1958-05-02 SP 419 133 Ralph M. Nestle Mileage NYS Assesssrts Asse. 25,24 25.24 1Z4 W11ard-�Gloncraft 1-00 J nk;.y" licenses Printing , inc. 22,00 229-40 135 Landry,, Business -1-Adds-X Zlect.Mch.#42R- . .gC. s ` ._ 5W 3A �. _ 232.60 232.60 13G, Q.F.ELect.Stipply 124 GE 10OA/RS' Lamps; 6 GE r- - 117 Fa-F,Lac&eT, pt• HigbWays, „ 37!25 3.7.25 137 Ballard-Glencraft 500410 Strath.Mxv,jF24,iokm Print Webster,_Collector ._ 12.50 12«50 13S 1r0 i ertt 'F ula 'Material-TeRn storehouse 84.04 801*00 13%, Sbettyts -Feels ftel o lsv-Ton Storeh se 148.;47 148.47 f 2n _i'atl Praller insopres.3.at anunal installment: as itemized on voucher 200.75 200.75 `- 141: 5tata Y.�, 1-Generater Set gas.engine, skid =ounted,Sobart Xfg#C O* ►en• erat©r,Nercules Notors Corp. Fhg.Mv&*MM Nobard Mod.M R-3 (34-nI79r- Reg,3377) 37.44 37.44 142 Dept ey"s Concrete Material storehouse - 535.85 535.85 Products,Inc 143 C, vi oedlI, y & son Mise.material-storehouse 146.92; N.A.. 144 6.F Stone Ca, Material Twn storehouse 77976 77.76 145 Gl*;r tee J. 1CT'ts Material•Taim Storehouse 15.00 15.40 146 ", e1 ­& Ce= Kisc.iteias-WO .8T .87 147 RwW .; 250 staxped .envelopes-WGM 9940. 9.40 148 W.1 � � e Ce*#I Flushing hydrants & snew-rmeval 20«00 20.00 from hydrants 149 P.A.. rdsv t to Sens-4 gaIAorosena-;-i GM .58 .88 154 W.F.r+Q b is 4 Sons, 1 water rent record-WGPWD 85,00 65.04 151 Norie CO 1 Leh bZIn Correcting plates & all new Service plates etc.NGFMD I & Z 33940 33.00 152 Nora C 'Um lin Wiring bills,ete. •as-itemized- - RMM 153 Naga C. NaLaughlin P� eparing bills for printer, etc. 9054 9.54 - as ite zed, VG7WD 21.44 21.04 j x764 A.w'Ieldsmith Labor performed under supervision - of Town Surveyor 40.25 40.25 155 Lam 1 . Steve Labor poxforme& under supervision Town Surveyor 87000 87:04 156 . PWr. Power_service for Boaster pump for NGM 111.18 1 >7 Co* Mi scoserv. X6FW iJat. 4040 40.00. 15& .. . 50 st & envy,a p. 1,.88 1.88 isi 1t. `. is.& time 1 water" rant record B 1 A co. larip. NaFND 925 96.25 160 Ballard-GIeacraft MO water .rent sheets-NGWD 26000 "040 Printing 161. W1 lliaat SeW.ta 2 mo.rebite on water rent-NGFWD 16.62 16*92. 162 fraco Seaver , 3 so, rebate on trailer•NGM - .50% 150 II&I Nathan-Ire1I4* Final audit sulti.-fora contract 434.33.434.33 JM74" Gen.Liab cemmp. & auto coverage - $3 9,398,79 P90r;F7 On notion the meting adjourned. Town Clerk;., S ecial Nooting May as 158 Resell. Harris Supervisor )I"qA#h Be4tley Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace � r�o �en: `Caunciluan ' oy-B. ?43 or Councilman 1 r 420 .The board convened at 7:30 p.K*— .The Heard took up the- matter of the applications or Zdward 3. Hillis and the West Side Auto Perts.for Junk yard licenseso The leard-.gen- .erally.discussed the ordinance relating to ther licensing of Jk yards and tarok the felleaiing :actions. RBentley.-sati leer. 45 __introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice i WHEREAS Edward B. Hillis has_made application fora-Junk.-yard .lice e- pursuant to the provisions of the Junk yard I ordinance adopted December 21, 1957 'by the Town Board of the ,Town of Qaeoaasbury, and I the memberrs of the Board have peas mp�teted the promises ou lay Aaad ghigh is being .used by W. � isle a.._Junk yard and f the c Onditi existing " such on the premises so as to constitute a fire ,hasard and a menace t9 public health," safety and teerlf al'e s t - Therefore be it r BESOLVED that any action upon the applicdtion of Mr, #s re- questing,.the granting of a Junk yard license be deferVed tom a period ,of 3C;-days in order to permit Mr. Hillis-to comfy with the prgvisions ,of the.said ordinance* FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk- forward a certified copy of the ,above, resolution.to Mr. Hillis, _ Daly adopted by the following vote: . Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. .�en�ley, Mr. Lampson, W. Akins and Mr. . Harris *Noes - none ResolljLion No. 46 introduced. by Councilman Lampson, seconded by famoo6el jlent y•WEEMS the West Side Auto Parts- have made application for a license. to establish and operate a Junk yard purquant to-the revisions ,of the.ordinance of the Town of Queensbmry� adopted December �, 19570 43SOLM that 449alp yard license' be issued to the Auto Parts pgromant,tothe provisions of the said ordinance and ,tha _V the: Supervises 'be and is hereby authorized,and directed to issue thou ,license .Daly adopted by the following vote ,Ares -,Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none } The Teen d1erk turned over to the Supervisor $70 which was ,received with,the applications for the following applicants for a Junk yard license: Alfred,;and Vasalind M. Alkes Ralend Mand ge Leroy- 3snders and Sons West Side Auto Parts E Morgan.Keith Combs Edward Hillis Leon Dean Na, introduced b Justice Akins seconded by Justice, lotion y , _ Bentley.: R "DLVND that Curtis Lampson be and is hereby aut.Uorlaed and directed' to cause to be laid 1 * galy. water pipe from the tester main j on Caroline Street running easterly along fourth ;Street etensi�n for O I r �I f r .- 421 a distance of approximately 150 feet to the curb boa in front of the Ross residence. to FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr: Lampson be and is hereby. authorized for he ® r.,r'rQ'4 t � J,-! . Sawyer Co... the necessary pipe and fittings laying of sa4d pipe. _ Hotly►; adopted by the ;following vote:. Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lempson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes none Qn motion the meeting adjourhed.. e Teem Clerk . special Meeting Ma'y 9, 1958 Present:: H, Russell Harris szpe rvisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold le Justice of the Peace Curtis Laaps on C ounci loran Absent: - Stanleey B. Miller Councilman The board convened at 7-.-',1 !o The Temp Clerk reported that she had received an oral request from W. Ramsey to held a carnival to be sponsored by the Queenssbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc,, . Resag"tion Ito. 44 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman pace's:: MISS W that "rui ersi om. is hereby granted to the WeensV.UT Central 'volunteer Fires Co. , Inc. to hold a parnival as follows Sponsor - gmeensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Carnival The Continental D hovs`. Date - From. 5/12/55 to 5,/17/ba inclusive. Place - Broughton FLe A. rear of. Glenda]a Phruiture Company,, Upper GTen-Street. - RWOLM that the Totin Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direotei tee isaeae_li a to. hold said carnival at the time and glace upw receipt of a license fee of $100*00o Dakadepted by the following mate.- Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Napes - name @n ft t 4t, qtr eed 'by Justice Akins., seconded by Justice Bern ?ey: RESOIX0 that the Town Board of Queensbury hereby requests the State Traffic-Commission. to restrict the rate of speed at which a motet vebLcio,My,-travel upon the fAlloving Tee roads: `..Cflewordal,e Read from the Vmction of the Seelye Road northerly to tbs= end of- Cle vordal w Red. ilk:. soaels on Assembly Point north of a point am the Assembly PointiJftad locally known as the Canal..