1955-05-28 ` RESOLVED that the claim of Albert E. Beswick in the amount of X110.00_Por._services and disbursements in the defense of the above entitled actio' be and the same hereby is allowed and approved, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Albert E. Beswick the sum of 1110.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Wa mp., 9r.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Does none Resolution No. 57 introduced by Justice Bentley secornded by Justice Akins WHEREAS the Board deemed it in the best interests of the Town to take. au option on a certain piece of real property cad by Carlton frieberger and Martha F4reiberger, his wife„ westerly off"date NO, 8 in the Town of Queensbury for the agreed price of J500t00 for said aptibn. .. BEFIT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to pay the sum of-$500.00 to said-Carleton Freiberger and itrtha Frei- barger, his wife, according to the terms -of the aforesa +d mption. Daly adopted by the following vote Ayes. - Mr. Walkap, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris . t Foes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Fr ces ..Town Clem. 1 Regular Meeting May 28, 1955V ` . Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor' Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the peace Curtis ;arspson Councilman Raymond_Walkap: ounei I n The board convened at 7:30 P'.M. The following letter was read to- the board: BRAYDON & CHAPMAN Glens Falls , N.Y.. May 28, 1�5 Supervisors, Town of Qaeensbury,; Warren County, I .Y. Gentlemen- 4 I regret not being able to meet with you in person this -ovd ing, but another engagement prevents that. Therefore, I am asking may farmer and handy-man, Mr. Marvin rsn8i1.3-e, to pr®sent this letter to you* The storyirierfly is that about a, year ago I -met with-'� a group, here, and ezp].aines the situation on the- Dixon road wbs1*9 in order ` to remove a dangerous curve, it was necessary-to tape ' 0me of my land but without my permission Cat the peak of the f&=),$, thereby spoiling at least one building Tot. Inasmuch as it appears that there is some land on the west side of the road as it comes up the 28 hill and which is not needed, this was to be turned over to me in preference to any cash paypent.. It was my understanding that the matter would be handled in this wag as soon as the engineer could draw a maps and, your attorney would then draw up the papers , as I want to replace the old fence with a new one, but as yet it seems the papers are not ready and I do hope that prompt steps can be taken to adjust this situation. Very respectfully yours, /sl Fred B. Chapman. -; _ Marvin Maranville appeared in behalf of Mr. Chapman. Ben Nonkin,, 12 Hartford Ave. , Glens Palls„ was present. Mr. Nonkin, who owns lot #46, Montray Heights, opposite Fan & Bill's, requested that a tap for water be installed. Resolution No..5a introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Lampson and Justice Bentley: RESOLVER that permission be and is hereby granted to Ben Nonki.n to tap on the -main on the Lake George Road to supply water to lot Nei. 46 in the Mcntray Heights division_.subjeet e8 approval of the Glens Falls Water Board. ' Duly adopted by the fallowing vote Ayes - Mr.. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noes - none Stephen Shappy and Arthur Davis were present and requested that Mr. Van Dusen be authorized to-survey a proposed road from Big Boom to Big Bend. Mr. Harris is to call Mr. Van Dusen. - I Charles Ringwood, attorney, representing Stephen Quade, discussed the -sAning of property on the east side of Lake George from the Caldwell East line to Tw, nhaml s Bay, Stephen Quade spoke briefly and a general discussion of the matter vas had. . The following letter, requesting permission to hold•a circus, was read to the board QMNS'BL RY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE C O. , INC. Glens Falls,-New-York. May 289, 1955 Town Board,, ` Tom of Queensbury, Glens Falls, N.Y. i Gentlemen: The members of the Qaeensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company request permission and license to sponsor a ,circus in the Town of Qaeensbury Monday, June 27,, 1955.-The The circus will be held on Aviation Road on the Henry,Sl.eight. property. There will be a mini- � I . of two performances,, one in the ofternoon• and one in the evening. LIYours truly, ` Is/ Bert- J. Martin, Secy. , Queensbury- Central Vol. Fire Co. Resolution Not 59 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley: I ,24 RESOLVED that permission be and is hereby granted to the Queens- bury CgZLtral,Valunteer Fire Co. ,• Inc , to hold a circus as follows: Sponsor - Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co.:, Inc. Circus - Kelly Morse Date Monday, Junel.��hT ��i�-�-s'j k•x Fee_ - One Hundred Ddllars. n FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authoriz- ed and-.di,;rectes _to,issue the permit to hold such circus as aforesaid upon redeipt of the license fee o£ °31.00#0,0- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. .Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none. A check for the sum of $100.00 was presented by Mr. Martin and Mr. Leuenberger. Carl Kreiser discussed with the Board the proposition of the Town accepting as town/highway certain streets in the Broa:dacres section. road Resolution No.' 60, introduced by Justice $ent�.ey, seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the Town accepts as a Town highway all of the lands as descxi.bed .in a deed from Carl J. Kreiser to the Town of Queensbury, dated May 28th, 136bt It is further resolved that the acceptance of the grant for street.purposes be and is hereby subject to approval ofthe ,C4=tY Attorney as to the form and sufficiency of the deed of conveyance l for such purpose. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins anal fir. Harris Noes none Resolution Na. 61 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman Walkup RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury accepts as a Town Ri.ghwa.y all of the-.lands as described in. a deed from John P. Hay. and Fred- erick T. Hay, to the Town of Queensbury, dated April 29, 1956- FURTHER RESOLVED that the acceptance of the grant for street purposes _be and is hereby subject to the approval of .qty Attorney as, to the form and sufficiency of the deed of c�omveyance for such purpose. FURTHER RESOLVED that 'sueh accepted street shall ;be and is hereby-designated as .Clark Street. Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: T Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, MY'. Akins and Mr Harri I Noes - none i Ed Blinn and Jbck Regan were present as representatives of the Glen I Lake Assoc a.tion. i i i i I r 25 The following letter was read to the board by the Clerk: STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION ..Alban May 239 1955 Town B.oard,, Iowa of Queensbury,; ,Warren County, N.Y. Gentlemen:: This refers to your recent request that speed be restricted on the-Glen Lake Road, a. Torn Highways. between Bay Road and Route US 9 in-.the Town of Queensbury.,, 'Marren County. Investigation indicates that this is a winding road with num- erous sharp grades. As such, it is not conducive to excessive speed. Marginal development consists of only 45 residences and 2 commercial establishments in a distance of 3.8 miles, which is far below normal warrants for a speed restriction. The road: appears typically rural in character,, and we find no basis for action. by this Commission to restrict speed. We regret that your request, mst therefore be denied. Very truly yours ,. ~ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION /s/ Lloyd A., Maeder There .was discussion of the need for Dumping signs and Railroad signs: at Glen Lake: There was also discussion of road work at Glen Lake as we 1. as discussion of the regulation of the speed of power driven boats on the bake. ` The Clerk read the following letter to the board: { NORTH, QMNSBUAY VOLUNTEER FIRE CC., Cloverdale, New-York,'. -May 9.9 1955 Town Board Town. of Q"ueensbgry 388- Ridge St.„ _ Glens Falls, N.Y. t Gentlemen: ' I believe it is the custom for each of the Volunteer Fire Companies in the Town of Queensbury to submit each year after the e nnual meeting, a. list of .the officers and active firemen to the Toga. Board. Accordingly. please find attached hereto the list of officers and active firemen of the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company.. If this is not in order please advise and I will endeavor to furnish whatever information you may desire. _ Very truly yours, Is/ Leonard. P. Grant,, Secy. -Star Route , _Glens Falls , N.Y.. A. page containing the names of officers and volunteer firemen acccm- panied the letter. - It resolved be burydVolunteerbFirenCormed as duly act . Inc. Line officers Gordon Webster Chief� W. Douglas Webster 3rd Asst.Ghief Sc}loonover ]_st Asst.Chie.f Lean Dicl�inson Captain rt �a�- 2nd Asst.Shief William Henderson Lieutenant ;Scott-McLaughlin Company officers President Arthur Freelove Secretary Leonard P.„ Grant Vice-President o Hass Treasurer Alfred C. :Van Horne Fire Police Relp3 Hill„ Sr. Chief Arthur Freelove Hugh Pulver Lle Hill. Fred Vaughn - Charles -E. Ward Robert LaPgzv, Jr. James A. Harper Richard Brayton Archibald" Frank Mason, Alger C. . .dyers „ Dr.. Herbert McLaughlin, Scott: Been, Ralph Musgrove, John Benware , Wesley Nelson, Robert A. Brayton,, Richard QsterhoudtI Henry Burkhart„ Vernon Powers , Leo T. Cleghorn, Robt. W. Pulver, Bugh. Denton, Percy, Sr. Ricketts., Wayne L"tenton, Percy ; Jr• Ross , Waldo Dickinson, Leander Schoonover, James Freelove, Arthur Schoonover, Neal Fuchslocher, Emil- Short, Harold I. Grant, Leonard P. Stevenson, Rodney Harper,_Tames A. Truesdale , Harry Harris , Marshall k Turner, William C. i Harris, Philip Uhrig, William Henderson, William H. Van Hornet Alfred C. Hill, Lyle At Vaughn, Fred Hill, Ralph, Sr. Ward, Charles E. Howland, Dean.. Ward, Claude Howland, Richard Webster., W. Douglas Hulsapple, Harry Webster, Gordon Keyworth, Irving West, Vernon. Klein, Herbert Wood, Henry Le Blanc, George E. IN SERVICE La Pan, Ernest - La Pan, Hobert R. . La Pan, Robert A. John De Marco A. _ William Webster, Jr. In the Matter of The establishment of the. CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT in the Town of Q,ueensbury, County of Warren and_ State-of. New.York. dKr. Harris introduced the following resolution (No. 62) and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Walkup. WHEREAS, a petition for the creation and establishment of a lighting district to be known as the "Cleverdale Lighting District"' in the Town of Q,ueensbury, Warren Bounty$_N.Y. being dated January 9, 1954, was duly presented to -the To= Board, and f i 4 C 27 WHEREAS an order was duly adopted by the Town Board on the 23rd day ,'of January, 1954, reciting the filing of the skid petition, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district and the estimated cost thereof, and specifying the 6th day of February 1954, at 7x30 P.M... of that day at the office of the Town Clerk-as the time and place were said Town Board would meet to consider the petition and to hear all 'p'drsons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same , and WHEREAS said order 'was duly posted and published as required by lair, ajd..a,,, hearing was duly held by this Board on the 6th day of i February, 1954, at which time all persons, interested in the application were heard, and a public hearing thereon was adjourned to the 20th day #f March, 1954, at which time the lighting district committee of the Town Board reported favorably upon the petition, and the said public hearing was further adjourned to the 10th day of July, 1954, at the fire house of the North Queensbury 'volunteer Fire .Com for the '� I'y PaRY purpose of permitting persons who awned summer cottages in the proposed Lighting district to be heard, and the Tom. Board having heard all persons at said meetings of both those in support of the petition and those opposed thereto, and after due deliberation thereon it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the aforesaid petition is signed and acknowledged as -required-by law, that it complies with the re- quirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers, xith respect to the boundaries of. the proposed district as herein approved, and it is otherwise sufficient, that all of the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, that all of the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district and that it is in the public interest to ,grant in whole the relief sought, and it is further RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the establishment of the lighting district,.as proposed .in _said -petition be approved, that the improvement .therein mentioned be constructed and the service therein mentioned be provided for, and that such district shall be designated and known as the GLEVE15DALE LIGHTING DISTRICT of the Town of Queensbury, and shall `- be bounded-and described-as. follows: A11 of Rip~ley"s Point, also known as Clever- dale, in the ToWn of Queensbury, County. of Warren and State of New York lying northerly of a line begiDping,at a paint on the short of Lake George on the west side of' Cleverdale where the southerly line of the lands or-Richard Tefft intersects the shore line and running easterly along the south line of said Tef t property to the main, road and contin- uing easter�y on the same course to a, point where such line intersects the shore of Lake George- on the egsterly side of Cleverdale. - The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows: H. Russell Harris, Supervisor Aye Meredith. Bentley, Justice of the Peace No , Harold D:. Akins, Justice of the Peace Yes . Raymond Walkup , Councilman Yes I Curtis Lampson, Councilman No The Supervisor declared the foregoing resolution to be duly adopted. The monthly statement of the Supervisor of Receipts and Disbursements was read to the board . I \ aF Receipts Apr. Highway Employees-to SS Contribution Fund -P/R 7 13.96 Arthur Hillis Tax Penalties to Gen.Twn*Fund-_ __ 96.05 T 2 Marren County i Snsw Removal to_.Hig4way-Fund 1823.25 4 Highway,_to Capital Reserve Payment of Notes Dec,. 9/'54 3025.00 Oct, 1/54 1515.62 Dec. 28/54 3609.38: Pineview, Note of Dec. 9/54 to Cap. Res. 302.32. 7 Earl Jones.Yater Rents to WGFWD_ 14.85 21 Highway to ,SS C_onit.Amd alto:Pine View Employees 15.74 Frances Turner, Town Clerk Fees March Co11.Gen. 92.75 � 25 Frank Cowles Opening & Foundation to Pine View 172.50 Total Receipts 1 x,68 ,42. Disbursements Apr, General. Fund 9956,78, Pine Vier 886,02 NGFW'D 100.00 WGFWD 76.00 Ridge WD 9100 - Highway- 15855:.62 Total Disbursements 988830 4 � The board audited claims as follows: Schedule of Audits for the Town of queensbu.ry, Warren County, N.Y. for ,the month of May, 1955. Amt, Amt. Na. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim. Claimed Allowed 105 Williamson Law Bk*Co Supplies-H:.C.Akins .13.44 13.44 106 Dennis & Co. , Inc-., 2 Assessment rolls- Harris 97.3x. 97.32. 107 Raymond Hoague Mileage traveled on serving jurors 10.24 10,24 108 Harold C. .Akins Supplies 5.98 5.98 109 Meredith S', Bentley Postage--re statement 9,41 9.41 110 Ruth Thomas Stenog,services 8.00 8100 111 G«F..Post Co. Pub.Not,Traff.Aeg, 8.25 8.25 112 Niagara-Mghawk Power Strats.& Traf,signals 166.81 166,81 113 Frances L. Turner Postage-Town Clerk 3100 3000 114 Kathryn E. O'Brien Type.Twn.Bd.Reetings 5.00 5.00 115 J.E,Sawyer 4.-Co. Inc. 2 eu.p. leathers & valve leathers-PV Cemetery 1.26 1.26 116 Mead Nursery Jari Jr.sickle bar- PV. Cem. 166.50 166.50 117 Carswell T & T Co. plugs & cylinder-- Pine View Cemetery 11,73 11.79 118 Louis Corlew Shoveling Hydrant- x,00 �• XGFWD 119: Mrs.Claire Wilson Ref,water rent-NGFWD x.50 13.50 Ext. 120 Milfrank Restaurant Ref,water rent-NGFWD 20,00 20,00 121 Edward Dooley Ref.water rent-NG,ZM 13.50 1.3.50 122 Howard Wallace Postage& supplies- NGFWD ' 24.00 24.00 123 Mrs.Mildred Stone Ref.water rent-N'GFWD 13.50 13.50 124 Delbert Beswick Ref.water rent-N'GFWD Bxt. 4.50. 4.50 - i j 2 125 Jahn Kubricky Work perf.on Winchester Dr.. XGFVD _ - 194.00 194.00 126 Chas. D. Giles Work-perf.surveying 19.25 19.25 1:2:7 Leon N.Steves Work"perf«su.rveying • 21.45 21.45 1:28 Irving Cruml.ey Clerical serv.-Superv. 45.00 45.00 129 Ruth Thomas Services rendered People vs. Banta (trial) 8600 8100 130 :.Albert E.Bes*ick Legal serr.Lavine vs. Town of Q. 110.00 110.00 13:4, Fred E. Ricketts Mileage tray•assessing. 14.40 14.40 132 Fred E. Ricketts Mileage tray.assessing 14.56 14.56 - 133 tt-Manbeck Mach, Grotelite signs speed 762.30 762.30 134",� J,Frank Kelley Appraiser serv.G.F.Water supply 300.00 300.00 535 G.T.Elect.Sapply Traff.light supplies 49.59 49.59 536 N.Y.State Dept. of Audit & Control Eisployees' Annual Contribution Retirement System 4642.00 4642.00 137- N.Y.State Dept.. of Supplemental Pension Fund 'Audit & Control (Code 3-41690) 45.03 45.03 138 Elmer Corlew Replace Hydrant-WGFWD 30,00 30100 1139 Nathan Proller Zrns.Maltiform etc.GenTawn 3183.43 3583.43 140 Nathan Praller Ins.Mul.tiform-Pineview Cem. 108.00 108,00 141 Nathan Froller. Ins.Multiform-Ire statement 17,03 17.03 142 City G.F.Water Fd. Insp*frozen hydrant Bay Road _ WGFWD 2.69 2.69 11.43 City G.F.Water Fd... .se.work-broken hydrant,Garrison & North Rds.NGFWD 165.19 165.19 144 City G'.F.Water Pd:. Misc.work-Winchester Drive- NGFWD - 381.08 381.08 145 City G.F.Water Fd. Msc.work-Greenwsy NorthNGFWDD 16.01 16,01 146 City G.F.Water Fd, Water Rent-Ridge Rd. W. Dist.- 76.80 76.80 1.47 . City G':.F.Water Fd, Water bills-Ridge._R�I.W.D. 1,47 1.47 1.48 City G.F.Water Fd. Water Rent NGFWD 3 - 364.50 364,50 T Cit G..F'. iter Pd.- Water dent-.WGFO #93A. 314, 37 314,37 1:50 City G.F.Water Fd. Water Rent-WG D 406.2.8` 406.18 151 Rational Welding Welding Hydrant.Bay Rd, straps on pipe etc.NGFWD 29.00 29„ 00 Totals • .$11,9 77,33 $119,977.33 a. On motion the meeting adjourned. -Teen Clerk, Special Meeti jvm Uth 1955 �, Russerll� �:s uuperaisa>< Nered th. atley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curti n - son Councilman, Rayawnd-W p Councilman -- The board convened at 7:30 P.M I �--' Ernest La:c %wjpw1wk9mdfttt of HUhways also present-.. . t t6lidwire werer +e ;: Mebael noji,,:F Bx=ch,," r s.:W + ChOleffi R. De Va Aabn J. BoiMo, Barr=wd Rre ,ibd.di tcus88d,rwith t4oply Town..B€iard Mater iiupplT irv,t Ge.rher ,,Strget-area also di:e.CUssi .:o4 Aoe4S and 61 6 oA tAW 1*6pbsed lighting district in West Glees Falls. I