1958-05-09 SP 421;, a distance of approximately 150ifeet to the curb boa in front of the Ross residence. FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Lampson be and is hereby authorized to 0raer_t'r9% ��e:1:t�• Sa.�etyer Co. the necessary pipe and fittings for the laying of se4d pipe. Dolradopted by the.,followin& vote-.. Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Barris Noes - none Qn motion the meeting adjourked.. 4waotlV Seer Town Cheer Special Meeting �� 19 Pre eRt:: - H,. Russell Harris sapervisoa Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold AM' justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson CoweiZmm Absent:, _ Stanley H. Miller Cowncilm The boar# convened at 7:30 p z... The Town Clerk reported that she had reesived an oral request from . Ramsey to held a carnival to be sponsored 'by the t e4M$IO ary Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. . $e 4latign ,,.. introduced 'by alustice Amens, seconded by Cvancilmn on.. MWO that peraission is hereby granted to the Ween,sbsrq Central Volunteer Fire: Co., Inc. to hold a paarnival as folle+as:. Spimser - gaeeasbury cAmtral Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Carnival. -- The Continental Swears-. Date • From. 5/12/5&5fl tw 5/17/5& inclusive. ` 8ee Broughton Fie As, rear of Glendale P raiture tompanys upperr Glen-Street. - F4RT� RWOLVID that the T'czm Clerk be and is hereby authorised and dizwOWd,', to issus,-li ss to. hold said carnival at the time and place upgm receipt of a license fee of#100.00* adopted by the follming voter. Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoons Iqr. Alt ns and Mr. Harris Ness - Rose introduced by justice 1a,, seconded by justice Bentley ow MOT that the Town Board of Qaeens'bury hereby requests the State Traffia_Cv=Ikission. to restrict the rate of Speed at Vhich a Pro is spy -travel upon the fbnowlzg Term. roads Crrerdale Read fr+az the faction of the Soelye Road northerly to tb� s of C~ oweFrdale 8+Gd d ree48 an Asemmbly Point north of a point qim the Assembly Jecally ]sown as the Canal... E%22 Duly- adopted by the fallowing vote . Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris, Boers - hcane� Resolution Now 50 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Laapson: - WMS the Jose'h Advertising Company, Inc:. has *rally made ap- ication to.this ]hoard for permission to erect an advertising sign upon the pine View Cemetery property on Route Nine, and 1K309A3 this Board has duly considered the matter, RMLM that the application Qf the Joseph Advertising Company$ Inc. f*r '*eraisii.on to erect such sign be and the same is hereby denied. Duly adopted by the- following vote. Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamps on, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris ; Roes none The following letters were read to the Board THE DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAILROAD CORPORATION _ - Glens Palls , K. Y. Aurl 1 22, 1951 R ,.03. New Glens Falls Water District Extensium . Mr. H. Russell Harris, Superintendent Glens Falls, Now York Dear Sir: Retunwd herewith is your check of Jamary 27 No. 331 in thm amount of $1.00 to cover. rental .bill 114.14.. This check is being returned to you because the water pipe is located under our abandoned portion of the Lake George Branch which we now have under contract to sell to Derr To Martin. When the deal is completed you should contact Mr. Martin if you should desire to continue to occupy the land for your pipe line, Yburs truly, /s/ L.B. Resillard Agent MARTIN: LUM ER COMP Lake George, New York May G, I95G Board of 'Rater Commissioners YOM of Cdaeonsibury , Glens Falls, Now York Gentlexenz I herewith give yva the required 30-day Notiew-of Cancel- lation-of the leases that you had with the Delaware and, ftdsen Railroad. If you will arrange for an 'ap Tint t 9 1 will, be glad to go over.the natter with you. and see if then leases can be renewed, Very truly yours,_. Derr T. Martin % - 428 The matter cif' t ie ;ease from the D a H Railroad Company for per - mi.ssion to maintain a pipe line under the railroad was referred to the 'Mater District Committee. Latt®rs were read to- the Board as follows. , R.R. CHAPMAN COMPANY Main Office ._ Oakdale, Massaohuse3tts April 259 1958 Ton of + rtinsbury Water Department Queensbary, -Nev Tork. dentlemen We understand that you are contemplating developing a gravel packed well at the location where our firs has the a* test well. We would be pleased to dive you'a quota- tion an this job if you are interested. Very /tw�r7ul�ya�yours* , Rol. CHAP1sJA COO R.R. Chapman President State at paw York j DNPAR7.'Is+� 1�T "QF PUBLIC W.MM Albany, N.Y. April 309 1958 H. Rassell Harris, Supervisor . Town of Weensbury Star Rte®, Glenn Falls, N.Y. Dear Sir: T We wish to acknowledge receipt of Resolution No. 37 adopted by the Town of Qweensbary., in o hich was requested a mans of access to the Mater Sapply- Area adjacent to the section of Interstate Repute 502 between Aviation Road and the Lmseme Read in.Marren County. A ' udy' if your request has been aside acid we new wish to de- termine the most suitable means of resolving the conflict .between car highway and your potential outer smpply. In order. to complete our,a ore shall rewire additional information on your proposed Plans as fellows 1. Location of wells proposed, for your '"late requirements (2 years).- ation of wells required for future expansion, and if available the proposed sehoda" for development. ..: Location of proposed buildings, structures and pumping facilities, 3. Antfe:ipatei crossing requirements and frequency. (Will only boring rigs be required to cross for driving new galls? ?Till .& main- tename man in a pick-gip truck be required to cross each day? Can crossings be made by maintenance personnel an foot for inspection only?) I The crossing of o= highway by a 126 a la, tunnel w suggested in your rex�lution will emevmt in test to-a.'minimum of 40,,000. The next ," solution `from our view, point could be to .locates your facility within 800' of Route 9 in the ,appromimate 8 acres of land east .of our proposed taking ling. If this comet be accomplished we � Est n;d er the. possibility of a.frontage road, controlled access to the sohthVound loner or a direct crossing as you suggest. With the above information f)2ruished at your early convenience we should be ,able to reselve this conflict a m"omically to the satisfaction of both parties. i i