1958-03-13 SP 405 We— r Bch 13, 19" call" pursuant to the notice: x, t c February 273, 1958 Dear Board M+embir At the uoquest of our Comwitteo on Zoning for the Tana of s . . . a joint~ meetinLg of the Town Board and the Town of ljtminsbwry.Zoe gemmittes will .be held at 7:30 0 clock.,. - Thur v Mergh 13ift at the Tara Clark's office an Rude Road. This t 143.1 be in the form of an Saecutive Session with the Tom gom and the Committee taking part. I yei 411 be present to give careful. consideration to t �, and it appreciation of the treaoas aarosnnt of tip a form, vhi ch this Committee and its individual members has given to this civic problem Sincerely, ,/a/ Hasse. H. Hasson Hams Prot R. Hasson H*rzi x 91pervis" mares th sentloy Justice of th6 Peace 1s1*1d lea Justice of the Peat** Cute s Lempson COMMeilwa _804"_B, Huller Councilman artbur Fz*il re, ''chairman of the Zoning Committee, presented the following reps"t Gentlemen A* a part Of thi:.a` report of the 'tom of gaeensbury Toning Commission„ we present Dates or r 01ar meetings ; ' �at►os of trotting candttee meetings Rtes of "group talk" meetings Imsorii.atance aoies ash co .eaa is asn& booklets on aomi.ng correspondence and nemorand& ,Iwtoaa�me record ►� a rato� of our operations sat the mmning. Start t t „ jo -we have held .17 reg r meetings, ni "Mitt „ and 11 group talk meetings. There are mi� es for all ear work, havaUd the counsel of the Bureau. of Man- ning Dom t of Conwreo,, State of Now York. They hags review", and �i a aged ear proposed ordinance, 90heinle; and map*. s of fur, tam w tk 11 different groups of odtisons throagh out the , wog bell4io that tU n4jority are In PaVor of Vmd bC. Comments and qpegtiogg Vaisod by people at these talks have 'been considered and acted up by the Commission, with one exception, which k#S to to with USA", Coos atwdon recommends that sack Board be GIAW a i�u i rather `tea sited: A 406 The C mission has completed and presents this zoning ordinance *acorc �o Section_ 2GG, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Baas. We plan-to hold two pablie hearings, at least two weeks apart following ten days notice of the time and place of the hearing. Foliew- nd the holding of these two public hearings, the Cemaissssion will went a supplementary report to the Town Board. t�ttSENS�3TIHY ZONING cammiSsim Signed Arthur preeloxe, 1 .Chiii.l�usr i Warren Z. Rea llaxd Walter B. Baler � Chauncey DL Die 800 40 �raint ' Fhuals` S. Bubts jas. Yo Re;aa RO3« Bar l*tt Fftuci.s H. jobasex, Dated.- Marsh 13, I956 - The following ambers of the Zoning Comai.ttee were present:: Ar tbur Y. Freel?a" Warren louill and joseeph Reagan Chauncey Fri, Di* Walter 1.. -Ukar , R.d`. BartTttt Frimeais H. Jobnsom Arthur p'reelesoe:, chairman of the Zoning Canni.ttee, discussed-with the Board some of the phases of the proposed zoning ordinance, The Board asked numerwas qtLections of Mr. Freelerve,resp+eeting the "me and in general cowered some of then` aspects of the prepossed zoning. Nr. Millar amd W. Harris stated that in their opinion, the, Zodug Cosaission had done. an excellent piece of work in the prey en of the proposed zoning ordinances. Mr. Harris,, express2y for,hinself sei the members of the .Town. Bow, thanked each and evevy meatier of the Zoning Comittee far their efforts and the pmparation of their work respecting the proposed zoning of the Town of Qpeawburyw In eannectioxwLth the- licensing of JunYyards, they Board generally dis- ` cussed: the matter. ..Ne_, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Cetgs ei.lman Bson` It was RESOLVED that the 9apesrviser be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printed: lCA ­1 catlow in blank to thr Town Beard of the Teen of Qaeensbnry for sTanlotA, lice s;; Fkrther RESOLVED that the: Sape rvi s or be and is hereby authorized to *Mm to be printed r: . IM ceples:s of the Junkyard ordinance amleytedDebivber 21, 1257 Farther RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is herreby,authorized and dir se d to cause-tot be printed the necessary forma of li"nses _ for atn raids. Daly adopted 'by the' ferll wing vote:! Ayes . 1411 ter, W* ientWte W o Li)zpsen, ft.. Al, s anfi;Vic. Harris Nees & introduced by Stanley Miller, Councilmans, setemd,04 by attstice jwmtwz. , It s BS&E3lV that the sum of 14640 be and i is hereby apprre- >� 407 priated from the contingent fan& for the purpose of paying additional. T ahare to the EAplPyee0- Social Security retroactive farad and the Oaperviseer is herehY authcarised and directed to pay such amount for stitch purpeee. IJaIy add by then folleving voter. Ayea ► Mr. Miler, Mr. BontlIOY, Imo. hampsen, Nor. Aldus and Mr. Harris Nees- - none Mro Urris repoftod that he had received several oral com pla3.nts ever thee- ag Mr.: Johnsown f'er thus; use of abusive �e in iea V ith thee Itse of .the Tom Damp. The matter was referred to the Damp gaoitteee, _ The fo1]l .mg Coma aicatien was reads: plarch 12, 19S8 Mr. Ralj& R. Shapiro has a agft" band Oak desk with matching chair. The desk is 60* z 30" -- se2td oak -- five Large drawers an the sides -.. one is a file draw -- one long narrow drawer in there middle:: the chair is a Swivel type leather chair. . I believe both will give marry gears of service. . .... .. $50.00 - 9.03 !ef R.M. Nestle so tia„m, �„ 3 introduced by Justice Aktns,; seconded by Coeencilman .,.. ._ RZ " Q tit the Tome of ( r&eensbury ac"ire by purchase from Ralph « "Con -hand .oak desk wit m tolling chair at a total Cost met..te eVC***0? for use in the office of R.M. Nestlev Tear Assessor* DuLly adapted by thoa fella dng votes Byre* xr_.' lq ier. W. Dentley, Mr. zompmat 1r. ks aril: Mr. Harris Neves - none On notion the meeting ad j ourneed. { -Te+en Clams; Regultar l ee'Ci larch 22, 19" Pro tent t: N. ftsatell .Harris ftPerviser F _ D+ eL# tlr dkst3.cs t Peace d s sticoo of Use Peace E tstia atps GamciLua o Ntan.1.e y-�i". I 1Ter Council The '3� vend at ?: #.n,. L! . John 31-ark was 0404nt as an observer. The ehAi%Wft� iate& CVUCIJ=M jftllor and jaStice Bentley to a as- s i t �`e& GSA to "act with the Teem Historian..