1955-10-15 94
Cleverdale Lighting District
Appropriations 500.00
AT,7C:_U'T TO BFq Rx. ;;�ZD F07, CL T7-,RD�LE LIGHTING DIST. 500.00
Ft.-Amherst-Garrison Road Lighting District
Temporary Lighti
Lighting 400,00
Dower for temporary lighting 133.38
3 mos. lighting 1955 505.68
Lighting 1956 Contract 2 022
LIC:HTIT�b -DISTRICT 3,061..78
Duly adopted .by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mir. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town. Clerk
Public Hearing October 15,. 1955
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
MereC�ith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampsor_ Councilman
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M`
Proof of posting of public notice relating to extension of West Glens
Falls Water District received and ;laced on file.
The fo>lowing persons were present and expressed their views for or
against the proposed extension:
Sam Lennox in favor
Frank Burch "
Michael. Fi qh
Robert ,Coneidon. against
Harold XenrMy
Charles Deihl
Charles Dunn
Resolution No. 96 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Council-
man Lampson:
It was resolved that the hearing in this matter be adjourned to
the 19th day of October, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. at 203 Fifth Street in the
Town of Qu.eensbury,
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lam.pscn, Mr. .Ak ns and Mr. Harris
Noes —none
Theodore Turner called. the Boards attention to the bad condition of
the table being used by the inspectors of election in Distr:pct. j3.
Resolution TTo., 97* introduced by Councilman seconded by Justice
Rt)`3CI7','3D that the election Conmittee of the Board be and are
_a,ijthorized -::,.nd directed to purchase for use. of the inspectors of
election, Election District :,'-3 of the. Town, 9. suitable table at a cost
not to -exceed IiZO.00.
Duly adopted by the follovnng vote :
.Eyes - Mr. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Tom. skins and 1,1r. Harris
Noes - rone
On motion the meetinr� ad-*ourn--d .
r he r�
�.4, 4a�nAA.
Tmin Clerk
Adjourned Meeting October 19t 1955
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold !,-!--ins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lam- pson Councilman
aym ond--":Ial I.:u-11, Absent Councilman
The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at 203 Fifth St. in the Town of
The chairman, Mr. Harris , opened the meet-I.ng by statin-n, the purpose
Those present who stated their views for or a,,o
_;a,.Inst the proposition
were :
Gerald J. Sullivan Yes Die'-.-,. Lake Yes
John F. Esmond Yes Charles ',Tinslai Yes
Andrew T.Mc Cor-,lacl.. es Frank Burch Yes
Bernard Brennan Yes John J. Bowen Yes
Samuel Lennox Yes C.A.Hoyt. No
Kenneth Denton Yes -'Robert Congdon No
Amelia DoTirden Yes Harold Kenny , No
"'Mrich'el- Fish Yes
Louis H. Kilmer Yes a
A general discuasion,;and question. and -:-Ir_Fwer )eriod followed. An inform-
al ballot i,,Thich was taken resultIn4L in 11 ayes and 6 noes.
All pers6ne having been heard , it -was ordered bNT the Supervisor that the
public hearing , in the matter be closed.
On Tgotion the 'meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
R3 al ry_r ding October 22, 1955
Present : s or
H. Ru s s e,11- Parris 13u,
Bentley Justice o� the, Peace
L H arold-2 Akins justice of the Pe?ce
Curtis L, nusor_ Coimcilman
Raymond.- Councilman
The Bb�.rd cor,�Yene,, v 7:30 P.1,14
tere6 4IF ,-resign 4t�9n_(',e
91, e,nt
a,g, -qo Ridge Road Alafer District.
.11ector of the