1958-01-01 ORG 382;
M!r. Bentley submitted a repert of fees 'and,fines remitted to the` State
Comptroller for the year 1957. The same was received .and placed on
Report of Fees and Fines for -
year of 1957 - j
Remitted to State Comb troller •
Jan. $343*00. r July SW0,00
Feb. .111..50 , Aug. 192.50
` March 243000 Sept. 201.50
` April. 277.0); Oct. 237650
Ifty 191.00 101V O 53.600
,Tune 270.00. TOTAL ,,3702.50
To be 'remitted before Jan. 10, -19,58 . •. x.4.50 i
t Fines imposed and Defendant committed for failure to
pay 5340*00. -
ls/ Meredith S. Bentley
Justice of the Peace
Dated:; Dec. 31, 1957 -On motion the meeting ad-
ce�_ Ifla
Teton Clerk
1 9 5 8
organization Meeting January 1,. 196a
H. Russell Harris aipervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace 1
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councibman 1
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman.
The Bow)d convened at 9 WO a.m.
Resolution Ito. 1 introduced by Justice Akins seconded. by Councilman
Lampsc� :
It was resolved that the regular meeti.rig of the Texan Board. of
the Town of Quegnsbury :shall be. bbld on the fourth Saturday- of each
month hereafter at 7::30. p x. at the Clerkt s _offive 'in the year 1958.
Duly adopted .by the following vote: ,
Ayes ► Mr.: Miller, Mr. Be ntley= Mr. Lampson, Mr. Wns and Mr. Harris
Hoes - none -
sol ation No. 2 intr9duced by Justice Bentley seconded. by Copncilman
It Was resolved that_ th4p Glans Falls National. Bank and: Trust
r� I
Company -be and is hereby designated depository for town abneys for
the year 1958.. y
Duly adapted by the following vote
Ayes Mr. biller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Wr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution No. 3 introduced by Councilman Lampson seconded by Justice
It was resolved that the Glens Falls Times be and is hereby desig-
nated as the official newspaper-for publishing legal notices of the
Town of Queensbury.
Duly adapted by the following vote
Ayes, Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following applications for constable were received::
59 Main Street
Glens Falls 40, N.Y
Town Board
Town of Queensbury,
New York:
' I would appreciate very much if you would accept
this letter as my application for appointment as con ..
stable of the Town of Queensbury for the year of Our
Lord 1958.
/s,/ Forrest R. Lilly
► - M F «► 4► 4► w w F1► �► r_.r r �_ M. M
1. It is herein requested that the writer be appointed by
said TC N BOARD to the position of CONSTABLZ whose I
duties`will be-eaercfaed within the Town limits sub-
ject to the regulations of said BOARD and the duly
elected Justices of Peace:.. -
2. The writer has•been both a summer resident and permanent
mxUsnt in the Tim for a period of 31 years and is per
sonilly acquainted with numerous residents, birth an Lake
George property and throughout all sections of the Town.
3. As a resident in this Tam, I have offered my services to
help bettet the County- conditions and feel, were this
appointment made, I could do much to reduce abuses of
Town property such.'as littering, destruction of signs and
virolatioms of Town ordinances, etc.
4. It is evident that the Town has grown rapidly and request-
ing county or state police aid especially durir4r the
sir months, except in extreme cases, is almost out of
the' question, as they are exceedingly-busty during these
periods ga#,troling and enforcing the law in heavily pep►
ulated and traveled sections..
Your consideration of this appointment will be appreciated.
Respectfully submitted;
/s/ John d, Beals
Star R6ute
Glens Yal.ls,N.Y«
Dec. 10, 1957
Town Beard
Town of Queensburyy,
Mr. Chairman
Dear Sir::
Herewith is my bond for 1958 with my application for
appointment as constable for the Town of Queensbury..
Sincerely yours,
la/ Ralph F Hill
glans Falls, N.Y. j
November 14, 1957
Town Board
Town of Queensbury .
Gentlemen::. `
T ,Woul'd appreciate very much if you would consider
this letter as my application for the reappointmeAt as con-
stable for the Town of Queensbury for the year 1958. �
Very truly yours,
/s/ Ray'mond J IToague
Glens halls, N.Y..
Dec. 26, 3LS57
To the Team
I wish to thank you all for your past e.ourtesies and
would appreciate the appointment main for the coming year.
/s/ Bernard Codner
Resolution s introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
- psons:
RESOLVED that Raymond Hoague and Ralph dill be appointed consta-
bles to serve-at the ,pleasdre of the Board,
Illy adopted by the fallowing vote,:
Ayes - Mr. Miller. , Ur, .Illentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
- Noe s - none _
Bea olut gn. Ngt '8 introduced by Supervisor Harris seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Bernard. Codner be and is hereby appointed constable
to serve- at the: pleasure of the Board.
i -
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Millar, Mr. Akins, Mr. Harris
Does .. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson
Resolution No introduced by Justice Akins seconded by Justice
` Bent ey
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorised to cast
the vote for the Tam a _-laee�n burry at the anm al meeting of the Asso.-
ciation of Towns of the State of New York to be held in New York City
- fermi the year of 1958, and in his absence Curtis Lempson is auttroriaed
C to cast such vote: _
Doly adopted by the following voter
Ayes -- Mr. Miller, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lempson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
No" - none
The following application was received-,:
t 33 Main Street
t _ West Glens Falls, N.Y.
December S.?, 195'
Tom Bard
Town at Queensbury
tr2AMM accept this letter as my application for the ap-
rAntment of "Collector of Water Rents", for the following
water districts in the Town 'of Qieensbury for the year of
Hest Oilers Falls Water District #1 _
Fifth Street Extension Water District.
r Respectfully yours,
/s/ Ilarl.E. Jones
Aasolu&jon la,7 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice
It tvaa swse lvod that the following be and are hereby appointed
collectors and caretakers for the hater Districts as follows::
Loe _.Lavery North Glens Falls Water District and
- - � its Extensions
,Burl- Jones Wbst Edens Falls Water District and
its Extensions
Theodore Tamer •► Ridge Road Water District.
Such collectors °mod daretaskers shall serve at the pleasure of this
Farther resolved that the congmsation of Lee Lavery for his
services as a4lector for the North Glens Falls dater District be and
j tha saner is y fixsA at #600*00, annually for services to the
North Glens ' ' ester 'Diatrsct and: $600000 annually- for services
in any and all extensions thereof, each payable in equal monthly in..
Parthet ms0rod that the comsensation of Earl Jones for serv.
ices In the'Vest Gifts Phns, Water District and its extension be and
fis heraloy fI ,;at *00 wally-payable in equal momthly install-
�.1 ments. 4 t
'' . t
Duly adopted by the following vente t:
Ayes -• 1 .. hvr Mr Bentley,. `Mr Lampsan, Mr. AIkIns and Me. Harris
Noes - none _
Resolution No, a introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman.
. i I
It was resolved that the office of Town 'Seriice Officer be dis -
continued in the Town. of Queensbury. w
Duly adopted by the following voter.
Ayes - Mr... Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and--Mr. Harris
Noes -- none t
&_salutian No. 9 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
It was resolved that the amounts of the undertakings of the Super-
visors .Town Clem, Collector, Justices of the peace , Torn 8uperintendent
of Highways, and Caretaker of Pineview Cemetery be and the-same are here-
by fixed as follows::
Supervisor -► General Town $109000'.00 j
Oipervisorr •- Highway .101,000.0€L
Town Clerk 1,00R.0E3
Justices of the Peace 11,000*0a
Collector 169'OW*0G'
Town Superintendent of Highways 49000.00
Caretaker - Pilneview Cemetery 40000.00:
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Aki and Mr, Harris
Noes - none
The members of the Town Board approved the following special bonds and
signed a certificate to that effect on each of such bonds::
Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of F ighways s,
Band No. 76.-02-47,. Surety Gleam
Falls Insurance Company,
amount. $4'V000,00
Harold Akins, Justice of the Peace, {
Bond No, 7*-02•430 Surety Glens
Fa .s Insurance Company,
amou ntt. $4,000.00
John 0. Webster ,Co lector
Bond Ne, m75-46-•15 Surety, Glens
Falls Insurance Company,
amount-$1.0,000.00 i
Resolution N o. introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the following Town Officers be and are hereby auth-
ariseei to attend the annua;il meeting of they Association of Towns of the
State of New Y'a-rk to be held for the year 1958 in New York. City::
Supervisor, Justices of the Peace; Councilman, ,
Superintendent of Highways , Assessors, Collector,
Town Clerk and Constables
] iUrther resolved that the actual and necessary expenses qf any
Tomn 0€ficers attending such meeting b`e and the same are a Town charge.
Duly adopted by the following voter.
Ayes - Mr. Miller, ,Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none.,
Resolution. No. 11 .introduced by Councilman Lampson seconded by Justice
gent ey:
RESOLVED that Ernest Hillis be and is hereby appointed chairman
of the Board of Assessors for the year 1958.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none -
Resolution No. 1Z introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Laurence Pegs be and is hereby appointed Dog War.
den to serve at the pleasure of this Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote-, .
Ayes -► Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes = none
The following application was received.: .
Glens-Falls-, -N.Y.
December 31, 1957
Queensbury Town Board -
Dear Sirs:.
.1 hereby apply for the= position of Building In-
spectoor in the Tern of Queenabury.
I feel that I am qualified to do the job properly
and theroughly and,. if I receive, the appointment, will,
do my best to perform the duties of the office.
Thanking you for your courtesy.
Respectfully yours,
Is/ Douglas Webster
Resolution No.No. 13 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that W. Douglas Webster be and is hereby appointed
Building Inspector to serve at the. pleasure of this Board.
Duly adopted by the follcwimg vote*-
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none -
Resolution No. 14 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
SOLVED that John Van Dusen be retained as Tcwn Surveyor and
that the Supervisor,be and is -hereby authorized to. renew and execute
a contract with Mr. Van Dusen under the same conditions and terms
which were in effect for-the year 1956.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr-. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
The following recommendation was presented by Mr. lackey to the Board:
Jar:. 19 1958-
Recommendation for Queensbury Town. Board
I wish to recommend an increase of fifteen cents per hour
for all employees of the Queensbury Highway Department.
Laborers from $1.25 to $1 .40
Motorized equipment pperators. $ .35 to $1.50 -
Shovel and grader operators $1,50 to $1.65 -
h !sl Ernest B. Lackey
Supt., ,
The following recommendation was also presented by Mr. Van Dusan:
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls, N.:Y.
January 1, 1955
To the Queensbury Town Board:
The Cemetery Commission of the Town of Queensbury
recommends that the salary of Franklin Scoville, caretaker
of Fineview Cemetery, be increased $20000 and '-further
that the hourly rate for labor of cemetery employees be
increased 10 cents per hour.
;l.sl, Sidney Van Dusan . -
Resolution No. 15 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice
It was RESOLVED that ,the hourly rates of pay for Town employees
be and .are bereby. fixed as follows :
Shovel operators $1.65 per hour
Grader operators $1.65 per ,hour
Motorized equipment operators
- $1.50 per hour
Laborers $1040 per hour.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson,, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none _
The following notice of appointment of Deputy Town Clerk was presented
to the Poard.- _
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Pursuant to Subd. 10 of Sec. 30, of the
Town Law, I hereby appoint George H. Turner,
Deputy Town Clerk, and: Theodore Turner Deputy
Town Clerk.
Very truly yours
lsl Frances L. Turner
-Town Clark.
Resolution Nom introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council
WHEREAS, due to the increase of business being conducted in the
Town Clerks . office, it is deemed advisable to employ a paid deputy, �
RESOLVED that the compensation of George H. Turner, Deputy Town
Clerk, be and-the same is hereby fixed at $400.00 for the year 1958,
payable as follows
- t *33 for 11 months� and
FW.37` fior- one month.
ETHER RESOLVED that the Deputy Town. Clarks appointed by the
Town Clerk. shall,_have-thee power to pe rf orm all of the duties of the
Tvom. Clerk.-
Duly adopted by the following vote*r
Ayes Mr, Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson., Mr. W s and Mr. Harris
Noss - none
Res al .en Ito. 17 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
Akins• .
RZOOLVED that prances L. Turner be and is hereby appointed
Registrar ,of Vital Statistics for a term ending December 31, 1959,
Duly adopted by the following vote: _
Ayes - Mr. Miller,, Me. ,Bentley, Mi. Lamps on, W. Ald and Mr. Harris
Noes - non
The following application fpr the position of caretaker of the Tern
dump was received
I hereby maw application for caretaker
of the Town of Queensbury dump #1 for the year
very truly yours$,
fa/ Eugene Johnson
off,.is 18 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council-
RLV3D that Eugene Johnson be and is hereby aa: pointed care-
taker of,the Toren dump to serve at the pleasure of this B&rd.
Further Resolved that be and is hereby fixed as the sal-
ary for such caretaker for the year P51,, payjablei in equal amthly
ins tallment s.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Miller. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Laampson, Mr. Aki and Mr. Harris
Noes - now
Reses4U n N* *, introduced by Stipervisor Harris,, seconded by Just-
i-e s ftt I e «.
WHEREAS Atthur Hillis has retired- frbm the office of collector
of the -TOVIi-4t Quewi4ftry after many years of faithful and loyal..ser-
-viee to tbs� peogle and to the: Teen of Queensbury,
QR$, B �T RESOLVED X that the Town. Board of the Town of
.Queenz • . . daers h W , y extend to *Art"; sincere thanks for a job
.vell done and ourlhaqw that he will have heaa3-th and prosperity for
<many years.=to coati.,
•pL. RWOMB that the Team Clerk be and is hereby authorised
and dieted .to forwavd a copy of .mss resolution to Mr.. Hillis.
•Duly adopted by. the following vote-«.
•Ayes -- Mr. NVaer, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampsoan, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
Resolution No. 24 introduccedtby Councilman Laapson, seconded by Just-
lee en Y. «
WHEREAS Fred Ricketts has retired from the office of assessor j
of the _Town of-Queensbury after many years of continued faithful and
loyal. service, j
THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of
Qgeensbury does hereby extend-to '"Fred"° its sincere thanks for a job
V411 done and its hopes =that he shall have health,and prosperity for
many years to come.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Ricketts..
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution No. 21 introduced by Supervisor Haarris q seconded by Justice
WHEREAS the office of Service Officer of the Town of Queensbury
has been discontimed as of },December 31,, 1937, and
WHEREAS Ahm McCaghey has served in such office for a period of
20 years and:_has faithfully and loyally performed and discharged the
duties 'thereaf g,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town. Board of the Town of Queens-
bury hereby-expresses its appreciation to Mrs-. McCaghey for her loyal
and faithful service to the Town and public as such .Service Officer,
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tovin Clerk be and is hereby authorized i
and directed to forward a copy of the foregoing resolution to Mrs.
Duly adopted by the following voter.
Ayes Mr. Millen, Mr. Bentley, 1r. Lampsori, Mr. Jadns and Mr. Harris
Noes •- none
Ra olut .on No_. 22 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded. by Council
man- mpson:: -
RESOLVED that the salary of each Town officer as set forth in
the following -seheduler- be and are hereby fixed at the amounts and pays-
able- at the times here n spec fied:
Of CI Rate mtb_ly_
H, Russell. Harris Supervisor 40000: 11- nos« $333,33
Prances Turner Town Clerk 31, 11 nos. '31G.GG
3L » 31G,74
Aeredith Bentley Justice of Peace 3:0= 12 nes. #M.00
Harald -des justice .of Peace ,, 1:1 nova 83-,33
« 1 me*, 13037
Wrtis Lampsoir, Councilman 10200 12, mos, $x`100,00
ey-; r Councilman � mc�r, X00.00
] oat a Cbai:rm , Board of
Assessors 3,100 11.. moss 1G,GG
IL; >r S.74
AtIph, M._Nettle Assessor 1 I'm 11 nos, #141..66
Jobn Webster Collector 2,0600 11 sue. #*66
I mo. .216.74
Stephen Duell Assessor 1,200 12 nos.. 100.00
George Turner Depty.Twn.Clk. 4001 11 mos. 53..33
1 mo. 33.37
Ernest Lackey- Town Superintendent ' $5,100 12, mos, $425.0
Franklin Scoville Caret r,Pineview
Cemetery 3,300 12, mos. $27540
Bernard. Sillinger,MDZHe4lth Officer 1.750 11 mos. $145.83
I no., .146.&,t'
Douglas Webster �Building�Inspector ' 3W 1.2 mos. $ 26.00,
Lawrence Powers Dog Warden ' 550 11 mQS. $ 45.8'
1 me,. 45.57
tR�y Jwag Qemstable 25Z 12 mos. $ 21.OQ
Ral]jh RH Constable 25Z 12, mos. $ 21.0
. B r t Constable 25P., 12 mos. $ 21.Oa
FURIH M EUMMM ttmt the above compensation fixed for constables
is far -c3riminal ,matters and that the constables shall retain and are en.-
titled to retaim aivil fees..
Duly adapted by the following votev
Ayes Mr.. Mller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson:, Mr. Ald and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Mr. Harris oxvIly- reported that he had received a teleph.o4e call front.
William To, Clark:, ChTairmen of the Assessment Gcum ttee..Mr. Harris
stated that Mr.> 'Clark recommends that something be done in the case of
Stephen Dwell at` aesesser., Mr. Harris also stated that Mr. Clark said
that thar committee falt that Mr. Ewell should perform more services as
assessor or have his salary reduced, comparable to the services per -►
formed by him.
The fallowing comwmication was ream• to the Board t
Glens.Falls, N'.M-:..
December, 319, 195 '
Queensbury Tom Board
Tema. "Ott 4neensbury
VarxIA: Cpunty, Now York
Gen' r
mr- mryace].f,, having been residents and taxpayers
irk at queensbury for many years and bath being
l end insurance agents and brokers, feel, that inas--
ob, as,. we have net as yet shared in the Town insurance
tftt we should be considered in this eapacity
for the coaling year.
'( , bra very nappy to as a survey of the entire
eta a aid make recommendations to you ac
ccr 'eat would be happy to participate in a portion
Your area do n would be very greatly appreciated..
Edward Blinn
The a ap Bated the f .ewiarg-standing committees for Vie
C ntley .» Laetpson «► Mfller
' e Akins w Miller
Lampson on Bentley
M� a Lampson
� �,w�- �' itki +•. tiey «► Lamps c>n.
ler Lampson
M fps
�.�er x'18«.. ■► On
r �
SPEED Messrs. Bentley - Le peen Akiw
�C�rHTING a` AkInt3 •• Lampson .► :Bentley
r #; Lampson. •• Kner �► Bentley
. Lampsoa DtAINAGE ins
IkSURANCT "'' Miller - Bentley` -► €ns
BUILDING ,_ . Town Board
WkTES. Town Board
' The t J # t a pVAWJ s1�958
On t tM&1N. Wft adjou=edo
m Cler
Trines •
-Town Clark.
Special Meeting January ,11V 1954
Present.. ,
• H:.•Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley justice of,the Peace
• Curtis Lamps on ,Gounci l.man.
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
Harold .Akins Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 p.gt..
The following bonds were approved ::
ame and Officer, Gcsm amount
Francess. Urner, Fid ty and
j - Town. Clerk 9eexkt celppak$ Co. $111000
Raymond Hoadle Glens Falls Casualty
Constable Company 1-2,000
Ralph Hill Glens Falls Casualty
Constable Company 11,000
Bernard Codner U.S. Casualty Company I oOOO
The members of the Town Board pre=sent- signed a certificate approving
each- of the aforesaid bonds..
Res lotion NO'S 23 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun-
eilmman Lampson: ,
SOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby directed to
cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on the 14th day
of January, 195&9, a notice in substantially, the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of
QueensbuI NWY,, willL receive sealed proposals to supply the
Town of with the f ollowi ng equipment
2; 3 000 gal* gasoline tanks
2 electric~ gasoline pumps completely equipped
for servicing of automotive equipment.
Prie�es on each .of-the foregoing shall be stated separetly
anal-f.o.b. storehouse, Tam of oueensbury„ N.Y.
Such proposals will be received by the Town Board of the 'said
Town up to. 7:30 p c... at the Town Clark's Office, Ridge Road
in said Town on the 25th day• of Jarmary, 1958. The said .Town
Board reserved the right to reject any part of or all of any
proposals received,.
Dated January 110 1958, By Girder of the Town. Board
Frances L. Turner, Town