1955-12-28 Regular Meeting DeVember. 28, 1955
present+ '
H. Russen Harris Soperviser
Meredith Bentley J*st�ce of the Peace
$arold Akins Justice of` the Peace
Curtis fpsow Co)ancil�
Raymopd-Walk p Qe tnciTma�t
The beard gonvened at P:30 A.K. M1
East Lackey, Skparintindent Of Highways , was present. Also present,
Qtrner Tripp.
The: various Tom Officers presented their books, dockets, vouchers, and
pother records for andi.t.
The Board proceeded to examiner the records submitted to them- for eaamina-
tim, and after such examination and audit, the fol.loving resolution was
Resolution No. 112a introeteed by Councilman yaepsom, seconded by Justice
Akins• _
WHEREAS the Saperviserr, Justic es' of the Peace, Supt. of Highways
axd4 Tema Clerk have .presented to the Tow, Board dockets, cancelled checks,
books, vouchers„ minute book and other records for examination and audit
by the Board.
RESOLVED that after such examination of such dockets, books, checks,
"to- boolt so presentees, this Heard finds that such books and records
have been accurately kept and that all =_mays coming lito the hands of
the several officers of the Town have been properly accounted for and paid
out according to law,.
Daly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. W*lkup, 1&.. Bentley, Mr. Lempson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris.
i Hires - nom
Resolutioxt.Nee-. 113 introduced by , seconted by
WHEREAS, the Warren County ftpt., of Highways has Submitterd a contract
for sneer and.ice control on County reads in the Tee. of Queensbary at the
rate of, $2t *GO to mile,
RESOL . that the Tenn Beard: aAtheri
.ED zes the Town Supt. of Highways
to enter.-into-an agreement with the County Sapt. of Highways to perform
the above mentioned coutraet. _
ftrther Reselived the above mentioned ecntractr shall take effect
January, 1, 1956 and shall rremain in force until December 31, 1959..
Daly adopted by the following vote: ,
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris.
Nees - n
Resolution No* lld:introduced by W. Warl.kap who moved its adoption,
seconded by bTr. Bentley:
Skew Removal Contract Anticipation Note Resolution of Dec. 28, 19559
of tho-Torun. ,of Queensberry, Warren.County, Nwt York, in the amount of
$2500*00 ,
BE IT� SOLVED this 28th day of Dec, 1955,. by the Torn Board of the
Town of.Qeterensbury, -Warren County, New-York, as follows.-.
226 j
Section 1. That,: pursuant to the Local Finance Liv of ' the State
of New,.York-,, the TWA of Qoteensbury, Warren County, Nev York, for-the
purpose.,-of providing funds for immediate net , ahall._issue used sell a
budget note in the amount of $2500.00 to mature on the 28th day of
.Tamary„ 1�35fi l
Seatioa 2. That, accept as herein as specifically prescribed,
said note shall be,,.of the date, terns , feral contents, and place of
payment and at the rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per
annum as may be determined by the Ssperviserfi consistent, however, with
the provision of the Local Finance_Lav of the State of Now York, and
shall be executed in the name of the said Tovn._by the; apervisor and
the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto.
Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the
Saperviser at a price mot leas than par value and accrue&iutere$to if
fir, and upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall
W be. delivered to the purchaser upon the paym8t by his to the Sape rvi s oar
shall be fill seed ttta aeet to such purchaser who shall not be obliged
to see to the application of the par-chase money.
Section 4. The full- faith and credit of the Town of Qrteensbary,
Warren_Coumty, Drew.York.: aro pledged to the punctael. payaent..of principal
of and interest on said note.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect i • diately.
The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote by the Tom Board
which resulted as fellows:
t c c
H. Eks"lll Harris, Saperviser Yes
Msre�tith Bentley Justice of Peace Yes
Harold Akins stice Of Peace Yes
Curtis Lamps on Counc13jos Yes
Raymend-Walkap. Councilman Yes 1
The foregoing resolution declared adopted.
Res'alation No. 115 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Lampson:
WHRRBA eR the Tom Board has authorised the .issu a and sale.
of Saew. Removal:_ Contr>. Anticipation Mote in the want of $2500.00,
to provide fads for bwedi.at3e need. t
RESOLVED that the Saperrisor be and har"y is .asathori$ed and
directed-to invest *00 of the fbud in Capital Reserve F nd of
the Tova by purchasing; said Anticipation DT.0te.
The foregoing resolution vas put to voter which resulted as
f elTovs:
Mr. Harris .Less
Mr. Bentley US t
I&* Ald Yes
Mr. waling Year
Mr.. Lempson . Yes
The board audited Maims as follows:
Ant, Ante.
t No: Name- of Claimant Nature of Claix claimed All'wed
388 $rnest B. Lackeys Niscol.as itemised on
Sapt. of Heys. Voucher (Drainage Dist.
- 634.60 634.60
389 Yiaga=-Mehawlc Pwr. Street ltng,-111955 to _
Dec 1;1955 91M.Auhetst
Garri son. RD- &7, 0,3€t 870.30
390 Raymond Heagae Mileage traveled serving i
V631drOMM Peoples Vs.
Armstrong-14,Bennt1ey,JP 18,iP7 2 18*7Z
3S:t J R'Sawyer & C-e.. Leather washers-WGIWD 190 .90,
392 W.Lavreaee Powers Services as Deg Warden 680 16 80
Totals- - 1em Off'.92.
qa motioa the meeting adjourned.
- I
- Tom Clerk
Orgeniaatien Meeting
Ja,aear�► 2. 1956 I
Present.: , �
H, Russell Harris Srtperviser
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
%areld Akins Justica of the Peace
Curtis Loapsoa Council man
Raymond-Walkap: Councilman
The board convened at 9-000 A.M.
Fred Ricketts and Ernest Hillis were present; also George Webster, i
director of the department of local assessment. A discussion was held {
*31 the assessment system.
Resolution Ho. 1 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Cauncilmm
Lamp son
IT WAS RESOLVED that regular meetings of the Tom Board of the
Town of. Qnserndlfe.ry s kall be held on the fourth Saturday of each month
hereafter at 7::30 P.M. at the Clerk's office in-the fear 1956,
Daly `adoptod 'by' the following vote
Ayes - Mr.. Walkup, 1f. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - x93W _
The following letter was read to the Beard:
Deceaber, 27, 1955
Town Board, -
ZOVU of Weeaslury
Gentle sou'- 1
Please accept this letter as my application far Collector of
Water Aunts for the,West Glens Falls Water District for the year of
Very tr ay yours,
Isl Earl E. Jones
Resolution No. 2 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
-_ Akins
LSSQLVPII that Ehrl Jones be and is appointed caretaker and col-
leetor .ot the-,West Glens Falls Water District and Howard Wallace be
and Js her*by appointed caretaker and-collecter of• the Worth Glens;
Falls Water District and extensions thereof, each to nerve at the
pleasure of the Tema Bard.
Daly adopted by the following vote