantially as follows: Notice to Bidders The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals up to 7:30 p. m. on the 17th day of November,• 1959 at the 'Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road, in said Town, to install approximately 2650 feet of 6" cast iron water pipe with fittings in the Town of Qdeensbury- is follows,- * . North Glens Fall's Water District qn the -Montray Road from the iritersectiori thereof with the Sweet Road southerly for a distance of OW ft.. including one gate valve ,and hydrant. ` Carleton Drive from the end of the existing main southerly to the Aviation Road and thence easterly along the Aviation Road for dis- tance of approximately 650 ft. _ West Glens Falls Water District,. Ext. No., 1 on Fourth- Street Extension, beginning at the intersection thereof with -Carleton. Drive, thence westel-ly on Fourth Street to 4chardson Street and. thence so4erly on' Richardson Street to connect with the existing main on 239 Richardson Street for a distance of 900 ft. On Fifth Street at its Junction thereof with Richardson Street easterly for a distance of 3 00 ft. One hydrant is to be installed on Fourth Street. _ Distances are- approximate. and proposals should be submitted on per-ft. basis to include excavating to a depth of not less than 5J- ft., placing, installing the pipe and fittings , hydrants , strapping of joints, and backfilling. gate valves and Installation to include connecting with existing mains The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. Dated: November 2, 1959 By order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner Town Clerk FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board will meet at 7:30 p. m. on the 17th day of November, 1959, to take ppV"Pr&ftt*oftCtk=nqnaWye,1.1 Proposals received. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mt. Akins., Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none Respeeting the employment of additional clerks at District 3, the' following recommendations were received,-, _ , _ To the Town Board November 2, 1959 Town of . Queensbury, N. Y. We, ;the Democratic committeemen of District #3, Queensbury, N. Y., recommend. Mrs . _Borothy Barker, to act as clerk at the general election November , 1959. Signed Rose B. Stott t.Katherine Kane November 2, 1959 To the Town Board Town of Queensbury, N. Y. We the Republican committeemen of District 3 in the .Town of Queensbury do hereby recommend the appointment of Elizabeth Miller for Clerk in Election District #3. Signed Theodore Turner Lee Lavery Resolution No_ 128 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson: - WHEREAS it is deemed necessary for the proper conduct of the general election to be held November 3. 1959 in E.D. 3 and 4 of the Town of Queensbury to have two clerks in each of said districts , RESOLVED that in each of the..aforeGsaid districts the following be and are hereby appointed to act as-clerks therein: i L Republican Democrat E. D. 3 Elizabeth Miller Dorothy Barker E. D. 4 Lydia Phillips Alice M.. Hermance UESOLVED that the compensation for each of the aforesaid clerks be and ,the- same is hereby fixed at $15.00: for their services at the general election to be held November 3, 1959. 24! Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson.., Mr., Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none, Mr. Miller and the members of the Board discussed further the con- ditions existing in the Reservoir Park Sewer District. On motion the meeting adjourned. anc es r Town Clerk Public Hearing November 5, 1959 Present., LeRoy J. Gordon. Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold. Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p. m.- - Proof of publication. of the notice of Public Hearing upon the pre- liminary budget far. the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1, 1960 was filed. The Town Board proceeded to examine and discuss items of the preliminary budget. Resolution No. 129 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council- man Miller: WHEREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified it the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon;. now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that such preliminary budget be and the same is hereby adopted as--amended and corrected herein as the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1960, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Board. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town. Clerk shall prepare certified, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board and deliver one copy thereof to, the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Supervisor of the County of Warren. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - ANNUAL BUDGET of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1960 General Fund - Appropriations General Government Tom Board Towna. Hall ar}d Offices Rentals (board room, offices , elections , etc. $ 400.00 Compensation of employees 1000, 00 Purchase of furniture and ,equipment 500.00