1989-11-20 SP s rIPEC'I AL TOWN Bt ARi) )'vvT,tN NnVE"nER 20, 1989 x:05 P.M. TOWN BOARD `MS"L N rRR3FXT 7711pervisor. Stephen Porgns '> Co'1I1c i .1ma"n George ,X,!Y os air- .. rrari lmatx i�P.ttp Mrnalxax� s1 vwn AttorTIPY w TOWN BoAJW i�$ ADS.P.Obfi`' ;~•i JJr,J. I TRan 't��ttf j.l yn I't^fit+�Ti�%� Councilman Ronald Montesi RESOLUTIONS , RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXE('t1TIVF 51F,SSTON RESOLUTION NO. 649, 1909, IrZ�f-n.i,,,r�or; by Mrs . Be+._ty Mona?• an who movpd for its adoption, second-d by Mr . George Kurosaka: i?FS«L,VFT) , that the Town Board of the, Town' of Qur�=,I ghury rier;:!b.y ran=tps into executive cPrs on to discuss personnel rl-t4-or related to a specific pPrsot) Pit l I adop+ pd this 20t1i clay n f No-vember _ 1989, by the f o 1 ] nt.T i tt vot-,P : Mr . Kurosaka , ilrs . Monahan, Mr, Burgos None f )N•hsPnt : Mrs potenZa , !IT k RESOLUTION TO RECONVENE RESOLUTION NO. 650, 1989, tntrn+Ic-d by Mr. George Kurosaka who movers for its by 11r. Stephen Porczos : PESOLVEU, that the Town PQ ky I cif the Town of Queensbury hereby inque", back: Into T11,11y aclrpte `this 2r,�th r1.ay of 1989 , by the follnwinq vote AyeF : Mr. Kurosaka , M.r- Monaba n , TIT- . Pot ,r„o Plops • Nnne a Absent: : Mrs . Poten-,a , Mr. . I1r n+or k 1 Wr'rp.1{SITOP SES1510N ON l.aa(, BITL)CIFT ` (I011,)"jImar} 14 nT?3ilat . j7nr� iF? n• ,t 1r4ri. ti>1:rt? i n1fiJZ� 'Jt M� . a rn _ S,Iperviser f3QI QY}r; x f)I? no,� +_} ;,1 1 rtt _f?r7 rl.rr t r?F1!ati'R �' JTtQR?t.E!L hardware and software f,-,r chanrie to 13 . 000 . 7 r� a{-Ano servjc,-!- for "',-,m4 t i!ar,r7Q t r tJ()tt, rip rs,'15(,r [,c±T1 by 2,50 ,00 t') 1 ) i) . . .Eno. SpJ'Zr/]'+?`i— ij-3 1 f r-%ro„ l f) , 000 , t,) 4ft , OOf. . Encx . ,/Surveybr Con,+,r•?f"i-nqi F )etc?„ 4,o In , 000 . I'''. and r1rjQ Vepf , undar (7,Pier-r a 1 j:rj,a J. frr)m 6600 . t.r, 5, 000. . . Fire tMarshai Fgtiip . froJn rr�n , 4-o ?hrrn , High . Supt.. off1ro Eq,t:ip. from 1 , ()(10 , to 2 QW) . REVFNTJES M'71t-t gage Tax. ^_.hanue to 5z5 , 000 . r ounc;i lman t I Hie M',_Irt.gaq+? ` a” be at 500, 000. Recommended hat +fir, Pudget be rt!.t 1% in 'Now- 74, general PluS $25 , 000 or) cf�)nt-Inasnil-y �!,ipervi sor Borgos-Special Plsv '!­Yet --fli land Park i.t ha s bpen recommended to move th� _74M) . to R a -, -t� s e p e r a 4_ line . T,andfill Discussion- C�)uncilman Monahan-Do a cnn�ra-�- with Glens Falls 1 ike the P F, Contract that they 09 v.,14:1) �,hey will pay a r t a I n share, a dollar amount anything that we do not need -to run t h e landfi'll will go Into -the closilre. account . P-rvi snr. Roraos-That is what 1-yr- fir-ive been doincr bul: on the 52-4A%. my rerommendil: j-on beca­;� ef al 1, -the uncerl:�iinties ir, to kppp what Is, here . . . ('nlinrilman t1oiu�1.h;;n--T wolOrl rlt� sijrp fpp 4(')0 1 000 . . . T have rin prob I pm I ­i ng the f I nal numb-PT. the Y:),y H)py are . I woll1d. I 11-P f-o ��­ Pa,.7)i dppartmen� one p,-rcent and do it in cont-rarti.vil TF-rvicps and move th- I ines i PP.r­1_q o r Borgos--We wt I I have to amenri 'the bktdgpl: by one rl-r cen 1� of e f 1 -;.i.­1nq �.be amnllii,+7 to be r 71 1 0-11 by 17,A P 93 lip ra.�p th,? !F-arp.- Ithe t�lx i's lip 120 , 000 "'11-4, Tvi haJ this -,je jotj (I f y-a r . . . n a I e s +:Rx will r7rmm in b,! frilix nnd fi i r Sri (In 11 a r 9 beynrA a,- of 4-r!Jay we have I , 09 2 . 1535 . "ounc I man Monahan-Reqlj-�,�.ed a t­e ­,-ikdo,,Yn of PRch dep?,.rtment e nd of the yenr 4-o spr� 1)�­, ­ lnsf�� they r-Rm'? T)11,1,s or MI tni.iF their budcr,��ts _ 91.tperirlsol. Porgos-We ha.--1- tbat alre,)rly to date . . . nun.ci Iman Mon;ahan­W,?11!H 1 A omr when `J Tlose the backr on 1989 1 11!177 t_"' 1 1 we guestimated . Wou.ld I ike 4-he Town to� I ook inf�-- se I f Insurance . Supervisor Borgos-In tbe f I i:­ bll�rlrjet , due to new numbers from the County , we will decrea,_t;- the fire -tax by 2 cents per Hiousand. . RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 651 , 1909, by Mrs . Petty Monahan who moved for its adoption , !7eccnO-d by Mr . Gs�nrue Yurosaka: "Es"I'VED , that b T nvy n ll o i: 1-11e Tr:)wn rilf Ql_1P-nnbu_ry hgrFby mo�,Ps into Yx sm r7 u inn to disctiss sRlaries to perform;3rn7 * Of y i 2nth Ii y r�f �T,)%,ember , 19S9 , 1-�v the I y,i i n(rT vot e AV-9 : Mr . Yurosal!a , Mrs . Pora-i)s Absent :Mrs . Poten7:a , Mr. MQnt-E�qi RESOLITTION TO RECONVENE MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 652, 1989, Intr—l�ic-qd by Mr . George K�lrosaka w o moved for Its adoption, sernnrlc­d by Mr. Stephen 1-:korgos : RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves back Into Recri.O.,ir Sesslnn . y jdopt.F�r .1 4-111, M- vomber , IPR9 � by the 1q+-jj I--I V followinri vote : fit 5- tit- , Poran's { Y77. , Noes : None Absent: Mrs. - Potenza, Mr. Montesi on motion the meeting was adjourned. 1 Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. _Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury t i i f :t a i t i 1+ i 4 fit.. !q! :