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1955-10-01 SP
74 243 Cline D'leight 7:,IritinE, Assessment Roll 79,00 79.00 244 Cline Sleight 7.1!ritir.6 9chool Tay-, Dist.2 86.00 245 Carswerll T T 'j,;isc.:3up1?lies-Pv Cew.. 18.64 18.64 246 Irvin H.Crumley Olerigal work-$up.Office 66.25 66,,25 247 Nathan. P roller Tns.ToArn of Qugensbury-Cuar- terly audit4WC7192-C Lia- bility 361.23 361.23 248 Sager-Spuck Sup. Misc .Supplies NG7, 15,24 15.24 111R Co. 249 Clmer Corlew Set up &I take down booths Primary Day 68.00 68.00 250 Paul B.Hammond Fosters for Y5 Blect.Dist. 2,00 2.00 251 Chas.D.Giles Surveyor_ roads-as itemized under supervision nfn.Surv. 12.10 12.10 252 Leon M.Steves Survey work-as itemized under supervision Tt,,Tn.Surveyor 14.30 14.30 253 W.Lawrence Powers Milegge traveled-services- Dog warden 34,86 34.86 $1440.51 $1354 .51 On motion the meetin;, adjourned. ®rWA.YeM§�_l Town Clerk Special meeting October 1, 1955 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins , Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup,, Absent Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. A petition signed by John C . Hay and Frederick T. Hay, owners of- tax- able real property situated in the proposed extension of Reservoir Park Sewer District, was received. Th relation to the above petition, the following order was signed by rdembers of the Town Board: In the Matter I -of- The Petitiorl for the Extension of the Re- servoir Park Sewer District in the Town of queer.sbury, '4arrer County, New York. ATHEREAS.., a written petition, dated September 29th, 1955,, in due form and coritainin6, the required signatures , has been presented to and file: with the Town Board of the Town of Queenebury, Warran County, New York, for thelextension of the Reservoir ParL� Sewer District , in said Town, such 4xtension to be bounded and described as follows : ALL that certain piece or parcel of land , situate, ,lying and being in. the Town of Queensbury; Warren County, New -York, bounded and described as follows : BEGINNIING at a point in the southerly -side of what is '',-noi4n as Old Forge Road (Peggy Am Road) 253.69 feet westerly of the northwest corner of rands formerly owned by= Jabez Ingalsbee; running thence south 48 ,deg. 54 minutes west along the southerly line of Old Forge Road, 299 .66 feet to an -iron pipe set in the ground for a dorner; thence south 53 degrees 53 minutes west 460 feet to an iron pipe set in �the ground for a corner; thence south 62 degrees 34 -minutes 75 west along the southerly line of said Old Forge Road , 51.46 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence-,south 5 degrees 48 minutes west 287.53 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence north 53 degrees 53 minutes east 243.56 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence continuing on the same course, 50 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence south 36 degrees 07 minutes east 15 feet to an iron. pipe set in the ground for a. corner; thence north 57 degrees 27 minutes east along the nprtherly line of proposed street to be mown as Reservoir Drive ; 703.50 feet to a point ; thence north 32 degrees 29 minutes T,iest 100.17 feet to an iron -,D�.pe set in the ground for a corner; thence north 36 degrees 07 minutes T-eqt 190 feet to the place of beEinni_-nZ. ,_lqo, all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the said Town, County and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point on the 'Westerly side of ClarI�� Street at the north- east corner of lot No. 9 on "Map of Section 1 of Reservoir Par.,- Sub- division, owned by John C. Hay and Frederick T. Hay, dated September 18, 1954, and, revised December 19,. 1954,11 ., made by, Leslie I.I. Coulter, file": in 'Warren County Cler10 -s Office ; running thence south 57 degrees 27 minutes west 120,07 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot No). 9 on said map;, thence south 30 degrees 47 minutes east along the westerly line of said lot No. 9; thence north 59 degrees 13 minutes east alc.ng the southerly line of said lot No. 9, 106.33 feet to the southeast corner of said lot No. 9 ; thence north 59 degrees 13 minutes east 210.61 feet to the southeast corner of lot No. 5 on said map; thence north 30 degrees 47 minutes west 90 feet to the northeast corner of said lot No. 5 on said map; thence south 59 degrees 13 minutes west 150 feet to the northwest corner of said lot No. 5 on said Map; thence south 30 degrees 47 east along the westerly line of said lot No. 5,, 20 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for pipe corner; thence south 59 degiees 13 minutes west 50 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner in the easterly line of said lot No. 9 on said map; thence north 30 degrees 47 ninutes west 54.65 feet to the place of beginning. and * WHEREAS the improvement proposed , consists of the erection and construction of an addition of the present sewer system in said district , and the maintenance thereof, to serve said extended territory,, in ac- cordance with certain plans made a part of said petition, and now on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town, and Whereas , an addition to said present sewer system and the construct- ion of sewer lines for said extended territory is to be made by the peti- tioners , without expense to the said district as stated in said petition, ft i s ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of Queensbury,, shall be held at the office of the Town Clerk, 388 Ridge Stredt, in the Town of Queensbury, New York, on the 22nd day of October, 1955, at 7:30 P.M. o'clock in the afternoo-ri of that day, to consider the said petition, and td hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same , and for such other action on the part of said Town Board. with relation to the said petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises , and that the Town Clerk,' pursuant to provisions of law, give notice of such hearing by publication of a notice thereof,. once in the Glens Falls Times , a newspaper published in the City of Glens Falls , New York, and be posted or caused to be posted , copies thereof in at least five public places within the proposed district.. Dated : October lst, 1955 I's/ H. Russell Harris Isl Meredith S. Bentley,. J.P. Is,/ H. C. Akins Isl Curtis Lampson IUMERS OF THE T�,!N BOARD OF THE' Ta,,,IN OF (J=E SBURY, WARRIEW CCOUNTY2 NV YORK. Resolution No. 91 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Akins .- 78 BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION OF OCTOBER 1,._1955, . of the _ TU:*,Pi_.OF SLY,�i $B`MY, ?LIAR. , COUNTY, NEST_ in_the. _ R�41QUN7 OF -$1055..Q© BE IT RE"OLVED this 1st day of October, 1955, by the Toom Board of the. Town of._Qu!a@rsbury, Warren County, New York as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New r„York, for the purpose of ,providing funds for the Ft. Amherst Garrison Rd...,Lighting District of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1955, shall issue and. sell a budget note in the amount of x1055.00 to -1 mature on the first day of April, 19561 I Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date , terms , form, contents and place of payment and at the rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as -may be determined by the Supervisor, consistent, however, with the pro- visions of the Local-Finance Laser of the State of New York, ` and shall be executed in the- name of said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached. thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and 'accrued interest, if any„ and upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivere(: to the purchaser upon the payment to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 4. The full faith and credit of the Town of �ueensbury, Warren County, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of principal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect irmmediately. The foregoing resolution via.s duly put to vote by the Town Board which resulted as follows: j H. Russell Harris Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Yes Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Yes Curtis Lampson Councilman Yes Resolution No. 92 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Akins NHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has authorized the issuance and sale of a. budget note in the amount of $1,055.00 to provide funds for the Ft. Amherst Garrison Rd. Lighting District of the t Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1955, RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and direct- ed to invest ;1,055.00 of the funds in the Capital Reserve Fund of the Town of Queensbury by jurchasing said budget note. The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows : H. Russell Harris Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Yes Y Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Yes Curtis Lampson Councilman Yes Resolution No. 93 introduced by Mr. Lampson who moved its adoption, seconded by l! r. Akins : BUDGET N=i, RESOLUTION OF OCTOBER 11 1955, OF THE T91N OF g1EENS- BURY, ,' R Wi,” COUNTY, TF9fi YORK, -in the WYOUNT OF ;'4,500.00. 77 Z;Ej I R2'50= this lst day of October, 1955 , by the Town Board of the- Ton-n of _- qqnsbury, W 7 Warren County, Yorl�, as follows : Section 1. That pursuant to the Local Finance Laws of the State of New York, the To-v-Tn- of ,-,.ueensbury, Warren County, Nee York, for tb-p Tjur- V - general fund of the ToiTnof �u-ensbury pose- of providing funds for the for the balance of the fiscal year of 1955 , shall issue and 7,-ell a budget note in the amount of '54,500.00, to mature on +11-le 1st day of April , 1956. Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date , terms , form conte-�-ts c�rcl )lace of a�, -,ent L' �� 1K and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as -may be determined by the Supervisor, consistent: hoi%,evar, the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and shall be executed in the name of said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town- shall be attached thereto. Section. 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to .the purchaser upon the payment to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such . purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the aT,- plication of the -purchase money. Section 4. The full faitn and, er(-zd-, t of the Tm.rn of �ueensbury, Warren County, New York are ple-,-'ged to the punctual payment of principal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immeCiately. The foregoing resolution t,,ras duly put to a vote by the To�,m Board C� which resulted as follows : H. Russell Harris Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Yes Harold D. Akins Justice of the Peace Yes Curtis Lappson Councilman Yes Resolution No. 94 introduced. by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoptiont seconded by Mr. Lampson:, WHEREAS$* the Town Board of the To-vm of t',',)ueensbury has authorized the issuance and sale of a budget note ir the amount of x:4,.500.00 to provide -funds for the General Fund of the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1955, RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is 'authorized and directed to invest $4,500.00 of the funds in th; Capital Reserve Fund of the purchasing said budget note .n of Queensbury by purchasing The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote -winichl resulted as follows H. Russell. Harris Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace Yes Harold D. Akins justice of the Peace Yes Curtis Sumps on Councllman Yes The. Board audited claims as follows : SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TO1,,JN OF ZjF N.,,-BURyj WA=TT, COUNTY2 N3d YORZ) FOR THE T,'ONTH OF =T71,-LBER) 1955. Amt. Amt, No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed -,111 owed 234 Harry A. Reoux Legal services rendered 2500.00 2500,00 in connection with the 7s City of Glens Falls action on their reduction on their taxes on their water shed property it the Town of Queensbury. 255 J. Frank Kelley Services rendered in confer- 400.00 400.00 ences with 141r. Reoux & T,?r. Hillis , et al. In relation with the City of Glens Falls action on. their water shed property with the Town of wueensbury On :lotion the meeting adjourned.. Town Clerk Special Pjeeting October 3, 1955 Present : H. Russell ,Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M., A petition signed by about 28 persons requesting extension No. 1 t•o the `test Glens Falls 1,11ater District was received by the board. In relation to the above petition, the following: Order was made and signed by the members of the Town Board : In the Matter of The Petition for the -Establishmen.t of Exten- d r* sion No. 1 to the existi , West- Glens Falls ?Plater District, in the Tot.%Tn of �4,ueensbury ,. Warren County, New Yorl , pursuant to the )ro- visions of Article 12 of the Totem. Law of the state of New York. WHEREAS,. a written petition in due form and. containing the re- quired signatures has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury , Warren County., New York, for the establishment of Extension No. 1 to the existinE West Glens Falls Water District, such proposed extension to be bounded and described as follows : A parcel southerly of the existing West Glens Falls Water District and lying between Richardson Street and a line parallel to and 150 feet Westerly from Thomas Street, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the point where the southerly boundary of the existing West Glens Falls Water District intersects the easterly line of Richardson Streets and running thence southerly along the easterly line _ of Richardson Street about 336 feet to the north- i 3 erly line of the old right of way of International Paper Company; thence in a general southeasterly ` direction along the northerly line of the old. right of way of International Paper Company 1000 feet to a point; thence easterly to the intersection of the easterly line of Caroline . Street with the southerly line of the extension of Knight Street and continuing easterly along; the southerly line of the extension of Tranight Street a total dis-