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1� ¢ Town. 3oard., Town of queen sbury, Glens Falls , N.Y. 9 Gentlemen As per your advertisement of April 81, 1955, we are pleased to quote as follows One 19.55 International Truck Model R-182, 142" wheelbaser GT2 21 .OpQo Motor 282 cu.in displacement,, six cylinder-overhead valve.,.type, } reinforced frame direct in fifth five speed transmission_, two speed ' axle? 9,,00 x 20,.10 ,ly tires , heavy duty front and rear springs , tow hook, ' oversize battery= directional signals , flares and reflectorsr heater and def: defroster, deluxe oil filter, increased cap bra?�es, 9 x 7 4 yard j dump body with 8` gauge floor and tailgate, one quarter cab protector, Gar 'Mood A-40 hoist,. or eT.zal ,. one way blade Frinl` snow plow With P!. wer.hy- draulic controls , Model 425-9, mounted on-.this truc"� -.. Price Delivered .16575.00 Discount 657,,50 $5917.50 There is no Federal tax included in the above figures. Chassis is avail- able for immediate delivery to body surplier. Bodies expected in from week to 10 days . Very truly yours ,, CARS'rT9LL TRUCK & TRIXT CR C O.IPWC. - I 303 Cu.in motor can be furni_shed for °5.00 additional. Resolution. No. 42 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley WFMI.REAS the Town Su of htainaec+uix�ment pursuantdt of Aprils. ,1955,. reccr and the purchase of cer l the provisions of section 142 of the Highway laws, and. a notice of such F recommendation has been 'duly „�ublisbed as provided in such sctio�1 %IT01,T therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the 1Ji_ghsrray Zaw, the Town. Superintendent of highm-ays is hereby authorized to purchase from Parsons T�zc: 1955 Ford model F8007 Cab _Chassis 22y000 GV Tr 3I7 cu .ir.ch .motor, ��,l�ith the a prov--1_of "n. County Superi� - tende nt of Nighways. i Duly adopted by the f01107�TinE: vote - Mr E Harris ,,, R �T ??r. . Lampoon, Akins er_d . j Ayes val Tyr.. lien .1 , gae s none I Ors motion the meeting adjourned. Tos�m Clerk. f Aril 239 1955 angular N�eeting P Present: y, H. Russell Harris Supervisor Maredith Bentley justiee ,of the Peacte Curtis Lampson Councilman Haysidnd-Walkup councilman iI 1 Absent: Harold Akins Justice of the Peace The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. b Edgard Sorenson, Vice-Pres. of the Broadacres Association., was present and discussed with the-,board the erection of Stop signs. He also dis- cussed the proposed< Town Hall and water supply with members of the board, Dean Howland repres@nting the Bay Road Development project was present and asked that the Town accept- a road beginning about 280 feet off' Bay Road, He exhibited a .map,, showing the location of then propos @d road.. He was advised that the road would be rough--graded. The map (" was placed on file. Resolution No. 43 introduced by Councilman Walkups seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the Town hereby accepts and approves as a. land development_ the lands as. shown on a map laying- out lands along Bay Road and Glen Lake Road down as the Country Colony - a How.-Mac- De- velopment, Bay-Road., Towa of Queensbury, dated April 1955 by G.C.Tripp, Jr., C.E:, NYS Lie. 23404 subject to,-the streets-therein 'as proposed being improvod in the manner required by the Tarn Board and any Town ordinance and a good and sufficient deed of conveyance conveying to the Town of Queensfiury the title to the land of the said improved lands for street purposes. t Daly adopted by the following vote: Aye s- -- Mr. Walkup., Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris Noes - none Resolution No. 44 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Council Lampson: i RESOLVED that the Town hereby accepts and approves as a land j development the lands as. shown on a map of lihts owned by Nathan f. Proller in "Thgmson Park's subdivision, Town of Queenabury., dated V'eb., 28, 1955 - Ernest L.H. Meyer, C.E'.P'.E_. Duly adopted by the following vote: t Ayes Kr.. Walkup„ Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris Noes - none t In reference to purchase of a truck for the highway department, the 4: following resolution, No. 45 was introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by CcuncJlmap t _ WHEREAS the Town Board did on the 19th day of April, 1955s, authorize the Town. Superintendent of Highways, by Resoluti-on No. 42:, adopted at the meeting held on such date, to purchase highway equip- ment, and,, WHEREAS for the purpose of confirming of such authorization to purchase .anal-the financing thereof: RESOLVED THAT:: Whereas the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the .8th-day of April, 1955, duly recommend the purchase of certai equipment pursuant. to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommendation-has been duly published as provided in such section. Now, . therefore , Be It Resolved that pursuant td Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways -Js-hereby author- ized- to purchase from PARSONS OF GLENS FALLS, INC. ,, 630 Glen St. , � 13 Glens Falls, N.Y. +with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways: 1955 F'arrd 140del IZW Cab and Chassis, 22sOOO GVW', 317 Ca. in. motor, 144',-Wheelbase, -equipped as o1lc�rs 2 speeq rear &X169 goo a 20 a to ply tires, 5 speed heavy duty ns iseion, ,direct in fifth, extension mirrors, reinforced frames Tw Hooks, Heavy Duty front and rear springs, directional signals, flares and refleatgrs& heater and defroster oil filter, 4 yd.6yd tail gate,, 9 a 7 Garwood body with A--40 hoist,; :1/4 cab prgtdetor, Garwood$ Frixk snow plow, #25.•9 with power hydraulic lift controls mounted on above truck for a-total pride of Five Thousand Six Rundrod Forty-eight and 00/1.0 Dollars ($59,648000) delivered at Toim StoroUouseg Taan of Queensbary,, N.Y.. .and to be delivered `on or about May 31, 19:55. The Tcwn SUperintemdent of Highways is hereby authorised, subject to the approval of the Qonnty Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the above-named vendor . . PL . . . as part payment for the above equipment to be purchased. The terms of payawt will be as follays: _ Trade-in allowance « « Check drawn on MLchinery Fund 3060,00 Check from proceeds of obliga- tions 53f&,00 Total: . A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall be duly executed between the.Tem Superintendent of Higkvays and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Suipervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item purehase� .in aFoordsnce with the terms of such resolution and such ` + contract, and to pay the above amount specified to,be paid by check or cheeks* i r (1) By a check drawn on the Machinery Fend (Item 3) for $3t1f?.00. (2 By a check in the amount of $5348.00 drawn on the account estab- lished from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuaint- to the Local Finance: Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. If this board subsequently decides to issue bonds to finance such pur- chases the value of the, above item traded-►ih tovard the purchase price shall be considered as a down payment required by Section 10T.00 Of the Local Finance Law, Idly adopted by the followi..hg vote,:* ` Ayes •. �+Ir« W.alkaus Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The following request was received from the Qaeensbury Central Volun- teer FXre Gtr.,. Inc. _ 1 VWSBURY CMq"U L V OLUHTSER FIRE CO'«, INC, I-Faster-Avee �,. Glens Falls, Hew York AprJ1 23, 1955 Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, Now York Gentlemen: The Quoensbury .Central Volunteer Fire Co. requests permission 14 and license to hold their annual carnival. from May 2-7 inclusive. The carnival will be held at the usual place, -Upper Glen Street at the rear of the `Gleildal.e Furniture Store and presented by King Reed under sponsorship of dur Fire Company:. r _ Yours truly,, Isl Bert J. Martin, Sec. c Resolution No 46 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by '#,Tustice Bentley: j RESOLVED that permission hereby is granted to the Weensbury Central golteer Fire Co. Inc., to hold a Garnival to provide funds for such Company as follows Sponsor - Queensbury ,Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. t _ Show or Carnival -- King Reed shows, . 'Date - May 2, 1955 to Mty 79 1955 exclusive. Place - Lot at rear of Glendale Furniture Store on Lake George Road. Li Fee *► #100.00. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to Issue such license to hold carnival as aforesaid upon receipt of the fee of #104,00 Duly adapted by the following vote; � Ayes «► Mr. Walkup., W. lay, Mr. Lamps on and Mr. Harris ` Tares - none The license will be sent to Bert J. Ma.rtin,Secy., 1 Foster Ave.., Glens Falls. John Regan representing the Glen Lake Association was present in beferene�e to the erection of Step_Signs. The question of the RR brossing was again brought up with nothing new on the subject bei3ag_.r9eported. There was also some discussion of the control of speed bokts=on Glen Lake,, and a complaint of garbage being ' strewn in the vicinity. Claude Field, Dist,; lr. of the Grots Mfg. Co.. . was present in refer- ex" 8 to-the produo' of his company which manfactures signs of all kinds. Jim Wells, of Mott Manbeck,, Latham, was also present in reference to the products of his company'.- Jobia Mills bf the R.E.-Chapman Co. , Dorset, Vt., was present and dis- cussed with the board the cost of drilling wells. The Clerk read the following letter.. WEST GLEE'S FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. T,9 I=, - Glens.-Falls, Hew..York. April 18, 1955 t Mrs. Bert Turner Town. Clerk. j Town. of teensbury I i Dear Mrs. Turners We hereby apply for a permit for a carnival :to be held July 69, 7,899 inclusive, at the West Glens Falls Fire House field. i - l 15 RgsgePtJy Inssh Secretary Resolution No. 47 introduced by Councilman I,ampsoa seconded by Councilman Walkup. ' sign is hereby granted to Wist Glens Falls RESOLVED that permis the proceeds therefrom to be Fire Company s Inc w s to hold a carni.vaL.,. used for the benefit of the Fire Company. Sponsor-test Glens Falls Fire Company N0. 19 Inc. Sher or Carnival - 0., C. Ba k"Shows Dates: -- july 6-7-►8 and 9, 1955. Place Field crest of the West Glens Falls JPire Station. Fee - $100.00 that the Town Clerk be ru�.d 1s here)'Y authorized FURTHER RESOLVED, © each carnival as and directed to issue the license. for the holding aforesaid upon the payment• of. the fee of $100.00 Daly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup:,, Mr.• Bentley, Mr. Laampson and, Mr.. Harris Nees - none The Clerk read the following letter to the board: April 210 1955_ 9 Pearl st.9, Glens Falls, Y.Y. Dear Sir: We mould like to have the old part of the . West ins Fells ,Cemetery to clean this year for which you paid $W0 4,00. WEST GLENS FALLS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. y president, Is/ Mrs. glive DaVy Resolution No. 48 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman ly Lamps on t RESOLVED that the West Glens Falls Cemetery Association be and is hereby authorised and directed to cause to be removed grass, weeds j and brush from the West Glens Falls Cemetery, old part, at a cost of 000.001. FURTHER RESOLVED that such weeds , brush and grass be moved at least three times during the summer and shy be. completed before Q'et 0 1, 1955. FARTHER RESOLVED that the sum of OC.00 be and is hereby appro- priaated for such.work. Duly adopted by the following vote: and. Mr. Harris Ayes .. Mr., Walkap�, Mr. B®nt3dey, Mr. Lamps o P j Noes - none I The Clerk read the following letter: r HARRISENA COMMUNITY CHURCH Star Route 16 f HARRISENA COMMITY CHURCH • -Star. Boute, t Glens Falls, New York___ Town Board April 16, 1955 Tarn of Qneensbury Gentlemen- The Harrisena Nonl;s Group would like ,to take care of the Seelye. and- Harris Cemeteries as we have in the past. We •will do-this work for 1955 for the sum of $175.00 as we hav in previous years. Signed , /"s/ Gordon T. Webster Secretary, Men!s Group Resolution No. 49 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman, j Walkup i RESOLVED that the Harrisena Men's Group of the-Harrisena Com- ity . rch_be and are, hereby authorised and directed to remove grass, woods and brush from the Cemeteries known, as the Seelye and Harris Cemetery at a cost of $175.00. FURTHER RESOLVED that such weeds, brash and grass be removed at least .3 times during the summer and that the work be completed by October 1, 1955. FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $175.00 be and is hereby ap- propriated- for such work. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup.,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris Noes - none - I The following letter was read to the Board: j R.D.#T, Lake George., N.Y. .April 20 9,, -19,55 Russell Harris, Supervisor Town of t eensbuTy Warren County, N.Y. Dear Mr. Harris. i The Mountainside Grange have voted to agai4L clean the Scotch Cemetery as a part of their community service. i Please let us know if this will be agreeable to the Town. Sincerely,, MOUNTAINSIDE GRANGE #428 By W. .A. Turner, Treas. t Resolution No. 50 introduced by Councilman Walkup, mmonded by Justice Bentley r RESOLVE that the Mountainside Grange #1328 be and is hereby authorized-and directed to cause to be removed the grass, weeds and brash from the Scotch Cemetery, Bay Road, FURTHER RESOLVED that the work be completed by October 1, 1955,; and that _sueh weeda, .brush and grass be removed at least 3 times a year. a i 17 Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris Roes none A notice was received from the West Glens Falls Fire Company stating, that James Rozell., volunteer fireman, had sustained an injury while fighting a fire on March 25, 1955. N! j Councilman Lampson recommended that two extra hydrants be installed on f Winchip Drive. Sapervisor Harris signed papers on abatement of the Hillis duz¢g A request was received: from Mrs. Pierce and from Mr. and Mrs. Hyde asking that the name of -Catherine-Ave, be changed to Windsor Road, Resolution No. 51 introduced by JUstica Bentley, seconded by Councilman Walkapt USEREAS the property owners request that the name of Catherine pf. St, be .chaAW to Windsnr Road„ . . - RESOLVED that the street Hams` of Catherine` Ave, . running from Glenwood-Ave, -to Glenwood Ave ,+ be changed to 'Windso r Drive . Duly adopted by the following vote; a _ Ayes - WalkQVt Mr. Bentley, Xr.. Lampson and Mr. Harris Hoes - none Resolution Ho. 52 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Council- man Lampson;-. 1 REaOLVED that a sodium vapor street light be installed at the intersection off Bay Road by the and the C.ou*tT Road known as the F&rm to-Market Road in the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mir. Harris. Y Noes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read to the board for the month of February, 1955: _ _ w Receipts Feb. 2 Earl Jones, Collections WGFWD 14.85 - 15 Frank ,Cvrles s Cemetery Fund kineview 155.00 Frank Cowles, Cemetery land " 2425.04 A. Millis transfer Collectors sp. Aeet._. Fire Protect- . ion. 15000000 A. Hillis, water Rernts & Penalties WGFWD 431.78 A HIllis,Re-laid ,Water. rents & penalties NGFWD '45.10 j f . Hillis,Re-laid Water ruts & - ( penalties Itt die WD 95.15 Alb ,per eapitsc per pesrson - Qenerral~- 5242,46 Y rrasffr Cowles,Opening & rental: of . vault Pinevi ew 80000 • Glen Falls TOVn Clerk fees 1/55 era:L v 327.75 Dog Tikz Receipts,Cc11hty Treas • General 1582„32 Transfer ..Collectors 2pec.Acet. Highway 35.700.40 Warren Ga. Saov Removal:, Highway 1823.25 i . i8 Disbursements: Feb Volunteer Fire Companies 75€ 3.00 General Fond Acg.ounts. 7623.56 NGFWD'Ext 323:08. n eviOW 526.64 Capital Reserve 3487.00 ]TGFWD 286*" WQ FKD 438.x? Ridge WD Highway-- 8584*.25 Corrected CouS* _ The ,monthly statement of the Supervisor for the month of ;arch was read to the board. • Receipts ' gar. 1 file of Note from 'Cap,.Reserve General. 3487.0 Collectors. Spec:.Acct.Taxes 1 . Collected Drainage 8100..00 8, collector's Spec.Aect.Taxes - Collected NGFWD Ext.2675.04 9GFWD Ext.Paymt.of Note with Int. Gak,Res°erve 106.27 Saa.Ded.from Employee I-s on Aeereed Pay Rolls Spec.Acct. S..S.Fend , 69.80 . 10 Earl- Jones, Collections WGF WD 1'6.50 16 Sae.Ded.frrom: Employees on Payrolls..--Sgec.Acet. Cn _ S.S F d. 1:2*60 29 Collector's Aeat.Taxes Collected- gezeraT 12356.50 Francas Tarner Town Clk.,Collect, General 19,6000 Collector's Spec.Acet. Tax u Collections . Highway 63538#00 General TO= Hind to cover Tovu Share: of Span Spec.Adct.: - S.S.Fd. 400.wOO Frank Cowles Cemetery Fund Pivav ew 75.x!0 Total Receipts 919404,6" Disbursements- Mar, General. - 4038„09 Drainage 6610000 NGPWD'Ext. 115.27 Pineviex 3190 NGIP ND 157.2 WGF ND 109'3.349 Ridges_WD 6475 _ Highway_ so" 3. Total Disbursements 'The Board audited claims as follows: Sehedule: of audits for the Torn of Qaeensbury, Warren County, New York, for the month. of April., 1955. �y.{ T v Aare* Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim. Claimed All-owed `85 G.F.Post Co. P'eb.Not.Bids dump truck 7.04 7.04 a6 Niagara-Mohawk Corp. . Str.l tng.&; Tra;f.signals 162.76 1,6P 76 '87 Be rd Codner Rep.PV dam,b 3.7Aozer,ete*U6.40 126.00, 88, Frances L.Tarner Reg mail to Rev.Cas® .33 .33 `89. B.-Lam, E .ip.Ce,. 3 badges,P.PI*& IUS4. 7.8T. 7.81 '90 II.S.CasuaT.ty Go,, Premiums Off*bonds 80*00 801000 1 1 19 n Frances L. Turner Postage 3,CtCi 3.4Q 92: G .Elect. Supply nect.Supplies 168.92 168,9 : 93 , 14e144d Paper Co;.-,Akins jkv,& folders 5.98-Paid by H. Akins '94 G.k.R'at*Bank sty Trgst C.o:.Cemete'ry Camm'Twn. ` Safety Dep.box. 440 4.40 95 west Hillis Vileege-Assessor,425 m10 .0 8e_ 34.00 34.00 98 Kathryn ©Brien 4j hrs�Type.TWn.Bd. 4.50 4.50- 07 , Niagare.- iw..Power Str,ltng-Pt.Amherst-w _.. _ Garrison 14, 8,2; - 24 Leon M.Sievens Twij, Surveyorlls Hlpr. 34.80 30.80 99 Chas.p't_.Gibss " * _ M 15.40 15.40 j IW hrving H.Crumaey Clerical,. Sepv,arc, 48,75 48.75 Lillian. C*Shepard Serv.rndrd.V+G D Fd* 36.00 36.00 109 Lillian G.Mepard - Vd, 4.00 9104 ILillian .Shepard " a �ICr�!"fdT? fd: 25*00 25.00 04 J.X.8Wyer.,do Co.«Tie. 2.:IC 18.,Rarkes Pv .Cem.i 53.0 5 3 ' .. 789 oal VN9,01 t . On motion the meeting adJo reed. r -Town Clerk. .Special_.Meeting Zay 3, 1955 ite sent H. Russell Harris Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman Meredith Bentley,Absent Justice of the Peace The board convened at 7«30 P.M. Resolution No. 53 introduced by Justice Akins who moved its adoptions, seconded by .Council man Lamps on. Water Rent Anticipation Dote Resolution of May 3rd, 1955, of the Town of Q%eensbury,.. Marren County, ,New York, in the amount of $1200.010. BE IT RESOLVED this 3rd dal* of fty9 19:559 by the Town. Board of t they Toft of Qaeensbury, Warren County, New York, , as follows:. Section 1. That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of- .York, the To of Queenasbury, Marren County, Yew York, for the .purpose of providing funds for immediate need, shall issue and sell a bndi:�eit` note in the amount of 20004,03 to mature on the lst day of June, ?t95 { _ Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terks. form, eantents, and place of payment and, at the rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per aim as may. be determined by the Sapervisor, consistent, however, with the pro- ,vOign of the Loesrl` Pihance Lair of the State of Now York, and shall be executed In the name -of the said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of - the 'Town shall be attached thereto, _.• Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Super Isor at a price not less than par value and accrued interest, if i�,� agad open the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be d±sl: 4ered. to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Supervisor Beal bey acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money.