1958-08-16 SP 469
or its agents a certificate of insurance establishing such fact in
the following amounts
$503,Q00.00 B.I., one person
$15,000.00 Property D e, subject to
$100 deductible
$1001,000.00 B.I, one accident, and
WHEREAS the West Glens Falls Fire Company No. 1, Inc. has exhib-
ited pc 4cy no, OLT 14-25,-14 of insurance of .the Glens Falls Insurance
Company, to thee Town Board showing such coverage,
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized
_ and directed to issue-such license.
Duly adopted by the followi=ng vote:
Ayers «r Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Hoes none `
On motion the meeting adjourned.
�1eea . T.1rn
- Town Clerk.
Special Meeting August lg, 1958
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice` of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lamps on C ounci lman
r Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
The board convened at 7:.30 p.m..
The following communication was read to the Board:-
• -Attorneys at Lair -
Glens Falls New York
August 13, 1958
Supervisor H. Feassell. Harris and
Members of the Town Board
Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
- New York
Re: Hayhaven Subdivision
Dear Supervisor Harris and Gentlemen of the Town
Board of the Town of Queensbury:
` Rhaosed please find a proposed deed to a street in Bayhaven
SUbdivi si on- that our client, Diamond 1. Havens, wishes to give to the
Tawrr of Queensbury •for street-and highway purposes. The Subdivision
map has not been filed in the Warren County Clerkts Office.
If the proposed deed is acceptable to you, our clie .t shall take
the necessary steps to comply with state health regulations and shall
file they '°erementioned map. in the County Clerks s- Office before the
deed 'is. f'e ally delivered to you for your``formal acceptance .
Wfth kindest personal rexgards., we remain,
Very truly yours ,
. By: John W. Reardon
fttKe oxa9'8 CM*a&r% �;p�3 on S n t a1�ent
r Distrovering portions. it thesYiin� f Ase �Fets..
The petition was received and filed
Resolutio__n NQ. 78: introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice
In the Matter
The petition for the gs_tablishment .
of a Sewer_ District in the Town of 1
Queensbury, -Warren County, New York,
WHERFAS,.a written petition„ dated July 20th; 1958, in due
form and containiAg the required signatures has been presented to
and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York., for the establishment of a Sewer District in the
said Town, to be bounded and described as shown in a certain descrip.
tion marked and entitled "Schedule "$",which schedulee is attached
hereto and made a part hereof, 'and -
WHEFEAS, the proposed Sewer District will consist- of those
certain sewers originally constructed by the: Broad Acres Corporation
and now situate on Pershing Road, Ashley Place and Coolidge Avenue,
in Broad Acres , Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, in
accordance with certain plans made a part of such petition, together
with a map in relation th®i�toofathehTrown Clerk ofpthe Town this of Board,
and now on file in the off e
Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and
WHEREAS,, the maximum amount to be expended for the improvements
as stated_in said petition is None it is
ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of
Que ensbury .shall. be: held at the Town Clerk!,a Off ice, g
Rid a Road, in
the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New-.York, on the kith day of
September, 1958.1 at 7:30 .0 clock in the afternoon of that day, to
consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the
subject thereof, concerning the same , and for such other action on
the part of said Town Board with relation- to the said petition as may
be required by law or proper in the premises.
I -
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The Board generally ,discussed the materials necessary for. the work.
on the addition to the Town storehouse.
Resolution. No. 79 introduced by Justice B=entley, seconded by Council-
man ampson
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on
August 19, 1958, a Notice to read in substantially the following
form: ,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sealed Proposals will be received
by the Town Board, of the .Town of Queensbury as follows::
i 1 - Concrete-- to supply 85 Cu. yards more or less of ready-mix,
delivered in the- quantity and at the time specified on order
of the Town Superintendent of Highways, at the Town of
! Queensbury Store House., Aviation Road in said tows.,-Mix to
C consist of - 1 part cement - 3 parts sand - 5 parts stone.
2 w Roof .. a built up roof, approximately 4100 Sq, feet to be
installed complete with flashings on Town of Queensbury store
Hous&. Aviation Road in said town. -- Roof to ,carry a. Twenty
Year Guarantee Bond - proposals shall state in detail number
of plys and detail of installation..
I `
3 -- Doors - To supply and: install six overhead doors for Highway
Stare. House , Aviation Road in said town - Doors to consist
:�-- 14 x 14 and 4-- 12 x.-I-4 doors. All doors to be manually oper-
ated chain hoist,; Each door to contain one glassed section.
4 -- Heating w To supply and install a minimum of 4 gas fired unit
heEaters with automatic controls in the.-Town Store House, Aviation
Road in said town - Heaters to be capable of. holding at least 60
degree temperature inside with a 20: degree-below outside.
Proposals Nos. 1, 2, 3-,, and 4 will be received by the Town Board
of.the Town. of Queensbury up: to 7:30 p.m. on the 6th day of September,
I -�
1958 at the Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road in said town. The Town
Board reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals received.
Dated.—August. 16th, 1958 ,
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
byjMVIDlttmtnth?softwn Board will meet on the 6th day of
September,. 1958,,.,.at 7:30 p.m. at. the Town Clerk's Office to open and
f non
Duly adopted by the following vote:-
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Laanpson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes .. none
The following request -was read to the Board:: t
Glens Falls, ._N. -Y.
August 1, 1958
Town Board, -
Town of 'Qii6ensbury
Warren County
Glens ftlls, Now York
Dear Si re
�( deensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. of the Town. of
Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, requests permission to
hold a, Bingo game at its firehouse, located at 1 Foster. Avenue , in said
town on ust 2nd and 9th, 19580
T�e- games, will be supervised by the Chairman of the Bingo Com-�
mittee,'' ert ?Jiekenson, and assisted by President George Liapes, Chief
Jesse E," and C. Powel. South, all members of this company.
We also at this time would like to apply for a license to hold such
games , chancre on Saturday evenings in accordance with the rules of the
Town 'e� ' f,ueensbury -and the State of New York..
Thpmldng you,. I remain: c
Yours truly,
_ /sl C. Powel South
The following letter was also read:
August 16, 1958
LI Town 8asrd, ,
Town of Queensbury
Qt-eensbury Post of� American Legion #1797 wishes license to operate
Bingo G% at Mohican. Grange Hall Tuesday, Aug. 19.
Whaler' J.- Rowe, commander, will be in charge of operation.
Resolution No. 80 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded- by Justice
- Akins : - -
RESOLVED that a license: to hold Bingo be granted as follows:.
Organization - Queensbury Post American Legion #1797 y
Date - August 19,, 1958: - -
Fee W $10.00
FURTHER. RESOLVED that the Town C1jrk,bejar4 is hereby authorized
and directed to issue-such jicense upon payment of the fee of $14.00.
Duly adopted by the following vote:,
Ayes -► Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. 4kins and Mr. :Harris
Noes. none
The following letter was presented to the Board
Water Department- -
_ August ,6, 195a -
Town Board' • .
Town of Queensbury
N. Y«
On November 7rj 1955 the City of Glens Falls Water Department
approved they construction of a sewage system--as shown on-a map pre-
pared by Leslie W. Coulter, dated May 289, 1955„ and revised August 15,
1955,, of the Reservoir Pa3Zk subdivision. In approving this construct-
ion, the City stipulated: that a certified copy of the completed plans
be filed with the Water Department showing the exact Vocation of the
sewers, septic tanks, and cesspools together with their elevations..
On April 2, 1956 the State of New York Department of Health I �
issued a permit to the Town.Board of the Town-of Queensbury for the
construction and operation of this sewage. system. One of the con
ditions of this permit is that the sewage system and sewage disposal
works shown. ,on the plan be constructed in complete conformity with such
.As a result of an inspection made on August 5, 1958 of the
Reservoir Park sewage system by the writer', .Mr. Sdward Howard of the
_ State Department of Health, and Messrs. Bentley and Miller of the Town
Board, -it is apparent that the sewage system has not been constructed
in strict conformity to the plans nor has a'y record been kept` as to
the manner, locations and grades of the works' as constructed.
The City of Glens Falls Water Department is under very strict
rules as laid down by the State Health Department. One of these
J rules is that there shall be no discharge of sewage effluent within
I 400 feet of any water courses or reservoir providing water supply to
the City of GleAs Polls. The sewage system at Reservoir Park not
having been completed as approved. and not having accurate, maps show-
ing the construction of the sewer lines is therefore in violation of
the Health Department permit.
I earnestly hope that your Board, which is the agency responsible
for the maintenance and operation- of this sewage system, will take
immediate action to have the situation corrected. This matter Ps
something that should call for a special meeting as..cold wea: r will
soon be upon us and I would: hate to have a recurrence of the sewage
flooding that took place some two months ago, during cold weather.
Viary truly yours,
/s/ Garner C. Tripp,, Jr.
cc: H. Russell Harris, Supervisor, Star Route
Merad�th S.-Bentley., County Dine. Road,
Harold. C._Akins, 23 M%i.n St,.,, W. Qlens Falls
Curtis Lampson., 34 Main St. , .Kt Glens Falls
Stanley B. D ller, 5 Pershing. Rd.
Edward Howard, New York State Department of Health
The monthly statement -of the Supervisor was .read and placed on file:
July, 1958
Date Amount
R ceived Source' Recce
July 3 Lee Lavery�a r Call. N.G.F.W.D.
93.32; Fxt. 14.85 1 108.17
10 Earl Jones Water Coll. W.G.F.W.D. . 20,79
12; Albany State Aid ..Highway _ 8205.00
12 Gen. Water Dists.., Fine View 8c
Highway Ded. on Payrolls S.S. 141,.42
'k 1Q b nn su Is#:a.rDA l.FiV%GPYt=st.247.97
15 r Sarl Jas Water Coll. W.G.F.W.D. - IOWW
t 28 Frances: Turner Town Clerk Fees Gen. 437.50
29 Albany Justice Fees 694.00
29 Fratnk Cowles Cemetery Funds Pv 1:011.50
u: ,30 Gen* & N.G.F.
Ext D ed
.payrolls S.S. 17,.70.
31 Earl Jones -Water Coll. W.G.F Ext.
&W.G.F'. 23.65
Ted Turner Ridge -Water Dist.
Water Call. 584.25
" 31 Earl Jones Water Coll. W.G.F.W.D. 10.40
Total Receipts g 512.75
- Amount
Fund or Account Paid
General 4010,2a
Pine View Cemetery .953.47
W.G.F.W. Dist. 60,00
North G.F.W.Dist. Ext, 100.00
Ft. Amh. .Garr. Lighting Dist. 168,46
Soc. See. Cant.-Raid _ 1311.61
Highway 16755,30
Total Disbursements 23359.07
Dated-. August 12, 1958, /s/ H. Russell Harris
C Supervisor
The Clerk reported that- the following petitions were received, regis-
tering protests against the proposed zoning ordinance. The heading of
such petiti-ons read as follows, and was signed by approximately 650
people, The petition was accompanied by the following letter
August 12, 1958
To The- Town Board
c/o, Mrs. F Turner, Town Clerk
338 Ridge St.,
Glens Falls, N. Y.
Dear Mrs. Turner:
iI am forwarding to the ;Town Board through you,; a petition which
is in opposition to the proposed Zoning Ordinance for the Town of
I request that you see that it is presented to the Board at its
next regular or special' meeting, whichever is first.
Respectfully yours,
/s/ John G. Slack
Please Note '
Some sheets are signed on both front and back of the -page.
(Heading of Petition)
To: The Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County, N. Y.
WHEREAS: The Town Board now has before it, a proposed Zoning Ordi-
nance which has been drawn up by a Citizens Zoning Commis-
sion appointed by the town board by a 3 to 2 vote of board -
members , and '
11HEREAS This proposed ordinance does place restrictions and will
deprive many -citizens of their rights to use their property
for the purpose it was purchased for, and
WHEREAS: This ordinance is from all indications catering to a select
group. •of citizens in the town, vth.ich have no interest in the
town ,as a whole ,other than their own area,
THEl &'i"ORE BE IT RESOLVED- That we the undersigned are property owners
and/or.,reegistered legal-residents of the Town, and do now register
our pratest against the adoption of .this proposed Ordinance. •
On motion the meeting adjourned
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting August 239, 1958
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson - Councilman
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
The `board convened at 7.-30 p,m...
Andrew Dolan and Nelson Lowe were present and requested Owen Avenue
be graded and repaired, to be paved in the next year' s program for
A petition to .limit the speed at which motor vehicles may travel on
Queensbury Avenue was received. Such ;petition requested that the lmit-
ation .be at the maximum of 35 miles per hour. The petition was signed
by approximately 45 persons.
Also discussed was the matter of the installation of signs reading:
"Children at play in the area."
The following letter was read to the board:
Office of New York
Albany 1, N.Y.
August 159 1958
General Letter to
l Municipal. Officials
Dgar Sir
Enclosed is a copy of the New York State Manual of Uniform
Traffic Control Devices which was prepared and adopted by the Traffic