1958-05-24 424
Very truly yours,
__,/'s/ fit. L'o, Ni kers on
District Engineer
The matter was referred to the Town Road e m Lfteee-as a Committee
of the whale
On notion t
T own Cleerk
RegulariMeating May 24, 1958 {
K. Russell Harris shparvisor
Meredith Bentley Justice 'of the Peace
Rarerld 'J5dns (Late) Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Council man
Stanley-14 Nill or (late) Councilman
The board convened at 7-030 p*mte.
Mrs. Betty Ellsworth Weaver who was present requested permission
to extend the eai stindaaeer main on Buena Vista Avensaae northerly
about W fee3t. (Pr"�
Resolution go, fi3, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by
Ceanci).man Lampsont .
RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to Betty orth
Weaver .to..arteend the existing 6* grater main from. the. end .of its
present tarrmination on Buena Vista Lvanue in the Turn a Qaeewbury
northerly al o g .the said Buena Vista Avenue for a. distance of ap-
proxin4tely 553 f eat/to Haven Lane. _
Npre or less)
Daly adopted by the following vote.-
Ayes -(mil 1L ) 1k.'Jamtkep4 Mr. Lampson,( W JCn )and Mr. Harris
.' Boss - none
At this point in the meting, Mr. Miller, Counrilman,, entered 'and
took part in the proceedings. _
Artbar Fresele ve, ehaiman of the Zoning Committee, and Walter Baker,
a member of the Zoning Committee, ware also present.
Mr. Fre►elove, chairman of the Zoning Committee, .talked briefly on r
zoning and made the final report of the wing commi.ttee,*nd read.
the following::
May 12 1795
Board -of BUpervisors
Town of Queensburg
Hex York -
Since meeting with you on March 13, 195d.,, at vhie h ,time we
delivered to you our preliminary report, we have held wo pu'blaic
hearings and our final meeting at which we considere k va onn 'further
suggestions and comments. The suggeset„iesasa reewentlyct '.xptz ley
the, Commission. developed at. our last meeting With thew ;d+strrd; +fir two
public hearings and at our own meeting on April 289 19"1." ,
We now submit to you this final report,_ which is to bet c d.
s -
ered with, and as a part of, our prier report can March 13, 19 . Ia<
connection with this final report, we present
Minutes of meeting with Board, March 13,E I95&
N�inutes of public hearings , March 32t and April
21,j,, 195&
Minutes of regular meeting, April: 289 1958
Seven copies of the revised proposed ordinance
Seven copies of the revised proposed zoning schedule
One copy of the revised zoning map:
The proposed zoning map, has been revised in several ways. The indus-
trial district in South Queensbury has been revised to eliminate an indus-
trial area, Which is now designated as residential. This was done because
of suggestions at prior meetings and as requested in a petition presented
at our public hearing on April 21, 1958. Also, the industrial district
north of the glens Falls city line has been changed to eliminate the most
northern area and to extend the industrial district to a strip from
Lafayette to the Delaware do Hudson right of Kay. Also, an area which was
j formerly designated as industrial has now been changed to business,
from the Country Club eut-off road and Glenwood Ave. , to include a strip
paralleling north of Pinevfew Road to Route 9. Also, the business district
extending from the Glens Falls city line to the Caldwell Town Line, along
Route 9, has been increased to 1,000 feet on .both sides of the Route, in-
stead -of 500 feet on both sides. R
The proposed zoning ordinance has been revised in various places.
j The question of manure storage has been solved by the elimination of any
reference to it in Section VII,A,7, which now covers only the customary
agricultural operations, including the sale of ;produce. The terms .of
office for the aembers of the Board of Appeals is now stated to adequately
cover the staggered terms of office of the five members, in Section XVI,A.
I The question of cessation, particularly as to junk yards , has been
discussed at some length, but the Commission decided to rule no change in
the- Ordinance Section XIII,9. However, we suggest that the Town Board co-
ordinate the zoning ordinance with the Town ordinance pertaining to junk
yards, if necessary. .
Other minor revisions have been made in Section VIII,4; Section X.11;
amd Section IX A 2 s w
, , a well as B,I, and 3. In. Section X?ac, the violation
has been changed to 30-days. - The Zoning Schedule has been changed where
necessary to reflect ordinance revisions.
As agreed during the public hearing on April 21, 19589 by the seven
Commission ambers present, and later approved at our regular meeting on
April 28, 1958, we recommend to the Town Board that the proposed ordinance
be submitted to the people on a permissive referendum, if determined that
this can be done acebrding to Tom Lav,
We would agaLn like to state that comments and questions raised by
residents have been considered by the Commission. We believe we have
talked to between 500 and GOO residents at the 713 "group. talks", and
"public hearings" held throughout the Torn-$ of which about 75, were at the
two "public hearings". On the bssis of a1l 'df -our talks with residents, we
have not changed the opinion expressed in our, prelnary report, to the y:
effect that the majority of those residents with whom we talked were in
favor of zoning.
The Zoning Commission has now completed and presents this .Xoning
Ordinance according to Section: 266, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws.
l (signed) Arthur Ft. Freelove
Warren F. Rouillard
Walter Baker
Chauhcey Didio
Edgar .J. Grant
Frank S.` Subbs
Francis H. Johnson
The report was received and filed.
The Supervisor stated that they matter will be taken under advisement
by the: Town Board.
At this point in the meeting, Justice Akins entered and took part in
the proceedings.
Joseph Hoag and Raymond fey were present and stated that they repre-
sented the Mentray Heights group and were present in c3onnection with
the zoning matter and particularly as to its relation and effects
- upon mmbile homes.
The queEstiox of what work was to be done on the Serest Read was taken
ups. The ]ratter was referred to the Superin tendent of Hithways•
A discussion was also had respecting they erection of "Slew" signs•
Gilbert .Mellon, president of the Glen Lake Association, was present and
ea the appreciation of the Association to the nembers of the
Board for what has been done in the Ficinity of Glen. Lake• He re �►
quested a sd .limitation be established.
Levis J. Chevrieir and Neg. Reach were also present in connection with
this matter,
They f011owIft com=nications mere read to the Board«:
may 199, 19
Mr. N. Russell Farris, Supervisor
Stu: Route
Glens Falls, -New York
Dear RusseRll+
Baclemed is copy of a letter I have ;receeived from the Water
er and Control Ccmi.ssion, demanding that we make application for
final approval. I ego not know the status of the vork, but if. theE mains
wathe!rised by Water Power and Control Commission under this applica-
s tion have!tied _installed, I think we should make the. application for
approval without delzay.
Yours wry truly,
Albert Z. Neewiek
County Attorney
Water Fearer. and -Control_Commission
Albany, N.Y.
May 149 195
Water galpply Application Wd. 31M
West one F,glla Water Dist. - find d pel.
Albert I. Be avi ek,, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Colvin iuildi n&
Glens F≪s, Now York
Dear Sir:
We once again call to your attention that the Commission has
not as _yet received the patitiow for final approval of they above
project for the extension -f its water supply and distribution mains
of West Glens Falls Water District into an enlargement thereof known
as Ixtension No. A. It is our understanding that the works to be
constructed are essentially completes.
They provisions of the Conservation Lave require that before such
a plant may be legally operated the completed works shall have been
approv+erd by this Commission. We respectfully request that you advise
us as to the status of this matter, and. if the work is already axon-
pleted, that a petition fozr final. approval be sent to the Commission.
Very truly yours,
J.0. Thompson ,
Executive Engineer
The Board generally discussed the matter.
Resolution No. 55; introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
WHEREAS the installation in the West Glens Falls Water District
Extension Sol 1 has been essentially completed,
RESOLVED that the County Attorney be ar4 is hereby 4uthorizgd and
directed to prepare the necessary petition to the Water Power 4nd
Control Commission for the final approval of the installation in ouch
extension, ar*
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to sign the petition.raquesting such approval..
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Robert Ell.svorth, Robert Longden, Adelbert Levis and D.T. Longden were
also present in connection with the road near Dream Lake:.
John Van Dusan, Tema Surveyor, was present also and discussed the matter. �
He exhibited a map shoring a road in the vicinity of Dream Lake. Mr.
Ellmmrth said -that the road had been in existence for about 150 years
—y and that some brush had grown up in the road. A. general discussion was
had. Mr. Van Dusan stated that he had found no record of the road.
A general discussion was had respecting the- proposed water contracts
with the city of Glens Falls in relation to the purchase of water for
the several water districts in the Town.
Mr. Miller preebmited each member of° the Beard with a c6py of. the proposed
eontract for study.
In connection with they railroad right: of way, Mr. Lampson reported that
Mr.-Miller and he had seeh Mr.: Darr Martin respecting the Town pipe Which
was laid imager the right of way pursuant to an agreement with the D A H
Railroad Company. He reported that they_ reac no understanding respect- ,
ing the water main under the: right of way at Glenwood Avenue,
Resolution No, 53r introduced by Mr. Miller,. amended, by Mr. Lampson.
RESOLVED that in the matter of protecting the interests of they �
Tewn respecting the water main under the tracks of the D & H Railroad
right,of way at Glenwood AvenueF which is new being. acquired by Dorn
Martin he and the saga is hereby referred to the Water District Committee
of this Board with poorer to take any and all maessary proceedings or
litigation to protect the interests of the Water District.
Duly adopted by the following vote ::
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none '
Mr. Van. Dusest wthibited a map, showing the proposed improvement of the
Glen Lake Roa&,.
- C
west Lackey repeated that Mr. Mears heA been calling him respecting
putting.a roof on the team garage. Matter referred to the Highway
The Rogers deed date: April 249 1958, was called to the attention of
the Board.
Robert Lilly, Deputy Sheriff+, Was present and reported that he had
7geen receiving-numerous complaints about dogs running at large in the
Feat Glens Falls area,
1Kr.. Akins stated that he would call the dog warden respecting the
Leon Richardson, Chief of the West Glens Falls Volunteei Fire. Company
No. 10 Ihe, was present, respecting the procedure for licensing.
Mr.. Niller reported respecting the procedures to be followed in order
to legalize Bingo,
The following application was read:.
May 249 1953:
Town Board
Town of Quemsbury
The West Glens Falls Fire Company No. is Inc., hereby requests
that a. referendum he hold upon a proposition to-deteriaine whether it
shall be lawful for any authorized organizations, Upon obtaining a �
licenser therefor in eompliancce to law, to conduct the game of Bingo
within thef territorial limits of the Town of QaeensburF-
I an also making this request on behalf of the ether Fire Cox-
patsieso very truly yours,
by.Leon S. Richardson
Chief_W. OF9
o N introduced by austice Akins , seconded by Councilman
Basel pson:
RIMLVED that Councilman Miller be and is hereby authorized and
dirercted:to cause to be prepared the necessary and proper ordinance
legalizing the conducting of Bingo games in the Town of Queensbury
by they various agencies, and he is further directed to consult with
the County Attcrrney respecting the matter.
Dimly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - mme
The following conmiamication was read
' 2 Park•Street Glans _Falls, N. Y.
May 239 1958
_ Queensbuay Town Board
Town Hal].
Ridge.'Read '
Glens Falls, N. Y..
Attention:: H. R-ssell Harris, Supervisor
Gentlemen: '
We hereby request your permission to extend a 4aOO volt, three.
.phase primary circuit along Park View, Taim of Queensbury.
I 429
This extension of electric facility will require the removal of
six pine trees. '
j We will consider your signature at the bottom of this letter as
` your acceptance and approval.
Very truly yours-,
Joseph P.• quinn,
Salem Supervisor
Accepted and Approved
i Resolution No* 55 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
permission is heareaby graant�d t@ the Niagara Mohawk.
Power Corporation to dxterrid a 4800 volt 3-phase primary circuit along
the east side of the boundary lime of Parkview.
Duly adopted by the follouhng vote-,.
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. AkLns and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
A notice of claim of injury to Artbur Murray was reported to the Tioard.
The following eommications were read
c/c Wein &, Greenberg .
Glens Falls, N. Y..
May 5, 1958,
Mr.. Ernest M. Hillis, Chairmen
Board of Assessors, Queensbuay
R.D. 2
---, Glens Falls, N w York
Dear Mr. Hillis,:
Recently a committee of our association went to' Mr. Websterl,,s
office in Ialm merge to examine the situation with regard to applica-
tions for review of assessments in the Town of Queensbury which are being
handled by Mr. WebsteFrl s office, We made the fallowing requests for
information which, incidentally, were never received::
1. We Asked to be advised of the number of
applications for review requested by
2. The nambdr of these applications for review
actually mailed out.
3. The number„ of these applications for review
actually acted upon.;
4. The "cific action or actions taken on
these acted upon. j
Since, as statei above, we have never received this information 1
from Mrs Websterls office, we now ask that as chairmen of the board 1
of Assessors, you use your good gffices to obtain this information and
advise us by mail at your earlieet convenience.
Your co-operation in thisi cinnegtion w"l be very much appreciated.
Y .
' Very t�ly yours,
• _
• _ By B•A•► Sternberg, Chairman
430 i
WtLter _ N Dspt,.
May 21, 1957 (587)
Tam Clark
Tawn of Queensbury
Ridge Rd,
Glens Falls;, N-0. Y,,.
Dear Mrs. Turner..
The fbIlowi ng accounts have not been paid to date.-
North GJ�ens. Falls
FeW. 16, 1955, Carlton Drive 29.64
Nov. la, 1954 Greenway-Na. 82.94
Feb. Lake Gea. Rd, 31*9ij
Nest glens Falls Extension
Sept. 249 1957 Fifth St. 603,35
Vouchers have been properly submitted on all these accounts. z
Very truly yours,
Garner C. Tripp, Jr..
• This matter was referred to the Water District Coamittee..
An applScation was y
presented b Nelson Harrington for a license to
agate a ,Unk yards A fee of.` $1.0,00 was enclosed in connection. there-
F The matter was Wd on the table.
In connection with the Reservoir Perk Sewer District the fonovir% was
Re. lotion Ne. 56 introduced by Councilman KU_ er, seconded by Coun. fi
ci ; pson
BROOLVED that Arthar Hgins be and is hereby appointed care-
-taker of- the Reservoir Pork. Sewer District to serve at the pleasure
of this Board,
Fi7RTH�R BESOL ED that the compensation of such caretaker be and
is hereby fixed at- 550.00 annually payable quarterly.
Duly adopted by the fell cOing 'vote-,
Ayes - Mr. Miller„ Mr. Bentley, M!°. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr.1 Harris
Noes - none
The board audited claims as_fallows:r
T_t . 3
N Of Ci nit tore o;�' Clffi ClgiwA
Wait pp►].ies4 Superviaar d ,
165 I se ll & Wait �
166 Niagara-hawk Pwr. N1alies�►S.ISfllis,Asar. 3.SQ .
I67 Ni Str.lts.F,*Aah�ispn 1".46 T66.4i
0 Farr. $tr,lts, & Traff.sga.s 201 "
Niagara-Whawk PVr. Cloverdale Str.lt
ld9 ®dens 'P413 Hospital- Al coh0 test-Joseph Ross 3.00 N
L. Tarneg Postage-Twn.Clkts Office 6.40 6100
1 MUtthW Render & Ca:. Justice Guide-Moser tley,JP 6.00 6
N.Y. Telephone Co.
Phone ServsQaby,Storehvuse 18060. 14,.60:
- 431
173 Norman A. Harvey„ M.D. Well Baby Clinic 120.00 120,013
174 111agara-,Mohaxk Parr. _ C1e�e ale�Str.ltng.
175 lad l s Nursery 41.08
17,rs d.N.Sa�aryer � Co.,,, pplies,F.y.Cam-. !M*45 70.45
177 $ ' Inca Bakes a shavels py Cem« 9.80: 9,8,
�'g _Tire service �en@TaI2 ail.. �
178. 4 - bri py- Cen. 5.94 5.94
179 James. Henderson Nisc.laber-WGM Ext., 207.90 7.80
180, dew rubrieky ferv, On 3 s.WGFWD 3.W, 3,QQ
lackhosing Iafiyette_&
endale(Carletos Dr.) 32&.00 125.00:
181- dames Henderson 8 Old Dist-Now Distr.a*
18Z Frasier Paint Camp, PAiat (14) ds_.WGYWD 14.00 14..194,
183' City of G.F.Water Pd. X&terial4GFWD 15.00 15.00.
-ty of G•Fjkter Pal. Mater Hunt-NGI�TD 3 754.42: 754.42.
'#Cater tent-N# , 441.94 441..94
City e C.9',�itater Water t-WG 5 . * 733.58 733.58
.ty of G.F.Vater Pd. Mater lent-R=_
1A,7 ,ty Of Q,T.Vater Pd• � 134.00, 104.00
188, City of G.F.Water Fd. Neasure.curb hoses ,5972 N.A'.
189 ft6st & M=tray Rd&, 28«4a 28.40.
City of G.F.�iater �J.N ase.Sarv.lPND Ext. 318,48 318.48
.Sa xyea-ace,,,Ian. PI41es-VGPWD_Rzt. 94.42 94.42:
191 National Motor Express rreight on 3 _
19Z Matthew Bender & CO,. mss'. 11.79 11,79
193 Natielal_ Mar Express Justice Guide-H s,.TF 6.00 i.OQ
194 Nf ago e7haerk Fese r might on I hydr, 3.94 3.90
V r.aerv.aM. Booster
195 2J*Bgum P p-NUND 62001 52+02
146 Frank 0. Smith Preit,on-La®ery Bond 10.00 ,100
IST Dempsey' - 18.16 N'.A.,
pae�y s.Concrete Fro4,ucts MateriaY Tte7;1.Q.St�hs.
1.9a tI.Sle1 t _ 3:83.89 183.89
terial Twa.strhouse 145.72. 145.72
199 Ne<tb er BuilderstRisk pbIley 35010 35.10
20 7 Nathan Preller X647`"
i Ans.Prea.compena o
Tndar 77.54 77.54
2£31 Leem M„8tewea Xi'se.Serv.Surveyor
Helper _. 66.00 66.00
202; Henry A. Goldsmith Labor perforaasd as-
2W. N:.Y* a►te t
f.rveyer's helper 33.35 33.35.
Hetti �°ye°a Twneof Qsby.proportion-
! - s' - ate share of contrim. 5229,Oo 5229,00
On motion the meeting adjourned.
-Ten Clerk.
1. _.... J .