1955-03-15 SP 41 J, a.nr,�er B-:Co.Inc, ?Ia"sc.Items for FV Cem. 8.78 8,78 42 M.7 c ,-,Sexton Sexton. _ 7:1a.rts,labor P.a-r,,*T�wr.PV Cem. 14.00 14,00 43 Finne_Equ' meat Co. Farts for Cutter...bar_.N;urr.. PV Cemetery r ,'19063 119,65 44 Carsor-�uff�r Agcy, ns�arance,F'V Cem. 179.21 179,21 45 ' Curtis Lampson Watt.%Ssn.Toi�ms Mtng,Buflo 79.67 79,67 46 Raymond- ^fal?nj,p a =► a ►► to 79.56 ,79.56 .47' Harold C.A::i.ns �� ` !► " to I " 84418 84.18 ' 48 ' Irwin H..Crumblev Clerical Trrk,Supve. 46.2j 46.25 49 Russell. & Wait Supplies--Suer. 14.01 ,14.01 50 G.F.Rus.r,aach. Dismantles Machine-chem.clea4 ed:,lubricated and adjusted. Turned down cyl.,replaced ribbon 19130 1900 51 Ray Distrib,Co. Su plies H.E i..Akn.s 6,.85 6.85 52 1,1iott•-Dbnbeck Mach. Grotelits SS Re Pltve Signs 229,73 229.73 ' 53 ' Colson & Brice 1 copir min.,hearing, of Jan.. 17,,1955,equalization and assess.xvP x 15 ,86 15,86 54 Chas.D.Gi l es :1 orti�: w.Tim.Surveyor 5,50 5,50 j 55 Leon M.Steves �^Jork " . n It 56.10 56,10 56 G.F.,Iater Fd. kTGF WD Ext.Fund 32.3,08 323,08 57- City G.FWONT.F, Water_F�ent,NGFt�rD Furled 211.46 211.46 58 '► 1;11 " 11 11 tare st GTgD Fund 398,20 39 8,20 59 '' ►, It to !,' RR WD Fund - 61.13 61.13 60 R.E;Chapman_ Amt,due an .yrel r 1587.00 1587,00 61 R.E.Chapman Contract well drilling 1900.00 1900 00 j $6801«64 680 64�� On motion the meeting; adjourned,, AMWA UO f Toz�m C le rk. Special Meeting l,ia.rch 15, 1955 Y Present: . Rus', Harris :Supervisor T-Aleredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Pease f CurtiCs Lump= Councilman Raymond-Wal'pup C ounci loran The board convened at 7:30 P.M% ' Floyd Ellsworth called upon the board and. t-alked about the Board goa_ng on record in accepting a parcel of land deeded to the Town for highway or a street. The reason being that a. loan would not be granted by the F i.A. unless it was sho-.T: that the Toinm. had accepted the Darcel for street purposes. ' Resolution No. 36 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man La�n�-son.. RESOLVED that there shall be expended for general repairs Item 1 on the Town-Nighways ,, the sum of X37,500.00 and that them shall be placed in. the reserve fund the sum of 122,500.00. SCHEDULE A 1. There shall be expended for reconstra_ction and improving the - Cleverds.le Road from 9L north to Cleverdale , $2,000.00. for Assembly Point t 2, There shall be expended for constructi.rg new road the sum of I $23:500.00, I ` i i Stone -and Tar penetration roads as follows : * i 3. 7/10 ,of a mile from Luzerne through TfInnesota Avenue to • Central Avenue , and through Central Avenue to Maine • . ,.venue ,a4d through Maine to Luzerne Road. $30500.00 Y 4. 4/1-0 of a mile from Luzerne Road,, through Connecticut Avenue s.. to Corinth Road .- 21000.00 5. 6,/110 of a mile Montray Road- from present black top to Route 9. - 30000.00 - t 6. 3/10 of a mile Pine I ;Road to Luzerne Road to Corinth Rd. ,500,00 X d 7. 5/10 of a mile Sherman -Avenue from present black top to Mountain Road x,,500.00 8, 1/10 of a mile Fifth Street Extension from Thomas 4 Streette Caroline Street. 500,00 l • - ! k { 9. There shall be expended on the Glen Lake Road the sum of -0500,00 for straightening, cutting curves and " ' general,.improvement. C Further resolved that the members of this board sign an agree-- went with the Town Superintendent tca that effect. i + Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes _ Mr. W.alkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lzmpson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noes - none i Mr. Bentley having a previous commitment,, he was excused and the board adjourned until March 16th. ff On motion the meeting adjourned,. -Town Clerk; Adjourned Special Meeting March 16, 1955 I Present: H,. Russell Harris supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace y; Harold Akins Justice of the Peace ty Curtis Lamps on Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. ` { The members of the Town Board signed the agreement with the Town 1 Superintendent.` j John Van Dusen was also present. i' Maps and specifications `of the proposed ' ueensbury Water Supply District No. I were discussed. The Board discussed ,in sole detail methods for creating the Queensbury Water Supply District No. 1,. and also discussed the method "of handling financially the creation of said supply District. It was felt that Mr. Van Dusen,, Town Sur- veyor, shoufd lake another map covering the housing' development in said supply district, It. was further stated that it would 'be better to have all the necessary information, data, or any other maps which should be essential for the State Department of audit & Control. or for any other board which has the power or authority on the creation of the Queensbu.ry eater Supply Dist. No. 1., y .