1958-07-22 Dul y adopted by the following vote:
,Ayes - Mr. puller, Mr. Bentley, Mr.- Akins and Mr. Harris
toes - none:._
On motion .the meeting adjourned.
e ces �.
Town Clerk
Public Hearing July 22, 1958
Present:: Supervisor
H. Russell Harris justiee of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the -PeacS
Harold ,Akins Council .
Curtis Lampson Counei.lman
Stanley-R Miller.
The Ptablc .Hearing ws:s opened at 8 p.m. by Slaperv1sor Harris who
stated that the purpose of the hearing was to hear all- persons desiring
to be heard on`the proposed adoption. 'of a zoning ordinance in the Town.
of Queensbury. He also read the official notice of the hearing:
NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by
the Town,Berard of the Town of Queensbury Warren County, Hew` York, _
at the Queen:sbury 'School, Aviation Road,; in the said Ton of 4de°ens-
bury on the`gSnd day oil' Juuly, 1:958,, at 8 o'clock, p.m.. (D.S:T.) in
the matter of the adoption of a.- proposed zoning ordinance of:)the said
Town of Quee nsbury as recommended to the Ton Board by 'the ?�oni Cosa-
mission of said town, which ordinance generally will have the effect
of regulating the use of real property in the several zones set forth.
in said proposed ordinance. t . 1
` All..persons.hmving an interest in the subject matter of said
proposed ordinance will be;heard by the Taam Board at such public
hearing. A limited tiumber of! copies of the. proposed zoning ordinance
will be available at the office of the Town Clerk and in each of the
five (5) Fire Houses in the Town. At each of such places there will
be a map: showing the zoned areas, for inspection by any interestted
By order of the Town Board of the Town of Queensburyr Warren
County, Rev York.
Dated: July 3rd, 1958,
S L.
Town Clark,
The proof of publication of the notice was received and. filed.
The proof of publication-of the notice was received and filed.
Among those present who spoke against the adoption of the: seit
ordinance either in or all were Elmer Curlew, Clifford �iit ,
Rev. Raymond ffley
a Attorney Arthur Greenbe
those who aver in ,favour of the of the ordinance were
{ Attoey John Di 39?
on., y Ralph Nestle and James C,. Walsh.
Among those who were present. anal discussed various phases of zoning
were Frederick `Alezi, D. R. Strumpel,, Mrs. Lester, bracer Seeber,
Warren- R Ullard, Floyd Piekett,, Mr. Clemons, Floyd Pepsi, Robert
Fame;. filbert Thompson.,, Mr.. Lewis-, Mr, Shea, Mr. a].kes, Mr.-,Gordon,,
Arthur Johnson,, John McQAainv Attorney Frederick Bascom,._Wiljiam
�Umxsr& ,-Stephen Quade., Paul Lukari s, J.K. Robison,,, Charles Coward,,
Bait Vie,. Lewis Hartman, Edward Howard, Howard Mason, V. W. Weeks,
Walter Raker,-Richard Gratton and Arthur Brodie.
Arthur lteel:b a and .attorney Richard Bartlett, members of the zoning
committee, were present and answered numerous questions respecting
zoning in general and several of the rules or regulations set forth
in the: proposed zoning ordinance.
They faloving documents were presented for- filings:
` July 219 195a
Schenectady, N. Y..
I am in favor of ,Assembly Point becoming residential..
(;Signed) Stanley Sinik
Assembly Point
Rec. 12:1.5: p;.ffi.. .
Assembly Point
Laker George,,. N Y.
Mr. H. Russhil. Harms July 19, 1958.
Chairman, Queensbury Town Btrard
Town. Clarkts. Office
Ridge Street
Glens Falls, York
— Dear Mr. Harris
The Assembly association represents the interests of
mores than 11500 taxpayers on assembly Point.
At our annual business meeting held July lg, 195as the membership
unanimously endorsed the proposed new zoning ordinance for the Town of
Que era sbury..
Malay of our members will not be in the area at the time this
ordinan.Ve will be discussed at the public hearing on July 22, 1958,
In Viev of this fact our membership has directed me as President
of the-Assembly Point association to present to you their feeling as
expressed by the. fvl:lowing resolution:.
.RES!QLVBD that the Assemably Point Association strongly
tees the Queensbury Town Board; to_approve and adopt
the Zoning Ordinance proposed to them by the Mining
Committee of the Tom of Queensbury and expresses its
appreciation to the Town Board and. the members of the
ring Committee for. their fine work and foresight in
,.anticipating problems that the ordinance will eliminate.
The Assembly Point Association wishes to extend to your Board
an offer of our cooperation in solving problems affecting our tax-
payi.14 group,
Will you kindly mks this letter a matter of record at the public
hearing on July 22 g
Very truly yours,
(s-igned)- James C: Walsh
James C. Walsh, M.D..
President, .Assembly Point Association':