1959-12-30 270 454 Thomas A. Nobles Men & Backhoe 57 hrs. Avia.. Contractor. , tion..Rdg--, NGFWD 370.50 370.50 455 City G.F. ;dater Fd. Repair leake�.aoint �2° Main be- low lower Junction-NGM Ext. 29.40 29.40 456 City G.F. eater Fd. Misc Fourth & Caroling..St. 45 7 Git G. ^ WGFWD Wit' 185.88 •185.88 y F. Water Fd. Msc.r4 :attach�Statement-NGFWD 225.21 225.21 -458 ldater_•Worka Supply Lea,dite & Calkigg plugs Corp• .- k"dater Fund) 69.90 69.90 - $4099.85 $4099.85 _ I At this point in the meeting, Mr. Gordon, who has been Supervisor for the past year, expressed his appreciation to the members of the Board for _J their cooperation- and stated that he had enjoyed working with each of them,. and 'felt that during this .,short time in office , he had conducted the office in an efficient manner. Justice Akins in response• stated that he felt that Mr. Gordon had grasped the duties of the office in a remarkably capable manner, considering the short period' of time in office. On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Tur . ne r Town Clerk = Regular Meeting= - December 30, 1959 Pre sent w • LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor = Meredith Bentley - Justice of the Peace - Harold Akins Justice of the Peace = Curtis Lammpson Councilman Stanley- B. Miller' Conn.ciman The Board convened at 7.30 p.m.• - Received from Justice Bentley his report of cases and disbursements for - the year 1959. John 0. Webster, Supervisor elect,, entered the meeting-during the exam- - ination of the records. The various Town officers submitted books , documents, vouchers pertaining = to their offices to the Board for examination. -The Board proceeded to examine the records.-- Resolution No. 151 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded-by Councilman _MP son: 19HEREAS the Supervisor,, Justice of the Peace aadtTewn Clerk have presented to the Town Board doekets, ' cancelled checks, books,: vouchers, •minute book and other records for examination and audit by the Board, • � t.. t = RySOLVE'D that after such examination-of such dockets , books , vouchers checks and-minute book so presented-the Board. finds that such dockets and records have been carefully kept and that all moneys coming into the hands . of the several officers-of the Town have been properly accounted for and paid out according to law.. 271 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampscn, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none. It was decided that the Board would meet for organization purposes at 10 a.m.. January l,. 1960 at the Town. Clerk' s Office. On motion the meeting adjourned . ( �v ' _r' ce L. � rner ` Toym Clerk ( 1 • ( - Organization Meeting January 1, 1960 - Present: John O. Webster Supervisor Eleot Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 10 a.m.. The qu'ution arose as to, i�rhather the Supervisor elect was qualified at the .pressent tige to act as a member of the Board,, and alsa as to Mr. Bentley, Justice of the Peace since the amount of the bonds 'of the Su e.rviysor had not `been fixed or approved. by the Board. Mr. Webster felt that he was not qualified until such time as his bond was approved and filed with the County Clerk,; to take any part in the proceedings. The question of Mr. Bentley being qualified to act was discussed- and the Board proceeded to organize.. Resolution No. 1 introduced by Justice Alldns, seconded by Councilman Lampson: - RESOLVED that N.V. Miller act as chairman of this meeting.- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson Noes - none - ( w Mr. Bentley in answer to the roll call replied "Present." C1a3�ence smith, N.B. `Wood, and Allison Ellsworth w @re present and discus- sed with the Board the appointment of a dog patrol officer in order to more adequately enforce the dog quarantine in the Town of Queensbury. It was suggested that possibly this was a County matter inasmuch aw the quarantine was .a County proposition. Supervisor elect John Webster stated that he would endeavor to set up a meeting between the representatives of the Conservation Department, Sheriff's Department and the Dunham' s Bay Fish and. Game Club.