1955-09-24 69
responsibility. Normally,, the assumption of maintenance would consist of
an appropriation- by the town board for the- purpose of maintaining side-
- walks and some acts of the town superintendent in repairing or maintaining
sidewalks. Unless the totem board or your town superintendent of highways
has assumed such responsibility, then in my opinion there is no liability.
May I call your attention to subdivision 2 of Section 25 of the
Highway. Law ifnich reads as follows
"No civil action shall be maintained against any town or town
_superintendent of highways for damages or injuries to person or
property sustained by reason of any defect in its sidewalks or in
consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any of its side-
`— walks , unless such sidewalks have been constructed or are main-
tained by the town or the superintendent of highways of the town
pursuant to statute , nor shall any action be maintained for damages
or injuries to person or property sustained by reason of such de-
fect or in consequence of such existence of snow or ice unless
written notice thereof, specifying the particular place , was act-
ually given to the town clerk or to the town superintendent of
highways , and there was a failure or neglect to cause such defect
to be remedied , such snow or ice to be removed, or to ma'�_e the place
otherwise reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the re-
ceipt of such notice .-"
I trust that this answers your inquiry.
Yours very truly,
/sf Albert E. Beswick
Resolution No. 86 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
1HEREAS the City of Glens Falls has instituted a certerorari pro-
ceedings against the Town of Queensbury respecting assessments of certain
City property in the Torsi of Queensbury by service of petition and notice
on the Town Clerk,
- RESOLVED that Barry Reoux be and is hereby retained to represent the
Town of Queensbury in the matter and that ne is authorized to prepare the
necessary return _r the proceedings.
Farther resolved that the Beard or the Chairman. thereof
be and hereby are authorized and directed to execute the return on behalf
of the Board of Assessors and/or of the Toifn of Q� eensbury..
Duly adopted by the folluBring vote
Ayes - Mr. Walkup,, Mr. Lampsor_, Mr. Al�:ins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
On notion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting Sept. 24; 1955
gg 11 I
R ilBepHeys is o . } 'eat
11a;eta �4t*on ,sti.c :o the Peace
ur G Lampson oncilm3n
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
. I
. ;7'0
Ernest Lackey was also present.
TvIr. Green, 35 Everts Ave. ,,. who was present called the attention of the
board to a culvert which runs through his front yard for drainage pur-
poses . He stated that he wants the pipe moved.
Mr. John Sauer,, 31 Everts Ave. , also requested action. on blocking the
drainage culvert.
Mr. Lackey stated that he has plans to correct the situation respecting
both- culverts.
Mr. Beswick was present and discussed with the Town Board and with
Mr.. Kreiser the extension of the drainage system to include an area
owned by Mr. Kreiser. _J
Mr. Beswick also discussed with the board the matter of the- Glen. Lake
railroad crossing.
Resolution No. 87 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr o. Walkup:
RESOLVED that the Town Board petition the Public Service Commis-
sion for an order requiring the Delaware & Hudson Railroad Company to
install and maintain automatic flashing signals on the Glen Lake Road
crossing and that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized- and directed
to execute and file such petition on behalf of the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :'
Ayes - Mr. lilallkup,, Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, I-2r. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Mr. Beswick called the Board ' s attention to the prevailing wage rate.
Charles Dunn was present and discussed with the Town Board the laying
of mains in the area being developed by him.
The Board discussed the Town ordinance with Mr. Dunn regulating develop--
ments in the Town.
A discussion was had with Mr. Be'swick in reference to regulating of park-
ing at the corner of Glenwood Ave. and the Lake George Road.
Mr. Haag, 1 Glenwood Ave. , called on the board in reference to the park-
ing in this area and discussed the matter with the board.
Mr. Caivano was present and discussed a proposed tapping on the Hudson
Falls sewer system, He stated that about sixty families would_hook on...
The matter was referred to the Board as a committee of the whole to inter-
view the Hudson Falls Board.
Resolution No. 88 introduced by Councilman Lampson,, seconded by Councilmaq'n' '
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed
to cause to be prepared by the County Attorney a proposed ordinance to
restrict the parking of motor vehicles along the east side of Glenwood
Ave. northerly from its junction with the Glens Falls-Lake George High-
way for a distance of about 200 feet.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
,Mr. Van Dusen was present and discussed with Ivir. -Kreiser and the Town
Board the proposed change of part of a street-known as Coolidge Exten-
Larry Powers discussed the problem of dogs running at large, in the West
Glens Falls area and suggested that quarantine be imposed in the West
Glens Falls section to control the situation.
Resolution No. 89 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Town purchase 100 cast aluminum signs, 4 way and
2 way combination signs from the Glens Falls Rubber Stamp Works in accor-
dance with proposal submitted by the Glens Falls Rubber Works.
The vote resulted as *follows :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lam.pson
Noes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
The vote resulting as above , the resolution was declared lost.
Resolution No. 90 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Supervisor
RESOLVED that the Town purchase 100 porcelain 4 way and 2 way signs ,
combination signs , exact number of each to be determined later from the
Ferro Enameling Co. in accordance with the proposal submitted by the said
Ferro Enameling Co.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Mt. Walkup, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson
The following letters from Albert E. Beswick, Attorney, were read to
the Board :
August 30, 1955
Mr. H. Russell Harris
Star Rt
Glens Falls , N.Y..
zDear Russell:
There has been submitted to me for approval a deed from Floyd K.,
Ellsworth and Mabel C. Ellsworth to the Town of Queensbury which purports
to convey two town roads , one being Gilmore Avenue and the other Pinewood
I have not seen a survey map of the Ellsworth property and am unable
t6 determine if the parcels described in this deed ,are actually the roads
as laid out, but the deed does convey 50 foot rights of way and thus con-
f6rms to the requirements of the Highway Law.
Yours very truly,
Isl Albert E. Beswick
Albert E. BesT4ick
Attorney at law
Glens Falls , N.Y.
August 30, 1955
W. H. Russell Harris
Star Rt
Glens, Falls , N.Y.
D4ar Russell:
Encl,-Ised is deed from Frederick, B. Chapman to the Town of Queens-
bury conveying a small parcel for the improvement of the Dixon Road.
Sometime ago I delivered to you a deed from the Town of 'ueensbury
-- to 1.,�.r. -Chapman conveying a small parcel in exchange for the parcel
conveyed_ to the town. 'then "VIr. Chapman left this deed with me.yesterday
I assured him that I would get the deed from you and deliver it to hi m$
and I shall appreciate it if you .,.Till get that deed to me as soon as you
Also enclosed is deer` from the City of Glens Falls to the Town of
Queensbury conveying another small parcel for the improvement of the
Dixon Road.
Neither of these deeds have been recorded and I assume that you
will take care of recording them and then filing them in your town
clerk' s office.
Yours very truly,
Isl Albert E. Beswick
Albert E. Beswick
Attorney at Law
Glens Falls , N.Y.
August 30,; 1955
Mr. H. Russell Harris
Star Rt
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Dear Russell:
There has been submitted to me for approvdl the enclosed deed
from Beecher C. Hartman to the Town of Queensbury which purports to
convey rights of way for four town roads in the Hartman Development,
being Stevens Road , Division Road , Ogden Road ar-6 Pinello Road. I have
never seen a -map of this development and I am unable to determine by
reading the description as to whether this dried actually 'conveys the
roads as laid out, However, this deed does convey a fifty foot right
of way and thus conforms to the requirements of the Highway ra7,%T
Yours very truly,
Is/ Albert E. Beswick.
An agreement signed by H. Russell Harris representirL the Town Board
and Milton Lee Crandell,, Architect, in which the latter agrees to
furnish plans for a Town office building in the Town of Queensbury,
,.•ias received by the 3oard and placed on file.
The monthly statement of the Supervisor for receipts and dis-
bursements was read and placed on file. The items were as follows :
Receipts :
Aug, 3 Earl E. Jones Water Rent Collections 5100
4 Earl E. Jones It 11 11 23,65
5 Pineview &. Highway SS Deductions from P/R15 4.31
- & 14 20,63
19 Dept, of Audit & Control Per Capita Assistance 5242.46
Town Clerk Collections & Fees 180.50
22 "Earl Jones Water Rents & Collections 14.85
Pineview Cemetery SS Ded. P/R 15 4,13
Highway SS Ded, P/R 16 22.25
30 Henry Wallace Water Rent Collections 1500,00
31 Frank Cowles * Fineview Cemetery 290.00
Total Receipts 7307.78
Aug* General Fund Accounts 2718.39
NGF TAD Ext. 1293.50
Pineview 705,70
NGF WD 399t90
1GF 'STD 739.18
Ridge_'t:�D 117.89
Highway_ 7177.40
Total Disbursements 13151.96
The following letter was _read to ._the board :
Department of Public. forks
- , Albany, -New
September 14, 1955
Mr., H. Russell Harris
Supervisor, Town of ,ueensbury
$tar Route
QIens _Falls , ,N.Y.
Re Town of Queensbury
Warren C Aunty
Dear Sir:
Me- have been advised by our district office that the Town of
Queensbury will not participate in the Ten Year Town Hi--hway Improve-
ment Prodra-m for the year 1956.
We are accordingly withdrawing the previously approved project
from our records .
Very truly yours ,
Is! J. C. Heck
Acting Director
The board audited claims as follows :
�i Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claime6 hllowed
227 Niagara Mohawk Pwr. Street ltng 8c Traffic
signals July statement 172.80 172.80
228 G.F. Post Co. Pub.Not.for bids rcd on
Metal street signs 4.96 4.96
22.9 Kathryn E.01Brien Type Twn.Bd.min.mtngs 3.00 3.00
230 Kathryn E. O'Brien Sten.serv.for JP` Bentley
People vs. Yonkers 8100 8100
231 Russell & Wait 1,iLsc.supplies Twn Clk 8.00 8.00
232 J.E.Sawyer & Co.Inc. Galy.pi.pe,coupling ,.tee &
plug as itemized in invoice
NGFWD 15.27 75.27
233 Mrs. Mary Kelso R.fd.water rent-3 mos.
NGFWDXT 6.75 6.75
234 Edw.Thompson Co. 54.-May, NY Session laws &
July 54 Pocket pts.McKinney's
Books 10,12,19,;32,37,64 (2v)
$2.00 each 34.00 34.00
235 Edw.Thomson Co. Pocket ;its ,toMcKinney' s
books (7/1955)-10,12,119,32,37,
64 (2v) 9 2.50 each 17.50 17.50
236 Chas .E.Houghtaling Supplies-Justice Bentley 16.33 16.33
237 Chas.E.Houghtaling Jury list books-Twn.Clk 5.27 5.27
�--- 238 Kathryn E.O'Brien Type Twn.Bd.Min.mtngs 4.00 4.00
239 Dennis & Co. Inc. Budget form blanks ordered
by Town Clerk 12.71 12.71
240 Dennis & Co.,Inc. 1955 Edition-Gilbert Bliss '
Code,.M.S.Bentley,,JP 27.50 27.50
241 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Str.ltng & traff.signals
August 172.80 172.80
242 aline Sleight Writing Assessment Roll 114.00 114.00
243 Cline Sleight Triting Assessment Roll 79,00 79.00
244 Cline *51eight Writing $chool Tax Dist.2 86.00
245 Carswell T 030 T \aisc.,c:;up;plies-Pv Cem. 18.64 18.64
246 TrvinH.Crumley Clerical work-5up,Cffice 66.25 66,25
247 Nathan- Proller Ins .Toim of Qugensbury-Quar-
terly audit-ZTLC7192-C L�a-
bility 361.23 361.23
11 15.24 15.24
248 Sage r-Spuck Sup. 1 isc.Su-,P-,o lies IM
249 Qlmer Corlew Set up Ms take doi,;n booths
Primary Day 68.00 68.00
250 Paul B.Hammond Fosters for jr% Zlect.Dist. 2,00 2.00
251 Cha.s.D.Giles iSurvey.on roads-as itemized
under supervision Twn.Surv. 12.10 12.10
252 Leon M.Steves Survey work-as itemized under
supervision Tim.Surveyor 14.30 14.30
253 W.Lawrence Powers Milegge traveled-services- 34.86
Dog warden 34.86
$1440.51__�1354 951
On notion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
Special meeting October 1, 1955
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond-Walkup,, Absent Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
A petition signed by John C. Hay and Frederick T. Hay, owners of- tax-
able real property situated in the proposed- extension of Reservoir
Park Sewer District , was received.
In relation to the above petition, the following order was signed by
members of the Town Board:
In the 14atter
I -of-
The Petitiorf for the Extension of the Re-
servoir Park Sewer District in the Town of
ueensbury, 'Warren County, New York.
WHEREAS, a written petition, dated September 29th, 1955,, in due
form and coritaining the required signatures , has been presented to and
file(-1. with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warran County, New
York, for thelextension of the Reservoir Park Sewer District , in said
Town, such. extension to be bounded and described as follows :
ALI, that certain piece or parcel of land , situate, ,lying and
being in. the Torun of Queensburyi ".1arren County, New -York, bounded and
described as follows .-- BEGINNING at a point in the southerly side of
,Vrhat is ',,,,no-On as Old Forge Road (Peggy Ann Road) 253.69 feet westerly
of the northwest corner of lands formerly owned by Jabez Ingalsbee;
Punning thence south 48 deg. 54 •minutes west along the southerly line
of Old Forge Road, 299 .66 feet to an -iron pipe set in the ground for a
corner; thence south 53 degrees 53 minutes west 460 feet to an iron
pipe set in *the ground for a corner; thence south 62 degrees 34 minutes