1959-11-18 SP 255
Town Board of Queensbury
C/o Town Clerk!s Office
Ridge Road _
Glens Falls, New York `
Dear Sir.-
I am now submitting this letter of protest on a bid for a new
pickup truck for the. Town of Queensbury Highway Department which was
opened on Wednesday night November 11,, 1959.
We were low bidder for said truck and we complied with all speci-
ficatigns.. The Town Board took it upon themselves to accept a 1959
truck (ours was a 1960) from a bidder who does nbt even pay taxes to
the Town of Queensbury.,such as we do.
Sincerely, _
Jack Carmody
cc : State Audit & Control Sales Manager
Albany, N. Y.
The following communication was read to the Board:.
Glens Falls , New York -
11, November, 1959
Mr. LeRoy Gordon, Supervisor
14 Faster Ave.
Glens Falls , N. Y.
Dear Roy
In answer to your letter of 30 October 1959 , requesting informa-
tian on the number Traffic Signal Light Bulbs,, on hand at this department,
The Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. has five (5) bulbs on hand.
We would like to have a dozen more .of these buls.
Yours truly,
G. Powel South
No motion the meeting adjourned.
;2nr/9 Zrin:e;
Town Clerk
SPECIAL MEETING November 18, 1959
LeRoy J. Gordon - Supervisor
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
Absent :.
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
The Board convened at 7:30 p. m.
Also present, Mr. Codner,
Resolution No. 13,77 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lanpson:
WHEREAS the Board did on the 17th day of November by resolution
authorize the Supervisor to negotiate a contract with John. Rubricky for
the laying of a 6"". cast iron water pipe as specified in a Notice to
Bidders published-in the. Glens Falls Times November 7, 1959,
RESOLVED that Resolution No. 136 adopted on November 17,1959, be
and the same is hereby rescinded.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Lampson,. Mr. Miller, and Mr.. Gordon
Noes - none
Resolution No. 138 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson:
RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby
authorized_ and directed to install approximately 650 ft. of 60� cast
iron pipe in Carleton Drive and. Aviation Road,,, and approximately 1300
ft. of 6" cast iron pipe on Fourth Street Extension, and approximately
8.00 ft. 60 cast iron pipe on Montray Road with the necessary fire hy-
drants,, gate valves., tees and plugs.
Duly adopted by the: following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Miller, andMr. Gordon
Noes - none
Resolution No. 139 introduced by Councilman Miller, .seponded by Coun-
cilman Lampson.-
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to purchase
a 120 lb. cylinder L. P. gas with lead pot and necessary burning attach-
ments for use irl the ,Tor.%,n Water Districts.
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes - Mr., Lampson, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gordon
Noes - none-
Mr. Codnerl. Superintendent of Highways, was also present and discussed
with the Board the propriety of having installed a telephone on a part-
time basis at the Fisher Sand Bed, No objections were made to this
On motion the ng adjourned
Town Clerk
REGULAR MEETING November 28, 1959
LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson' Councilman
Stanley- B. Miller Councilman
The Board convened at 7:30 p. m.
Also present-,, John Webster., Supervisor elect,
Leslie Hillis,, Fire Coordinator of the County of Wax!ren and multiple
dwelling inspector of the Town of Queensbury, was also present.
The following letter was read to the Board:
Dear Supervisor,-, Noyember 2)ad,, 1959
You will find enclosed a vbucher for your Town's dues for the year
1960* Your membership in this Association not only secures for your town
officials the many services we supply to our members, but also lends
effective support to this Association' s program to advance the interests
of town government generally in New York State,