1960-01-01 ORG 271
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon
Noes - none..
It was decided that the Board would, meet for organization purposes
at 10 a.m.. January l,. 1960 at the Town- Clerk' s Office.
On motion the meeting ad.journed .
r` c e s L. me r
Torn Clerk
y t
Organization Meeting January l,. 1960 -
John O. Webster Supervisor Eledt
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley- B. Miller Councilman
The Board convened at 10 a.m..
The que-ption arose as tq whether the Supervisor elect was qualified at
the .present tinge tc act as a member of the Board,, and also. as to Mr.
Bent _ey, Justicpe of the Peace since the amount of the bonds 'of the
Su exvi�;or had }got `been fixed or approved by the Board. Mr.. Webster
felt that he was not qualified until such time as his bond, was approved
and filed with the County Clerk,; to take any part in the proceedings.
The question of NIr. Bentley being qualified to act was discussed and
the Board proceeded to organize..
Resolution No. 1 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that M,.r. Miller act as chairman of this meeting.-
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -► Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller, Mr. Lamp s on
Noes - none -
w Mr. Bentley in answer to the roll call replied "Present."
Clarence tmith, N.B. 400d, and Allison Ellsworth wore present and discus-
sed with the Board the appointment of a dog patrol officer in order to
�! more adequately enforce the dog quarantine in the Town of Queensburyr
It was suggested that possibly this was a County matter inasmuch ae the
quarantine was .a County proposition.
Supervisor elect John Webster stated that he would endeavor to set up a
meeting between the representatives of the Conservation Department,
Sheriff's Department and the Dunham' s Bay Fish and Game Club.
In order that the various officers may qualify for their new terms of
office, the following actions were taken by the Board :.
Resolution No. 2 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
IT :JAS R3SOLVBD that the amounts of the undertakings of the fol-
lowing. of�CiCeJZs_be -fixed in the amounts set forth opposite the title
of their respective offices :
Supervisor $20,000.00
Town Clerk 11000.00
Justice of the Peace 4,000.00
Collector 10,000.00
Town Superintendent of Highways 41000.00
'Caretaker Pineview Cemetery 4 000.00
Collector,_West Glens Falls Water
District 4,000.00
Collector,, North Glens Falls Water
District 49,000.00
Collector,. Ridge Road Water District 4,000.00
Constables 4,000.00
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins
Noes - none _
- Mr. Bentley did not answer to the roll call.
Resolution No. 3 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the following undertakings of the following officers
are hereby- approved as to form, amount,, sufficiency of surety and manner
of execution:
Principal Surety Amount Number
John 0. Webster Glens Falls Insurance Co. $200000.00 80-74»64
Meredith S. Bentley , " " It 0 . 4,000600 79-67-81
Forrest Crannell '! u �; !,� 103,000.00 80--74-40
Frances Turner Fidelity and Deposit Co. 11,000.00 72-69-839A
FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of this Board sign a certificate
on each of the aforesaid instruments indicating the approval as afore-
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Miller
Noes - none-
-.Mr. Bentley did not act on the roll call.
The members of the Board signed a certificate to that effect on each of
the foregoing mentioned instruments.
The Board generally discussed a date upon which a meeting would-be held
for which all the officers could be qualified to act. After discussion,
the Board decided to meet at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 4, 1960, at
the Clerk's Office, and it was moved that this meetingtbe adjourned to
such time-and place.
Town Clerk