1958-08-23 474
Please Note '
Some sheets are signed on both front and back of the -page.
(Heading of Petition)
To: The Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County, N. Y.
WHEREAS: The Torn Board now has 'before it, a proposed Zoning Ord -
nance which has been drawn up by a Citizens Zoning Commis-
sion appointed by the town board by a 3 to 2 vote of board
members, and
19HM `AS: This proposed ordinance does place restrictions and will
deprive many -citizens of their rights to use their property
for the purpose it was 'purchased for, and
WHEREAS; Th.i_s ordlna►nee is from all indications catering to a select
. group. •of •citizens in the town', which have no interest in the
town -as a whole ,other than their own area,
TH MM BE IT RESOLVED: That we the undersigned are property owners
and/cr., gistered legal.-residents of the Town, and do now register
our protest against the adoption of -this proposed Ordinance. •
On motion the meeting adjourned
t 4 '
, r Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting August 239, 1958
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley • • Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson .Councilman
Stanley-B. Miller Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 p.m«
Andrew Kolan and nelson Lowe were present and requested Owen Avenue
be graded and repaired, to be paved in the next yearls program for
A petition to -limit the speed at which motor vehicles may travel on
Queensbury Avenue was received. Such petition requested that the Limit-
ation .be at the maximum of 35 miles per hour. The petition was signed
by approximately 45 persons.
Also discussed was the matter of the installation of signs reading:
"Children at play in the area."'
The following letter was read to the board:
Office of New York
Albany 1, .N.Y.• -
August 15', 1958
General Letter to
Municipal. Officials
Dear Sir:,,
Enclosed is a copy of the New York State Manual of Uniform
Traffic, Control Devices which was prepared and adopted by the Traffic
Commission in accordance with Section 1680 of the Vehicle and Traffic
Law. (new Uniform. Rules of the Boad Lax) . Copies of.._this letter, and
the Kanual are. being forwarded to each,-City Clerk and Chief of Police;
each-Yillage Clerk; and each Town and County-Highway Superintendent..
It is requested that these Manuals be retained as "Official"
documents of the title rather than as "personal" copies of the incum-
bents. This is considered desirable inasmuch as_we may amend or sup-
plement the Manual in the future, at whicS time we propose to forward
revised pages for replacement ftther than reprint the complete Manual.
Your attention is invited to gage xxiii. of the Introdu_ction.,
1 pertaining to Section 1682 of the Vehicle. and Traffic-Law, which pro-
vides that local traffic:: control devic-es erected on or- after July I,
1958 and the" place and mariner of installation thereof shall conform
to the State Manual and specifications.-As you will note, this section
of law does , hoarever, permit the.continued use of those devices in
_ P14ce, on hand` or on order prior to. July I
For your information, copies of' the Manual are also being fur-
`nished to comerc:ial sign companies doing busi$ess in New York State,
and they are: being advised that full--scale prints of the signs are
available upon request. Municipalities will also be furnished full_
scale prints upon request.
Very truly yours,
Lloyd A. Maeder
The board also discussed with Ernest Lackey additional signs for roads.
A discussion was had respecting electrical wiring for addition to the
Town storehouse.
Resolution No, al introduced by Justice Bentley,: seconded by Coun-
cilman Lampson.:
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on the
26th day of August, 1958, a notice.,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Queens-
bury will. recsive sealgd. proposals to supply and install electrical
wiring and fixtures in the Town Snore-house, Aviation Road,. Town of
Queensbury, Warren bounty,. New York. Detail plans and specifications
will be supplied to Bidders upon request therefor by Ernest Lackey,
Town Superintendent of Highways , at his office, Town Store house,
Aviation Road in said Town.
Such Proposals will be received up to 7:30 p.m. on `the 6th day of
September, 1958 at the- Town Cle'rk's Office, Ridge Road in said Town.
The Town Board reserves the right to `reject any and all Proposals
Dated August 23rd, 1958 BY ORDER'OF THE TOWN BOARD
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
RESOLVED that the Town Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Town
Clerks Office an the 6th day of September, 1958,, to eonsid.er any. and
all proposals received,
Duly adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes , - .Mr. Nfiller, Mr., ]ex tl.ey, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - 'none _
Resolution No. 82 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
Lampson: -
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times on
the 26th day of August, a notice to read in substantially the following
The Town Board will receive sealed proposals up to 7:30 p.m. on
the 6th day of September, 1958 at the Town. Clark's Office , Ridge Road,
in said Town to . supply the Town of Queensbury with the following:.
One Heavy Duty Truck - New 1958 or 1959
Gross Weight-loot less than 23,500 11 s..
Wheel Base-Not more than 145 inches
Front Axle-Not less than 79,000 Ibs..
Rear Axe 2 speed- Not less than 18,,000 lbs.
Heavy Duty springs. Transmission 5 speed direct in fifth, 900 x- 20-10
Ply Tires. Tow Hooks. front and rear-Cab protector-Directional signals,
Flares-, Reflectors,, Mud Flaps,. Heater and Defrosters, Oil, Filters,
4 yd Heavy Duty Dump. Box .with Hydraulic Hoist-Z. point mounting::of
to accommodate Snow Plow-Frink. V Snow Plow with 10'' winged Pront
mounted pump. Bidders to state allowance to be made on.one GMC 1948
Model 452 Truck with Warsaw V Plow and wing which can be seen at
Queensbury Tom Store-house.
All Proposals to carry complete specifications of equipment
to be furnished to the Town.
The Ton Board reserves the right to reject anf and all Bids.
Dated: August 23rd, 1958 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
Frances L. Turner.
Town Clerk
(at 7:30. p,m )
RESOLVED that the Town Board will-meet/on the 6th day of Sep-
tember at the -Town Clerk's Office, Ridge Road,. to consider the pro- --
posals received.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
k Noes - none -
Eugene Johnson, caretaker of the Town Dumps, was present and discussed
the disposal of. garbage at the Town. Dump. Mr. Johnson suggested that
the Town acquire a tractor to use at-the dump-..
The following communications were read:
• July, 28, 1958
Dear Sir:
j I would like to be considered for appointment as constable of
the Town of Queensbury,
I am 30 yrs ., of age, married with three children, and am in
good health. Served 3 yrs. in the Marines, two of them as a Brig
Guard and 1 as an M.P.
1 My place of employment is at the Queensbury School as a bus
N driver and no other employment. --
I I live on the Glen Lake Road,. 1. mile from Rt. 9. I drive a
153 Ford. Vic, My father, James W. 'Kennison; who was constable of
Warren County, advised me to apply- for this appointment. He was
constable from 30 to 35 years ago,
'' Mr. Chester M. Kennison
l R.D. #1, Lake George, -N. Y.
The letter was received and placed on file.
A petition bearing the following heading was received::
To the Members of the Town Board #
Town of Queensbury, New York
Inasmuch as the town board created a zoning commission comprised of
nine members in the year 1956 for the purpose of drawing up a zoning
ordinance for the Town of Queensbury, and,
Whereas, Mr. James Cruickshank, who was the person appointed to repre-
sent the Montray Heights area, .attended only four out of seventeen
meetings of this commission, and there=fore contributed little or nothing
j in behalf of the people of Montray Heights;;
We, the undersigned residents and property owners df Montray Heights
of the Town of Queensbury, petition the Town Board to remove said James
Cruickshank from the zoning commission and appoint Raymond E. Oehley
as our representatives
The petition, signed by approximately 31 persons, was received and
placed on file. <
The following petition was also received :
To the Members of the Town Board
Tom. of Queensbury, New York
We, -the undersigned residents of Montray Heights, Town of Queensbury,
do hereby petition the Town Board to take. aotion to resurfane and pave
the public way known as. Sweet Road, running from Montray Road to the
Country Club Road, for the purpose of giving the residents of this
area a safe, secondary entrance to and exit from Montray Heights ::
The petition, signed by approximately 48 persons, was received and
placed on file. ,
The following letter was read to the Board::
August 14, 1958
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
In the past two years it has become increasingly apparent that Japanese
Beetles are quite a problem to homeowners in the Cottage Hill section
of the Town. of Queensbury. We have twice as many around this year as
we had a year ago. Successive spraying by individual homeowners has
been effective f yr tonly a few days at a time. The beetles seem to come
back anew each time you kill off a tree full t
Two days ago I discovered that the field behind my property is a feeding
ground for thousands of the beetles. They seem to feed on the leaf of
a type .of bush abundant in the field.. The exact area mentioned is next
to the property of C. J. Miller, 600 Aviation Ad. and runs to the
rear of 16, 18, 20, and 22 Hill.cr-est Ave. The heaviest concentration.
of beetles is to the rear of my property at. 18 Hillcrest Ave.
If the beetles increase again next year, those fields could not possibly
- begin to contain them,.- I believe that a lot of property damage and
subsequent complaints or.requests to the Town Board could be averted if
the smsU area ab_over was sprayed immediately..
The darg�rr,, damage and nuisance of the beetles is known to all in the
area; the concentration in the fields is known only to a. few in our
nei �hb-orhood. It is possible that an investigation of fields around.
Cot age Hill would disclose-the same type vegetation and number of
Please give serious consideration to the prompt spraying necessary to
stop the influx of Jap Beetles. The Conservation Department in Lake
George could recommend a suitableobrin a and a few hours,n IttispPossible
tank sprayers could complete t
that this small area could: serve as a test area.
Sincerely yours,
/s! Robert P. -Madden
18 H TTcrest Ave. Resident and Taxpayer
- Mr. Harris presented the following: August 23, 1958 11�
To the Members of the Town Board
c/o Town Clerk,. Town of Queensbury
Ridge Road
Glens 10611-s, New York
Gentlemen .
29 petitions for the enactment of the proposed zoning ordinance
for the Town of Queensbury are enclosed.mg e bee 6obtainingres -
totals about 550. Only a shortage of time precluded more
At examination of the names of the individuals signings shows
that they are from diverse sections of the town and do not represent
any one group:. The petitioners are sincerely interested in
e seeingen
t that the progressive step of adopting this zonng
by the Town Board.
j The reasons favoring zoning may be summarized as follows-:
1) Doers not require change in any present uses` of property.
2) provides for orderly development of the Town through intel-
Tigent planning and keeps our Town attractive.
3) Encourages building and development for individuals and
business because it protects property values. This provides
maintenance and growth of assessed values which results in
the tax burden being shared by more people.
4) Aids the Assessors in obtaining information on :all; proposed
new buildings or additions to existing structures.
E 5) Provides for consideration of special situations. Contains
provisions for revision of the ordinance itself by amendment.
We call partieular attention to item #5, pertaining to amend'
ments . It would appear that the ordinance as proposed has adequate
flexibility in that it can be amended to take care of any special
situations that the Town Board genuinally feels has received, manfar
Your consideration and cooperation.will be appreciated.
Very: truly yours, •►
/s/ W. T. Clam.
The Heading, of the petitions was as follows::
We, the undersigned, residents of the Town of Q)�een.sbury,
respectfully petition the Town Board of the Town of Weensbury to
act favorably upon the proposed- zoning ordinance fox .the Town of
Queensbury as publishesaid ord:inancesberenacted ain its penti ety, rast
being our desire that
r _
published, at the first meetin4 of the Town Board after the date of
this petition_, '
There were approximately'550 signatures ,on tY is petition.
The Boardts attention was called to the fact that three of 'tYie petitions
contained a deletion, "in its entirety' , with the further statement,
"This petition pertains only 'to that portion of the Zoning Ordinance
applying to the Assembly P'oint 'area."
,,The petitions were received and 1a.id�on the table.
There was a discussion of the water district: finances.
The Board then proceeded to audit claims as follows:
Amt. Amt.
No, Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
2740 Niagara-Mvhawk Power Street lighting--Ft.Amherst
Garrison Rd. $ 108,46 . 168.46
271 Niagara-Mohawk bower St.lts. & Traf.sgnl.s . .201.91 201.91
272 Niagara-Mohawk Power Cleverdale. St.l.tng. 41.08 41,08
273 Dennis & Co.,, Inc. Supplies-M.S.Bentley,JP 2.23 2.23
274 G.F.Rubber Stamp Wks, Supplies for Bingo Elect.. 9,45 9..45
275 Edw, Thompson Co. 195844cKinney's P'.P.Book
#23,,M.S:.Bentley,J.P. 3.00 3.00
2716 Frances L. Turner Postage,Twn Clk 4,00 4.00
277' Russell & Wait,, Inc. Oath of officer Blanks-Twn.Clk. 1.50 1.50
278, N,Y.Talephone Co, Rhone serw.Twn.Storehouse 16.15 16.15
279 Williamson Law Bk.Co. Supplies-M.S.Bentley,JP 7.27 7.,27
280 Harald C.Akins,J.P.e Postage stamps 1.00 1.00
281 Ralph Nestle Misc.as. itemized Assessor 2.4,83 24,83
282 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr, Power Sertir.-Twn Store house 18.04 18,04
283 City of' G.F.Water .P'd. Mise.serv.on.break in 120°
water main-U r..Glen,NGFWD 244.19 244.19
284 City of G.F.Water Fd. Water rent -NGFWD 1280'.18 1280.18
2:1City off' G.F'.Water Fd. Mater rent 3A-WGFWD 1099.72 1099.72..
, City of G.F.Water Fd.. Water rent-Ridge Rd.WD 148,00 148,00
28.7 City of G,F'.Water Fd. 'dater rent-WGFWD 771.41 771.41
288. Stanley T.Granger - 300 concrete lot markers
PV Cem. 36.00 36.00
289 J.E.Sswyer & Co. , Inc. 1�B Axe-TT Kelley-Pv C. 6190 6190
290 Hoag's Tire Service 1. 5-gaT.pail. 20 oil @ 1.06
Pineview Cem; 1-Cs .24/1 qt
Non,Det.#30 0 99¢ PV Cem. 11.24 11.24
291 Bobs Auto Sergi. Repair 2.-Clinton Eng.& adj,
Pineview Cem.' 1:0.00 10.00
202 "Robart L. Hhgwer Clean & A4j.l Clinton VS-200
Pineview Cem. 3.50 3.50
263 Robert E. Engwer Repair a: VS-200 Clinton Eng._
as item, on voucher-PST Cem.- 11.50 11,50
294 Montgomery-Ward Co, Battery-PV Cem. . 12.45 12.45
295 G.F,Post Co. Pub.Not.on completion of
Assessment Roll 7.84 7,84
. 296 Lean M. Steves Surv..Twn limes as itemized in
- voucher and approved by J.
Van Dusen 25,50 25,50
- 297 Allen F. Towers Suru.Twnllines as itemized
in voucher & approved by J.
'fan Dusen 36.33 36.33
298 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Pwr.serv. at Aviation Road
July & Aug. NGFWD 163,09 163.09
299 G.F.Post Co, Pub.legal. Notice-on Flushing
Hydts. in NGFWD 11.76 11.76
300 Stanton Batease Misc.serv.on election equip.
Primaries ,moving sae 75.00 75.00
301 Mr.Zenas Hewitt Strg.elect.equip. ,, etc. 50.00 50,00
480 P
302 Mrs.. Albert Keech Strg.elect.equip. ,etc. 25.00 25.00
303 J. ..Orr Co.,. Inc. 12 cutter blades ,PV Cem. 6.45 6.45
304 Matt-r�nbeck Mach. 6--Speed limit signs,-20 pm
N.Y.S.Traffic Comm. 177.40 177.40
305 C.G.Woodbury & Son Material furn. for Town of
Queensbury storehouse 401.85 N.A.
,306 Slade Tractor Co. 1841.150 Dia.16 ga.Steel
Pipe (corr.); 8 15"-Dia..
Conn.lands (for drainage-
Park Ave. 485.76 48.5.76
f5599.99 $5199.14
On motion the meeting adjourned
""ces�. . rn�-
Town Clerk
Special Meeting September 6, 1958
• Pre-s ent:
• ' H. Russell. 'Harris Supervisor -
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
• Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtin Lampson. Gouncilmen
Stanley-.B_, Miller - Couna lman
• The board convened. at 7:30 pows, >
• Proof of publication of notice filed.
The following bids were received:
Glens-Falls j N. .Y... � -
Y - Sept. 6, 1958
Town -Board
• Town -of Weensbury
Glens Falls, N Y. -
• Gentlemen
+ We are -pleased to quote-you as follows
• • One 1958 International Truck Model A-1840. GVW 23,500#, BD282
engine,, 7000# front sale, 18,,500# two speed rear axle; Reinforced
frame, heavy duty springs; five speed direct in fifth transmission;
all legal lights; mud flaps, deluxe oil. filter; heater and defroster,
dome -lite, vacuum reserve bank with gauge,; hydraulic brakes,, 9.00 x 20,
10 play tires,, dual:- rear;, 8- gauge dump body with two position mounting,
• Gar Wood A•*60 hoist, five ton-hydraulic Jack. Frink Model 448SP V type
snow-plow with 10 ft. wing and front mounted pump. --
. Price Delivered $9913.25
Allowance 1948 GMC Dump with Plow & Wing -1
Net $8495.00
Very truly yours,
By Earl-T. Carswell
Glens Falls , .New-York. .
t Town•of Queensbury
Highway Depte.
• Glens Falls , N Y
Dear- Sir:
. . f