1958-03-22 407 priatod from the contingent fund for the purpose of paying additional Town, Mare-to the E&Aeyeers l- Social. Security retroactive fund and the Supervisor is hereby authorised and directed to pay such amount for such purpose Daffy :adopted by then following vote ,Ayes «► Mr. Mier, Mr, Bentley, W*_ Laupson, W. Akins and Mr. Harris Neees-- name Mr. larrim rein that he had received several oral complaints ever the- oas�eE agailot fir.. Jobwox for then use of abusive language in nnoction.with the use of F the T4nm Damp. The matter was referred to j the �p gwa�.t e. The irl .»g cocatien was read:: starch 12 19" W. Ralph. R. Shapiro has a sati" hand Beak desk with matching chair. The desk is 60" z 30" -- selit oak -- five large drawers on the sides --• one is a file draw -- one long marrow drawer in the middle: -- the chair is a swivel type leather ehair. . . t T believe both will gives many years of service. Chair ♦...• •.. ,2*00 452.00 jsf R.M. Mestle ssr ;a .m..pg.2..* ixt aced by Justice Ai n seconded by CrAneilmen i r PZBQW= tla,% toe Town of Queens IPury acquire by purchase from 1 Ralph a. . . a - sec a nd4u nd doh with aatAbu i.ng chair at a total sett $o °," for use in the office oi' R,M. Nestle, Tam Assessor* Duly adopted by the following vote Iz LmpmjL# W. AU, and Mr. Barri's Ness - none On motion the meeting sdj E + -Tom p Vlarx. Regular MOWUM lurch 22, it Fres�teht:. H. Easssse]l Harris 8hper,risor _ NereIALZb Bentluy justice of, Peace s justice of the Peace Stan].e y- `. ll r Council a f The Rd vedet T .ot.. John Blank was p ?"e4nt as an observer, The aoimtiE Ceilsatt M�.11er and xaetee Bentley to sego► as, s cwt tia� "am &nA to acct with the Town Ri.ste►rian,. . n. elution jj,.34 introduced by Justice Akins,, seconded 'by, Comuciluan ®Z that the' Tom Clark he and is hereby authorised and directed to causer to be published once each in the Plost Star and tke Glens Falls des a notice in substantially the following foam:: NM r Operators of .Turk Yards .are hereby notified that sack operat®rs are required to obtain a license pursuant to pare- visions of an ordinanee adopted by the Teem Board of the Town: of-111toonsbary ax& Uat application for such li es are, am. available and may be received by the operators of each jar.- , -- yar»is by apFlicatieac therefor to the undersigned Torn Clerk. Notice is hereby farther given that the o�ptr , ffaa junkyard without a lieense: may subject the operator thereof to the penalties proscribed in such ordinance* By der of the Toga. Beard ftances L. Tarner - - - Town Cleft„. Teem of 338-Ridge-Read bated. March 22,, issa Glens balls,, I.Y« . Daly adopted 'by the following voter Ayes - Mr. M llert Kr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr«.Alrlu and )Er. Harris Nees - none . . . . . Easolstdin MLU 36 *.iatroduc by Justice gloms, seconded by. Council 'WUM It pSM 0 ” R C}L that the C©mittee on Damps of this bard be and are hear y .satkorised and directed to consult with the County 1 terneF idth a view of taws; the necessary action, to elinizate 'srdaan"a is rer�►y armors and re�wsieteaaces caused by the operation, d tke of the City of QTens Falls. Daly adopted by the fbll.owing vote z Ayes - Mr.- Killer, W. Bentlery, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Ak%In axit Mr... Marris pass - none _ Rftgat Lackoy was present and discussed: with the Board: the purchase of a grease gum, A discussiolec.was Aad, respecting the purchase of materiels for use in the highway aepsrtamt Ahmough then State* i A. discussion was had retspecting trees along Brayton Aarome., _ s Uen . 36 introduced by Justice Ak za, seconded br Cov, 1- aan. per• that the Town acquires by pavhaxe for asa J,,tiha Iligh- wa .Do ft ow the f Gil. Coo one SOD gel. Via* ,, tmks ease elec*e temput►im& pomp at the cost of FURTHIM'RWOLUD that the Town acquire. by par!cl t far is the Highway Department-of-the Tom from. Dsaers VU Coo, me' �„ 1. tank and electric computing pamp at a total cost of . 3 The aforesaid equipotent installed at the Took storehouse abed bills:- ! of sale for sane lie obtained and f 2,Aj in the T Clerkte eeffico. i � F DQ3,v adopted by the fbllowi.ng votes:: j q t 409 Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley. Mr. Laapson, Mr. Akins and Mr. ffarris Noe s - U ose _ bhe following Vass saubaitted by Mr. Mi ller r Mumh B4, 195a IN REGARD TO CONTRACT RENEVALS WATER DISTRICTS. ffr. Tripp, sapt, of they Water' Board, City of fleas F*113, gave as the ftl1leving information as :agreed upon at the joint meting of the Town -Bftrd of Qteonsbary and the City Water hoard, March 3, 1959. I.. Hater aU scated to the West Glens Falls District Wa x* which includes, the fttension. - lW,0O0/per day 2* hater allocated to the North Glens Falls District, SM0000 This will include not only the present area served Gals, per 'but an additional area extowling eat Dixon Road day Nest of the Mug KM to the fiction-with Aviatieft Road but then lest ea Aviation Read to the so-called Fog Far& and then Northerly to the Tent line with Caldwell or the reamer of the Teem to the North as halt been talked of at the joint meeting. This figure: is arrived at by taking the average daily use few the OLD AS WELL AS THE ADDITION AFMi, which was 30,,000_. gallms-per "yo,. . . M 9 . The eeatract will, be for a P=i od of 24 years. 4. The cost td.11 be 20 contir per 1000 gallons S. Ng provisions. were nade for additional Distp.cts eNtglss: tbay will receive Maostlons fro* the Tom. if ot1wr Districts are necessary, Sack &Wtienal. Districts, walk1k net. deduct from the a anon$-aide tea the Neat G ewes Falls or North i glees• Falls Districts.. �lH.. gs. two e [ by Ceenc"!Mn Miller, seconded by Jasticerg, imforutiem faruisswm by the Consel timg MagineeEring fir& of. . o, eveksen, Balxe and 42echt discloses that the so-called a V MOUSY wears. as the wMortbway* will PMCtiCaW divide some 43 4OV". Of lal (see &t F Prepared by Z B. Tan Deanon, Tema an-veyer, -"�datO. Of r 2., 1255) ovserd and reserved by the To= of_Qaoenslsury as W MiLtor lkpjply Area and where one well has already.been driven with tear.pss ovt the area to be a source of an excellent water supply, and WMWAW, mess swords, sea" of access to either side of said forth. -proVitot t the de've1.01 ment of said*Later xappkly will be handicapped if Destroyed, NOW TNT IMPIUM f$ I PMO VM that the Tenn Bsa rd of the Town of Wi t 'd S - ry PO tiom the New York. State Highway Department, Jew A. salt, �prprintt"M t, that there be ineluded in the fib ! f }"jtber said, Hai y i�Lar m for the cic)lz rac°tion of a t s,1, 1ST feet � and 12 feet pride that will gait of accesses to wells on either a16 of said Northway as will` be red to xgjw available the of said wager sop ly, t�A , ►tl. of'' rid to be agreed up" the s of the Ri gh ty De anrt the" repre- selntibg of.QsteezU"" a9.. that tho Uwn. CUrk be and is b*Z*by aatherized a>mt di : to O . a 08144tiodd, 4*py-of this resouti eat to'. the, Akpor- " of ftbUc: clerks of the State of New York. Dilly adepted by the following vets,t: Ayes . * XU1 Mro A Ue�y-, Mc, Laserpson, Mr. Wus and Mr. Harris ROM 410 The fernWind letter was read to the Berard: - QUMSBM VOLtAtT=R FIRE CO* febraary4, T�ldS TOM Clerk Tsm ef. QpLeensbury i Dear Sir t i This letter is to notify YOa that $raaat Xaoree of. tUX fire' CCU- paw hts been designated to take Charle3 s_'fan VWert o place as fire - police. -- x Simeeeerely �your$$ Diehard Austin. Secretary fte following report of the Skparvisor was read am& placed on file MONTM STAMM, OF SUPERVISaft raary 195 Date RZICTPT a root Received awree, Received Feb. d General Fund Trans. tea � Pine View COW Pit. # 4655e ft G Finee giew & Niihway Sefc.See. Dead. � ' ld States per Cap Assis. General, Retro . 6242*" IB piheview 4 Hera Cad from 'Payrolls Soe.See. a Per's, 171*"' 3 Sarl. 3emos ' rater CoIL WOM 3d. ig► d zarl Jeems dater„ Cosh* 'SUS 70400 1 W Lavery ,Water Cal T zt. = ll9. 21 Covaty Tomas .. _Deg Fwd.. FIX68,, eto. bra]. 1i6 1. 21 France s, lamer -Tam Clark-ft" , MOM 21. Ll"w Wetiroput. Ledo Seat, See Fed. 499 A35 25 fkaeral Payroll a S0c:..8ee q-, 366*73, BS Frank Ceorle! CeUStery Fa2e0 ' lie View 377,50, ZG NGFWD Fero, Cks Total Receipts MW DISBURSITS Vkad or deco nt plaff Fier MUND ! GM Rage V.D AMOM Fire Protection District; • 0"i +zdal et ld&tx 41.44 Ft• Ask. Garr. Lts ItighVay A, (signesedl X* Ranseell Narrls t Mm Board, glixemssead the coapteation to be payable to the esaw tam of the Tee .. ; , _ 8 istrotae by x'xatie ee Bottle', socanded by CWmeil= _. RESOLVM that the compmSatioR Of ZNL4dn6 Jebms®s, caretaker of the Y Dulp bo ant am& is hereby fib .for the GUSN dac months -a ts t $1,0M47' payable in equal aont'al.y inst011AM-8 A, Dally adopted by the following votes- Ayes - Mr. u#1 eer, Nr_,. BentlW, Mr. La>a.pson, Kru Akin$ and Mr. Iarris Mees - none _ t E 411 The Reard audited Claims as follows BMW= OF XMITS FM Tn TOWN OF PW TO MATH. fF.MA1 ,,.1 l4 Awt• Ant. of t KI&IM Pf GS .a & CMr•,Inc. Justice motor Vehicle Dekt 19.94 $ 1244 Rarol- d Akins,, J.P. - • D'.A 4Casaalty Co. lesraard Cofter"s-BoA-ConstbI 10,00 30000 Russell A Bait Ikpplies- pwwLsorAs Office 3.90 3120 8d Rrtssell a.Vait Dibl"M for R.C.Allext 'TypeVriter (,Tvn C3.ks,s, office) le.75 1.75 071 2eetty6s I%elx paeFl oils-T"&Qs 9trhonsO 720W. p.A. 88, Cbas.lZmghtaling Sapplies-K S.Aem y,d.p. 39061 39.,fi . �--' 89 9 Y 1. era Pone serv. .Tim Stersheuxe ITI60 17.90 9Q Frances L. Tarme r t tas •Ttrm 01k�s.off. 6000 6000 91 IPJO er L 8etpmmant ts�iter ' � 135*00, 3T.A. S2 Xi Par. Str.Ltag.ht..Anherst-G&rrJW, 1",.46 IG&O4t 93 NU&vx&41hk Parr. &tr.ltng.ts. traf signals 205.91 201.91 94 DSWI s A Co.., Inc. I. copy of CLS Tetra Lax, Frith 1W7 Smpa�nol R.Rarris,Saperv, 9050 9.50 IS L N, Well 9aby Clinics 200.®0 2003.00 ![d '�e�I. Phone,Befte ttrhs*Dee.Lcet. 15.25 15.25 997 Niagara4ftk ftr. Cloverdale Str.Ltx&-J&n.." 41.02 41J* 98 liagar&4%k Pvr., Cleve,rdale StroUnr.Feb.SB 41.08; 41.08 99 4 Concrete S2 ?'-per least sliy,9 e� Job- 708.30 709.30 r . /5A-per lead sriie, m#b r 10 i Dase n Kaeogrash of 100. aFp11 10M 6.50 6.50 a Jhak aaii licenses A low- 3 pate Ordinance relating to Jnakt Yards : NvWftt4 Frall.a IateJd,9aolmxbevw, qiby May 801015 li TOR: CUVORCe-RJUi 10 yds,vashod sand Tvm.Qebp Axy Deept• 62.50 12.50 103 -Walt NIscoas itemised an statement br R.3.Lackey,Skutt. of mss. •267.26 267.26 104 , craft Bappl•s-R.RJEarrie,f�tperr. 76.73 70.73 105 �.';. . 1 ea C ter Pump. 3.25.00 125.00 106 1 U gasoline pmp 1 Tank 10.4.00 100000 Postage 14.92. 10.92 108 ' 4gxl • l single Pau I hr.. labor` 7.99 709'P 109 , Labor-rot Ace broken shoat off 30.00 30.00 110 3 . s Tom Sarveyor heluar 132.75 132075 11I d P'. Base Rxt. 44.75 40.75 112 Ra ®r Insnraaee 147016 :U7,16 4a motion the meting ad j oarmed. Tam Clerk. r ' i